Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks...

Art of the Deal. How much yawanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
/----/ You mean Trump created the 5% tariff as a bargaining chip to get Mexico to cooperate? Wowza - why didn't democRATs think of this?
Do you honestly think something like that would have occurred to Obama?
They didn't start breaking down the door while Obama was in--it was after Trump came in screaming for a WALL that in a panic everyone started trying to get in before it was too late.

This is correct, because anytime we have a problem in this country, it's never the fault of Democrats. The only time Democrats are involved is when good things are happening in our country.
I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says
/——/ At least until we get money to build the wall.
Art of the Deal. How much yawanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
/----/ You mean Trump created the 5% tariff as a bargaining chip to get Mexico to cooperate? Wowza - why didn't democRATs think of this?
Do you honestly think something like that would have occurred to Obama?
They didn't start breaking down the door while Obama was in--it was after Trump came in screaming for a WALL that in a panic everyone started trying to get in before it was too late.
Yeah, even dumb third world folk know that walls work.
Art of the Deal. How much yawanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
/----/ You mean Trump created the 5% tariff as a bargaining chip to get Mexico to cooperate? Wowza - why didn't democRATs think of this?
Do you honestly think something like that would have occurred to Obama?
They didn't start breaking down the door while Obama was in--it was after Trump came in screaming for a WALL that in a panic everyone started trying to get in before it was too late.
Yeah, even dumb third world folk know that walls work.

So do the Democrats. That's why they don't want them here.
I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says

This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says

This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports
I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says

This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...

It seems to me that what Trump is trying to do is solve problems. That’s very difficult to do when you have Democrats working against you with plenty of help from the MSM and activist judges.

Yet blame Trump for using any last options because Democrats are never at fault. Then years down the road when Trump is gone, Democrats will be bringing up statistics how things got worse at the border when Trump was in charge.

It’s all games with Democrats because the last thing they care about is the country. Playing politics and trying to devise nefarious ways to remove an elected President is what they wish to spend all of their time on.

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I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says

This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

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I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says

This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

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/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....
I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says

This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

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/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

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Art of the Deal. How much yawhanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
------------------------------------- thank you . But what is this DO MORE Silliness or BS . Seems to me that the 'mex' oughta do EVERYTHING to stop 'otm' from traipsing through their 'mexico' eh ??
I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says
----------------------------------- Bargain in good faith is Impossible for a 'mex' a country that is run from top to bottom on the concept of ' mordida' EThough .
I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says

This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

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/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

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/——-/ Who was president in 2012? Got guts to admit you were wrong?
Tear Down This Wall -- the Chinese Tariff Wall
----------------------------------- Bargain in good faith is Impossible for a 'mex' a country that is run from top to bottom on the concept of ' mordida' EThough .

The government doesn't have control.

Mexico Admits That 80% of Its Well-Populated Territory Is Either Controlled by Cartels, Or "Disputed" in Control Between Cartels and Government Forces
Ace of Spades HQ

Via Stephen Greene at Instapundit, Conservative Review notes that Mexico actually exerts lesscontrol over its territory than the Afghanistan government does.

Several weeks ago, the Mexican investigative journal Contralinea posted a map of Mexico prepared by the government of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), showing that 80 percent of the country’s 266 districts recently targeted for enforcement by the Mexican National Guard in a new counter-cartel operation are either controlled (57.5 percent) or disputed (23.3 percent) by the cartels. "Only 53 (19.92 percent) enjoy a low level of violence, which means that control is exercised by the authorities," reported Contralinea on May 4, citing the data on the color-coded map.

That map here. As you'd guess, red means cartel control, yellow means disputed control, and green means effective government control (and low levels of cartel violence).
thankyou !! Sounds like 'mex' excuses or 'mordida' to me . So the mex are cartel run . USA oughta militarize the USA Border and maybe the USA oughta militarily invade and take over 'mexico' at least a hundred miles south of the border Edgetho .

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