REFERENCE: This is the Statement Made by HamiltonMusical Staff After Performance


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
There seems to be some weird disinfo on this forum about how the actors in Hamilton addressed Pence. So, here it is, for the record -- exactly what was said.

Doesn't matter. The lie has already been bought and swallowed by Trump sheep. Doesn't matter if it was true or not. The DNC has to figure out how to combat the GOP 'fake news' strategy.
Doesn't matter. The lie has already been bought and swallowed by Trump sheep. Doesn't matter if it was true or not. The DNC has to figure out how to combat the GOP 'fake news' strategy.

Unfortunately, true.
The man did not need to be lectured by a "diverse" cast that in itself is BS to the actual events.
Whatever the speech was, it was obnoxious and totally inappropriate for some podunk Broadway actor to lecture the Vice President. Actors should act, singers should sing, athletes should play their sport and shut the F*** up about politics.
A diverse group who put out a casting call for non-white can't even begin to make this shit up
You know, if you people are butthurt over what the Hamilton actor said, then you need to reread your Constitution and look in the First Amendment concerning free speech. Free speech is a right for ALL of us, not just when others agree with us.

And...............they didn't start the play with their statement, they didn't stop the play in the middle and give their statement, they waited until the play was OVER, and the actors were at curtain call (the actor's time on stage to soak up the accolades and make statements if they wish). was a play about politics, why shouldn't the actors have political views and wish to make statements about those views on occasion? Especially if they are not interfering with the play in any way. If they had said the statement at the beginning, I might feel different, but they waited until it was all over before saying anything.
A diverse group who put out a casting call for non-white can't even begin to make this shit up

And? They wanted it to be diverse. It's definitely a multi-racial cast. But go ahead and fixate on some casting call, whatever helps fuel your white righteous indignation.
The man did not need to be lectured by a "diverse" cast that in itself is BS to the actual events.
He did not need to hop on to a campaign that vowed to threaten the rights of people in "diverse" casts either.

What rights are threatened?
Marriage rights, civil rights, constitutional rights.... you know, the little things that need to go first to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Rub your safety pin snowflake.....:lol:
Whatever the speech was, it was obnoxious and totally inappropriate for some podunk Broadway actor to lecture the Vice President. Actors should act, singers should sing, athletes should play their sport and shut the F*** up about politics.

Conservatives now feel that President and Vice President are "above the people", in the sense that they deserve no criticism, no dissent, no anything.

Really guys? This is the tune you want to take? Full blown hypocrisy?
Apparently this guy thinks it's ok to prey on women when they're drunk:


That tweet insinuates nothing about predating. He's going to be drunk too. You know, people go to bars to meet people and have a good time.
The man did not need to be lectured by a "diverse" cast that in itself is BS to the actual events.
He did not need to hop on to a campaign that vowed to threaten the rights of people in "diverse" casts either.

What rights are threatened?
Marriage rights, civil rights, constitutional rights.... you know, the little things that need to go first to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Rub your safety pin snowflake.....:lol:
You coming on to me? No thanks weirdo :cuckoo:

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