Refugee electrocuted trying to board Channel Tunnel train


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
If only they weren't so determine to reach England and would just stay put in another safe European country, this wouldn't be happening. By the way, where do these refugees learn of all the goodies in England that they feel that must be the place for them?

Refugee electrocuted trying to board Channel Tunnel train

At least 10 people have died trying to cross from Calais to the UK since the start of the refugee crisis
PA reporter
19 September, 2015 01:00
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An estimated 5,000 refugees displaced from countries including Syria, Libya and Eritrea are believed to be camped in and around Calais

ANOTHER refugee has died trying to board a British-bound freight shuttle near the entrance to the Channel Tunnel in France, officials have said.

The victim, believed to be Syrian, was reportedly electrocuted after attempting to clamber on to the shuttle in the latest fatal bid by migrants to reach Britain.

At least 10 people have died trying to cross from Calais since the start of the refugee crisis, which has placed UK police and social services under huge strain.

In the latest incident, Channel Tunnel operator Eurotunnel said a shuttle was stopped shortly after leaving the platforms in Calais due to refugees on the tracks at around 10.20pm on Thursday night.

When the shuttle was searched, a number of people were found. One was unconscious and another was injured.

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Refugee electrocuted trying to board Channel Tunnel train?

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