Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
What a mess!!! Something has to be done to re-settle these people as soon as possible.

Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe
Sep. 1, 2015 - Updated 17:41 UTC-7

The mass influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa is causing train stations to close and disrupting rail services in Europe.

In the Hungarian capital of Budapest, a terminal to Germany was temporarily closed on Tuesday as refugees and migrants flooded the station.
Some trains were cancelled and others delayed

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Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe - News - NHK WORLD - English?
As long as Russia continues to prop up Assad, the problem will continue to get worse...

Russian jets in Syrian skies
31 Aug.`15 - Russia has begun its military intervention in Syria, deploying an aerial contingent to a permanent Syrian base, in order to launch attacks against ISIS and Islamist rebels; US stays silent.
Russian fighter pilots are expected to begin arriving in Syria in the coming days, and will fly their Russian air force fighter jets and attack helicopters against ISIS and rebel-aligned targets within the failing state. According to Western diplomats, a Russian expeditionary force has already arrived in Syria and set up camp in an Assad-controlled airbase. The base is said to be in area surrounding Damascus, and will serve, for all intents and purposes, as a Russian forward operating base.

A formation of Russian Mig 31's

In the coming weeks thousands of Russian military personnel are set to touch down in Syria, including advisors, instructors, logistics personnel, technical personnel, members of the aerial protection division, and the pilots who will operate the aircraft. Past reports have stated that the Russians were in talks to sell the Syrians a package of MiG-29 fighter jets, and Yak-130 trainer jets (which can also serve as attack aircraft.) The current makeup of the expeditionary force is still unknown, but there is no doubt that Russian pilots flying combat missions in Syrian skies will definitely change the existing dynamics in the Middle East.


Russian Air force air craft

The Russians do not harbor offensive intentions towards Israel or other sovereign states in the area, and their main stated goal is battling ISIS and preserving Assad's rule. However, their presence will represent a challenge to the Israeli Air Force's freedom of operation in the skies above the Middle East. Western diplomatic sources recently reported that a series of negotiations had been held between the Russians and the Iranians, mainly focusing on ISIS and the threat it poses to the Assad regime. The infamous Iranian Quds Force commander Major General Qasem Soleimani recently visited Moscow in the framework of these talks. As a result the Russians and the Iranians reached a strategic decision: Make any effort necessary to preserve Assad's seat of power, so that Syria may act as a barrier, and prevent the spread of ISIS and Islamist backed militias into the former Soviet Islamic republics.


A Russian Air Force Mig 31

The Russians are not the only ones coordinating their Middle East policy with the Iranians; The US has also jumped aboard that train. American government officials have been holding intensive consultations with representatives of the Iranian regime concerning a stronger joint effort against ISIS in Iraq. It seems that the US government currently views Iran as a central and necessary force in the campaign against ISIS within Iraq. The Iranian-American cooperation is focused on two focal points: The first being Anbar province, where the Iraqis have thus far failed to expel ISIS; and the second Mosul, where the Iraqis have yet to come up with a feasible plan to recapture the city.

What a mess!!! Something has to be done to re-settle these people as soon as possible.

Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe
Sep. 1, 2015 - Updated 17:41 UTC-7

The mass influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa is causing train stations to close and disrupting rail services in Europe.

In the Hungarian capital of Budapest, a terminal to Germany was temporarily closed on Tuesday as refugees and migrants flooded the station.
Some trains were cancelled and others delayed

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Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe - News - NHK WORLD - English?

Easy send them to Syria and tell them to fight for the right to exist there. Should sort out the problems overnight.
What a mess!!! Something has to be done to re-settle these people as soon as possible.

Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe
Sep. 1, 2015 - Updated 17:41 UTC-7

The mass influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa is causing train stations to close and disrupting rail services in Europe.

In the Hungarian capital of Budapest, a terminal to Germany was temporarily closed on Tuesday as refugees and migrants flooded the station.
Some trains were cancelled and others delayed

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Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe - News - NHK WORLD - English?

Maybe if Bush hadn't started the ball rolling in the first place, we wouldn't be seeing this....
What a mess!!! Something has to be done to re-settle these people as soon as possible.

Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe
Sep. 1, 2015 - Updated 17:41 UTC-7

The mass influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa is causing train stations to close and disrupting rail services in Europe.

In the Hungarian capital of Budapest, a terminal to Germany was temporarily closed on Tuesday as refugees and migrants flooded the station.
Some trains were cancelled and others delayed

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Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe - News - NHK WORLD - English?

Maybe if Bush hadn't started the ball rolling in the first place, we wouldn't be seeing this....
Yeah, because there were no refugees from the Middle East and Africa before Bush. They were both veritable paradises with free happy prosperous people at peace with themselves and each other.
What a mess!!! Something has to be done to re-settle these people as soon as possible.

Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe
Sep. 1, 2015 - Updated 17:41 UTC-7

The mass influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa is causing train stations to close and disrupting rail services in Europe.

In the Hungarian capital of Budapest, a terminal to Germany was temporarily closed on Tuesday as refugees and migrants flooded the station.
Some trains were cancelled and others delayed

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Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe - News - NHK WORLD - English?
Muslims and Islam spreading throughout Europe. .... :thup:
What a mess!!! Something has to be done to re-settle these people as soon as possible.

Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe
Sep. 1, 2015 - Updated 17:41 UTC-7

The mass influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa is causing train stations to close and disrupting rail services in Europe.

In the Hungarian capital of Budapest, a terminal to Germany was temporarily closed on Tuesday as refugees and migrants flooded the station.
Some trains were cancelled and others delayed

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Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe - News - NHK WORLD - English?
Muslims and Islam spreading throughout Europe. .... :thup:

for every actions there is----eventually ----an equal and opposite reaction. The civilized world will LEARN----the answer to the problem can be found in SUNNAH-----muslims in civilized lands will someday be granted the same rights that non muslims enjoy in shariah shit holes. Sunni agrees----he longs to be a dhimmi
What a mess!!! Something has to be done to re-settle these people as soon as possible.

Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe
Sep. 1, 2015 - Updated 17:41 UTC-7

The mass influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa is causing train stations to close and disrupting rail services in Europe.

In the Hungarian capital of Budapest, a terminal to Germany was temporarily closed on Tuesday as refugees and migrants flooded the station.
Some trains were cancelled and others delayed

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Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe - News - NHK WORLD - English?

Maybe if Bush hadn't started the ball rolling in the first place, we wouldn't be seeing this....
Yeah, because there were no refugees from the Middle East and Africa before Bush. They were both veritable paradises with free happy prosperous people at peace with themselves and each other.

Actually, there weren't any refugees from the Middle East going to Europe, to speak of before the fall of Saddam.
Actually, there weren't any refugees from the Middle East going to Europe, to speak of before the fall of Saddam.
No, of course not. Shias, Kurds, Afghan Hazari, Assyrians, Armenians among others would never dream of leaving their shit holes until Saddam was toppled.

WTF did you get that?
What a mess!!! Something has to be done to re-settle these people as soon as possible.

Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe
Sep. 1, 2015 - Updated 17:41 UTC-7

The mass influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa is causing train stations to close and disrupting rail services in Europe.

In the Hungarian capital of Budapest, a terminal to Germany was temporarily closed on Tuesday as refugees and migrants flooded the station.
Some trains were cancelled and others delayed

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Refugee influx disrupts train services in Europe - News - NHK WORLD - English?

Maybe if Bush hadn't started the ball rolling in the first place, we wouldn't be seeing this....
Yeah, because there were no refugees from the Middle East and Africa before Bush. They were both veritable paradises with free happy prosperous people at peace with themselves and each other.

Actually, there weren't any refugees from the Middle East going to Europe, to speak of before the fall of Saddam.

What does the fall of Saddam have to do with it? You seem to express that idea as if there is a relationship. How are we defining "refugee"--------people escaping war? There were
certainly immigrants from the Middle East to the USA ----long before SADDAM fell---

as to THE BALL ROLLING--------sorry Monte-----to me the "BALL" is the "arab spring" --------in fact I-----rosie the oracle at usmb------predicted that the "arab spring"----would being the rains of blood.
The existence of the EU-------is another factor----easier to get around-------easier to pay off one of the millions of criminal types who own an EU passport and can get all over the EU
The war that precipitated Saddam's fall started the ball rolling and created refugees, as opposed to the normal immigration prior.
The war that precipitated Saddam's fall started the ball rolling and created refugees, as opposed to the normal immigration prior.

To which war do you refer? Saddam was heavy into his war
against the kurds and Shiites circa 1980 and then his war on
Iran. He was into support of international terrorism even
before that. Balls were rolling even in the 1960s

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