Refugees Rampage - Denmark Pay for 'Illegals'/'Refugees' Too Low


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Just WHO the HAIL does Denmark think it is?! Oh sure they are taking in thousands of non-citizens/refugees who flood into their country. Sure, they are giving them places to stay, food to eat, water to drink, medical care, an escape from hardship and death where they came from, & a chance to start a new life, but what's UP with the salary? These people did not travel all that way, demand entry into the country, & demand to be taken care of JUST so they could be offered these paltry salaries! Yeah, they were used to 'slave wages' when they lived in those 3rd-World countries, but they are no longer IN those 3rd world countries, are they?! They demand to be paid 'citizen' salaries!

D@mn Denmark!

Denmark Slashes Benefits, Diverts Migrant Flow To Sweden
Denmark does fine HAM-------uhm "DAK"??? they should thin the crowd by feeding them naught but ham sandwiches
Denmark does fine HAM-------uhm "DAK"??? they should thin the crowd by feeding them naught but ham sandwiches

"Attention please! Welcome to Denmark. We will pay you for any work you do in free housing, free medical care, free education for your children, and all the HAM and broccoli (gottta have some greens) you can eat. Thank you - that is all."

October set a record for migrating refugees...

U.N.: October flow of migrants across Mediterranean more than all of last year
November 2, 2015 - More than 218,000 migrants crossed the Mediterranean Sea in October — the highest monthly number this year and more than all of last year, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees announced Monday.
The huge influx despite cooler weather is the most recent sign that the refugee crisis into Europe is deepening, as people flee Syria and other Middle East countries. The U.N. refugee agency estimates that more than 600,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean this year. The agency estimated about 216,000 people crossed the Mediterranean last year, while some 3,000 crossed Turkey’s land border. "October's numbers speak to the urgent need in Europe for a sustainable solution to this crisis," said Adrian Edwards, a spokesman for the U.N. refugee agency.


Thousands have died trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Greece or Italy in rickety boats, and those who survive face an uncertain future in Europe. The bulk of the refugees are fleeing Syria, where a civil war has raged for more than four years Last week, a wooden boat carrying more than 300 migrants from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesbos sank, killing at least 43 people, including 20 children, the Associated Press reported. Greece’s coast guard said it rescued more than 1,400 people in 39 separate search-and-rescue operations in the eastern Aegean Sea over the weekend.

Lesbos Mayor Spyros Galinos told Greece’s Vima FM radio that the island has run out of room to bury migrants killed in shipwrecks during the dangerous crossing, the AP reported. Galinos said he was trying to speed procedures to allow burials in a field next to the main cemetery. European leaders have argued over how best to handle the influx, but recently agreed to set up processing centers to screen migrants in Greece and elsewhere. Germany's government said the centers should begin functioning this month. Edwards said it is essential to move ahead with the reception centers and a relocation program that European governments agreed to. "Looking ahead to this winter it's clearly essential that there is meaningful movement forward on these counts," he said.

U.N.: October flow of migrants across Mediterranean more than all of last year
We've already had 11 million refugees migrate from Mexican drug war...

European Union predicts 3 million migrants could arrive by end of 2016
November 5, 2015 - The European Union is predicting that 3 million migrants could arrive in the 28-nation bloc by the end of next year, with the refugee emergency already proving a stern test of EU border and reception capacities. More than 700,000 people have come to Europe seeking sanctuary or jobs so far this year.
The arrivals are imposing costs for shelter, rescue operations and border security, but the EU estimates that the refugees are likely to bring economic benefits within a few years, notably in Germany, one of the preferred destinations for many people. EU autumn economic forecasts released on Thursday show that based on current migrant entries and a "technical assumption" about future flows, arrival rates for migrants are unlikely to slow before 2017. The EU's executive Commission said that "overall, an additional 3 million persons is assumed to arrive in the EU over the forecast period."


A boy carries a can of water near a beach from where migrants are traveling by dinghies to the Greek island of Chios from Turkish coast near Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015. More than 300,000 people have traveled on dinghies and boats from nearby Turkey to Greek islands this year, with dozens dying along the way.​

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was a first-hand witness to the arrivals on Thursday, as migrants and refugees reached the island of Lesbos by dinghy while his motorcade travelled from Lesbos airport to a new registration facility. "We realized that is a criminal process being carried out by the smugglers who cram refugees onto vessels that are not boats, but makeshift inflatables," he said. "What's happening in the Aegean Sea is a crime." The flow of migrants into Greece's mainland and beyond was turning to a trickle on Thursday, however, as a ferry strike entered its fourth day and trapped thousands of people on the eastern Aegean islands.

Police in the Idomeni border area said 850 people had crossed into Macedonia between Wednesday and Thursday morning. Numbers usually range from 4,000 to 8,000 people per day. The strike is set to end Friday. Despite the figures of refugee increases, the European Commission predicted that the population across the 28 EU nations would only rise by about 0.4 per cent. No obvious impact on employments levels is likely, it said. "You cannot say that this influx of refugees is likely to have a negative impact, or some kind of a shift of kicking other people out of the labour market," the EU's top economics and finance official, Pierre Moscovici, said.


See also:

Cycling to Asylum: Nearly 100 Refugees Are Pedaling to Norway’s Border Every Day
Oct 29, 2015 - Those able to take the Arctic route must bike their way to the Nordic nation from a Russian checkpoint.
Nearly 2,000 miles north of Syria, above the Arctic Circle, an unlikely new route for migrants and refugees has opened into Norway. Terrified of the dangerous Mediterranean Sea crossing that more than 300,000 refugees have braved this year alone, refugees are opting for a safer but longer journey through Russia. Before reaching the border, though, they must bike their way to asylum. On Wednesday, Norwegian newspaper NRK reported that 1,000 refugees are in the Russian city of Nikel waiting to cross the border. Many have exhausted their funds and are desperate for a place to stay; the only hotel in the town is allowing people to sleep in the hallways for free.

The Russian authorities, meanwhile, are demanding compensation from refugees hoping to cross into the border zone. It’s a short 150-meter bike ride from the Russian checkpoint outside the factory town of Nikel to the Norwegian border town of Kirkenes—the last stretch of a days-long trek for the nearly 100 refugees who have been pedaling there each day in recent weeks. “I think the rumor has spread about the route,” Stein Hansen, a Norwegian police superintendent in charge of registering incoming refugees, told CNN. “Everyone coming to Norway are phoning home and saying OK, it went fine, you can come this way.”


Police superintendent Stein Hansen looks at bicycles used by refugees crossing the border at Storskog border station in northern Norway​

The Arctic route into Western Europe is the longest route asylum seekers from Syria or Africa can take, and an option only to those with Russian visas or residency. It requires traveling up to the northern town of Murmansk, usually via air from Moscow, taking a taxi into Nikel, and then taking another taxi to the Russian checkpoint at the border. In Nikel, refugees must purchase bikes for about $200 if they want to attempt reaching the border legally. It’s a clever workaround for a bizarre set of regulations on both sides of the border: Russian law prohibits pedestrian crossings (with the exception of small children and pregnant women), and Norway disallows drivers from transporting refugees. Weirder still, refugees can’t keep the bikes, as they don’t meet Norwegian safety standards. Instead, they are turned into compressed metal and recycled.

In the latest twist in the saga, some refugees are losing not only their bikes but also their ability to seek asylum in the Nordic nation. Concerned with the growing number of those arriving at the border, Minister of Justice Anders Anundsen recently instructed the Norwegian Immigration Service to turn away those who have lived for a long period of time in Russia and are therefore deemed as not needing protection in Norway.

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Denmark will regret their generosity before long.

These Muslims should have safe zones set up by the Arab League. These zones should be n their own country.

All of Europe will regret its generosity when the Muslims cause problems. Which they will.

We don't need any of these folks in America. No way should our leaders even think of bringing them here. We taxpayers pay for enough without having to bankroll refugees.
I never did a course in economics in college------I did all sorts of silly electives --
but no economics I did do sociology-----and I do remember something about
the issue of the MARKETPLACE and COMPETITION and how wars have
been fought over the MARKETPLACE and spice trade-----I still am not sure what
a COMMODITY is and the concept of FUTURES confuses me and I give up
on trying to under stand the great and glorious DOW. It seems to me that
IMMIGRATION is the new marketplace-------and MIGRANTS are the COMMODITY---
and now we are all betting of FUTURES
Sweden rolls up the welcome mat for refugees...

‘Amnesty Anarchy’ Forces EU’s Most Refugee-Friendly Country to Roll Up Welcome Mat
December 10, 2015 – “Amnesty anarchy” has forced Sweden - which has taken in more refugees per capita from the Middle East and Northern Africa than any other European nation - to roll up its welcome mat last month.
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), “Sweden became the biggest European host country of refugees, following a move in September 2013 to offer permanent residency to Syrian refugees.” The BBC reports that nearly 200,000 migrants are expected to relocate to Sweden in 2015, more than any other EU nation. But at a November 24 press conference, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven announced that he was imposing temporary border controls and limiting refugees to EU minimums to give some “respite” to the country with the most generous immigration rules in all of Europe. “We simply can’t do any more,” Lofven said as Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson broke into tears. And after repeatedly insisting there was “no limit” to the number of refugees Sweden was willing to take in, the Swedish government is now seeking to relocate some of them to other EU nations.


Syrian migrants in Copenhagen, Denmark waiting for a train to take them to Sweden.​

Ordinary Swedes believe the restrictive new policy was long overdue, particularly in the face of mounting evidence that terrorists were among the tens of thousands of asylum seekers allowed to enter Sweden without passports or identification. “They told Swedes to shut up because they were asylum seekers, and therefore they must be nice,” Ingrid Carlqvist, a senior fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute, told from Sweden. But violent crime is up more than 300 percent, there are now over 60 “no-go zones” in Sweden, and the police are overwhelmed, she told

“Sweden has the highest growth of population in Europe and that is only because of mass immigration. We are now close to 10 million people. We used to have eight and a half. In ten or 15 years, it’s just exploded. “We have the same amount of police officers as we used to have, but we have more people, and more violent people, more criminal people coming from a very violent culture,” Carlqvist continued. “The police don’t have the resources anymore. So people who have a burglar in their house, they call the police and the police say, ‘Okay, you can send us an email. We can’t come. We don’t have the staff to come.’ “And it’s actually happened that police have told Swedes to look out for a vigilante group and try to protect yourselves.”

From what I've been reading those paying taxes in Europe are now screaming bloody murder at the cost of these refugees.

That POS Obama wants to bring 100,000 Syrian refugees into America next year at taxpayer expense.

Such a deal for the American taxpayer not to mention there will be jihadists among that number.

What's Obamas agenda here??

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