
The United States is currently closed to refuges, sorry we are $20 trillion in debt and can't afford anymore refuges. Complaints can be filed with congress the idiots who dug us into this black hole.
The people of my State do not owe these alleged "refugees" one blessed thing including a place to stand or air to breathe. And the Federal government has no authority to dump them here. They are not welcome and would not want to remain here anyway. Some of us have virgin goats and would like to keep them that way..
Organized invasion, not refugee(s). I vote keep them in ME only. Dont want, can't afford.

Or deport two illegal per phony refugee?
I am reading all of your comments herein and feeling the rage and frustration with policy and perhaps abuse of power. Would someone venture a positive, constructive suggestion for solving this issue? Obviously getting Obama the hell out of the Oval is a huge move forward...but what about the career government people who are carrying out these refugee resettlements...how to find these folks within our various federal department leadership and staff ... and resettle each of them and their families to a place from which they can no longer do harm?
I am reading all of your comments herein and feeling the rage and frustration with policy and perhaps abuse of power. Would someone venture a positive, constructive suggestion for solving this issue? Obviously getting Obama the hell out of the Oval is a huge move forward...but what about the career government people who are carrying out these refugee resettlements...how to find these folks within our various federal department leadership and staff ... and resettle each of them and their families to a place from which they can no longer do harm?

What part of "WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THEM!!!" is unclear?

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