Regardless of what you think of Obama, do you think he has a solid chance of winning?

any incumbent president has a good chance of being reelected unless people believe that incumbent is essentially incompetent.
I do not think he has a solid chance at all. The republicans have done everything without regards to the general populations being economically and physically harmed by their actions.

1. Misinformation by use of bias media.
2. Record filibusters to block any positive outcomes from bills proposed, also making him look like a do nothing president.
3. Passing laws which make voting harder for those who demographically vote democratic.
4. Changed laws to get more big money in their corner.
5. Blocked appointments to short staff his office.
6. Spread fear that is intended to boost defense spending to screw the budget.
7. misled people that the presidents bailout was his idea when it was started by Bush.

The list goes on and on. The republicans are god loving, family oriented voters who want a better life for their offspring. The only logical conclusion is to cut their education, their protection from evil people who would do them harm, cut fire protection so they perhaps will stand a better chance of dying in their sleep from fire. I do not have a God and if you do and this is what his plan is according to you. He sucks.
ok, semantics

He will carry every lib and prog vote, that actually takes the time to vote.

either way, it won't be enough to win.

By itself, no. Actually this is an interesting topic.

In 2010, as I said, Democrats won 55% of the self-labeled "moderate" vote while badly losing the election. In 2008, they won the "moderates" by a bigger percentage. What exactly that means may be something different than what it suggests on the surface, though.

We know because some jack-ass right-winger trots it out something like once a week that polls show self-labeled "liberals" to be only 20% of the population or thereabouts. But if you check issue polls, you find that liberal positions are a lot more popular than that; they seem to command 40-60% support in most cases. So there must be a lot of liberals out there who don't call themselves liberals. While some of them may actually call themselves conservatives, I would think more unlabeled liberals prefer to call themselves moderates. Makes more sense, no?

Which means the reason the Democrats won the "moderate" vote last year, even though it was a suck-ass year for them, is because a lot of those so-called "moderates" are really liberals.

Be that as it may, there are plenty of voters who will vote for Obama who don't call themselves liberals or progressives. And there are also plenty of people who DO call themselves liberals or progressives who WON'T vote for Obama. I myself probably will not, unless the Greens nominate a total doofus.

It all depends on two things. One, can Obama repair his reputation and regain the trust of the left between now and next November? He's making all the right mouth noises to do that, but we already knew he was good at talking the talk. Much depends on what he actually does.

Two, and even more importantly, what will happen with the economy? It's currently on the mend. Unemployment is going down, consumer spending is picking up, and things are getting better. If they continue getting better, Obama is going to be unbeatable, especially if he also manages to schmooze the left effectively.
I do not think he has a solid chance at all. The republicans have done everything without regards to the general populations being economically and physically harmed by their actions.

1. Misinformation by use of bias media.
2. Record filibusters to block any positive outcomes from bills proposed, also making him look like a do nothing president.
3. Passing laws which make voting harder for those who demographically vote democratic.
4. Changed laws to get more big money in their corner.
5. Blocked appointments to short staff his office.
6. Spread fear that is intended to boost defense spending to screw the budget.
7. misled people that the presidents bailout was his idea when it was started by Bush.

The list goes on and on. The republicans are god loving, family oriented voters who want a better life for their offspring. The only logical conclusion is to cut their education, their protection from evil people who would do them harm, cut fire protection so they perhaps will stand a better chance of dying in their sleep from fire. I do not have a God and if you do and this is what his plan is according to you. He sucks. the rest of you get sick of hearing of this STUPID shit.
Our states we LIVE in provide all the above you say we are for cutting. and WE pay TAXES for those services.
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I do not think he has a solid chance at all. The republicans have done everything without regards to the general populations being economically and physically harmed by their actions.

1. Misinformation by use of bias media.
2. Record filibusters to block any positive outcomes from bills proposed, also making him look like a do nothing president.
3. Passing laws which make voting harder for those who demographically vote democratic.
4. Changed laws to get more big money in their corner.
5. Blocked appointments to short staff his office.
6. Spread fear that is intended to boost defense spending to screw the budget.
7. misled people that the presidents bailout was his idea when it was started by Bush.

The list goes on and on. The republicans are god loving, family oriented voters who want a better life for their offspring. The only logical conclusion is to cut their education, their protection from evil people who would do them harm, cut fire protection so they perhaps will stand a better chance of dying in their sleep from fire. I do not have a God and if you do and this is what his plan is according to you. He sucks. have balls the size of grapefruits to suggest the Republicans are guilty of media bias. Good fucking christ. And I love point 6...bitching about Republicans using fear then in your summary talking about no police protection, no fire protection, etc. What an ass.
I think Obama will win, not because people like him, but because the Republican candidates have failed to get people interested in them.

ROFLMAO the Election has not even got started really and you think that. To funny. Obama has not even faced a real challenge yet, Had to debate anyone, You guys are just so willing to let him keep the keys to the city it's not even funny.
ok, semantics

He will carry every lib and prog vote, that actually takes the time to vote.

either way, it won't be enough to win.

By itself, no. Actually this is an interesting topic.

In 2010, as I said, Democrats won 55% of the self-labeled "moderate" vote while badly losing the election. In 2008, they won the "moderates" by a bigger percentage. What exactly that means may be something different than what it suggests on the surface, though.

We know because some jack-ass right-winger trots it out something like once a week that polls show self-labeled "liberals" to be only 20% of the population or thereabouts. But if you check issue polls, you find that liberal positions are a lot more popular than that; they seem to command 40-60% support in most cases.

Well.....depends on what the issue is. There are a lot of issues that generally favor the Republicans. Opposition to gay marriage is a perfect example. I happen to support the right of gays to marry but I am clearly in the minority. All one has to do is look at the results from every election where the issue has been on the ballot and it's pretty hard to argue that most people support the liberal position.

Also keep in mind that in every election there's going to be a different focus depending on what is going on. What I mean is that while gay marriage might be an important issues to me in an election year where the economy was solid, this year it won't be. My concern will be the economy and everything else takes a back seat...way in the back. Unless the economy improves I think you will find that to be the case for the vast majority of the electorate.
LOL, so Obama saved us from a depression.

that one gets me every time.

that must be what the people think, that is why his approval numbers are in the high 90.s
Oh wait, they are in the LOW 40.s...

my gawd Obamabots are lame

Just Desperate. They will say anything, support anyone, to hold onto Power.
Well.....depends on what the issue is. There are a lot of issues that generally favor the Republicans. Opposition to gay marriage is a perfect example.

No, not anymore: For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Also keep in mind that in every election there's going to be a different focus depending on what is going on.

Of course. There's no question that economic issues are front-and-center this year, but that's exactly where the Democrats fail to be a liberal party. On social issues, they are pretty much center-left (their corporate donors don't care about that sort of thing while their voters often do).

However, on economic issues the people aren't nearly as conservative as we're sometimes told, either.

Well that poll result pleases me personally, but it's one poll. I will do some research on it today. I haven't looked at the numbers in quite a while actually so I am hoping you are right, but neither am I holding my breath.

Of course. There's no question that economic issues are front-and-center this year, but that's exactly where the Democrats fail to be a liberal party. On social issues, they are pretty much center-left (their corporate donors don't care about that sort of thing while their voters often do).

However, on economic issues the people aren't nearly as conservative as we're sometimes told, either.

Honestly I think very few really understand the liberal and conservative philosophies regarding economics. The average voter is dumb as a rock...all they listen to is sound bytes and snappy rhetoric. This campaign is going to be a bloodbath. It's going to be dirty, vicious, and dishonest on both sides....more so than any other election in recent memory I think.

My personal belief is that either Newt or Romney will hand Obama his head in debates but Obama will outspend either in ads and propaganda and Obama will have the media on his side of course. The winner will be the one who draws more blood and real plans or intelligent debate is going to go right out the window.
My goodness, you're a cynic. ;)

I remain convinced that it mainly depends on whether the economy continues to improve. If the voters perceive that things are getting better, they'll give Obama a second term. If not, probably not.
My goodness, you're a cynic. ;)

In my own defense Dragon, let me remind you that I am a college teacher. For ten years it's been my job to evaluate the intellectual achievements of people. I say that people are dumb as rocks based on a decade of direct observation and evaluation. :D
I saw somebody making Obama look like an idiot the other day.

His name was Barack Obama.
Paul would get his ass kicked by BHO, as would Perry or Gingrich.

lol, Obama couldn't kick his ass out of a paper bag. all his can kick around is his thuggish finger pointing and the blame game.

The GOP is going to have wear the clown suit next year if its leaders will not grow up.


oooooh, kay, Jakie, you keep pushing that line.

You keep trying to get us to support Mittens after we've said "Hell No" for five years.
I see you have yours on early. Do you always show up to parties early?

:lol: Stephanie, either we grow up or BHO is going to kick our candidate's ass up between his shoulders and then thuggishly thump on it so he can hear it being thumped on thuggishly.
I see you have yours on early. Do you always show up to parties early?

:lol: Stephanie, either we grow up or BHO is going to kick our candidate's ass up between his shoulders and then thuggish thump on it so he can hear it being thumped on thuggishly.

it is the primary season dear, so don't act like this is something new. or did you not watch the Democrat primaries with Obama, Clinton and the rest. we still have a whole year before we vote. and the way things look right now, bozo the clown could beat Obama. the people can't stand him, or haven't you been paying attention to his approvals?
give us a break, K
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We have a whole year to go, dear, and you are dreaming if you believe Obama is an easy candidate. Just dreaming.

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