Regardless of what you think of Obama, do you think he has a solid chance of winning? 2012?

I think it will depend on a couple of factors-

1) Where is the economy at.

2) Who the GOP nominates and whose Ox is gored in the process.

And that's about it.

People can argue Mitt vs. Newt all day, but it overall will come down to two factors, hope and ethusiasm.

Elections involving an incumbant are always referendums on the incumbant.

In Oct 2004, Bush had a 53% approval rate. Those who approved generally vote for him and people who didn't voted for Kerry. You can whine all day about "Swiftboating", but the fact is, enough people were comfortable enough with Bush to give him a second shot at it, despite the war and the way he got in to start with.

Right now, Obama's approval rating is from 42-44%. And it's been in that range pretty much since 2009. Even killing Bin Laden didn't give him much of a bounce.
Who's going to beat him?

Newt Gingrich?


I think Joe normal could beat him. I believe any person who has the least bit of common sense could beat President Dumbo.

Care to make a friendly wager?

If Mr. Obama wins, you change your sig line the night the election is decided to, "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President"

If anybody else wins the election, I change my sig line to, "All hail President _______, your President, my President, our President".

It would seem that if you think it is such an easy call, you would have nothing to risk.

I bet you are not as confident as you say you are.

I'll be happy to extend the friendly wager above to any and all who think Obama will lose the next election and are on record as saying so.

Oh, I forgot. Once you change your tag line (or I change mine), we agree to leave it there between the times that the Presidential election of 2012 is decided through 1/1/2013. So we're talking about 6 or 7 weeks tops.

Come one, come all.
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Paul would get his ass kicked by BHO, as would Perry or Gingrich.

Oh, Please.

How is your weird Mormon Robot going to win the general if he can't even get Republicans excited about his candidacy?

"Mitt Romney. We're not thrilled, and neither will you be."

Mitt Romney- Seriously, this was the best we could come up with.

Mitt Romney- He's "electable" (except he hasn't really won many elections)

I look at this board, where right now, Anti-Newt threads by liberals outweigh anti-Romney threads by 10-1, and I know who they are afraid of...

And it ain't Romney.
I think Obama will win, not because people like him, but because the Republican candidates have failed to get people interested in them.

There may be something to that but I would phrase it differently.

The GOP candidates are largely victims of circumstance. In most years, the candidates can run slightly to the right during the primary and spend the general steering back toward the middle. In this climate, the GOP candidates have to steer far to the right to appease the hard right which as ascended in power. Which is why you keep seeing this "more conservative" title they are going for as if the way they are measuring victory is in getting the nomination itself. You'll notice that the "compassionate conservatism" has been replaced by "let them die" and Cain's old stance of "If you're not rich blame yourself" which I think is a paraphrase.

In the macro-political air of the general election, there is only so much you can do to steer the ship back to the middle where every election--EVERY ELECTION--I repeat....EVERY ELECTION for President has been won.

This is why the White House doesn't want to face Romney who looks Presidential, acts (so far) Presidential, sounds Presidential, and makes you think he is President already if you look at the debates. He actually looks like he's conducting them himself. The White House wants absolutely no part of Jon Huntsman who, if he finds his footing, is the worst nightmare for Mr. Obama.

So you're right but It is more correct to say that the GOP hasn't fielded a group of candidates that can resonate with the center of the political spectrum.
that....and his economic record. :eusa_whistle:

You mean Bush's economic record.


If he can spin it that way, he might win. Personally, I don't think the folks are going to fall for it this time.....

spin it? it was the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression,some would say it was worse...
LOL, so Obama saved us from a depression.

that one gets me every time.

that must be what the people think, that is why his approval numbers are in the high 90.s
Oh wait, they are in the LOW 40.s...

my gawd Obamabots are lame
Regardless of what you think of Obama, do you think he has a solid chance of winning?

Let's see...Nixon was re-elected and Obama was elected once so anthing is possible. 2012?

"A number of Republican candidates entered the field to challenge the incumbent Democratic President, Bill Clinton.

The fragmented field of candidates debated issues such as a flat tax and other tax cut proposals, and a return to supply-side economic policies popularized by Ronald Reagan. More attention was drawn to the race by the budget stalemate in 1995 between the Congress and the President, which caused temporary shutdowns and slowdowns in many areas of federal government service."

:eusa_whistle: 2012?

He should have been impeached the minute after he signed that unconstitutional healthcare law into law. But nobody with any balls works in the DC beltway.

"A number of Republican candidates entered the field to challenge the incumbent Democratic President, Bill Clinton.

The fragmented field of candidates debated issues such as a flat tax and other tax cut proposals, and a return to supply-side economic policies popularized by Ronald Reagan. More attention was drawn to the race by the budget stalemate in 1995 between the Congress and the President, which caused temporary shutdowns and slowdowns in many areas of federal government service."



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Nixon won re election by a large majority against the Socialist, McGovern. People knew what Communism was all about then. The LeftMedia hadn't really come into its own yet. Watergate followed in the heels of that election.
The LeftMedia, today, is in high gear. Just follow yahoo's banner page from time to time, the bias is so blatant its nauseating. With the LeftMedia leading the cheering for Obama, anything can happen. Add a re emerging ACORN onto the Democrats Legendary Ballot Box Chicanery and the GOP has good reason to be apprehensive.
Even though he executed an American, he will carry every liberal and progressive vote.
And about 2o percent of the middle.

No, he won't carry every liberal and progressive vote, but he will get a lot more than 20% of moderates. The Democrats won 55% of the self-labeled moderate vote in 2010, and that was a really bad year for them.
Even though he executed an American, he will carry every liberal and progressive vote.
And about 2o percent of the middle.

No, he won't carry every liberal and progressive vote, but he will get a lot more than 20% of moderates. The Democrats won 55% of the self-labeled moderate vote in 2010, and that was a really bad year for them.

ok, semantics

He will carry every lib and prog vote, that actually takes the time to vote.

either way, it won't be enough to win.
Nixon won re election by a large majority against the Socialist, McGovern. People knew what Communism was all about then.
.....And, forgot what a [URL=""]WAR-HERO [/URL] was.....​

"In September 1944, McGovern joined the 741st Squadron of the 455th Bombardment Group of the Fifteenth Air Force, stationed at San Giovanni Airfield nearby Cerignola in the Apulia region of Italy. There he and his crew found a starving, disease-ridden local population wracked by the ill fortunes of war and far worse off than anything they had seen back home during the Depression. (The sights would be part of his later motivation to fight hunger.) Starting on November 11, 1944, McGovern flew 35 missions over enemy territory from there, the first five as co-pilot for an experienced crew and the rest as pilot for his own plane, known as the Dakota Queen after his wife Eleanor. His targets were in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and northern, German-controlled Italy, and were often either oil refinery complexes or rail marshalling yards, all as part of the U.S. strategic bombing campaign in Europe. The eight- or nine-hour missions were grueling tests of endurance for pilots, and while German fighter aircraft were a diminished threat by then, his missions often faced heavy anti-aircraft artillery fire that filled the sky with flak bursts.

On McGovern's December 15 mission over Linz, his second as pilot, a piece of shrapnel from flak came through the windshield and missed killing him by only a few inches. The following day on a mission to Brüx he nearly collided with another bomber during close-formation flying in complete cloud cover. The day after that he was recommended for a medal after surviving a blown wheel on the always-dangerous B-24 take-off, completing a mission over Germany, and then landing without further damage to the plane. On a December 20 mission against the Škoda Works at Pilsen, McGovern's plane had one engine out and another in flames after being hit by flak. Unable to return to Italy, McGovern was able to land his plane on a British airfield on Vis, a small island off the Yugoslav coast controlled by Josip Broz Tito's Partisans. The short field, normally used by small fighter planes, killed many of the bomber crews who tried to make emergency landings there, but McGovern successfully landed, saving his crew and earning him the Distinguished Flying Cross."


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Given the current crop of the GOP, I think he has an excellent chance of being re-elected.

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