Regardless of what you think of Obama, do you think he has a solid chance of winning?

The heart and soul of the GOP, not the Tea Party wacks far to the right, will choose the GOP candidate, if the GOP wishes to win.

Romney can win and better represents America than the Tea Party wacks.

Gee, did some TEA party types mess up you hair or something?

Sorry, guy, the thing is, Newt is doing as well amongst the non-TEA party wing of the GOP as the TEA Party wing.

Romney is faltering, badly. Last night's debate performance, I almost felt bad for him. He was fidgety and blinking and looked like he snorted coke before it started.

Romney is in serious trouble. He's on track to come in third place in Iowa, not win decisively in NH, and then he loses SC and Florida and it's all over for him after that.
Of course he does.

A. He's the incumbent
B. The Republican field is weak
C. The Republicans are losing the class warfare argument
D. Republicans are divided
:lol: And half the country wants anyone but Obama right now.

But 'Anyone' isn't going to be on the ballot next year. It looks like it's going to be Newt or Mitt. Hey, you fool around with Newt, but Mitt has to be your prom date. :D
Reality will not falter for you, JoeB. Nominate Newt and lose the national election.

Again, I'd rather lose with a real conservative than win with a fake...

If we are dumb enough to re-elect Obama regardless of who the candidate is, we deserve what we get.

And frankly, Romney isn't electable because you say so. The man is losing right now for the same reason he lost every other election he wasn't running against a non-entity. People just don't like the guy.
Of course he does.

A. He's the incumbent
B. The Republican field is weak
C. The Republicans are losing the class warfare argument
D. Republicans are divided
:lol: And half the country wants anyone but Obama right now.

But 'Anyone' isn't going to be on the ballot next year. It looks like it's going to be Newt or Mitt. Hey, you fool around with Newt, but Mitt has to be your prom date. :D


Romney hasn't ever breached 25% on the RCP average.

Republicans plain don't want the guy.
:lol: And half the country wants anyone but Obama right now.

But 'Anyone' isn't going to be on the ballot next year. It looks like it's going to be Newt or Mitt. Hey, you fool around with Newt, but Mitt has to be your prom date. :D


Romney hasn't ever breached 25% on the RCP average.

Republicans plain don't want the guy.

The election is supposed to be about what Americans want!!! :eek:
obama's advantage last time was he could be the first black president. The only thing he has going for him now is he's still black.

I think his chances get better every day. He beats Gingrich buy 4-6 percentage points. Newt has no appeal outside of his supporters already. I think he does less well against Romney but still wins. Huntsman would give him a large problem if he ever learned how to campaign or the GOP embraced his style of actually answering questions when they are asked. a nutshell..yeah.

Huntsman would be the best shot for the general. The rest of the Republican candidates are dismal. Romney is even having a meltdown now. This is early in..really. His political chops should be far sharper.
But 'Anyone' isn't going to be on the ballot next year. It looks like it's going to be Newt or Mitt. Hey, you fool around with Newt, but Mitt has to be your prom date. :D


Romney hasn't ever breached 25% on the RCP average.

Republicans plain don't want the guy.

The election is supposed to be about what Americans want!!! :eek:

You guys have the nutsy kooky thing going where you think what Americans want is one big plural. Only about 42% of people eligible to vote in this country, actually do. And it's pretty evenly divided. About 40% of voters, always votes democrat and about 40% of the voters always votes republicans. There are about 10% that can go either way. And these people are pretty moderate..or moderate/conservative.

Republicans are putting up hard right candidates and are expecting to grab all those independents.

obama's advantage last time was he could be the first black president. The only thing he has going for him now is he's still black.

I think his chances get better every day. He beats Gingrich buy 4-6 percentage points. Newt has no appeal outside of his supporters already. I think he does less well against Romney but still wins. Huntsman would give him a large problem if he ever learned how to campaign or the GOP embraced his style of actually answering questions when they are asked. a nutshell..yeah.

Huntsman would be the best shot for the general. The rest of the Republican candidates are dismal. Romney is even having a meltdown now. This is early in..really. His political chops should be far sharper.

And I think he'd be a better President than either Newt or Mitt especially as China. There is that little reason I hope the GOP voters give him another look. At some point, you have to ask yourself who will be the better man/woman for the job outside of whether or not you simply like this person or dislike that person. If the GOP voters soberly examined Newt Gingrich they would never elect him given the abundant flip flops on recent topics and his storied casual relationship with ethics...they need to ask themselves this is the guy I want to be my President? All too often on both sides of the aisle, choices are made in terms of whom you don't want to see in office. This election could be about the right person for the job instead of playing defense but I'm sure that it will break more along the lines of whom you'd rather have a beer with other than who would be the best person to represent your country. 2012?

A) is NOT an impartial organization!
Owned by the St. Pete times owner Poynter Institute it continually supports
both in the politifact questions which again are very very biased in favor of Democrats and the St. Pete times bias!
Case in point.. I've asked Politifact several times to investigate the wild statement made by Obama that:
"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent --
it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

As so bogus! And the fact is Obama was Totally wrong in saying
"deficit" when he meant Debt which he evidently doesn't understand!
But even more fundamental the phrase "over the long term"!

THat 's more like 1,600 years!
Proof: health care is $2.5 trillion and 1/10th of 1% is $2.5 Billion.
Divide $4 trillion by $2.5 billion and it's 1,600 years!

HOW frigging stupid and YET the Politifact out of bias won't call Obama a "pant's on fire" for this totally in error statement!

Finally I'll do what happened the last time I voted for someone like Obama, i.e. Carter... Vote the hell for the opposite because I was so wrong with Carter I knew Obama was going to be WORSE and there are millions of people that now know how bad it is to have Obama as President!
He'll be worse the Carter's landslide defeat! 2012?

Whether this has been said once, twice, three or a hundred times in this thread already, I'll say it again... NO!

The campaign ads AGAINST odumbo haven't started yet. Wait until they do, and compilations are crafted to highlight how utterly HORRENDOUS the kenyan has been for America thus far with his radical socialist agenda, no one with any sense will vote for him. He'll lose in a massive land slide.
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Reality will not falter for you, JoeB. Nominate Newt and lose the national election.

Again, I'd rather lose with a real conservative than win with a fake...

If we are dumb enough to re-elect Obama regardless of who the candidate is, we deserve what we get.

And frankly, Romney isn't electable because you say so. The man is losing right now for the same reason he lost every other election he wasn't running against a non-entity. People just don't like the guy.

Of course Romney is more electable if it is determined by our conversations, in which you always faltered because of your religious bigotry. Folks like you are strongly pushing for another four years of Obama.

Romney brought this on himself. Newt did not take him down. Just as Romney shot off his mouth at the wrong moment, so will Newt. Watch.
Of course Obama has a chance. To think otherwise is complete buffoonery. He is a greatly liked personality, an incumbent and the republicans have still not recovered from the bad name they got with Bush. I think he is going to need to take a far different path than he did last election. You know, actually have substance rather than running on pure emotion! As much as the right here will rail against it, he has a stellar foreign policy record as well. His only selling point IMHO as I believe his domestic policy is completely abysmal. Most of the campaigns and whether or not Obama actually wins is going to be based on the performance of the economy over the next year. If jobs come back (unlikely but possible) then he is going to win. If they don't, there will be a FAR harder fight on his hands.
Yes. "Anybody but ______" isn't a winning strategy. I do think Newt will win the nomination and that in the general he can articulate an alternative to the incumbent better than Dole or Kerry did. But Obama is a very strong campaigner. Under estimating his chances would be a mistake.
Reality will not falter for you, JoeB. Nominate Newt and lose the national election.

Again, I'd rather lose with a real conservative than win with a fake...

If we are dumb enough to re-elect Obama regardless of who the candidate is, we deserve what we get.

And frankly, Romney isn't electable because you say so. The man is losing right now for the same reason he lost every other election he wasn't running against a non-entity. People just don't like the guy.

Of course Romney is more electable if it is determined by our conversations, in which you always faltered because of your religious bigotry. Folks like you are strongly pushing for another four years of Obama.

Romney brought this on himself. Newt did not take him down. Just as Romney shot off his mouth at the wrong moment, so will Newt. Watch.

Romney didn't shoot his mouth off at the wrong moment. The line was actually calculated. This wasn't the first time Perry made this claim about what is in Romney's books and how Romney changed his book, so he had time to think about what he was going to say if it came up again.

And this is what he came up with...

You see the ironic thing is that all these guys are rich. So is Obama. But Romney just shoved people faces into it, reminding people of how he got rich - by putting working folks like them out of jobs.

And frankly, I've put down the line. You nominate the Mormon, I'm voting for Obama. Sorry, it's just that simple. The question is, do you really think that the 17% of Republicans who are going to walk if you do are going to be made up somewhere else?

And if so, where?
A poor deflection. Mitt shot his mouth off and has paid the price.

You are correct in paragraph 3.

You have every right to vote for whom you will. I know folks who would never vote for a candidate because he was a member of the Assembly, or an atheist, or Muslim, or whatever. Never made sense to me.

Romney hasn't ever breached 25% on the RCP average.

Republicans plain don't want the guy.

The election is supposed to be about what Americans want!!! :eek:

You guys have the nutsy kooky thing going where you think what Americans want is one big plural. Only about 42% of people eligible to vote in this country, actually do. And it's pretty evenly divided. About 40% of voters, always votes democrat and about 40% of the voters always votes republicans. There are about 10% that can go either way. And these people are pretty moderate..or moderate/conservative.

Republicans are putting up hard right candidates and are expecting to grab all those independents.


Are you sure you aren't being distracted with a 2 lost drones under this presidents watch or are you being obtuse to threat of war with china/russia over Iran. Iran stoled (with aid our rq170 with highly sensitive military material, you are either uniform, obtuse and more over hiding a conspiracy. LET'S NOT FORGET THE DOWN SPECIAL FORCES AFTER THE OBL RAID IN PAKISTAN. The list of corruption in the Barry Soetoro are being printed on the last page with maybe 1 or 2 paragraphs. Are you worried in the way journalism is selectively being reported to the news outlets Navy seals or special elite regime were killed in one plane...national security issues should be ringing through your head
What other choice do we have? We may not be happy with Obama but we are more unhappy with GOP. They only other person that has a real plan is Paul and he is gaining support as the others are knocking each other about.
Obama's is not a complete failure and he is only as good as as the people around him is like congress and the senate. Both the right and left has been against him.

"The right thing to do is not always the popular thing to do" Obama need to be the boss he was elected to be and get a pair. He need to get "radical"
A poor deflection. Mitt shot his mouth off and has paid the price.

You are correct in paragraph 3.

Romney didn't shoot off his mouth. He exposed himself for who he truly was... an arrogant rich guy.

This was not the first time he had this argument with Perry about being for an individual mandate for the whole country, or what his book said about it. He had time to think about this. And somehow, he thought, "I'll bet that guy $10,000!"

You have every right to vote for whom you will. I know folks who would never vote for a candidate because he was a member of the Assembly, or an atheist, or Muslim, or whatever. Never made sense to me.

Of course it doesn't.

I don't believe that irrational beliefs don't suddenly become off limits because you dress them up in vestments and call them "a religion".

If Mitt Romney came out and said his economic plan was to write a really nice letter to Santa Claus, we'd judge him to be nut. This would be confirmed if we showed him pictures of the North Pole and no magic workshop, but he still denied it.

If Mitt Romney really believes he's wearing magic underwear, that he's going to rule his own planet in the afterlife, that America was inhabited by Hebrews who were hanging with Jesus 2000 years ago, then to me, those show he is not a rational person. These things have been disproven scientifically, but he still believes them.

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