Regime Down Plays OPM Hack


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Shocking. Just simply shocking I tell you.

And it's more than a little sad that the DFITLSM can't find its integrity long enough to call this most dishonest regime, the most dishonest in history, on its constant lies.

And we finally find out on -- A late Friday afternoon?

What a shocking coincidence

June 11, 2015

Ace of Spades HQ

Shock: Government Lied When It Downplayed OPM Hack; Hackers Have Private Data On Most Federal Employees, Says Union
Wait, wait, wait. Let me see if I can follow this:

The Obama Administration initially lied for political purposes, claiming the hacking was not such a big deal. They hoped to establish the Narrative -- a false Narrative, a fiction, a lie -- in people's brains such that the spot in their minds reserved for "OPM Hack" would say "Not a big deal, not very important" and would serve to block any additional, contrary information from filling in that space.

They let this lie fester for weeks (as people's Social Security Numbers, TS clearances, etc.) were held in the hands of foreign hackers -- all because they were afraid of the political impact (which would be negligible) of the truth.

This doesn't sound at all like the Barack Obama Administration I know.

Why, he never dissembles with an opening, nothing-to-see-here lie in hopes that people will be bored by the story and will not be interested in follow up pieces.

And why would he try such a stratagem? It would surely never work on our media -- they're all diligent, expert geniuses with a laser-like focus on all important things. Just ask them!

So I'm perplexed.



WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hackers stole personnel data and Social Security numbers for every federal employee, a government worker union said Thursday, saying that the cyber theft of U.S. employee information was more damaging than the Obama administration has acknowledged.

Sen. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader, said on the Senate floor that the December hack into Office of Personnel Management data was carried out by "the Chinese" without specifying whether he meant the Chinese government or individuals. Reid is one of eight lawmakers briefed on the most secret intelligence information. U.S. officials have declined to publicly blame China, which has denied involvement.

J. David Cox, president of the American Federal of Government Employees, said in a letter to OPM director Katherine Archuleta that based on OPM's internal briefings, "We believe that the Central Personnel Data File was the targeted database, and that the hackers are now in possession of all personnel data for every federal employee, every federal retiree, and up to one million former federal employees."

The OPM data file contains the records of non-military, non-intelligence executive branch employees, which covers most federal civilian employees but not, for example, members of Congress and their staffs.

The union believes the hackers stole military records and veterans' status information, address, birth date, job and pay history, health insurance, life insurance, and pension information; and age, gender and race data, he said. The letter was obtained by The Associated Press.

The union said it is basing its assessment on internal OPM briefings. The agency has sought to downplay the damage, saying what was taken "could include" personnel file information such as Social Security numbers and birth dates.

Sarcasm aside: Will the media ever call the Obama Administration on its unending psyops against the American public and the press?

Will they ever note this cheap hustler's remorseless dissembling?
Okay, I know you geniuses are more interested in the latest gay thread, but this is important too.

Ace of Spades HQ


Obama's as angry as anyone about this!

AP's Ken Dillian and Ted Bridis:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Several U.S. officials say hackers linked to China appear to have gained access to sensitive background information submitted by intelligence and military personnel seeking security clearances. The break is the second cyberbreach of federal records revealed in a week and could dramatically compound the potential damage.

The forms believed accessed, known as Standard Form 86, require applicants to fill out deeply personal information about mental illnesses, drug and alcohol use, past arrests and bankruptcies. They also require the listing of contacts and relatives, potentially exposing any foreign relatives of U.S. intelligence employees to coercion. The applicant's Social Security number and that of his or her cohabitant are required.

The officials declined to be quoted by name because the details are classified.

The Office of Personnel Management had no immediate comment.

I sure hope Obama enjoys Golf and Sports Center this weekend. God knows, he's deserved it.

He's like James Brown -- he just works too hard for us. His stagehands have to guide him off the stage, because otherwise he'd give us So Much Show it would give him a heart attack.

Oh, by the way, the Administration is being as candid as usual with you:
  1. Olivier Knox ‏@OKnox 2h2 hours ago
    White House's @PressSec confirms that sanctions are possible against individuals behind (or benefiting from) the disastrous OPM hack

  2. Olivier Knox ‏@OKnox 2h2 hours ago
    And @PressSec neither confirms nor disputes @SenatorReid's charge that "the Chinese" we're behind the hack.

    3 retweets0 favorites
Olivier KnoxVerified account‏@OKnox
.@PressSec won't confirm that number of affected current/former federal employees is closer to 14 million than 4.7 million

With a side of 'You didn't build that'

Olivier Knox


.@PressSec plays down risk of qualified Americans fleeing/shunning sensitive jobs as a result of the OPM hack. Says private sector no safer.

3:22 PM - 12 Jun 2015


The White House press office reports that the President's level of feigned anger has been raised from "rootin' tootin' angry" to "shitting dynamite pissed."
I wonder how government employees like having their privacy violated and having the tables turned on them.

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