Regulations seem designed to put companies out of business


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Another oppressive regulation regarding calorie counting.

Restaurants are supposed to accurately disclose the calories in foods, which is next to impossible. Pizza places allow customers to design their own pizzas and the new regulations will have them counting each bit of pepperoni and sausage to make sure each piece comes in at the calorie limit. They could potentially face fines if they aren't accurate.

While government always claims that they won't go after companies for small errors, they have the power to impose fines or shut them down if any of these ridiculous regulations aren't met.

Why does this administration feel the need to treat every citizen like an ignorant child who can't possibly make decisions on their own? If anyone out there isn't aware that pizza with extra cheese isn't a health food, then no amount of nanny government regulations will help them. If you think eating 300 calories instead of 350 for a single slice of pizza will make a difference in your health, then you are too stupid to live.

Since we know it's not going to make any difference in the obesity rate, why is government making companies jump through so many hoops to legally sell food? Seems to be more directed at creating reasons to go after companies than to actually help people. Too bad government doesn't set the bar higher for themselves.

Next The Obama Administration Is Coming For Your Extra Pepperoni - For America
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Another oppressive regulation regarding calorie counting.

Restaurants are supposed to accurately disclose the calories in foods, which is next to impossible. Pizza places allow customers to design their own pizzas and the new regulations will have them counting each bit of pepperoni and sausage to make sure each piece comes in at the calories limit. They could potentially face fines if they aren't accurate.

While government always claims that they won't go after companies for small errors, they have the power to impose fines or shut them down if any of these ridiculous regulations aren't met.

Why does this administration feel the need to treat every citizen like an ignorant child who can't possibly make decisions on their own? If anyone out there isn't aware that pizza with extra cheese isn't a health food, then no amount of nanny government regulations will help them. If you think eating 300 calories instead of 350 for a single slice of pizza will make a difference in your health, then you are too stupid to live.

Since we know it's not going to make any difference in the obesity rate, why is government making companies jump through so many hoops to legally sell food? Seems to be more directed at creating reasons to go after companies than to actually help people. Too bad government doesn't set the bar higher for themselves.

Next The Obama Administration Is Coming For Your Extra Pepperoni - For America

They do it because there are thousands of civil service employees with nothing to do but dream up a new regulation. In other words, they do it because they can.
Fascinating, all the various things conservatives are told to panic about. The sheer magnitude of their panic-industry is impressive.
Another oppressive regulation regarding calorie counting.

Restaurants are supposed to accurately disclose the calories in foods, which is next to impossible. Pizza places allow customers to design their own pizzas and the new regulations will have them counting each bit of pepperoni and sausage to make sure each piece comes in at the calorie limit. They could potentially face fines if they aren't accurate.

While government always claims that they won't go after companies for small errors, they have the power to impose fines or shut them down if any of these ridiculous regulations aren't met.

Why does this administration feel the need to treat every citizen like an ignorant child who can't possibly make decisions on their own? If anyone out there isn't aware that pizza with extra cheese isn't a health food, then no amount of nanny government regulations will help them. If you think eating 300 calories instead of 350 for a single slice of pizza will make a difference in your health, then you are too stupid to live.

Since we know it's not going to make any difference in the obesity rate, why is government making companies jump through so many hoops to legally sell food? Seems to be more directed at creating reasons to go after companies than to actually help people. Too bad government doesn't set the bar higher for themselves.

Next The Obama Administration Is Coming For Your Extra Pepperoni - For America
I support any regulation that seeks to minimize obesity and diabetes. This isn't so much an issue of being a nanny over an individual, but to minimize the huge healthcare costs associated with obesity that are a drain on economy in general. That being said, there are better ways to control obesity than this law.
Another oppressive regulation regarding calorie counting.

Restaurants are supposed to accurately disclose the calories in foods, which is next to impossible. Pizza places allow customers to design their own pizzas and the new regulations will have them counting each bit of pepperoni and sausage to make sure each piece comes in at the calorie limit. They could potentially face fines if they aren't accurate.

While government always claims that they won't go after companies for small errors, they have the power to impose fines or shut them down if any of these ridiculous regulations aren't met.

Why does this administration feel the need to treat every citizen like an ignorant child who can't possibly make decisions on their own? If anyone out there isn't aware that pizza with extra cheese isn't a health food, then no amount of nanny government regulations will help them. If you think eating 300 calories instead of 350 for a single slice of pizza will make a difference in your health, then you are too stupid to live.

Since we know it's not going to make any difference in the obesity rate, why is government making companies jump through so many hoops to legally sell food? Seems to be more directed at creating reasons to go after companies than to actually help people. Too bad government doesn't set the bar higher for themselves.

Next The Obama Administration Is Coming For Your Extra Pepperoni - For America
I support any regulation that seeks to minimize obesity and diabetes. This isn't so much an issue of being a nanny over an individual, but to minimize the huge healthcare costs associated with obesity that are a drain on economy in general. That being said, there are better ways to control obesity than this law.

Okay, what are the better ways? The devil is in the details, make your response detailed.
Another oppressive regulation regarding calorie counting.

Restaurants are supposed to accurately disclose the calories in foods, which is next to impossible. Pizza places allow customers to design their own pizzas and the new regulations will have them counting each bit of pepperoni and sausage to make sure each piece comes in at the calorie limit. They could potentially face fines if they aren't accurate.

While government always claims that they won't go after companies for small errors, they have the power to impose fines or shut them down if any of these ridiculous regulations aren't met.

Why does this administration feel the need to treat every citizen like an ignorant child who can't possibly make decisions on their own? If anyone out there isn't aware that pizza with extra cheese isn't a health food, then no amount of nanny government regulations will help them. If you think eating 300 calories instead of 350 for a single slice of pizza will make a difference in your health, then you are too stupid to live.

Since we know it's not going to make any difference in the obesity rate, why is government making companies jump through so many hoops to legally sell food? Seems to be more directed at creating reasons to go after companies than to actually help people. Too bad government doesn't set the bar higher for themselves.

Next The Obama Administration Is Coming For Your Extra Pepperoni - For America
I support any regulation that seeks to minimize obesity and diabetes. This isn't so much an issue of being a nanny over an individual, but to minimize the huge healthcare costs associated with obesity that are a drain on economy in general. That being said, there are better ways to control obesity than this law.

Okay, what are the better ways? The devil is in the details, make your response detailed.
I supported the soda ban that was proposed in NY. It's an extreme view so I don't necessarily blame people for not agreeing with me. If we want to curb obesity though, we must limit what can be sold. Eliminating trans fat is a good start as well. A higher tax on fast food would also be beneficial.

I also suggest more health education in public schools as well as more aggressive PSA campaigns.
If Americans didn't want to be RULED rather than represented they would have voted differently in 2008 and 2012.

There's another chance coming but will there be ANY candidate of ANY party interested in anything other than RULING?

At the moment it seems there might be but since they all lie the question remains open.
Business is evil....
Government is good.
Government will go out of it's way to stop or at least hinder a business from starting up or prospering.
They throw so many rules and regulations thrown at a company hoping that it will go away...

The government feels all busineses are evil.
The government feels govenment will provide for all....

I remember Jim Cramer on Morning Joe describing how it's taking him a year to try to open a restaurant...
All the regulations he complied with and then had to redo them because it didn't satisify the State requirement or the EPA....
It went on and on....

I have no idea if he ever got the thing opened....
Business is evil....
Government is good.
Government will go out of it's way to stop or at least hinder a business from starting up or prospering.
They throw so many rules and regulations thrown at a company hoping that it will go away...

The government feels all busineses are evil.
The government feels govenment will provide for all....

I remember Jim Cramer on Morning Joe describing how it's taking him a year to try to open a restaurant...
All the regulations he complied with and then had to redo them because it didn't satisify the State requirement or the EPA....
It went on and on....

I have no idea if he ever got the thing opened....
Can you name ANY politicians in the U.S. Who have stated that they want to ruin capitalism?

Any idiot understands that in this country the private market and government are interdependent. Without one, the other fails.
This is the stupidity of government. People will eat what they want drink what they want no matter stupid rules the government imposes.
This is the stupidity of government. People will eat what they want drink what they want no matter stupid rules the government imposes.

Stupid people drink, eat and smoke to excess (actually one smoke is excessive and only very stupid people smoke).

Prohibition doesn't work, but doing the same thing over and over and over for decades is insane. The war on drugs is a failure.
Prohibition is a grand and glorious thing.

Without it America would never had the Kennedy dynasty.
Fascinating, all the various things conservatives are told to panic about. The sheer magnitude of their panic-industry is impressive.
I have a funny picture:
Another oppressive regulation regarding calorie counting.

Restaurants are supposed to accurately disclose the calories in foods, which is next to impossible. Pizza places allow customers to design their own pizzas and the new regulations will have them counting each bit of pepperoni and sausage to make sure each piece comes in at the calorie limit. They could potentially face fines if they aren't accurate.

While government always claims that they won't go after companies for small errors, they have the power to impose fines or shut them down if any of these ridiculous regulations aren't met.

Why does this administration feel the need to treat every citizen like an ignorant child who can't possibly make decisions on their own? If anyone out there isn't aware that pizza with extra cheese isn't a health food, then no amount of nanny government regulations will help them. If you think eating 300 calories instead of 350 for a single slice of pizza will make a difference in your health, then you are too stupid to live.

Since we know it's not going to make any difference in the obesity rate, why is government making companies jump through so many hoops to legally sell food? Seems to be more directed at creating reasons to go after companies than to actually help people. Too bad government doesn't set the bar higher for themselves.

Next The Obama Administration Is Coming For Your Extra Pepperoni - For America
I support any regulation that seeks to minimize obesity and diabetes. This isn't so much an issue of being a nanny over an individual, but to minimize the huge healthcare costs associated with obesity that are a drain on economy in general. That being said, there are better ways to control obesity than this law.

What a frikken Nazi.
The OP is only slightly incorrect. Regulations are written by big businesses and government in tandem to push small businesses out. Big business has been seeking to eliminate competition since the Industrial Revolution and they've found an eager accomplice in government.

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