Reid Builds Trap Then Walks Into It...

Even taking out the projected number, Obama has had more of his guys filibustered than any of his predecessors.

i know you libs can not think.., you only feeeeeel.., so feeeeel this, the reason for him to be filibustered is because Maobama wants to fill vacancies with more of his kind, muslimes, America haters and COMMIECRATS !!!! :up:

And if you could prove they were Muslims or communists, then bring it up for a vote!
Even taking out the projected number, Obama has had more of his guys filibustered than any of his predecessors.

i know you libs can not think.., you only feeeeeel.., so feeeeel this, the reason for him to be filibustered is because Maobama wants to fill vacancies with more of his kind, muslimes, America haters and COMMIECRATS !!!! :up:

And if you could prove they were Muslims or communists, then bring it up for a vote!

To be rubber-stamped by his puppets in the Senate? Not a chance...every minute they can't be handed another judge or commissioner is another minute we keep our civil rights. There's a reason the Founders built protections for the minority party into the system....that's gone now thanks to Reid....a move that will haunt your party for years.

We could hold a debate ... We could disagree ... We could even vote on it ... But no matter what happens this will still be a picture of a rose ... Whether or not you agree.

All the filibuster rule does is slow down the process of government trying to argue about whether or not we all should agree this is a picture of a rose.
It does nothing to support or take away from the fact that it is ... And only establishes the fact that bi-partisan support under current conditions is necessary to say that it is in legislation or our courts.
If you don't think that bi-partisan support is a good idea when selecting Presidential appointees to the Federal bench ... It is probably because the current administration cannot pick anyone that can achieve it.

Because other Presidents have picked better appointees that drew enough bipartisan support to progress through opposition ... Doesn't mean that blocking unacceptable appointees that cannot draw the same support is a bad idea.

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93 new judges. LOL.........................................................

Enjoy it while you can...much like everything else you prog morons cheer about...until it blows up and leaves you looking even dumber than before.....Sorry, but the days of "we didn't spend enough is why it failed" are OVER.....

BTW, I wonder how you'll appreciate the EPA having control of your back yard if it floods during a storm. One of your judges will likely decide you can't put in a swing set because it's now a "wildlife sanctuary". :lol:
i know you libs can not think.., you only feeeeeel.., so feeeeel this, the reason for him to be filibustered is because Maobama wants to fill vacancies with more of his kind, muslimes, America haters and COMMIECRATS !!!! :up:

And if you could prove they were Muslims or communists, then bring it up for a vote!

To be rubber-stamped by his puppets in the Senate? Not a chance...every minute they can't be handed another judge or commissioner is another minute we keep our civil rights. There's a reason the Founders built protections for the minority party into the system....that's gone now thanks to Reid....a move that will haunt your party for years.

Hey, dumbass, there's no mention of political parties OR a filibuster in the constitution.
Bullshit. Barry's nominees have been blocked on the average, less then 10 days longer than Dubya's nominees were..

Resorting to wild fiction now?

Good luck with your hysterics. You might notice the Democrats aren't worried in the least. That should tell you something. But since you've always needed help, I'll give it to you. Should the Republicans win the senate ...

1. A Republican senate still couldn't override a presidential veto, so the filibuster by the Democrats would be redundant and hence unnecessary.

2. A Republican senate would kill the filibuster the instant it was convenient anyways. Hence, there's no reason not to do it now, since it would absolutely get done anyways. And please don't embarrass yourself by pretending you wouldn't have stood up and cheered when that would have happened.

3. Not being insane extremists, the Democrats are capable of putting forth moderate legislation that can peel off a couple sane Republicans and get a majority. Only extremist minorities who consider negotiation to be a sin need the filibuster. Hence, the current GOP weeping.

4. 2016 is a Democratic wave year.
No "fiction" here cat box.....I'd provide the link to the "ten days average" if you were worth a few minutes of my're not.

This link goes to the raw data.

Judicial vacancies: show us the numbers | Remapping Debate

Here's the summary.


So where'd you get your fictional numbers? What crank source fed you the big fib?

By the way, thanks for all the help. Obama had nominated a bunch of centrists for the first half of those 93 judicial spots, hoping to avoid a fight. But you couldn't accept that. Hence, you got smacked down. Now, Obama is free to nominate actual liberals for the rest of the spots. If you hadn't been so crazy, you'd have gotten more centrists, but now you'll get some actual liberals. Nice going there, ace.
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i know you libs can not think.., you only feeeeeel.., so feeeeel this, the reason for him to be filibustered is because Maobama wants to fill vacancies with more of his kind, muslimes, America haters and COMMIECRATS !!!! :up:

And if you could prove they were Muslims or communists, then bring it up for a vote!

To be rubber-stamped by his puppets in the Senate? Not a chance...every minute they can't be handed another judge or commissioner is another minute we keep our civil rights. There's a reason the Founders built protections for the minority party into the system....that's gone now thanks to Reid....a move that will haunt your party for years.

Longer than corporation person hood?

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