Reid Changing Filibuster Rules


This graph proves that more was done under Bush in 2008 than under Obama.

Republicans were in the minority in 2008. They were the ones filibustering

The Senate in 2008 was 49 Dems, 49 Repubs and 2 independents who voted with Dems.
So votes were 51 for Dems and 49 Repubs until Nov. elections.
I have always thought the way filibustering was done the last ten years was certainly unethical if not illegal. Good for Reid, and good for the Pubs when we take back the Senate.

your lack of knowledge as it pertains to the make-up of our government and why the rules are as they are (were) is uncanny....Filibustering is essential. Obama is wrong. It is exactly what the founders wanted.

What an idiot. Anybody can filibuster; they can't tie up legislation forever now.

We rule by legislative majority, son, not by the negative minority.

Grow up.
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In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid knows his days are numbered (as well they should be). He is attempting to change the rules because after 2014 - he will be as useless as a bag of rocks. For the rest of Obama's "presidency" the republican Senate will hold up anything he tries to do.

The gutter trash from Nevada simply can't have this.

Won't make any difference - the NEW Senate will merely repeal this nonsense in 2014. Obama's puppet Reid will be in a corner sucking his thumb.
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At the White House, Obama applauded the vote. He said Republicans had used delaying tactics "as a reckless and relentless tool to grind all business to a halt."
"And that's not what our founders intended. And it's certainly not what our country needs right now," the president said.

Did the founders intend to have the Federal Government dictate the types of Health Care every citizen should have? Where in Amendment 10 of the Constitution does the Federal Government derive the right to make personal choices for it's citizens?
The Dems are gonna cry like little bitches when the shoe is on the other foot next year.


Finally, you got it right.

Both sides, knowing in the future what are the consequences of winning elections, may work a bit more harmoniously together.

Um ok, if by "working together" you mean that we demand the Unconditional Surrender of the Democrat Progressive Socialists, then yeah, we can work together

Republican blanket obstructionism of Obama's appointees is much worse than democratic obstructionism.

At this same point in Bush's presidency, the Senate had approved 91% of his nominees compared with just 76% of Obama's nominees.

Worse yet, republicans have blocked almost as many of Obama's executive appointees as the senate had done in the previous 63 years combined.
Dear Obama:

The founders built this country on the aspect of equality, namely equal rights for the majority AND minority. For a liberal like you to sit there and defend equal rights under the law, then turn around and allow this egregious breach of power is hypocritical. So, when your party ever finds itself in the minority in the Senate remember this day well.
I don't want to hear any liberals complain when the GOP takes control of the Senate and they repeal OC with 51 votes. They opened it up to themselves.

You understand what a veto is, yes?

But go on, win some elections, we dare ya. If you think you're up to it. The Democrats seem confident that you aren't.

And do go on crying, as we find Republican tears to be a sweet nectar indeed. When Republicans weep, everyone knows something good just happened for the USA.


Republican blanket obstructionism of Obama's appointees is much worse than democratic obstructionism.

At this same point in Bush's presidency, the Senate had approved 91% of his nominees compared with just 76% of Obama's nominees.

Worse yet, republicans have blocked almost as many of Obama's executive appointees as the senate had done in the previous 63 years combined.

When Obama tried to turn the US into Czarist Russia in his first two years, who could blame them for wanting to filibuster his nominees? All those Czars. Something had to be done.
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Remember when I said that the vitriol that you guys were heaping upon Bush was going to come back to you if ever you managed to get one of your guys in the White House; and it happened?

Guess what is going to happen next........and you're not going to like it......

The country better pray that Boner has enough testosterone to shelve everything that that Senate sends to him for the next 11 months.
So dimocraps can stack Federal Courts with left wing Judges....

Sen. Harry Reid Gets Ready to Go Nuclear -

I was going to say unbelievable, but you know who we're talking about here.

Turnabout's fair play, boys

I think they should do away with the filibuster altogether.

if the minority party doesn't like it, they should try to win an election.

I favor majority rules.
Then you favour Mob Rule which is what a true Democracy is.

It's only mob rule, if they held popular votes for every single issue, you idiot.
Not sure how I feel about this. However, it is obvious the Republicans have been blocking the DC Circuit Court nominations in order to preserve the current imbalance the vacant seats have created to their favor, and it is equally obvious the Democrats are for the nuclear option so they can fill the vacant seats with Obama nominees.

No one's motives are pure, which makes discerning the wisdom of this move difficult.

Supreme Court nominees will still require a 60 vote majority.
Will democrats still like this next year when there is a republican majority?

Will the Republicans who are howling over this move restore the rule if/when they gain the majority?

The answer to both questions is, "No."
I think they should do away with the filibuster altogether.

if the minority party doesn't like it, they should try to win an election.

I favor majority rules.
Then you favour Mob Rule which is what a true Democracy is.

It's only mob rule, if they held popular votes for every single issue, you idiot.

HA! Listen to you. It was mob rule for the first two years of Obama's term! Or did you somehow conveniently forget that?

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