Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

The Senate Majority Leader exhibited waaay more patience than I would have been able to muster. FOUR & A HALF years of Republican obstruction.

Incidentally, this was made possible by one party's ability to win elections. :eusa_whistle: Thats how Murica works. What do rw'ers love to say? Oh yeah- :up: "love it or leave it"

"Murica" ... I will take a cup along with four and half years of that!

The Senate Majority Leader exhibited waaay more patience than I would have been able to muster. FOUR & A HALF years of Republican obstruction.

saying the same thing only slightly altered is...well saying the same thing so, here;

..your opinion regards egregiousness is simply that, the fact is- Reid after wholeheartedly engaging in playing in the game, decided he could not cope, so he appointed himself the referee and rules committee and changed the rules of the game so he could win.....

I know your happy, thats evident, so just say it; I/we wanted to win and did not care what we had to do to do it, period.

Incidentally, this was made possible by one party's ability to win elections. :eusa_whistle: Thats how Murica works. What do rw'ers love to say? Oh yeah- :up: "love it or leave it"

you didn't win/retain enough seats to keep your 60, did you?

wow, "Murica" you're down to this..:doubt:
The Senate Majority Leader exhibited waaay more patience than I would have been able to muster. FOUR & A HALF years of Republican obstruction.

saying the same thing only slightly altered is...well saying the same thing so, here;

..your opinion regards egregiousness is simply that, the fact is- Reid after wholeheartedly engaging in playing in the game, decided he could not cope, so he appointed himself the referee and rules committee and changed the rules of the game so he could win.....

I know your happy, thats evident, so just say it; I/we wanted to win and did not care what we had to do to do it, period.

Incidentally, this was made possible by one party's ability to win elections. :eusa_whistle: Thats how Murica works. What do rw'ers love to say? Oh yeah- :up: "love it or leave it"

you didn't win/retain enough seats to keep your 60, did you?

wow, "Murica" you're down to this..:doubt:

Yep. They committed to the road of bad leadership with their response to Scott Brown's win.

They rushed to pass bad legislation via trickery and have acted more and more extremely in the face of the natural negative response to their wrongdoing.
If only Obama had nominated less Radically Left Wing Judges, Judges more acceptable to the Mainstream, then they wouldn't have been held up.

But no.. Obama had to nominate Left Wing Radicals who want push their Socialist agenda through the Courts instead of applying the Constitution as it was written.


You get to be president, you get to name the judges
Oh, these Democrats make me so angry. Haven't they learned that it's only Republicans who can change the rules. Only Republicans can create massive deficits. Only Republicans who can take the country into war. Doesn't matter if the reason is only imagined, it's the Republican God given right to "lead the country". Any way they see fit. Hello, the country was started by white people by wiping out the Indian population. If God didn't want that to happened, he would have protected the Indians. And Republicans have worked hard to keep that 90% to 10% (of tokens) balance that gives them enough of a sliver of "other" they feel comfortable saying, "We aren't racist". Only their policies are.
What's the worse that could happen? That a publican nominates and a senate confirms a radical right wing judge or Arabian horse show judge for FEMA?

And regarding Judges, after humdingers like Alito, Thomas, Janice Rogers Brown types, I mean what difference would it make?
If only Obama had nominated less Radically Left Wing Judges, Judges more acceptable to the Mainstream, then they wouldn't have been held up.

But no.. Obama had to nominate Left Wing Radicals who want push their Socialist agenda through the Courts instead of applying the Constitution as it was written.


You get to be president, you get to name the judges


Are they REALLY judges or cabinet officials?

If only Obama had nominated less Radically Left Wing Judges, Judges more acceptable to the Mainstream, then they wouldn't have been held up.

But no.. Obama had to nominate Left Wing Radicals who want push their Socialist agenda through the Courts instead of applying the Constitution as it was written.


You get to be president, you get to name the judges


Are they REALLY judges or cabinet officials?


President gets to name both

Whenever Republicans get the WhiteHouse, they can do the same
If only Obama had nominated less Radically Left Wing Judges, Judges more acceptable to the Mainstream, then they wouldn't have been held up.

But no.. Obama had to nominate Left Wing Radicals who want push their Socialist agenda through the Courts instead of applying the Constitution as it was written.


You get to be president, you get to name the judges


Are they REALLY judges or cabinet officials?

Don't really know how that whole presidenshall 'nominatin thing works, doya?
They won't let the President get his nominees through &, in the same breath, criticize him for not doing his job well enough. :rolleyes: That might fly w/ low-info voters who rely on a single tv channel & am radio :tinfoil: for their *cough* "news" but for the rest of the people in this great nation? Not so much.
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NOW whats McConnell & co. going to do in the senate given they weren't doing anything to begin with??? They might have to actually "earn" part of their taxpayer-funded salaries now by doing some actual work :dunno:
If only Obama had nominated less Radically Left Wing Judges, Judges more acceptable to the Mainstream, then they wouldn't have been held up.

But no.. Obama had to nominate Left Wing Radicals who want push their Socialist agenda through the Courts instead of applying the Constitution as it was written.

This makes no sense.

The Obama appointees are mainstream, there’s nothing ‘radical’ about them, they follow precedent established by the Supreme Court, as does every other jurist who swears to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

For example, Obama appointees would obey the Constitution’s requirement limiting government concerning the right to privacy, allowing a woman to decide whether to have a child or not.

They would obey the Constitution’s requirement that all persons be afforded equal protection of the law, allowing same-sex couples access to marriage.

They would obey the Constitution’s requirement that Federal laws and rulings by Federal courts are the supreme law of the land, and that states and other jurisdictions are subject to those laws.

They would obey the Constitution in that it empowers Congress to regulate working conditions, workplace safety, and commercial markets.

They would obey the Constitution’s requirement that church and state remain separate.

In these and other aspects of the Constitution, Obama appointees adhere faithfully to Constitutional jurisprudence and the rule of law; again, they are in no way 'radical.'

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