Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

If only Obama had nominated less Radically Left Wing Judges, Judges more acceptable to the Mainstream, then they wouldn't have been held up.

But no.. Obama had to nominate Left Wing Radicals who want push their Socialist agenda through the Courts instead of applying the Constitution as it was written.


You get to be president, you get to name the judges

Why don't we just give the president full control then?
This will encourage both parties to work together.

IDK. The Right has moved so far to the right that they actually pride themselves on not even talking to the opposition.

Yes, we all realize that the desire for freedom, limited government, balanced budgets and low taxes are really extreme positions.

Some of us are so extreme that we believe spending hundreds of million of dollars on a friggin website is obscene proof of the lack of perspective and gross incompetence of big government. Not ot mention the utter stupidity of the liberals put in charge of such a program.

Others of us are so extreme that we actually believe that it is possible to provide health care insurance for 30 million people without screwing up the coverage of the 180 million that already have coverage.

No need to even delve into the idiocy of tossing more $billions down the tubes trying to force green energy into reality.
This will encourage both parties to work together.

IDK. The Right has moved so far to the right that they actually pride themselves on not even talking to the opposition.

Yes, we all realize that the desire for freedom, limited government, balanced budgets and low taxes are really extreme positions.

Some of us are so extreme that we believe spending hundreds of million of dollars on a friggin website is obscene proof of the lack of perspective and gross incompetence of big government. Not ot mention the utter stupidity of the liberals put in charge of such a program.

Others of us are so extreme that we actually believe that it is possible to provide health care insurance for 30 million people without screwing up the coverage of the 180 million that already have coverage.

No need to even delve into the idiocy of tossing more $billions down the tubes trying to force green energy into reality.

where were you when HC was being discussed? :eusa_whistle: :eusa_hand: It had more, much more, to do with than just covering the uninsured smart guy.

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -
Study: More than 60 percent of bankruptcies are linked to medical bills
Three-quarters of people with a medically-related bankruptcy had health insurance
Researcher: "You're one illness away from financial ruin in this country"
Situation likely to worsen: study was done a year before recession
Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study
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IDK. The Right has moved so far to the right that they actually pride themselves on not even talking to the opposition.

Yes, we all realize that the desire for freedom, limited government, balanced budgets and low taxes are really extreme positions.

Some of us are so extreme that we believe spending hundreds of million of dollars on a friggin website is obscene proof of the lack of perspective and gross incompetence of big government. Not ot mention the utter stupidity of the liberals put in charge of such a program.

Others of us are so extreme that we actually believe that it is possible to provide health care insurance for 30 million people without screwing up the coverage of the 180 million that already have coverage.

No need to even delve into the idiocy of tossing more $billions down the tubes trying to force green energy into reality.

where were you when HC was being discussed? :eusa_whistle: :eusa_hand: It had more, much more, to do with than just covering the uninsured smart guy.

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -
Study: More than 60 percent of bankruptcies are linked to medical bills
Three-quarters of people with a medically-related bankruptcy had health insurance
Researcher: "You're one illness away from financial ruin in this country"
Situation likely to worsen: study was done a year before recession
Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

Bankrupcy is not financial ruin, except to those who have no confidence in their ability to pick themselves up and move on. Bankrupcy is a means of relieving people of overwhelming debt and allowing them to start over. It is a safety net.

Living freely is a risky business, and with risk comes the possibility of failure. Those who are afraid to live because of the risk, are doomed to a very poor quality of life and liberty.

Loons seem to want all of the benefits of winning, without taking any of the risks. Akin to athletes getting gold metals without the thrill of victory, or the agony of defeat.

That is not living, it is simply existing.
This will encourage both parties to work together.

IDK. The Right has moved so far to the right that they actually pride themselves on not even talking to the opposition.

Yes, we all realize that the desire for freedom, limited government, balanced budgets and low taxes are really extreme positions.

Some of us are so extreme that we believe spending hundreds of million of dollars on a friggin website is obscene proof of the lack of perspective and gross incompetence of big government. Not ot mention the utter stupidity of the liberals put in charge of such a program.

Others of us are so extreme that we actually believe that it is possible to provide health care insurance for 30 million people without screwing up the coverage of the 180 million that already have coverage.

No need to even delve into the idiocy of tossing more $billions down the tubes trying to force green energy into reality.

So extreme that any thought of immigration reform is practically heresy. The idea of Same Sex marriage or equal employment rights for gays makes all of them squirm.

And they're idea of a balanced budget is taking away any securities for low income/middle class people and give huge tax breaks for rich people.
Judge Roberts could have ruled it unconstitutional because it wasn't a tax, according the Obama. So Roberts rewrote the thing to make it constitutional.

So the Chief Justice had everything to do with it.
He had to do with it being ruled Constitutional.

He had NOTHING to do with it being passed, as your fellow wingnuts keep saying.

He had everything to do with it becoming constitutional, and ipso-facto, a law.
Yes. Are there any other Roberts votes you have issues with.
IDK. The Right has moved so far to the right that they actually pride themselves on not even talking to the opposition.

Yes, we all realize that the desire for freedom, limited government, balanced budgets and low taxes are really extreme positions.

Some of us are so extreme that we believe spending hundreds of million of dollars on a friggin website is obscene proof of the lack of perspective and gross incompetence of big government. Not ot mention the utter stupidity of the liberals put in charge of such a program.

Others of us are so extreme that we actually believe that it is possible to provide health care insurance for 30 million people without screwing up the coverage of the 180 million that already have coverage.

No need to even delve into the idiocy of tossing more $billions down the tubes trying to force green energy into reality.

So extreme that any thought of immigration reform is practically heresy. The idea of Same Sex marriage or equal employment rights for gays makes all of them squirm.

And they're idea of a balanced budget is taking away any securities for low income/middle class people and give huge tax breaks for rich people.

Right wingers are not opposed to immigration reform, they are opposed to your concept of immigration reform. And being opposed to same sex marriage and/or equal employment rights for gays is only extreme to extremists on the other side.

A balanced budget means that government lives within its means, and does not spend our grandchildren's assets on current programs. Middle class people do not need government handouts, and most of the poor can fend for themselves. There are those who need help, and that help should be provided by the states wherein they live.

Right wing extremists believe that the federal government has a necessary role, as defined by our Constitution, and that soverign states and local governments also have a role in providing for infrastructure and for the citizens of those states. We believe in government functioning at the lowest level possible for efficiency and effectiveness, because government that is closest to the people is more controlable by the people.

Right wing extremists believe that concentration of political power is as dangerous to freedom today as it have been proven to be down through history.
The majority should rule in a democracy.

Get rid of the filibuster forever.

We're a Republic, not a Democracy:

that is the dumbest BS i ever heard. Republic is a form of democracy, and every modern democracy is a republic.

The only difference between the US and other republics is that the US is more convoluted and dysfunctional. I'm laughing my ass off every time I hear some pompous idiot claiming that this monstrosity -- two chambered Parliament and publicly elected President, resulting in a permanent gridlock -- somehow protects democracy.

The truth is that it undermines democracy, because the surest way to kill it is to show the public that it isn't working. That is why many countries emulating the same system and up as de facto dictatorships (President being the dictator, and parliament rubber-stamping all president's bills).

Only in the US an "bipartisanship" -- an utterly ridiculous concept -- is praised as a virtue. I mean WTF? A party that has won the elections should be able to implement its agenda -- and fulfill its electoral promises -- the way it sees fit. Not the way the opposition would allow it!.. Isn't that obvious that the opposition is interested in sabotaging the ruling party plans? Then why the ruling party should be dependent on the cooperation from the opposing party?

Ending filibuster will not resolve the fundamental problem, which is public electing both legislative and the head of the executive branch. But it is a small step toward improving it.
How come Obama never called it a tax? Only became a tax later? Lot harder to ram taxes down someones throat than fines,

Obama called it a fine.

SCOTUS said, "You're wrong - it's a tax".

What's the problem?

The Obama administration team argued in court that it was a tax. Why were they arguing it was a tax when Obama swore it wasn't? Obama knew it wouldn't have been made law if it were deemed a tax but he let his justice team argue that it was to try to win the court fight.

There's no way to explain Obama's dishonesty away. He's like the string theory of dishonesty. Takes 10 dimensions or more to try to sort out Obama's dishonesty.

The case can be made that it is a tax, and an equal case can be made that it's a fine.

Roberts saw it as a tax.

Show me where the Solicitor General argued that it was a tax, please.

It's all irrelevant, since there is no fine or tax for not enrolling.
If only Obama had nominated less Radically Left Wing Judges, Judges more acceptable to the Mainstream, then they wouldn't have been held up.

But no.. Obama had to nominate Left Wing Radicals who want push their Socialist agenda through the Courts instead of applying the Constitution as it was written.


You get to be president, you get to name the judges

I agree. but this isn't the way to do it, not when you've done the very don't play the game then decide the game is rigged and change the rules, when you're not getting your way.

they negotiated in 05, they negotiated in july, ( and I mean they s in both) they should have done same now....if the negotiations didn't work out, I still don't see how that releases anyone form their obligation as the game was structured and played. If tis wa sout of the blue, I could maybe see it, but it wasn't.

You guys did same and you know it, and please don't bother me with degrees......back in 08 if they ran the numbers the same thing would have been said, huge number etc etc. unprecedented etc etc .......has it escalated? sure,obama had more judges to name ( some of those were for slots the dems would not fill during bushs last 2 years in office btw), so the number is consequently bigger, but where did they think this was going to go?
Obama called it a fine.

SCOTUS said, "You're wrong - it's a tax".

What's the problem?

The Obama administration team argued in court that it was a tax. Why were they arguing it was a tax when Obama swore it wasn't? Obama knew it wouldn't have been made law if it were deemed a tax but he let his justice team argue that it was to try to win the court fight.

There's no way to explain Obama's dishonesty away. He's like the string theory of dishonesty. Takes 10 dimensions or more to try to sort out Obama's dishonesty.

The case can be made that it is a tax, and an equal case can be made that it's a fine.

Roberts saw it as a tax.

Show me where the Solicitor General argued that it was a tax, please.

It's all irrelevant, since there is no fine or tax for not enrolling.

I beleive you are right, they didn't argue it as a tax, Roberts came up with that 'view' and way forward on his own.

Obama didn't argue it as a tax either, he nearly bit stephanopoulos's head off when he called it a tax, but he'll gladly take it though, won't he? :eusa_whistle:

call it a mandate, Fee whatever, it was found legal via the tax authority Roberts described it as, has this been wiped out? There is no mandate tax for not enrolling and having the appropriate plan etc. via aca? .
I'm in favor of this.

The Republicans have abused the filibuster. Half of all the judicial filibusters have occurred over the past 4.5 years. That's ridiculous.

Not like the far left abused it when the Republicans were in charge.

Now the far left can just have their way without any opposition, just like trying to pass Obamacare.

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