Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Not a fan of the constitution, are you?

I am very much so a fan of the constitution.
The Constitution is for 3 branches of government that are separate and Judges making their own law is unconstitutional, the congress is suppose to do that.
Judges are suppose to Judge on laws passed by congress. Not make their own laws.

You mean like Citizens United?

Hey peach: if you're such a fan of the Constitution, please point out where the word 'filibuster' is, because I can't find it! :lol:
Where did noted Constitutionalist Peach run off to?
Duh-------are there judges on the supreme court?

No judges or Justices had a thing to do with it getting passed.

Are you going to now argue that judges are members of Congress?

How come Obama never called it a tax? Only became a tax later? Lot harder to ram taxes down someones throat than fines,

Obama called it a fine.

SCOTUS said, "You're wrong - it's a tax".

What's the problem?
What planet do you live on? Reid has blocked hundreds of Republican bills. Among them are many bills meant to create JOBS! Yes...Reid is a senile old fool. He's not fooling me!

It is YOU that has been fooled, you fool!:lol:

Senator Reid Blocks Republican Jobs Bills

Below is a list of measures House Republicans have passed related to job creation:

Empower Small Business Owners and Reduce Regulatory Burdens:

H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

Introduced by Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH) on March 2, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 292-130 on March 31, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

Introduced by Rep. Fred Upton (MI) on March 3, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 255-172 on April 7, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.J.Res. 37, a Resolution of disapproval regarding the FCC’s regulation of the Internet and broadband industry practices

Introduced by Rep. Greg Walden (OR) on February 16, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 240 to 179 on April 8, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.Res. 72, a Resolution to direct committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and order from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth

Introduced by Rep. Pete Sessions (TX) on February 8, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 391 to 28 on February 11, 2011
The Senate has not directed their committees to take such action

Fix The Tax Code To Help Job Creators:

H.R. 4, the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act

Introduced by Rep. Dan Lungren (CA) on January 12, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 314 to 112 on March 3, 2011
Passed the Senate by a vote of 87 to 12 on March 31, 2011
Signed into law by the President on April 14, 2011

Maximize Domestic Energy Production To Ensure An Energy Policy For The Twenty-First Century:

H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 266-149 on May 5, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 263-163 on May 11, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 243-179 on May 12, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden and Start Living Within Our Means:

H.Con.Res. 34, a Resolution establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021

Introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) on April 11, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 235-193 on April 15, 2011
Senate has not yet considered a budget of their own

You do realize, of course, that there were other riders in those bills, namely, riders to either kill Obamacare or resinstate DADT.

Thank you for playing. Care to try again?

Normally, your party would do the same thing in their shoes, if they couldn't get anything passed otherwise. And for the record, Obamacare is dead on it's feet. No amount of liberal whining about Republicans sabotaging it will change that fact. The law was a failure from the beginning, and people, namely liberals, were too blind or high and mighty to see that. And DADT? The Army is supposed to be a cohesive strategic force, not an animal house.

Do try harder.

Good to hear from you. I respect your opinion, but I disagree with you, and strongly at that. Obamacare has just started, no one can claim it failure - or a success - yet. As for DADT, look to our ally Israel. Gays have been openly serving in the IDF since the 1980s, and the IDF is not an animal house. At the current stats from the military show almost no attrition due to gays being allowed to serve openly. In fact, most grunts don't give a shit what the guy next to him does, as long as his back is covered in battle. It's the people on the outside, mostly Right-Wing Christianists, who are freaking out, not the military.
Duh-------are there judges on the supreme court?

No judges or Justices had a thing to do with it getting passed.

Are you going to now argue that judges are members of Congress?

Judge Roberts could have ruled it unconstitutional because it wasn't a tax, according the Obama. So Roberts rewrote the thing to make it constitutional.

So the Chief Justice had everything to do with it.
He had to do with it being ruled Constitutional.

He had NOTHING to do with it being passed, as your fellow wingnuts keep saying.
No judges or Justices had a thing to do with it getting passed.

Are you going to now argue that judges are members of Congress?

Judge Roberts could have ruled it unconstitutional because it wasn't a tax, according the Obama. So Roberts rewrote the thing to make it constitutional.

So the Chief Justice had everything to do with it.
He had to do with it being ruled Constitutional.

He had NOTHING to do with it being passed, as your fellow wingnuts keep saying.

He had everything to do with it becoming constitutional, and ipso-facto, a law.
The following have been cited as examples of judicial activism:


For the zillionth time (spellcheck didn't mind "zillionth", cool), both parties are doing a delightful job of pointing out the bullshit of the other.

Yet so many still place so much faith in professional politicians, and we still allow for a system that incentivizes them to behave this way.





Most of this is due to

a.) money


b.) structural defeciencies in the nuts and bolts of electioneering + arcane House and Senate rules that have no basis in the US Constitution.

The only way to fix this, among many things, is a true Constitutional Convention. Time for a re-write.
A great day in America?

Now, if only the Tea Party Caucus could all get arrested for rape and drug dealing, that would be epic.

Meh, what's a great day is Obama is still in office and is on the ropes. Just where we want him. :lol:


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for admitting the real reason for the existence and operations of the so-called Tea Party.
Wow. Is this how Righties behave on this forum, or is this more the exception than the rule?

Righties and Lefties.......get used to it.

The rules are a bit lax around here.

Besides, I've been on boards where the libs are ten times worse.....and they like to gang up on people.

No Liberal needs any help crushing your arguments.

Agreed. The arguments of the Tea Partiers generally crush themselves under the weight of their own silliness or stupidity. It's a very martial arts thing.
A great day in America?

Now, if only the Tea Party Caucus could all get arrested for rape and drug dealing, that would be epic.

Meh, what's a great day is Obama is still in office and is on the ropes. Just where we want him. :lol:


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for admitting the real reason for the existence and operations of the so-called Tea Party.


What else do you want to call them?

I also wonder why everything someone says that libs don't like they automatically label as Tea Party.

The Tea Party believes in cutting spending, accountability in government, and adherence to the constitution. They don't believe in economic terrorism or racism. The belongs to the OWS.
Meh, what's a great day is Obama is still in office and is on the ropes. Just where we want him. :lol:


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for admitting the real reason for the existence and operations of the so-called Tea Party.


What else do you want to call them?

I also wonder why everything someone says that libs don't like they automatically label as Tea Party.

Wasn't the poster he was responding to actually wearing a Tea party avatar?

The dude was labeling himself.
The following have been cited as examples of judicial activism:

True. Why do Repubs just "make stuff up" and expect people to believe it?

As to the OP, Reid should be nominated for an award.
No judges or Justices had a thing to do with it getting passed.

Are you going to now argue that judges are members of Congress?

How come Obama never called it a tax? Only became a tax later? Lot harder to ram taxes down someones throat than fines,

Obama called it a fine.

SCOTUS said, "You're wrong - it's a tax".

What's the problem?

The Obama administration team argued in court that it was a tax. Why were they arguing it was a tax when Obama swore it wasn't? Obama knew it wouldn't have been made law if it were deemed a tax but he let his justice team argue that it was to try to win the court fight.

There's no way to explain Obama's dishonesty away. He's like the string theory of dishonesty. Takes 10 dimensions or more to try to sort out Obama's dishonesty.
Meh, what's a great day is Obama is still in office and is on the ropes. Just where we want him. :lol:


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for admitting the real reason for the existence and operations of the so-called Tea Party.


What else do you want to call them?

I also wonder why everything someone says that libs don't like they automatically label as Tea Party.

The Tea Party believes in cutting spending, accountability in government, and adherence to the constitution. They don't believe in economic terrorism or racism. The belongs to the OWS.

Thank you for your response. You have written to me what you think the Tea Party believes (although that is impossible to really do, since the Tea Party has no central organization, no hierarchy and no identical sets of rules or identical statements of principles), but what you have not listed is what the Tea Party has actually done, namely, to launch one racist/bigoted/homophobic rocket after another at the President, at Latinos ro gays, just to name some groups. The Tea Party has advocated for fiscal responsibility, but even the Tea Party itself has not lived up to its promises.

Also, I strongly disagree with you about the statement about economic terrorism. The government shutdown (which cost 24 billion USD) and the brinksmanship up till 23:59 on the day before default tells me very much that the Tea Party engages in economic terrorism!
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A great day in America?

Now, if only the Tea Party Caucus could all get arrested for rape and drug dealing, that would be epic.

Meh, what's a great day is Obama is still in office and is on the ropes. Just where we want him. :lol:


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for admitting the real reason for the existence and operations of the so-called Tea Party.

And what's that exactly?

[ame=]Reid on Filibuster in 2008 - YouTube[/ame]


FLASHBACK: Reid in 2008: ‘As Long As I Am The Leader’ We Will Not Have a Nuclear Option

Reid called it 'a black chapter in the history of the Senate'

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 21, 2013 2:54 pm

Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.) said in a 2008 interview that as long as he was the Senate Majority Leader, the nuclear option would never happen under his watch.

“As long as I am the Leader, the answer’s no,” he said. “I think we should just forget that. That is a black chapter in the history of the Senate. I hope we never, ever get to that again because I really do believe it will ruin our country.

Reid railed against Republicans who fought for the measure, saying it would lead to a unicameral legislature and that the U.S. Senate was purposefully set up by the Founding Fathers to have different rules than the House of Representatives. Such a measure like the nuclear option, he said, would “change our country forever.”

Yet on Thursday, on a nearly party-line vote of 52-48, Democrats abruptly changed the Senate’s balance of power by reducing from 60 to 51 the number of votes needed to end procedural roadblocks known as filibusters against all presidential nominees. As the minority party, the Republicans have been effectively stripped of their ability to block President Barack Obama’s judicial and executive branch nominees.

Full exchange:

ALL of it here
FLASHBACK: Reid in 2008: 'As Long as I am The Leader' We Will Not have a Nuclear Option | Washington Free Beacon
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Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for admitting the real reason for the existence and operations of the so-called Tea Party.


What else do you want to call them?

I also wonder why everything someone says that libs don't like they automatically label as Tea Party.

Wasn't the poster he was responding to actually wearing a Tea party avatar?

The dude was labeling himself.

Yes, I do wear the avatar. If you like, I can bring it back.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for admitting the real reason for the existence and operations of the so-called Tea Party.


What else do you want to call them?

I also wonder why everything someone says that libs don't like they automatically label as Tea Party.

The Tea Party believes in cutting spending, accountability in government, and adherence to the constitution. They don't believe in economic terrorism or racism. The belongs to the OWS.

Thank you for your response. You have written to me what you think the Tea Party believes (although that is impossible to really do, since the Tea Party has no central organization, no hierarchy and no identical sets of rules or identical statements of principles), but what you have not listed is what the Tea Party has actually done, namely, to launch one racist/bigoted/homophobic rocket after another at the President, at Latinos ro gays, just to name some groups. The Tea Party has advocated for fiscal responsibility, but even the Tea Party itself has not lived up to its promises.

Also, I strongly disagree with you about the statement about economic terrorism. The government shutdown (which cost 24 billion USD) and the brinksmanship up till 23:59 on the day before default tells me very much that the Tea Party engages in economic terrorism!

Good post. Yep, Ted Cruz cost our great nation $24 BILLION in lost GDP just so he could send out fundraising emails. He has no political future beyond his current status due to that.

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