Reid: Not enough uneducated, white men for Trump in Nevada

Reid and the Democratic party once again disclose their disdain for those that work for a living and don't support their political philosophy. What else is new? The sad part is that their support base has failed to recognize the fact and continue to accept being treated as garbage.
Democrats are proud of themselves when they denigrate and ridicule the storekeepers, bus drivers, truck drivers. Factory workers, police, firefighters and the rest of the non college educated workers. Democrats despise the plumbers, carpenters, construction workers, exterminators, landscapers, and everyone else unless of course the workers has already been displaced by a non white.

Why do they still expect to get the vote of these workers?

They assume workers will always vote democrat. Don't see too many working class types at hillary rallies. Come to think of it, don't see too many hillary rallies, and the ones she has, just a handful of people show up.
straight talk
Sen. Harry Reid says Donald Trump can’t win in Nevada because there aren’t enough “uneducated white men” for him to carry the western battleground state.
The Senate Democratic leader who is retiring at the end of this year told reporters in Reno Tuesday that Nevada’s demographics have changed over the years so Trump can’t count on support from so-called Reagan Democrats who may have crossed party lines in the past.

Reid: Not enough uneducated, white men for Trump in Nevada

That must mean there are enough uneducated blacks and Latinos in Nevada for Dems to win.

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