Reince Preibus has lost his fucking mind

I predict the lifespan of liberals will drop the next 8 years

The closer you get to Planned Parenthood clinics the shorter that life expectancy becomes.

Without liberals, Republicans would starve and live in caves without fire.


You less than beta males cowered in the caves because of the thunder. You only exist because real men faced the heat and tamed it. We kept you around to taste new berries so we wouldn't get the shits. You were fertilizer then, and you still are to this day.

Social media erupts over GOP statement about 'new King'

“Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind," RNC chairman Reince Priebus and co-chair Sharon Day said in the statement.
"Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King. We hope Americans celebrating Christmas today will enjoy a day of festivities and a renewed closeness with family and friends."


Did you get that?

this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King

Get it? A "NEW" King?

Sickening, just sickening.
No rdean
Trump is like a Trumpeter at the end.

What Jesus represents is Equal Justice coming to earth to establish Peace for all humanity.

So Trump and both his supporters and critics are all calling for true Justice.

He just tweets and trumpets louder than most folks. But all people I know who care one way or another are calling on Justice. Which is the secular name for Jesus as "Lord of lords" or "Law over all people" to be established in the spirit of Truth Justice and Peace universally for all humanity.

When we agree to receive Justice, United as one, then we shall see this established. That's the real spirit of Justice that every eye shall see, ear shall hear, tongue shall confess, heart and mind shall receive. That's the real meaning and message of Christ Jesus: Restorative Justice that heals all relationships, rights all wrongs, and saves humanity.

Trump calls for justice as does everyone on all sides. When we hear and receive each other, Jesus as Justice will come and be received by all.

The key to the Kingdom or world peace, rdean, is for all humanity to submit as one to the ONE LAW that governs all humanity as ONE. If you can imagine uniting with Trump and submitting to one authority of law as our central source, that's what you're asking Trump to do. Pretty humbling thought, to imagine all of us putting the central source of law and order for all humanity first, before our selfish perceptions of right and wrong by our own standards. Only the ONE universal truth can humble and unite all humanity where we come together as ONE.

That is what it means to have faith in Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice to have this affect to compel all humanity. Very humbling indeed!
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We call this a direct quote:

this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King

Definition of NEW

Examples of new in a sentence

They visited the new library.
    1. I saw their new baby for the first time.

    2. They planted new trees on the campus.

  1. a new kind of music

  2. She couldn't afford a new car, so she bought a used one.

  3. He bought the car new.

  4. She is eager to see his new apartment.

  5. This is my new stepsister.

  6. the young man and his new wife
Like the NEW testament and Rev 4
Where in Christ all things are made NEW
Yeah what does any liberal know about Jesus, God, or the King? They are Very close to Planned Parenthood, and are therefore NOT Christians at all. If they think they are they need to find another preacher who will tell them the truth. The statement was made in reference to a song. You need to leave God alone and leave his son out of your attempts to discredit someone that is so superior to you and your chosen one, It is like David (Trump) and Goliath (You, all like you and the liberal lying scum dimocrats you worship as GODS).
Social media erupts over GOP statement about 'new King'

“Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind," RNC chairman Reince Priebus and co-chair Sharon Day said in the statement.
"Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King. We hope Americans celebrating Christmas today will enjoy a day of festivities and a renewed closeness with family and friends."


Did you get that?

this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King

Get it? A "NEW" King?

Sickening, just sickening.
No rdean
Trump is like a Trumpeter at the end.

What Jesus represents is Equal Justice coming to earth to establish Peace for all humanity.

So Trump and both his supporters and critics are all calling for true Justice.

He just tweets and trumpets louder than most folks. But all people I know who care one way or another are calling on Justice. Which is the secular name for Jesus as "Lord of lords" or "Law over all people" to be established in the spirit of Truth Justice and Peace universally for all humanity.

When we agree to receive Justice, United as one, then we shall see this established. That's the real spirit of Justice that every eye shall see, ear shall hear, tongue shall confess, heart and mind shall receive. That's the real meaning and message of Christ Jesus: Restorative Justice that heals all relationships, rights all wrongs, and saves humanity.

Trump calls for justice as does everyone on all sides. When we hear and receive each other, Jesus as Justice will come and be received by all.

The key to the Kingdom or world peace, rdean, is for all humanity to submit as one to the ONE LAW that governs all humanity as ONE. If you can imagine uniting with Trump and submitting to one authority of law as our central source, that's what you're asking Trump to do. Pretty humbling thought, to imagine all of us putting the central source of law and order for all humanity first, before our selfish perceptions of right and wrong by our own standards. Only the ONE universal truth can humble and unite all humanity where we come together as ONE.

That is what it means to have faith in Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice to have this affect to compel all humanity. Very humbling indeed!
Funny, when I think of Jesus, I think of healing the sick, helping the poor and salvation.

You think of ONE LAW for all humanity and "Justice" (or what will happen to you if you don't follow that law what ever it is).
The wise men celebrated Jesus, just as this year we celebrate Jesus.
He's the old king, 2000 years old. Who is the new king?
Dear cnm to receive the NEW spirit in the NEW testament, Jesus explained we need to prepare NEW wineskins . Pouring the new wine into the old framework causes it to burst.

Trump is trumpeting the call to stop the old ways of listening to the wrong messages in the media that has been lobbying and lying. Now the media is filled with cries on left and right.

False government abuse and oppression is the spirit of Antichrist.

False speech and hate speech that divides by fear unforgiveness and ill will is the meaning of the False prophet.

So both these negative forces will rise at the end. And only be put in check by their Opposites: the Holy Spirit where words of comfort and wisdom bring unity peace and understanding instead of fear hate and war. And the spirit of Christ or true laws and self govt by Conscience that unites and liberates people by agreement in Truth and Justice. With Justice comes peace, which Is the meaning of the Holy Spirit coming with the return of Jesus.

We are in this process now.

We either choose the path of more fear injustice ill will division hate speech and war,
The New path of Restorative Justice that brings correction unity and collaboration to all tribes and nations made ONE NEW and WHOLE.

Which message are we going to hear and repeat? We are defined and judged by the words we use either to enlighten and uplift one another, or to defeat and beat each other down. It's our choice.

Do we choose retribution that kills relations and brings more death and destruction in an endless cycle?

Do we choose the NEW path of Restorative Justice?

It's life or death. Do we want to live together in peace and correct problems we share responsibility for? Or continue to waste resources fighting in endless war?
Social media erupts over GOP statement about 'new King'

“Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind," RNC chairman Reince Priebus and co-chair Sharon Day said in the statement.
"Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King. We hope Americans celebrating Christmas today will enjoy a day of festivities and a renewed closeness with family and friends."


Did you get that?

this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King

Get it? A "NEW" King?

Sickening, just sickening.
No rdean
Trump is like a Trumpeter at the end.

What Jesus represents is Equal Justice coming to earth to establish Peace for all humanity.

So Trump and both his supporters and critics are all calling for true Justice.

He just tweets and trumpets louder than most folks. But all people I know who care one way or another are calling on Justice. Which is the secular name for Jesus as "Lord of lords" or "Law over all people" to be established in the spirit of Truth Justice and Peace universally for all humanity.

When we agree to receive Justice, United as one, then we shall see this established. That's the real spirit of Justice that every eye shall see, ear shall hear, tongue shall confess, heart and mind shall receive. That's the real meaning and message of Christ Jesus: Restorative Justice that heals all relationships, rights all wrongs, and saves humanity.

Trump calls for justice as does everyone on all sides. When we hear and receive each other, Jesus as Justice will come and be received by all.

The key to the Kingdom or world peace, rdean, is for all humanity to submit as one to the ONE LAW that governs all humanity as ONE. If you can imagine uniting with Trump and submitting to one authority of law as our central source, that's what you're asking Trump to do. Pretty humbling thought, to imagine all of us putting the central source of law and order for all humanity first, before our selfish perceptions of right and wrong by our own standards. Only the ONE universal truth can humble and unite all humanity where we come together as ONE.

That is what it means to have faith in Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice to have this affect to compel all humanity. Very humbling indeed!
Funny, when I think of Jesus, I think of healing the sick, helping the poor and salvation.

You think of ONE LAW for all humanity and "Justice" (or what will happen to you if you don't follow that law what ever it is).
Yes rdean the spirit of charity for All is part of that one law. What we do for others comes around and goes around.

The challenge is: do you see the oppressors and wrongdoers as among the poor in spirit who need help to break free from the patterns of oppression

When we treat all souls with compassion and charity, as we reach out to the poor, then we can change this paradigm and break the cycle of abuse and oppression otherwise keeping people stuck in either staying poor or evil and sick in that way.

How can we help the sick?
How can the laws of healing be shared to include the sickest oppressors too?
Social media erupts over GOP statement about 'new King'

“Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind," RNC chairman Reince Priebus and co-chair Sharon Day said in the statement.
"Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King. We hope Americans celebrating Christmas today will enjoy a day of festivities and a renewed closeness with family and friends."


Did you get that?

this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King

Get it? A "NEW" King?

Sickening, just sickening.
No rdean
Trump is like a Trumpeter at the end.

What Jesus represents is Equal Justice coming to earth to establish Peace for all humanity.

So Trump and both his supporters and critics are all calling for true Justice.

He just tweets and trumpets louder than most folks. But all people I know who care one way or another are calling on Justice. Which is the secular name for Jesus as "Lord of lords" or "Law over all people" to be established in the spirit of Truth Justice and Peace universally for all humanity.

When we agree to receive Justice, United as one, then we shall see this established. That's the real spirit of Justice that every eye shall see, ear shall hear, tongue shall confess, heart and mind shall receive. That's the real meaning and message of Christ Jesus: Restorative Justice that heals all relationships, rights all wrongs, and saves humanity.

Trump calls for justice as does everyone on all sides. When we hear and receive each other, Jesus as Justice will come and be received by all.

The key to the Kingdom or world peace, rdean, is for all humanity to submit as one to the ONE LAW that governs all humanity as ONE. If you can imagine uniting with Trump and submitting to one authority of law as our central source, that's what you're asking Trump to do. Pretty humbling thought, to imagine all of us putting the central source of law and order for all humanity first, before our selfish perceptions of right and wrong by our own standards. Only the ONE universal truth can humble and unite all humanity where we come together as ONE.

That is what it means to have faith in Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice to have this affect to compel all humanity. Very humbling indeed!
Funny, when I think of Jesus, I think of healing the sick, helping the poor and salvation.

You think of ONE LAW for all humanity and "Justice" (or what will happen to you if you don't follow that law what ever it is).
Yes rdean
Forgiveness and inclusion is part of that Natural Law of Charity that brings healing.

Without forgivness, if we only judge and reject, then we continue the broad path of destruction and war killing humanity.

To break this cycle means extending charity and healing to even the sickest and worst oppressors among us.

That is why believers in Christ Jesus, ie Restorative Justice are called in Matthew to pray for even the oppressors that the blessings of God may also uplift them.

This isn't to enable wrong but to overcome it. The first step is forgiving so we can take steps toward correction and healing to right the wrongs causing ills in society and in people.

The laws of justice include the charity and healing you know of as the meaning of Christianity. The challenge remains to forgive and include all people instead of judging and rejecting each other which weakens the fabric of society instead of pulling together.
Yup. Did thirty-odd years in the Assembly of God and am no longer of the faith because of what I've seen of Christians. You lot, for example.
That is a text book example of an external locus of control.
Social media erupts over GOP statement about 'new King'

“Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind," RNC chairman Reince Priebus and co-chair Sharon Day said in the statement.
"Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King. We hope Americans celebrating Christmas today will enjoy a day of festivities and a renewed closeness with family and friends."


Did you get that?

this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King

Get it? A "NEW" King?

Sickening, just sickening.
No rdean
Trump is like a Trumpeter at the end.

What Jesus represents is Equal Justice coming to earth to establish Peace for all humanity.

So Trump and both his supporters and critics are all calling for true Justice.

He just tweets and trumpets louder than most folks. But all people I know who care one way or another are calling on Justice. Which is the secular name for Jesus as "Lord of lords" or "Law over all people" to be established in the spirit of Truth Justice and Peace universally for all humanity.

When we agree to receive Justice, United as one, then we shall see this established. That's the real spirit of Justice that every eye shall see, ear shall hear, tongue shall confess, heart and mind shall receive. That's the real meaning and message of Christ Jesus: Restorative Justice that heals all relationships, rights all wrongs, and saves humanity.

Trump calls for justice as does everyone on all sides. When we hear and receive each other, Jesus as Justice will come and be received by all.

The key to the Kingdom or world peace, rdean, is for all humanity to submit as one to the ONE LAW that governs all humanity as ONE. If you can imagine uniting with Trump and submitting to one authority of law as our central source, that's what you're asking Trump to do. Pretty humbling thought, to imagine all of us putting the central source of law and order for all humanity first, before our selfish perceptions of right and wrong by our own standards. Only the ONE universal truth can humble and unite all humanity where we come together as ONE.

That is what it means to have faith in Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice to have this affect to compel all humanity. Very humbling indeed!
Funny, when I think of Jesus, I think of healing the sick, helping the poor and salvation.

You think of ONE LAW for all humanity and "Justice" (or what will happen to you if you don't follow that law what ever it is).
I think your msg comes very close
To summarizing Christianity as universal charity towards all rdean

What's missing is the misunderstanding in the last bit. The fear and unforgiveness affects everyone. It's not a divisive law but all inclusive. Both the theists and nontheists, believers or skeptics suffer the same consequences of dividing and rejecting if we harbor ill will and let fear and unforgiveness strain our relations and block the natural healing process.

Other than that I agree with what you are saying, and would just expand on it and apply that charity and healing to the cause of ALL ills, including evil and greed and other oppression.
Yup. Did thirty-odd years in the Assembly of God and am no longer of the faith because of what I've seen of Christians. You lot, for example.
Dear Witchit
None of us would be involved in changing govt, if we counted the majority of corrupt politicians mucking it up for everyone else. Or be involved in society trying to change it given the war, abuse and destruction going on as the norm.

Doctors would give up on medicine for the fraud malpractice and overwhelming needs that exceed ability to help.

Teachers would give up because of messes in schools.

Police would give up because of brutality and abuse of force.

If everyone did what you did and gave up, the world would never change.

Wherever you retreated to, how can you use that position and resources and relations around you to effect positive change and influence things in a better direction?

Does avoidance help?
What do you think will create more impact?
Yup. Did thirty-odd years in the Assembly of God and am no longer of the faith because of what I've seen of Christians. You lot, for example.
Dear Witchit
None of us would be involved in changing govt, if we counted the majority of corrupt politicians mucking it up for everyone else. Or be involved in society trying to change it given the war, abuse and destruction going on as the norm.

Doctors would give up on medicine for the fraud malpractice and overwhelming needs that exceed ability to help.

Teachers would give up because of messes in schools.

Police would give up because of brutality and abuse of force.

If everyone did what you did and gave up, the world would never change.

Wherever you retreated to, how can you use that position and resources and relations around you to effect positive change and influence things in a better direction?

Does avoidance help?
What do you think will create more impact?

I didn't "give up," I woke up. There is no god
No doubt, he's their messiah
Dear candycorn
So far Trump has called out the liberal media like Moses parting the seas. I consider that like a miracle from God, using Trump to do what seemed impossible that is now possible. To get people to admit openly there is such as media bias in favor of liberal lobbying, instead of denying it like the naked Emperor supposedly wearing new clothes!

Pfft...the free media they gave this boob was estimated to be worth over 100 million dollars. The only reason he is critical of them is because he knows it's exactly what resonates with his enablers.

Trump is an old man with a lot of conventional ideas and leanings and even a very strong vibe of liberalism. I'm not all that peeved that he won. We got one of Hillary's biggest supporters.

Moving forward, however, rodents on both sides of the aisle now have a very workable playbook. Because now, you do not need to have any sort of stick; just promise the masses stuff that you cannot possibly deliver, never hint at any sacrifice that will be expected, call up a couple of non popular groups to be the enemy du jour and boom; get elected. I saw where one of the Bush kids is now Railroad Commissioner or whatever in Texas. He's going to look at this playbook and say "cake"...

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