Reince Preibus has lost his fucking mind


As penance you should tape a plastic bag over your head for 1 hour and trap all the CO2 pollution your produce and do your part for climate change.

I can promise tomorrow the world would be a cooler place.

"Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King.

The wise men celebrated Jesus, just as this year we celebrate Jesus.

Just as we celebrate the departure of Obama, fucking twat.

Remember Trump's hilarious portrayal of the disabled? The first Jesus would laugh and laugh:
"Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King.

The wise men celebrated Jesus, just as this year we celebrate Jesus.

Just as we celebrate the departure of Obama, fucking twat.

Some mass suicides by liberals will still be welcome too.

The best leader the left ever had in modern times was Jim Jones.

We call this a direct quote:

this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King

Definition of NEW

Examples of new in a sentence

They visited the new library.
    1. I saw their new baby for the first time.

    2. They planted new trees on the campus.

  1. a new kind of music

  2. She couldn't afford a new car, so she bought a used one.

  3. He bought the car new.

  4. She is eager to see his new apartment.

  5. This is my new stepsister.

  6. the young man and his new wife
No doubt, he's their messiah
Dear candycorn
So far Trump has called out the liberal media like Moses parting the seas. I consider that like a miracle from God, using Trump to do what seemed impossible that is now possible. To get people to admit openly there is such as media bias in favor of liberal lobbying, instead of denying it like the naked Emperor supposedly wearing new clothes!

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