Reince Preibus has lost his fucking mind

Yup. Did thirty-odd years in the Assembly of God and am no longer of the faith because of what I've seen of Christians. You lot, for example.
Dear Witchit
None of us would be involved in changing govt, if we counted the majority of corrupt politicians mucking it up for everyone else. Or be involved in society trying to change it given the war, abuse and destruction going on as the norm.

Doctors would give up on medicine for the fraud malpractice and overwhelming needs that exceed ability to help.

Teachers would give up because of messes in schools.

Police would give up because of brutality and abuse of force.

If everyone did what you did and gave up, the world would never change.

Wherever you retreated to, how can you use that position and resources and relations around you to effect positive change and influence things in a better direction?

Does avoidance help?
What do you think will create more impact?

I didn't "give up," I woke up. There is no god
Dear Witchit if you mean you came to realization that you are secular nontheist, that still does not conflict with or negate there are universal laws of nature and forces of life that affect all humanity and the world we live in. You do not have to see Life in terms of a personified God. Lots of people study the laws of science as secular, while others may personify these forces as Mother Nature and it doesn't change the fact the universe works in certain ways under an interconnected system that had existed before humans became self aware. You may call it something neutral or secular, but the laws of the universe are still what they are whether we call or credit them to a source of Life or God or the Universe or Creation. That's what faith in God means, to have faith there is a universal system of laws plans and or purpose in life, that these forces are benevolent in that they favor Life and survival/growth not death and destruction, because the influence of good outweighs the evil that exists so we humans learn the difference by free will reason and conscience. Even if you question these things, that is part of faith in the conscience to seek truth and justice. So this drives everyone whether Jew or Gentile, theist believer or secular nontheist. Universal laws operate the same regardless what language we use to express these relationships between us as individuals with free will and the collective level of society humanity or the universe.

Do you believe in natural laws of reason, learning by cause and effect, or laws of justice governing all humanity?

Do you believe in the Golden Rule of reciprocity or laws of Attraction that govern human relations and growth toward spiritual and social maturity?

How would you describe your beliefs about Life, and why would you say these aren't compatible with the true ideals that Christianity is supposed to teach? Thanks Witchit

I believe that when we all follow the right path for each of us consistently in life, then all these are compatible in harmony spiritually like an orchestra made of diverse parts and sections that balance and blend perfectly. It's when we aren't playing our part in tune or in time but are off key or off balance, then we clash with each other. We are supposed to be different by design, but the Symphony still works if we align our parts according to the score that includes everyone in it. So we are supposed to be of different tribes or sections that serve unique purpose. That's part of the Symphony in life.

What do you see working or not working? How would you describe what is going wrong with different tribes that aren't harmonizing?
Christ is referred to as the "new King". Priebus is only talking about the celebration of the birth of Jesus. New hope.

Why would Jesus be a 'new' hope? He was born 2000 years ago.

when you want to be a propagandist

you have to know the people you are propagandizing too

clearly you dont

one more example of why libtards failed

Merry Christmas

Christ is referred to as the "new King". Priebus is only talking about the celebration of the birth of Jesus. New hope.

Why would Jesus be a 'new' hope? He was born 2000 years ago.

when you want to be a propagandist

you have to know the people you are propagandizing too

clearly you dont

one more example of why libtards failed

Merry Christmas


one less future libtard
It was God's will that Hillary lost, you libs are free to take this matter up with God.
Yes! God did say He would allow the antichrist to arise in power, when the time was right to fulfill scripture! :rolleyes:

Yes! God did say He would allow the antichrist to arise in power, when the time was right to fulfill scripture
Fortunately, we were able to keep him from doing to much damage, and we were lucky in preventing his sister from replacing him in office.
I didn't "give up," I woke up. There is no god
No you didn't. You swapped one belief for another. You cannot know there is no god unless you have supernatural powers.
Good point Iceweasel
Ironically perhaps the only people who get are those who gain their faith back after losing it.
Another difference between the two?

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