Release the Hostages

You've proven nothing. What you have tried is the standard right wing tactic.

You know I am right. I know I am right.

You stated Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall up front...

You can't back it up therefore you are full of SHIT.....

I said that and so did Trump.

Prove it liar.....

I don't need to prove what you have heard yourself.

You are an ignorant liar...

Case closed...

You don't get to close cases.
Trump is the president.

That's what you wanted.

Now because he's a failure you don't get to divert from that fact by attacking former President Obama.

You are not that bright...

You should give up now.....

You make me laugh son.

Dumb asses like you are a drag on America.

You are the dumb ass. That's why we have this idiot as a president.

Trying to get off the Subject are we...

You should have taken my advice...

You are looking dumber and dumber..

No, that's what you are doing.
You stated Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall up front...

You can't back it up therefore you are full of SHIT.....

I said that and so did Trump.

Prove it liar.....

I don't need to prove what you have heard yourself.

You are an ignorant liar...

Case closed...

You don't get to close cases.

Do you understand by keeping this going

you are bringing more attention to your ignorance?
Asian kids that come by way of Australia

That's a really long swim.
They're trafficked from Australia to south america, then they bring them across the border to American buyers.

Why would Australians ship Asians to America? That's too man 'A's. Sounds like a Dr Seuss story.

Australia's immigration policies are pretty strict. Many of the Asians trying to get into Australia are "undesirables" in their own countries and Australia is no doubt trying to dump them on us.
I am beginning to believe that if/when the progressives take back power, self survival personal kits should be sold. It would include a portable phone, a small video camera and a handgun with holster to carry when in public.

Who doesn't carry those already? :laugh:

But you left out spare magazines, a good folding knife, and a small tactical flashlight of at least 300 lumens.. Those are things every prepared man or woman should have.


Border Patrol

Secret Service

Coast Guard



Food Inspectors

Park Rangers

Park Maintenance

AIr Marshals
What does it matter to democrats if most of those agencies aren't functioning? Dems have made clear that security isn't their concern. Last I checked most of your list pertains to national security. Forgive us for letting past Democrat actions convince us that security is a joke to your party. Yours is the party that tells us that we should ignore the law and allow anyone access to the country that decides they want to move here.
All that whiny nonsense , when you could have just said that YOU'RE the one who doesn't care about any of that.
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.

I fail to understand why you believe that's a good argument.
Why don't you fucking Trumpanzees hold Trump accountable for his promises?
Why do you let him slide.
You would never have put up with this much from Obama.
You went nuts when he said "You can keep your doctor".

Fucking hypocrites.
How about this promise: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
How about this promise: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
Yep, 100% wrong. But, on the flip side...without insurance, no doctor.
it was a lie, douchebag. If you're so concerned about politicians keeping promises, then why don't you whine about all the promises Obama made?
I did. I have plenty of criticism of Obama. But I don't hop into every Obama discussion amd whine about Trump, either. That's your tactic, not mine.
Never mind. That douchebag was just trying to distract and derail
If the left truly wants this 25% of the government opended then tell the Democratic leadership to put their anger over the 2016 election and hatred of Trump behind them and do what is right for the nation instead of what makes them feel good. Trump put foreward a reasonable offer yesterday both sides would get something they want but neither would get everything they want that is how compromise works and the left rejected it before the speech was even finished. I suspect if any other President Republican or Democrat made that same offer it would have at least been given serious consideration right now all we are getting is lip service from those who want to continue to do what they have been doing since the 80s when it comes to border security and immigration reform ignore the problem and kick it down the road. These issues started getting attention under Reagan in the 80s and since then we have gone through Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barak Obama, and now Donald Trump and still no solution. If President Trump were to sign a bill that would reopen the government on the promise border security and immigration reform would be delt with later later would never come just like iot has not come for nearly fourty years now.

He offered nothing. The Supreme Court already order everything he offered. I suggest he come up with a real bargaining chip instead of convincing you that he's trying to make some kind of deal. He doesn't have to convince you of a thing. You'll buy anything he says so why does he continue to do this.

Meanwhile, his 5.3 billion has grown to 5.7 billion. Doesn't sound like he's willing to come up with a two sided deal.

Trump has done nothing BUT compromise.

Now, its up to Chuck and Nancy to come to the WH and bend a knee, deliver the votes and get this wall erected.

Compromise is where one side goes down with their offer that is high and the other goes up that is low. Each one seeking middle ground. That ship has sailed. Now, the House is going with what has already been decided on by the 2006 Border Security Law that gives 1.3 billion per year. They went 1.6 and 3 billion and Trump didn't budge. Then he raised it from 5.3 to 5.7 and now the House sees that Trump will not work with them at all so they go back to what the law says they should be at. If Trump were to accept the 3 billion and DACA I believe that the House would accept it. But that would mean he would be showing weakness in his eyes and the eyes of his crackpot supporters. He's in it all or nothing. There is no room for negotiation on his part. Not to worry, the Courts are now involved since there seems to something about Work Labor Laws involved requiring Workers to work without pay. And Trump threatening the States that have offered Federal Workers State Workers Unemployment Benefits. 3 states that I know of have already authorized Federal Workers the ability to file for Unemployment Funds. Trump made the unwise statement that he doesn't care about the federal workers because they are probably Democrats anyway. Well, he got that wrong. After this, all of them will probably vote democrat if he is the Republican Candidate.
How about this promise: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
Yep, 100% wrong. But, on the flip side...without insurance, no doctor.
it was a lie, douchebag. If you're so concerned about politicians keeping promises, then why don't you whine about all the promises Obama made?
I did. I have plenty of criticism of Obama. But I don't hop into every Obama discussion amd whine about Trump, either. That's your tactic, not mine.
Yeah, sure you did. That's what everyone who defended Obama to the hilt says.
How about this promise: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
Yep, 100% wrong. But, on the flip side...without insurance, no doctor.
it was a lie, douchebag. If you're so concerned about politicians keeping promises, then why don't you whine about all the promises Obama made?
I did. I have plenty of criticism of Obama. But I don't hop into every Obama discussion amd whine about Trump, either. That's your tactic, not mine.
Yeah, sure you did. That's what everyone who defended Obama to the hilt says.
Then you don't really need a message board to masturbate. You only need a mirror. Go on, go jerk off to your can out words in their mouths all day, and hone your pitiful skills against easier opponents.

But, if you want to discuss with real humans will their own thoughts, look me up.
How about this promise: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
Yep, 100% wrong. But, on the flip side...without insurance, no doctor.
it was a lie, douchebag. If you're so concerned about politicians keeping promises, then why don't you whine about all the promises Obama made?
I did. I have plenty of criticism of Obama. But I don't hop into every Obama discussion amd whine about Trump, either. That's your tactic, not mine.
Yeah, sure you did. That's what everyone who defended Obama to the hilt says.
Then you don't really need a message board to masturbate. You only need a mirror. Go on, go jerk off to your can out words in their mouths all day, and hone your pitiful skills against easier opponents.

But, if you want to discuss with real humans will their own thoughts, look me up.
Sorry, turd, but you have to be insane if you believe I'm going to take your word on anything. Would you take mine?

And, BTW, go fuck yourself.
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.


Don’t worry, you will still get food stamps and EIC.
Yep, 100% wrong. But, on the flip side...without insurance, no doctor.
it was a lie, douchebag. If you're so concerned about politicians keeping promises, then why don't you whine about all the promises Obama made?
I did. I have plenty of criticism of Obama. But I don't hop into every Obama discussion amd whine about Trump, either. That's your tactic, not mine.
Yeah, sure you did. That's what everyone who defended Obama to the hilt says.
Then you don't really need a message board to masturbate. You only need a mirror. Go on, go jerk off to your can out words in their mouths all day, and hone your pitiful skills against easier opponents.

But, if you want to discuss with real humans will their own thoughts, look me up.
Sorry, turd, but you have to be insane if you believe I'm going to take your word on anything. Would you take mine?

And, BTW, go fuck yourself.
Oh, I know. You will just invent low hanging fruit for yourself to argue against, because you are an angry little lazy twat. We all know this.

But anyhoo...back to the topic:

"Trump cultists turning every thread into an Obama thread"

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