Release the Hostages

If the left truly wants this 25% of the government opended then tell the Democratic leadership to put their anger over the 2016 election and hatred of Trump behind them and do what is right for the nation instead of what makes them feel good. Trump put foreward a reasonable offer yesterday both sides would get something they want but neither would get everything they want that is how compromise works and the left rejected it before the speech was even finished. I suspect if any other President Republican or Democrat made that same offer it would have at least been given serious consideration right now all we are getting is lip service from those who want to continue to do what they have been doing since the 80s when it comes to border security and immigration reform ignore the problem and kick it down the road. These issues started getting attention under Reagan in the 80s and since then we have gone through Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barak Obama, and now Donald Trump and still no solution. If President Trump were to sign a bill that would reopen the government on the promise border security and immigration reform would be delt with later later would never come just like iot has not come for nearly fourty years now.

He offered nothing. The Supreme Court already order everything he offered. I suggest he come up with a real bargaining chip instead of convincing you that he's trying to make some kind of deal. He doesn't have to convince you of a thing. You'll buy anything he says so why does he continue to do this.

Meanwhile, his 5.3 billion has grown to 5.7 billion. Doesn't sound like he's willing to come up with a two sided deal.
The Supreme Court has nothing to do with budget issues learn how the three branches of government work or shutup.
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.


WTF, aren't you a foreigner? STFU.
Read that nonsense and then realize that it's Trumper scum trying to rationalize screwing with the very agencies that THEY claim they support
--------------------------------- i'm only interested in the US Military and the Border Patrol working . Just a comment Lesh .
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.

Execute the Goddamn hostages and shit in the mouths of their motherfucking corpses!!!!

Fuck Government!!!!

If the left truly wants this 25% of the government opended then tell the Democratic leadership to put their anger over the 2016 election and hatred of Trump behind them and do what is right for the nation instead of what makes them feel good. Trump put foreward a reasonable offer yesterday both sides would get something they want but neither would get everything they want that is how compromise works and the left rejected it before the speech was even finished. I suspect if any other President Republican or Democrat made that same offer it would have at least been given serious consideration right now all we are getting is lip service from those who want to continue to do what they have been doing since the 80s when it comes to border security and immigration reform ignore the problem and kick it down the road. These issues started getting attention under Reagan in the 80s and since then we have gone through Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barak Obama, and now Donald Trump and still no solution. If President Trump were to sign a bill that would reopen the government on the promise border security and immigration reform would be delt with later later would never come just like iot has not come for nearly fourty years now.

He offered nothing. The Supreme Court already order everything he offered. I suggest he come up with a real bargaining chip instead of convincing you that he's trying to make some kind of deal. He doesn't have to convince you of a thing. You'll buy anything he says so why does he continue to do this.

Meanwhile, his 5.3 billion has grown to 5.7 billion. Doesn't sound like he's willing to come up with a two sided deal.

Doesn't sound like he's willing to come up with a two sided deal.

Neither is Pelosi
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.


No. Give us $5.8 billion dollars in small unmarked bills first, or you'll never see your precious government alive again.

The kidnappers demand their ransom or they'll shoot the hostages...and anyone else near by


This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.


The bills passed by the House do not provide for the nation's Border Security. As such, they are a non-starter.

Our President has made that crystal clear.

They do provide for border security. A wall is not border security and that's what Trump means when he uses the term.
Lets try negotiation first.

One side is trying to give a little..

the other is saying it's a non-starter before the terms of compromise are even brought up.

Which is in the wrong?

What is Trump giving?

Everything he proposed to give are things he ended.
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.


No. Give us $5.8 billion dollars in small unmarked bills first, or you'll never see your precious government alive again.


Get the money from Mexico where DONALD said it would come from, you fucking traitor.

Hey Dick brain....

They will pay for in the long run you flucking Nazi....
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.


No. Give us $5.8 billion dollars in small unmarked bills first, or you'll never see your precious government alive again.


Get the money from Mexico where DONALD said it would come from, you fucking traitor.

Hey Dick brain....

They will pay for in the long run you flucking Nazi....

No they won't and they were supposed to pay for it up front.
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.

Getting desperate I see. Soon as the House passes a bill with 5.7 billion dollars for a border wall it reopens...its truly that simple!

Then you back a liar, don't you?
You openly forgive Trump for lying.
It's truly that simple.

Hey Dumb Ass...

If you like your doctor you can keep him....
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.

Getting desperate I see. Soon as the House passes a bill with 5.7 billion dollars for a border wall it reopens...its truly that simple!

Then you back a liar, don't you?
You openly forgive Trump for lying.
It's truly that simple.

Hey Dumb Ass...

If you like your doctor you can keep him....

And what do you say about the 7500 plus lies spoken by Trump?
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.


No. Give us $5.8 billion dollars in small unmarked bills first, or you'll never see your precious government alive again.


Get the money from Mexico where DONALD said it would come from, you fucking traitor.

Hey Dick brain....

They will pay for in the long run you flucking Nazi....

No they won't and they were supposed to pay for it up front.

You are a lying fool just like your media...…

Show me where he said they would pay for it up front...…..
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.

Getting desperate I see. Soon as the House passes a bill with 5.7 billion dollars for a border wall it reopens...its truly that simple!

Then you back a liar, don't you?
You openly forgive Trump for lying.
It's truly that simple.

Hey Dumb Ass...

If you like your doctor you can keep him....

And what do you say about the 7500 plus lies spoken by Trump?

Name one bigger than obozo's…

You can't you because you are full of shit.
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.


No. Give us $5.8 billion dollars in small unmarked bills first, or you'll never see your precious government alive again.


Get the money from Mexico where DONALD said it would come from, you fucking traitor.

Hey Dick brain....

They will pay for in the long run you flucking Nazi....

No they won't and they were supposed to pay for it up front.

You are a lying fool just like your media...…

Show me where he said they would pay for it up front...…..

Not only that, he said Mexico would pay for the wall and like it.
This idiocy has gone on FAR too long.

There are bills PASSED in the Dem House that would open the government

Turtle McConnell is sitting on his hands waiting for Trump (or Ann Coulter) to tell him what to do.

Getting desperate I see. Soon as the House passes a bill with 5.7 billion dollars for a border wall it reopens...its truly that simple!

Then you back a liar, don't you?
You openly forgive Trump for lying.
It's truly that simple.

Hey Dumb Ass...

If you like your doctor you can keep him....

And what do you say about the 7500 plus lies spoken by Trump?

Name one bigger than obozo's…

You can't you because you are full of shit.

7500 plus lies and counting, All of them bigger than the comment you nutcases keep trying to bring up.
No. Give us $5.8 billion dollars in small unmarked bills first, or you'll never see your precious government alive again.


Get the money from Mexico where DONALD said it would come from, you fucking traitor.

Hey Dick brain....

They will pay for in the long run you flucking Nazi....

No they won't and they were supposed to pay for it up front.

You are a lying fool just like your media...…

Show me where he said they would pay for it up front...…..

Not only that, he said Mexico would pay for the wall and like it.

Hey liar...

I just proved you are full of SHIT...
Get the money from Mexico where DONALD said it would come from, you fucking traitor.

Hey Dick brain....

They will pay for in the long run you flucking Nazi....

No they won't and they were supposed to pay for it up front.

You are a lying fool just like your media...…

Show me where he said they would pay for it up front...…..

Not only that, he said Mexico would pay for the wall and like it.

Hey liar...

I just proved you are full of SHIT...

You have not proven jack squat.
Getting desperate I see. Soon as the House passes a bill with 5.7 billion dollars for a border wall it reopens...its truly that simple!

Then you back a liar, don't you?
You openly forgive Trump for lying.
It's truly that simple.

Hey Dumb Ass...

If you like your doctor you can keep him....

And what do you say about the 7500 plus lies spoken by Trump?

Name one bigger than obozo's…

You can't you because you are full of shit.

7500 plus lies and counting, All of them bigger than the comment you nutcases keep trying to bring up.

Obozo was a racist community organizer that

never had a real job…

Everything about him and his dumb ass supporters is a lie…

Lies are all you Tards have.

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