RELEASED: Schiff Democratic rebuttal memo released after FBI redactions

A year of 24-7 illegal surveillance on The President & his family couldn’t prove Collusion, so Shitty Schiff or Murdering Mueller aren’t Going to do shit either!
So one party says one thing and the other party says the other.

And each side is treating what their guy says as gospel.

Well. I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I say.

Come on, seriously: Is this all a joke?
God, do you ever stop bragging about not being an extreme when you actually are?
I am?

Specifics, please, not platitudes.
Sheesh, you are the most extreme person here.
Again: Specifics please, not platitudes.

My stands on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Now, back up your words.
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):


Would you be so kind to remind the class who it was that stated in the Congressional hearing that without the dossier there would not be any reason to spy on Page?

Now we get to find out from Nunes' request for information who lied and who's going to lie.

And guess what, now Page can force this information out in his lawsuit against the government.
Breaking News Update!

The Facts!

Heres what we know.

1) The Dem memo never addressed the Grassley-Graham memo. Only the Nunes-Gowdy memo.

2) The FISA courts knew the dossier was politically motivated and was written to discredit Trump. They issued a warrant anyways.

3) The Russians have Hillary Clinton's classified emails which is disturbing because that means that the Russians have "Kompromat" on Hillary. It also shows that Hillarys negligence caused the Russians to get classified information that they never should have had.

4) The Dem memo never addressed the fact that the dossier was leaked and was then used to get the warrant. They do admit that they used not only one news article as "evidence", they used 2 leftwing news articles as evidence. Pathetic

5) The memo says nothing about Trump collusion with Russians. Just that Page gave a speech to Russians and the FBI didn't like that.

6)The Minority’s memo fails to even address the fact that the Deputy FBI Director told the Committee that had it not been for the dossier, no surveillance order would have been sought.

7) 10 pages long to rebutt a 4 page memo.

8) Trump was right again.
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):


Like I stated,

Page just came out stating that the FISA warrants now must be released. You can't put this Democrat shit out there without opening up and making available to Page the full warrant applications for his lawsuit.

Judicial Watch and all the others request will eventually force this out.

Now where is the class request for the name of the stooge who stated in the Congressional hearing that there would be no investigation without Hillaryous' dossier.
Breaking Update!

Ah, confirming what I already laid out.


The White House released an immediate counter-rebuttal.

“This politically driven document fails to answer serious concerns,” said White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. “The Minority’s memo fails to even address the fact that the Deputy FBI Director told the Committee that had it not been for the dossier, no surveillance order would have been sought.”
I am thinking his name was


Oh wait.


Do I get a star?

(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):


Like I stated,

Page just came out stating that the FISA warrants now must be released. You can't put this Democrat shit out there without opening up and making available to Page the full warrant applications for his lawsuit.

Judicial Watch and all the others request will eventually force this out.

Now where is the class request for the name of the stooge who stated in the Congressional hearing that there would be no investigation without Hillaryous' dossier.
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Just as useless and meaningless of the GOP memo. Both are bullshit and neither can be trusted by anyone but the party zealots.
Breaking Update!

Ah, confirming what I already laid out.


The White House released an immediate counter-rebuttal.

“This politically driven document fails to answer serious concerns,” said White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. “The Minority’s memo fails to even address the fact that the Deputy FBI Director told the Committee that had it not been for the dossier, no surveillance order would have been sought.”

The reason the Minority Memo fails to address the issue that the Deputy Director said that there would not have been a surveillance order without the Dossier, is because he never said it. He said the opposite.
Breaking News Update!

The Trumpenfuhrer Responds!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) on Twitter

Donald J. Trump
The Democrat memo response on government surveillance abuses is a total political and legal BUST. Just confirms all of the terrible things that were done. SO ILLEGAL!
5:16 PM · Feb 24, 2018

Donald J. Trump
Dem Memo: FBI did not disclose who the clients were - the Clinton Campaign and the DNC. Wow!
5:20 PM · Feb 24, 2018

Donald J. Trump
“Russians had no compromising information on Donald Trump” @FoxNews Of course not, because there is none, and never was. This whole Witch Hunt is an illegal disgrace...and Obama did nothing about Russia!
5:44 PM · Feb 24, 2018

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