RELEASED: Schiff Democratic rebuttal memo released after FBI redactions

Dims Release Schiff Memo - Nunes Blasts Holes in It

How anyone in their right mind can even pretend to believe the Schiff memo is beyond me. This redacted version minus all the classified stuff crammed into is, reads like a fairy tale.

Some of the key points in the Dem spin memo via Zerohedge:

  1. The Steele Dossier was not the catalyst for launching the Trump-Russia probe

  2. The rationale for surveilling Carter Page was carefully weighed.

  3. The Nunes memo used classified information selectively and included distortions and misrepresentations

  4. Papadopoulos’ role as the original catalyst for the Trump-Russia investigation outlined.

  5. DOJ’s FISA application was carefully vetted and wasn’t used to spy on Trump or his campaign

  6. Steele’s information about Page’s contacts with Kremlin insiders like Sechin was consistent with Papadopoulos information

  7. DOJ was transparent with the court about Steele’s role and why he had reliable information

  8. Nunes memo’s references to Ohr are misleading and the Strzok/Page texts are irrelevant.
Read the full junk memo here.

Then, Nunes came out with this:


That was followed by a very lengthy and detailed refutation, point by point refutation which can be found @

A lawyer wrote the accurate Dems memo. A farmer with the help of an Orange Clown wrote the rep memo.
The difference is plain.
I farmed for 50 years
Gotta love you dems
You have such love for the common man.......jerk
Breaking News Update!

The Trumpenfuhrer Responds!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) on Twitter

Donald J. Trump
The Democrat memo response on government surveillance abuses is a total political and legal BUST. Just confirms all of the terrible things that were done. SO ILLEGAL!
5:16 PM · Feb 24, 2018

Donald J. Trump
Dem Memo: FBI did not disclose who the clients were - the Clinton Campaign and the DNC. Wow!
5:20 PM · Feb 24, 2018

Donald J. Trump
“Russians had no compromising information on Donald Trump” @FoxNews Of course not, because there is none, and never was. This whole Witch Hunt is an illegal disgrace...and Obama did nothing about Russia!
5:44 PM · Feb 24, 2018

Why post useless Tweets from Dumb Donald? Trump is the least credible person in the USA. He issues lies at the rate of 6 times a day.

I don’t give a rat’s ass what Trump and his spokesliars have to say on this issue.
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):



I ain't clicking on that crap.

Is anyone watching this on TV? MSNBC is currently airing great coverage.


LOL, you sure are "informed"

Here is the link to the Memo on the HOUSE website.
Breaking News Update!

More Trump On Twitter

Donald J. Trump
“Congressman Schiff omitted and distorted key facts” @FoxNews So, what else is new. He is a total phony!
6:56 PM · Feb 24, 2018
Adam Schiff shot himself in the foot with this.

That’s why the GOP voted unanimously to give Schiff “Barney Fife” the gun and bullets.

Now America gets to peer even deeper in to the slime machine of The Left.

Cracks me up. America is sick of The Democrats, and The President’s approval ratings continue to rise.

Got Naked Trump?
What would cons do without photoshop? They have nothing of interest to say.
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):



I ain't clicking on that crap.

Is anyone watching this on TV? MSNBC is currently airing great coverage.


LOL, you sure are "informed"

Here is the link to the Memo on the HOUSE website.

Is it different? You might want to check with Fox News...
CNN will be analyzing the 10-page MEMO at 7:00 pm ET.


So should I get a warm cup of cocoa and some popcorn for story time?
Shut up. Progressives (adults) are talking.

View attachment 178859
Now, you’re getting it.

So you're cocoa sucking faggot?
Ummm no. I’m not. Let’s dissect this though: what does it mean to be a “cocoa sucking faggot” to you?
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):



I ain't clicking on that crap.

Is anyone watching this on TV? MSNBC is currently airing great coverage.


LOL, you sure are "informed"

Here is the link to the Memo on the HOUSE website.

Is it different? You might want to check with Fox News...

I wouldn't know if is different, I don't go to their website.

Why would I need to check with FoxNews? Is that suppose to be some kind of insult, soyboy?

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