RELEASED: Schiff Democratic rebuttal memo released after FBI redactions

(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):


So that's where America's stockpile of black ink went...
This is just ever so much fun.

Funny how the GOP memo got through with no redaction and the Demo has multiple lines blacked out. To think, a Russian collaborator is now deciding what is secret and what is not...PUTIN IS WINNING!

Why is that funny? What in the Nunes memo needed blacking out? is it funny that a memo with no national security information implications did not need redacting JimH52 ?

Tell you what. I know you will lie at best and dissemble and deflect at worst.. So how about I post the nunes memo in its entirety and you can point out which parts endangered national security and should have been redacted. Would you do that JimH52 ? I'll get right on that if you agree.
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Dirty Don is going down.....

LOL. Again?

Trump can't win the nomination
Trump cant win on his best day blue wall-latinos-women-homosexuals-abortionists etc will stop him
We will recount Michigan Trump will lose
The electoral college will reject trump
Trump's cabinet will remove him

Trump will be impeached
There you go again, trying to change thesubject . The Trump-appointed head of the FBI objected. Are you calling him a liar?

If the "Trump-appointed head of the FBI" said that the Nunes memo was a danger to national security he lied. Like Schiff. We have the memo...there is no danger to national security.

What conclusions do you draw from that you simpleton? The deep state and Democrats colluded to keep you and me from seeing a document that presented no danger to national security by claiming that it did. And you aren't decent enough to be offended.
Preparation H is working 24/7 to churn out enough supply for douchebags like Seth Abrahamson and morons who think the Swamp tells the truth. :p
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):


So where's the fucking collusion?

Every Democrat clown from L.A. to D.C. including shithead was saying this was going to prove Trump was colluding with the Russians.

...what the fuck? You are seriously confused. Exactly NO ONE ever said this this memo will contain proof of any collusion except one to bullshit the American people by Trump admin and their water-boy Nunes.
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):


So where's the fucking collusion?

Every Democrat clown from L.A. to D.C. including shithead was saying this was going to prove Trump was colluding with the Russians.

...what the fuck? You are seriously confused. Exactly NO ONE ever said this this memo will contain proof of any collusion except one to bullshit the American people by Trump admin and their water-boy Nunes.

The irony in your rant is there is no collusion and Nunes has started investigations in to Hillaryous' collusion with Russians.

Those fake accusations from Russians to Steele, to Comey, to Hillary don't come cheap.
IN other news, our naked emperor melted all over Twitter on Saturday. I really miss ‘no drama Obama.’
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):

This is hilarious. That poor Schiff guy can't get anything right.
How many of you have actually read the memo"



It's the most beautiful memo ever, believe me!.... or was that the other one?...

Regardless of memos, it's pretty clear that the vast Russian conspiracy is a complete joke. The only reason the very stable orange genius sits in the oval office instead of the most qualified psycho princess in history is that she simply sucked too much....even compared to a deplorable, twittering, pussy grabber who promised to make murica great again with a beautiful wall....
Seth is brilliant.

In other news:

A Democratic Memo Undercuts Key Republican Complaints About the FBI

Portions of the Democrats’ memo were redacted by the Justice Department prior to its release, including details about which aspects of Steele’s research on Page the FBI had been able to independently corroborate. But the redactions “were not to the detriment” of the substance of the memo, a Democratic committee source told me, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the classified nature of the material.

Republicans acknowledged earlier this month, following an outcry from Democrats, that the FBI did disclose the dossier’s political origins in a “footnote” on the FISA application. But Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who spearheaded the majority’s memo, told Fox that a “footnote saying something may be political” was “a far cry from letting the American people know that the Democrats and the Hillary campaign paid for dirt that the FBI then used to get a warrant on an American citizen to spy on another campaign.”

Republicans stuck with that critique following the Democratic memo’s release, complaining that it ignored the fact that the DNC and the Clinton campaign paid for the Steele dossier—a fact that was not explicitly revealed to the court. Democrats, however, have said the Justice Department was upholding its longstanding practice of not identifying U.S. persons and entities in highly classified intelligence reports.
Here's what Nunes said in his email: "Unfortunately, the ABC 30 news network once again sent a reporter to ask me about wild accusations and Russian conspiracy theories that precisely mimicked the talking points of numerous left-wing organizations. Continuing a remarkable string of similar coincidences, the reporter's appearance was quickly followed by the appearance of about half a dozen liberal protestors (sic), as if they'd been encouraged to show up to provide the right backdrop for ABC 30's reporting.I believe Central Valley residents deserve unbiased, straight-forward reporting from local news networks, not political spin coordinated with left-wing groups. ABC 30 should be reporting news stories, not staging them."

It must be nice to be able to dismiss anyone who dares to ask you a question, and accuse them of staging events. It means you can play the victim, and see conspiracies under every TV station's van. I"m surprised he didn't claim George Soros was somehow behind it all, paying protesters.

Once those not happy with the way Nunes has been handling his job in Congress found out where the $2,700 per plate fund raiser was being held (it's location was secret until you RSVP'd), they quickly utilized social media to get people on the scene. No doubt Nunes was peeved about that - someone leaked his "secret memo" listing the time and place for the event. With no other target on which to vent his spleen, he lashed out at Channel 30 and reporter Haagenson.


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