RELEASED: Schiff Democratic rebuttal memo released after FBI redactions

So one party says one thing and the other party says the other.

And each side is treating what their guy says as gospel.

Well. I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I say.

Come on, seriously: Is this all a joke?
God, do you ever stop bragging about not being an extreme when you actually are?
I am?

Specifics, please, not platitudes.
Sheesh, you are the most extreme person here.

A year of 24-7 illegal surveillance on The President & his family couldn’t prove Collusion, so Shitty Schiff or Murdering Mueller aren’t Going to do shit either!

See, that is the thing TOT, they had the whole Trump team under surveillance since before the election. They know what they said, what they did, read their e-mails, etc. And the Trump team did not know it until 10 days after the election, so they were speaking candidly.

In less than 10 months, look at all the evidence they already have against the Hillary team who was never surveilled! And yet, we are led to believe that Trump is going down.

If this is the best the FBI and DOJ can do with surveillance, how good are they really if the Left is correct? Does anyone actually believe these people are that incompetent?

You know where the Dems are going to be on the hook? When they have to answer the Nunes questionnaire or face a congressional subpoena. That is the end of the trail for the Democrats, because Nunes already knows the answers to the questions he is asking with all the files in his possession. know why the Hillary e-mail scandal was actually reopened? To prove that Obama knew she had a private e-mail account, when he said he didn't, that is why.....along with the rest of his administration having private accounts also, which is illegal if any business of the United States is done on them. That is exactly why Sessions reopened that case; and trust me on this...............he already has the e-mails-)
So one party says one thing and the other party says the other.

And each side is treating what their guy says as gospel.

Well. I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I say.

Come on, seriously: Is this all a joke?
God, do you ever stop bragging about not being an extreme when you actually are?
I am?

Specifics, please, not platitudes.
Sheesh, you are the most extreme person here.

A year of 24-7 illegal surveillance on The President & his family couldn’t prove Collusion, so Shitty Schiff or Murdering Mueller aren’t Going to do shit either!

See, that is the thing TOT, they had the whole Trump team under surveillance since before the election. They know what they said, what they did, read their e-mails, etc. And the Trump team did not know it until 10 days after the election, so they were speaking candidly.

In less than 10 months, look at all the evidence they already have against the Hillary team who was never surveilled! And yet, we are led to believe that Trump is going down.

If this is the best the FBI and DOJ can do with surveillance, how good are they really if the Left is correct? Does anyone actually believe these people are that incompetent?

You know where the Dems are going to be on the hook? When they have to answer the Nunes questionnaire or face a congressional subpoena. That is the end of the trail for the Democrats, because Nunes already knows the answers to the questions he is asking with all the files in his possession. know why the Hillary e-mail scandal was actually reopened? To prove that Obama knew she had a private e-mail account, when he said he didn't, that is why.....along with the rest of his administration having private accounts also, which is illegal if any business of the United States is done on them. That is exactly why Sessions reopened that case; and trust me on this...............he already has the e-mails-)
Lakhota laughed again. What a useful idiot her and every redskin is for their democrat masters.
Remember when republicans, and not just people or their propaganda press mind you, but republican politicians themselves said the nunes memo was worse than watergate and built it up as some life changing revelation?

Yeah that turned out to be bullshit propaganda yet brain dead conservatives ate it right up. Hell these dumb sheep probably still believe it along with obama being a kenyan muslim not born in the US, etc.

It must be easy being a republican politician when you can say the most ridiculous stuff and your voter base of conservative morons is so incredibly stupid they believe it.
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday agreed to release a redacted version of a Democratic memo that seeks to undercut Republican claims of FBI surveillance abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee released the Democratic memo after the White House signed off following negotiations between the FBI and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, over what in the document should be redacted.

White House agrees to release Schiff memo with redactions - CNN

CNN is currently showing a copy of the memo on TV. CNN reported that the memo shows that FISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.

Read the full Democratic response to the Nunes memo below (10 pages):


So where's the fucking collusion?

Every Democrat clown from L.A. to D.C. including shithead was saying this was going to prove Trump was colluding with the Russians.

...what the fuck? You are seriously confused. Exactly NO ONE ever said this this memo will contain proof of any collusion except one to bullshit the American people by Trump admin and their water-boy Nunes.

The irony in your rant is there is no collusion and Nunes has started investigations in to Hillaryous' collusion with Russians.

Those fake accusations from Russians to Steele, to Comey, to Hillary don't come cheap.

...what fucking rant? You said someone promissed you proof of colusion in this memo and I'm telling you to quit smoking crack.

Nunes memo was political theater to throw shit at our justice system. Why? Because it dares to investigate Dear Leader & Co.
Someone should ask Why Clinton wasn’t under surveillance because she was under 2 Criminal Investigations!

Let me say that again. She was under TWO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS!

One for Espionage, and Mishandling & Destruction of Government Documents

And one for Money Laundering and Influence Peddling through the Clinton Foundation.

Funny thing happened on the way to The Tarmac.... That’s how a “Matter” becomes a Criminal Coverup when Boss Hog gives the order to hand Crooked Hillary a get out of jail free card on two separate investigations.

Woman defecates in pants to hide drugs during arrest, cops say

Somehow The President who is not under Criminal Investigation is under Surveillance, am day Clinton who is under TWO CRIMINAL Investigstions is not under Surveillance? And we aren’t even getting in to the $145 Million she took from Purin for Uranium One.

That should be a WTF moment for even Democrats. Somehow it’s not, which speaks to the moral decay of that party and those people.

So one party says one thing and the other party says the other.

And each side is treating what their guy says as gospel.

Well. I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I say.

Come on, seriously: Is this all a joke?
God, do you ever stop bragging about not being an extreme when you actually are?
I am?

Specifics, please, not platitudes.
Sheesh, you are the most extreme person here.

A year of 24-7 illegal surveillance on The President & his family couldn’t prove Collusion, so Shitty Schiff or Murdering Mueller aren’t Going to do shit either!

See, that is the thing TOT, they had the whole Trump team under surveillance since before the election. They know what they said, what they did, read their e-mails, etc. And the Trump team did not know it until 10 days after the election, so they were speaking candidly.

In less than 10 months, look at all the evidence they already have against the Hillary team who was never surveilled! And yet, we are led to believe that Trump is going down.

If this is the best the FBI and DOJ can do with surveillance, how good are they really if the Left is correct? Does anyone actually believe these people are that incompetent?

You know where the Dems are going to be on the hook? When they have to answer the Nunes questionnaire or face a congressional subpoena. That is the end of the trail for the Democrats, because Nunes already knows the answers to the questions he is asking with all the files in his possession. know why the Hillary e-mail scandal was actually reopened? To prove that Obama knew she had a private e-mail account, when he said he didn't, that is why.....along with the rest of his administration having private accounts also, which is illegal if any business of the United States is done on them. That is exactly why Sessions reopened that case; and trust me on this...............he already has the e-mails-)
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Democrats found themselves scurrying ….slithering….helter skelter to find some way to hide the facts Devin Nunes provided in his Memo.
The GOP Memo clearly revealed how corrupt and politically motivated the Left has been, using a weaponized FBI and DoJ to attack the man Americans voted in as President.

1. “Republicans had found that the DOJ and FBI left out Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign funding of the dossier, as well as the anti-Trump motivations of author and former British spy Christopher Steele, in its request for a warrant. Indeed, Republicans have pointed to this as proof that intelligence agencies abused surveillance powers.

2. The [Democrat] rebuttal added that the DOJ only made "narrow use" of information from Steele's sources and that in later FISA renewals the DOJ provided "additional information obtained through multiple independent sources" that backed up Steele's reporting. It challenged the Republican assertion that the FBI authorized payment to Steele, saying that it neglected that the payment was canceled.

3. The memo, however, did not directly challenge the Republican assertion that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified to the House Committee that they would not have sought the Page surveillance warrant had it not been for that infamous dossier.

4. The new memo also asserted that the dossier had been corroborated by multiple sources.

5. However, in June 2017 testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI Director James Comey said the opposite -- that three months after the warrant on Page had been granted he still considered the dossier "unverified" and "salacious" when he briefed incoming President Trump in January 2017 at Trump Tower.

6. ….it seemed unlikely to mark an end to the ongoing fight over the FISA application and the role of that infamous dossier. Indeed, while the two parties clash over whether that dossier was a primary or secondary driver of the surveillance application, the newly declassified criminal referral for Christopher Steele from Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said the FBI and DOJ relied "heavily" on the controversial and salacious document for the FISA application."
Dems' rebuttal to GOP FISA memo is released; Trump deems it a 'bust'

I've asked the Leftists a dozen times to attempt to refute the Nunes Memo....and only one made a flaccid attempt.

Wanna try again???
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Someone should ask Why Clinton wasn’t under surveillance because she was under 2 Criminal Investigations!

Let me say that again. She was under TWO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS!

One for Espionage, and Mishandling & Destruction of Government Documents and one for Money Laundering and I fluency Peddling through the Clinton Foundation.

Funny thing happened on the way to The Tarmac.... That’s how a “Matter” becomes a Criminal Coverup when Boss Hog gives the order to hand Crooked Hillary a get out of jail free card.

Woman defecates in pants to hide drugs during arrest, cops say

Somehow The President who is not under Criminal Investigation is under Surveillance, am day Clinton who is under TWO CRIMINAL Investigstions is not under Surveillance? And we aren’t even getting in to the $145 Million she took from Purin for Uranium One.

That should be a WTF moment for even Democrats. Somehow it’s not, which speaks to the moral decay of that party and those people.

So one party says one thing and the other party says the other.

And each side is treating what their guy says as gospel.

Well. I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I say.

Come on, seriously: Is this all a joke?
God, do you ever stop bragging about not being an extreme when you actually are?
I am?

Specifics, please, not platitudes.
Sheesh, you are the most extreme person here.

A year of 24-7 illegal surveillance on The President & his family couldn’t prove Collusion, so Shitty Schiff or Murdering Mueller aren’t Going to do shit either!

See, that is the thing TOT, they had the whole Trump team under surveillance since before the election. They know what they said, what they did, read their e-mails, etc. And the Trump team did not know it until 10 days after the election, so they were speaking candidly.

In less than 10 months, look at all the evidence they already have against the Hillary team who was never surveilled! And yet, we are led to believe that Trump is going down.

If this is the best the FBI and DOJ can do with surveillance, how good are they really if the Left is correct? Does anyone actually believe these people are that incompetent?

You know where the Dems are going to be on the hook? When they have to answer the Nunes questionnaire or face a congressional subpoena. That is the end of the trail for the Democrats, because Nunes already knows the answers to the questions he is asking with all the files in his possession. know why the Hillary e-mail scandal was actually reopened? To prove that Obama knew she had a private e-mail account, when he said he didn't, that is why.....along with the rest of his administration having private accounts also, which is illegal if any business of the United States is done on them. That is exactly why Sessions reopened that case; and trust me on this...............he already has the e-mails-)
The Left will never have a wtf moment until
judgement day. All liars go to hell. It doesn’t say some. It says ALL. People need to repent of their sins because the day of reckoning is soon to come.
Americans that were on the EC voted for him, he didn't win the popular vote...Which means the popular vote doesn't count in electing the president...
So the guys on Trump's team that have already plead guilty is Oblama fault..Thanks for the 411...
Government abuse of power and law enforcement to spy on candidates and attempt to rig elections should concern every citizen.

Make that 'every real American ,' and you have the explanation for those who continue to support the Left.
Government abuse of power and law enforcement to spy on candidates and attempt to rig elections should concern every citizen.

Make that 'every real American ,' and you have the explanation for those who continue to support the Left.

The left and liberal media, after losing to Bush twice in spite of the obvious media bias favoring Democrat candidates are at their wits end. All bets are off, rigging elections, lying, corrupting government agencies, allowing millions of illegals to flood into our country, lobbying to give them the right to vote, Dem's are willing to do whatever it takes to win at this point they are desperate.
There you go again, trying to change thesubject . The Trump-appointed head of the FBI objected. Are you calling him a liar?

If the "Trump-appointed head of the FBI" said that the Nunes memo was a danger to national security he lied. Like Schiff. We have the memo...there is no danger to national security.

What conclusions do you draw from that you simpleton? The deep state and Democrats colluded to keep you and me from seeing a document that presented no danger to national security by claiming that it did. And you aren't decent enough to be offended.

There is so much more to be offended about than duelling claims about the Memos.

I’m offended by the steady stream of lies issuing from Dumb Donald’s mouth.

I’m offended that Dumb Donald referred to Nazis and white supremacists good people.

I’m offended by the misogyny and racism shown by Trump and his minions.

I’m offended that a self-admitted “pussy grabber” is bankrupting the US treasury to give himself and his friends a multi-million dollar tax break.
There you go again, trying to change thesubject . The Trump-appointed head of the FBI objected. Are you calling him a liar?

If the "Trump-appointed head of the FBI" said that the Nunes memo was a danger to national security he lied. Like Schiff. We have the memo...there is no danger to national security.

What conclusions do you draw from that you simpleton? The deep state and Democrats colluded to keep you and me from seeing a document that presented no danger to national security by claiming that it did. And you aren't decent enough to be offended.

There is so much more to be offended about than duelling claims about the Memos.

I’m offended by the steady stream of lies issuing from Dumb Donald’s mouth.

I’m offended that Dumb Donald referred to Nazis and white supremacists good people.

I’m offended by the misogyny and racism shown by Trump and his minions.

I’m offended that a self-admitted “pussy grabber” is bankrupting the US treasury to give himself and his friends a multi-million dollar tax break.

Aren’t you some species of foreigner? Who cares what offends you.
Americans that were on the EC voted for him, he didn't win the popular vote...Which means the popular vote doesn't count in electing the president...

did you just figure that out? The entire delta in the PV was in California, land of fruits and nuts.

Moonbeam Brown just signed a law that prohibits teachers from protecting their students by shooting back at a murderer intent on killing innocent kids. The insanity continues.
Americans that were on the EC voted for him, he didn't win the popular vote...Which means the popular vote doesn't count in electing the president...

did you just figure that out? The entire delta in the PV was in California, land of fruits and nuts.

Moonbeam Brown just signed a law that prohibits teachers from protecting their students by shooting back at a murderer intent on killing innocent kids. The insanity continues.

And Brown admitting that Democrats are on the side of the killers....

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Democrats in action.

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