RELEASED: Schiff Democratic rebuttal memo released after FBI redactions

So should I get a warm cup of cocoa and some popcorn for story time?
Shut up. Progressives (adults) are talking.

View attachment 178859
Now, you’re getting it.

So you're cocoa sucking faggot?
Ummm no. I’m not. Let’s dissect this though: what does it mean to be a “cocoa sucking faggot” to you?

Put on your plaid pajamas pole smoker.
I bet every single redacted line says something similar to "while working for the campaign of Donald Trump."
Nope. It was predicted this would happen about 3 weeks ago. Limbaugh, on his radio program said that schiff would loaf a bunch of classified information into this memo so that it would have to be heavily redacted. Then, the left would say the reps were trying to hide things.... and here we are
I bet every single redacted line says something similar to "while working for the campaign of Donald Trump."
Nope. It was predicted this would happen about 3 weeks ago. Limbaugh, on his radio program said that schiff would loaf a bunch of classified information into this memo so that it would have to be heavily redacted. Then, the left would say the reps were trying to hide things.... and here we are
Except both you and Rush are completely wrong, amd the memo is fine as released, and it completely destroys the Nunes memo and the Trump tweets about vindication.
I bet every single redacted line says something similar to "while working for the campaign of Donald Trump."
Nope. It was predicted this would happen about 3 weeks ago. Limbaugh, on his radio program said that schiff would loaf a bunch of classified information into this memo so that it would have to be heavily redacted. Then, the left would say the reps were trying to hide things.... and here we are

Why wasn't the Nunes memo also redated? Hint: because no one reviewed it. Trump wouldn't allow it.
That sounds like darn good should consider trying it.

Thanks........but I think that the country has suffered and been punished enough from a couple of years of the charlatan in chief....don't you agree?
So show me any part of the Nunes memo that endangered national security.
Why? Like I said, it was the intelligence community who was complaining. Ask them.

Yes I am quite sure you always agreed with me that (((Schiff))) was lying when he said the Nunes memo was dangerous to national security. Me and you are vindicated now right?

Or maybe Schiff was not lying but instead the evil intelligence services were misleading him as you imply? Pulled the wool right over his eyes they did :)
You libs are suffering and being punished....suck it up buttercup....back of the bus.


the elite
It is so odd to watch you guys cry endlessly about "the elite"... Then you bend over and grab your ankles for a New York millionaire with golden toilets who lives in a tower.

That it seems odd to you is a reflection of your Marxist worldview of class warfare. That you join with Hollywood tycoons, media owners, Silicon valley billionaires, insulated talk show hosts, corporate CEOs, and Wall Street bankers in attacking Trump is what doesnt seem odd to you right?

Just you and Bill Gates and Woody Guthrie fightin the power on behalf of the working man...

There is no position, from abortion to gun control to wealth redistribution that you dont share with the ruliing elites. What a brave stand you take...with the rich and powerful.

Lie to yourself all you like. Then vote with Warren Buffet and Jimmy Kimmel and Nancy Pelosi.
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More Trump On Twitter

Donald J. Trump
“Congressman Schiff omitted and distorted key facts” @FoxNews So, what else is new. He is a total phony!
6:56 PM · Feb 24, 2018

You do realize that FOX News is the Official Trump News Network? It may even become the State News Agency when Putin moves into the Oval Office.
The redactions were what he hoped would keep his own memo from being released.

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It was the intelligence community that didn't want the Nunes memo released without redactions. And the Democrat memo destroys the Nunes memo.
The Democrat memo destroys itself, not Nunes.

I have read both. To think the FBI needed the dossier to listen in on Carter Page is ridiculous. The man is a walking disaster. His ties to Russia go back for years. And the idiotic Orange Clown named him as a foreign policy adviser. You think that would raise a red flag?

Funny how the GOP memo got through with no redaction and the Demo has multiple lines blacked out. To think, a Russian collaborator is now deciding what is secret and what is not...PUTIN IS WINNING!

So show me any part of the Nunes memo that endangered national security.
Why? Like I said, it was the intelligence community who was complaining. Ask them.

Yes I am quite sure you always agreed with me that (((Schiff))) was lying when he said the Nunes memo was dangerous to national security. Me and you are vindicated now right?

Or maybe Schiff was not lying but instead the evil intelligence services were misleading him as you imply? Pulled the wool right over his eyes they did :)
There you go again, trying to change thesubject . The Trump-appointed head of the FBI objected. Are you calling him a liar?
That sounds like darn good should consider trying it.

Thanks........but I think that the country has suffered and been punished enough from a couple of years of the charlatan in chief....don't you agree?

What!!! You libs are suffering and being punished....suck it up buttercup....back of the bus.

If this is torture, chain me to the wall.

Watching Mueller built his brick house of a case is a thing of beauty.

Watching right wingers flailing about pretending Mueller has nothing and there’s no collusion, is the most entertaining thing ever! This is better than Watergate!

In Watergate, the Presidents men were smarter, and if not for Deep Throat they would have gotten away with it.

This conspiracy was made worse by the general belief by everyone in the Trump campaign that he wouldn’t win. Their collusion and shady dealing with Russia would never be found out.

Manafort and Gates were deeply in debt to Russian criminals. They hoped that by cooperating with the Russians, they could leverage their cooperation against the millions they owed.

All these people, including Jared and Ivanka, who are willing to work for free, despite their obvious money troubles, should have raised multiple red flags.

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