Religion of peace via their man made "submission" strikes again

Thank you for recognizing that there is no basis in reality to think Islamic behavior here will be nothing more than a far outrider beyond the mass of American society.
That is not what I said or meant and you know it Jake.

Lying is a sin in Christianity incase you forgot it. .... :cool:
I think is a socialist first and a Christian second.
ding, you are and have been a racist piece of crap; and what you believe is irrelevant to my what are my definitions. You are an uber conservative in my GOP. We tolerate you because of your votes. You can yell about the Dems all you want and waste your breath.
Sunni Man clearly admitted that he realizes that Islam will be only a minor religion in America. That is exactly what he meant. Is lying a sin in Islam? It must not be based on Sunni Man's post. ding is a racist piece of crap, so we can evaluate his uber conservative philosophy in that sense.
ding, you are and have been a racist piece of crap; and what you believe is irrelevant to my what are my definitions. You are an uber conservative in my GOP. We tolerate you because of your votes. You can yell about the Dems all you want and waste your breath.
Dude, I'm yelling about Democrats. I am stating the facts. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party has always believed that some human lives were property to be disposed of at the will of its owner. That was true 150 years ago when it was slaves and it is true today with the unborn.
ding, continue to yell about the dems if you want. You are talking about the dems pre 1966, yes. Your general condemnation of the dems is as stupid as their general condemnation of the GOP. It is obvious that you are an uber conservative who is simply mad that people of color vote against the GOP most of the time. They do because of people like you.
Sunni Man clearly admitted that he realizes that Islam will be only a minor religion in America.
Geeze......quit lying Jake......I never said anything like that.

All I said was that I don't deal, with or respond to, hypothetical questions like yours. Especially those that don't have a basis in current reality. ..... :cool:
Sunni Man clearly admitted that he realizes that Islam will be only a minor religion in America.
Geeze......quit lying Jake......I never said anything like that. All I said was that I don't deal, with or respond to, hypothetical questions like yours. Especially those that don't have a basis in current reality. ..... :cool:
Your response and attack on me was a clear admission that Islam is a minor denomination of no importance in America, and it will always be the case. You need to stop lying.
You certainly admitted that Islam is a minor denomination of no importance in America, and it will always be the case. You need to stop lying.
To clarify my position on the subject just for you Jake:

"I believe that Islam will be the dominate religion in America by the end of this century".

Is that simple enough for you to understand Jake? ..... :cool:
OK, SM, so you were being nefarious in your earlier posts? Either you falsified then or you are falsifying now. I believe that the conservative sectarians of Islam will never gain a strong foothold in America. Their own American Muslim brothers will kill them.
ding, continue to yell about the dems if you want. You are talking about the dems pre 1966, yes. Your general condemnation of the dems is as stupid as their general condemnation of the GOP. It is obvious that you are an uber conservative who is simply mad that people of color vote against the GOP most of the time. They do because of people like you.
I am not yelling or condemning. Just stating fact. There is absolutely no difference between the position of the Democratic Party when it comes to some human lives being property to be disposed of. They had the same position 150 years ago as they do today. The only difference is the human lives they see as property.
ding, continue to yell about the dems if you want. You are talking about the dems pre 1966, yes. Your general condemnation of the dems is as stupid as their general condemnation of the GOP. It is obvious that you are an uber conservative who is simply mad that people of color vote against the GOP most of the time. They do because of people like you.
I am not yelling or condemning. Just stating fact. There is absolutely no difference between the position of the Democratic Party when it comes to some human lives being property to be disposed of. They had the same position 150 years ago as they do today. The only difference is the human lives they see as property.
That is a statement bordering on lunacy. Do you believe all abortion should be illegal?
ding, continue to yell about the dems if you want. You are talking about the dems pre 1966, yes. Your general condemnation of the dems is as stupid as their general condemnation of the GOP. It is obvious that you are an uber conservative who is simply mad that people of color vote against the GOP most of the time. They do because of people like you.
I am not yelling or condemning. Just stating fact. There is absolutely no difference between the position of the Democratic Party when it comes to some human lives being property to be disposed of. They had the same position 150 years ago as they do today. The only difference is the human lives they see as property.
That is a statement bordering on lunacy. Do you believe all abortion should be illegal?
Why are you trying to change the subject? The subject is that history has recorded the Democratic Party as the party of slavery, segregation and racism. You tried to argue that Democrats today wouldn't do that. But the Democratic Party has a long tradition of treating some human lives as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner. They still do it today. The only difference is that instead of blacks it is the unborn. So I don't agree with you.
ding, continue to yell about the dems if you want. You are talking about the dems pre 1966, yes. Your general condemnation of the dems is as stupid as their general condemnation of the GOP. It is obvious that you are an uber conservative who is simply mad that people of color vote against the GOP most of the time. They do because of people like you.
I am not yelling or condemning. Just stating fact. There is absolutely no difference between the position of the Democratic Party when it comes to some human lives being property to be disposed of. They had the same position 150 years ago as they do today. The only difference is the human lives they see as property.
That is a statement bordering on lunacy. Do you believe all abortion should be illegal?
Do you know what a D&E is? Can you imagine what it would be like to have your limbs torn off one at a time while you were in your mother's womb?
ding, I corrected your silliness above and have no intent of going back to the swill.

So you do not support abortion in any case at all.

Thank you.
An Islamic apologist justifying Mashal's murder posted a few hours ago.


Donald Johnkerry Trump

Once Trump's Model of Modern Moderate Muslim replaces Assad, everything will be hugs and kisses. Expect both that guy and Trump to get Nobel Peace Prizes.
An Islamic apologist justifying Mashal's murder posted a few hours ago.


Donald Johnkerry Trump

Once Trump's Model of Modern Moderate Muslim replaces Assad, everything will be hugs and kisses. Expect both that guy and Trump to get Nobel Peace Prizes.
This incident happen in Pakistan but from the looks of things the "Management of Savagery" (< wrote by Osama bin Laden's bud) is working for the Islamist fascist in some areas. They have definitely made one nasty looking mess in many areas of the world in their quest for control. I was reading an article last night that claimed the owner of Emirates24/7 news being a leader of ISIS. I checked to see where it was based from and its a Kuwait citizen in Germany from what I have found so far. The other document pushing terror and then bringing forth Islamic laws that is very similar was written in the late 60's and the Balkans were the first trial run in that one. They made one hell of a mess there too.
ding, I corrected your silliness above and have no intent of going back to the swill.

So you do not support abortion in any case at all.

Thank you.
Jake, when are you going to apologize for your Party's treatment of blacks? Say it with me, Jake, black lives matter. Especially in their mother's womb.
ding, I corrected your silliness above and have no intent of going back to the swill.

So you do not support abortion in any case at all.

Thank you.
Jake, when are you going to apologize for your Party's treatment of blacks? Say it with me, Jake, black lives matter. Especially in their mother's womb.
You are a racist piece of uber conservative crap: you would have been a super member of the Democratic Party of 1860. Why you hate blacks I do not understand.

You cannot answer why you think a woman should never have an abortion.
Jake, say it with me, brother, black lives matter, especially black babies in their mother's womb.
You are drinking early, ding. You don't care about black mothers or black babies, you racist piece of uber conservative crap. You would have been a perfect fit for the Democratic Party of fifty years now. Now we have to put up with your crap in our GOP.
Of course I do, Jake. You are the one who won't say it with me, brother. C'mon, Jake, say it with me, brother.




Especially the lives of black babies.
You are drinking early, ding. You don't care about black mothers or black babies, you racist piece of uber conservative crap. You would have been a perfect fit for the Democratic Party of fifty years now. Now we have to put up with your crap in our GOP.
Of course I do, Jake. You are the one who won't say it with me, brother. C'mon, Jake, say it with me, brother.




Especially the lives of black babies.

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