Religion(s) and the pursuit of knowledge

LOL! This one cracked me up:
No, everyone is born Christian. Only later in life do people choose to stray from Jesus and worship satan instead. Atheists have the greatest "cover" of all, they insist they believe in no god yet most polls done and the latest research indicates that they are actually a different sect of Muslims. Trinidad and Tobago, CARM [Comments (507)] [2006-Oct-01]
Ravi will love it.

That is funny. To counter though, ask a child who has never been told about religion of any type (or lack thereof), you usually have to go to another country. Ask them if they believe in this Jesus fraud and they will say "Who's that?"
That is funny. To counter though, ask a child who has never been told about religion of any type (or lack thereof), you usually have to go to another country. Ask them if they believe in this Jesus fraud and they will say "Who's that?"

I didn't know Jesus was a person till I was about 6. I thought it was a bad swear word cuz it was what my father always said when he was mad. First time I heard it in a church my mouth fell open.
My religious views impel my search for truth and understanding of this natural world to the greatest extent of which I am capable as in order to begin to understand something of the God who created this world I must first come to grips with the world he created.
My religious views impel my search for truth and understanding of this natural world to the greatest extent of which I am capable as in order to begin to understand something of the God who created this world I must first come to grips with the world he created.

Science will help you gary, because science knows a lot about how the world functions. And science won't even mind if you try to understand everything from a perspective of "God created all this". Good isn't it? :)
LOL! This one cracked me up:

No, everyone is born Christian. Only later in life do people choose to stray from Jesus and worship satan instead. Atheists have the greatest "cover" of all, they insist they believe in no god yet most polls done and the latest research indicates that they are actually a different sect of Muslims. Trinidad and Tobago, CARM [Comments (507)] [2006-Oct-01]

Ravi will love it.

Hard to believe functioning adults can think that way. Then again, maybe I'm making a false assumption that they're functioning adults.
And you believe that after forty odd hours of College level science with minors in Geology and Biology that I don't pursue science whenever possible? I look at the same evidence every scientist does. I merely draw different conclusions in some cases though scarcely all. Then again one of the great arguments running through geological circles right now is that between Gerta Keller, and the dude (name escapes me at the moment) that postualted that the mass extinctions of the dinosaurs was caused by meteoric impact. My own interpretation of the data is that they are viewing an alternative history created by God that salvation might be by grace and grace alone.
And you believe that after forty odd hours of College level science with minors in Geology and Biology that I don't pursue science whenever possible? I look at the same evidence every scientist does. I merely draw different conclusions in some cases though scarcely all. Then again one of the great arguments running through geological circles right now is that between Gerta Keller, and the dude (name escapes me at the moment) that postualted that the mass extinctions of the dinosaurs was caused by meteoric impact. My own interpretation of the data is that they are viewing an alternative history created by God that salvation might be by grace and grace alone.

Gary, what you believe is your business. When you write a paper for a peer-reviewed journal on a particular aspect of your discipline and you include a reference to God let us know, particularly if it's published.
If I did write such a peer reviewed paper it would contain no mention of God sir unless my insight into the solution to that particular problem was derived directly from Him and the paper in questioned contained the absolute proof of that insight.

Half the scientific studies available today seem to provide conclusions that are at odds with the Data they contain especially as they regard Global warming.
If I did write such a peer reviewed paper it would contain no mention of God sir unless my insight into the solution to that particular problem was derived directly from Him and the paper in questioned contained the absolute proof of that insight.

Half the scientific studies available today seem to provide conclusions that are at odds with the Data they contain especially as they regard Global warming.

Fair enough. But why treat this forum any differently to a forum you might submit a peer-reviewed paper or a paper to a peer-reviewed journal? Why would you demur from bringing up God in a professional pape and bring God up here? Are we to be subject to a lesser level of proof?
This particular section sir is labeled religion and ethics. If one is going to postulate that God does not exist then it is you who brought up the subject not I. And I have every right to defend the possibility of God's existeance. I do not claim that I can prove it, in fact I have stated categorically on numerous occasions that the Christrian God cannot be demonstrated by human logic and have given sound logical reasons as to why that is so. However that being said Absence of proof is not the same as proof of Absence as the old saw goes.
This particular section sir is labeled religion and ethics. If one is going to postulate that God does not exist then it is you who brought up the subject not I. And I have every right to defend the possibility of God's existeance. I do not claim that I can prove it, in fact I have stated categorically on numerous occasions that the Christrian God cannot be demonstrated by human logic and have given sound logical reasons as to why that is so. However that being said Absence of proof is not the same as proof of Absence as the old saw goes.

You made assumptions. They should be treated as assumptions and give due weight. Unless you can produce evidence that those assumptions should be given the weight of something else - i.e. accepted fact - then you are left only with assumptions. The existence of a god is not a fact, so you can't rely on a non-fact in any discussion. This is human discourse. We rely on the rules of human discourse. Assumption is given the weight it deserves.
Trhis whole thread sir is assumption piled upon assumption both Yours and mine and those of the person that started it.
then there is the truth sir that you are a bigoted who assumes that just becuase people have differing opnions than your own they must be impressionable idiots.

You on the other hand are a most unimpressive idiot.
Any time I hear American men address each other as "sir" and they're not wearing uniforms I have this aural sense of chairs in a bar scraping as they're pushed back slowly and a visual sense of blokes getting to their feet, faces fixed in grim stares.............

Okay I used to read far too many Zane Grey books as a kid :lol:
Any time I hear American men address each other as "sir" and they're not wearing uniforms I have this aural sense of chairs in a bar scraping as they're pushed back slowly and a visual sense of blokes getting to their feet, faces fixed in grim stares.............

Okay I used to read far too many Zane Grey books as a kid :lol:

You watch too much Clint Eastwood.

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