Religion To Disappear By 2041

OK. Let's assume that religion, most especially Christianity does go by the wayside at some not-too-distant future date. What will pick up the slack? As it now stands, it is primarily the function of churches and church members to be the first responder when a natural disaster strikes and area of the country. This has been especially pronounced with the major hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. These folks respond even faster than does FEMA. The local churches also respond locally whenever a family suffers the loss of their homes through a fire or flood. The local churches also support with food pantries and with funding and staffing the local rescue missions for homeless veterans and others. They even assist with pregnant teens and battered women. It was a religious group that went to Darfur to render aid to the female rape victims over there.

Such aid and assistance requires staffing, organization, and funding. Without the churches and their members there will be a huge void left when they are gone. I have yet to see with my own eyes an eighteen wheeler with signage indicating it is the relief instrument of an atheist or agnostic organization on hand at the site of any natural disaster offloading relief and humanitarian supplies.


People would not all of a sudden lack humanity. Just the opposite. When most people realize that THIS is all there is, life will be MORE precious and saving lives will mean MORE.
OK. Let's assume that religion, most especially Christianity does go by the wayside at some not-too-distant future date. What will pick up the slack? As it now stands, it is primarily the function of churches and church members to be the first responder when a natural disaster strikes and area of the country. This has been especially pronounced with the major hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. These folks respond even faster than does FEMA. The local churches also respond locally whenever a family suffers the loss of their homes through a fire or flood. The local churches also support with food pantries and with funding and staffing the local rescue missions for homeless veterans and others. They even assist with pregnant teens and battered women. It was a religious group that went to Darfur to render aid to the female rape victims over there.

Such aid and assistance requires staffing, organization, and funding. Without the churches and their members there will be a huge void left when they are gone. I have yet to see with my own eyes an eighteen wheeler with signage indicating it is the relief instrument of an atheist or agnostic organization on hand at the site of any natural disaster offloading relief and humanitarian supplies.


People would not all of a sudden lack humanity. Just the opposite. When most people realize that THIS is all there is, life will be MORE precious and saving lives will mean MORE.

Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?
OK. Let's assume that religion, most especially Christianity does go by the wayside at some not-too-distant future date. What will pick up the slack? As it now stands, it is primarily the function of churches and church members to be the first responder when a natural disaster strikes and area of the country. This has been especially pronounced with the major hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. These folks respond even faster than does FEMA. The local churches also respond locally whenever a family suffers the loss of their homes through a fire or flood. The local churches also support with food pantries and with funding and staffing the local rescue missions for homeless veterans and others. They even assist with pregnant teens and battered women. It was a religious group that went to Darfur to render aid to the female rape victims over there.

Such aid and assistance requires staffing, organization, and funding. Without the churches and their members there will be a huge void left when they are gone. I have yet to see with my own eyes an eighteen wheeler with signage indicating it is the relief instrument of an atheist or agnostic organization on hand at the site of any natural disaster offloading relief and humanitarian supplies.


People would not all of a sudden lack humanity. Just the opposite. When most people realize that THIS is all there is, life will be MORE precious and saving lives will mean MORE.

Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?
Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?

- Link . :lol:

your assertion is laughable not to mention historically bankrupt unless crusades, inquisitions, land grabbing, smallpox, proselytizing - etc. are your answer for the needs of underprivileged Anglo-saxons ....

OK. Let's assume that religion, most especially Christianity does go by the wayside at some not-too-distant future date. What will pick up the slack? As it now stands, it is primarily the function of churches and church members to be the first responder when a natural disaster strikes and area of the country. This has been especially pronounced with the major hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. These folks respond even faster than does FEMA. The local churches also respond locally whenever a family suffers the loss of their homes through a fire or flood. The local churches also support with food pantries and with funding and staffing the local rescue missions for homeless veterans and others. They even assist with pregnant teens and battered women. It was a religious group that went to Darfur to render aid to the female rape victims over there.

Such aid and assistance requires staffing, organization, and funding. Without the churches and their members there will be a huge void left when they are gone. I have yet to see with my own eyes an eighteen wheeler with signage indicating it is the relief instrument of an atheist or agnostic organization on hand at the site of any natural disaster offloading relief and humanitarian supplies.


People would not all of a sudden lack humanity. Just the opposite. When most people realize that THIS is all there is, life will be MORE precious and saving lives will mean MORE.

Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?

That is a silly question. If the majority of the citizens in America were atheists it wouldn't occur in a single day. Obviously the transition would take many years if not many decades. If the religious people got snotty about their loss of membership and decided to with hold services then that too would happen over a significant time frame.

In those decades clearly some form of relief such as FEMA would need to adjust response times to make up for the butt hurt Christians reaction to being found out as irrelevant in respect to the myths they believe.
OK. Let's assume that religion, most especially Christianity does go by the wayside at some not-too-distant future date. What will pick up the slack? As it now stands, it is primarily the function of churches and church members to be the first responder when a natural disaster strikes and area of the country. This has been especially pronounced with the major hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. These folks respond even faster than does FEMA. The local churches also respond locally whenever a family suffers the loss of their homes through a fire or flood. The local churches also support with food pantries and with funding and staffing the local rescue missions for homeless veterans and others. They even assist with pregnant teens and battered women. It was a religious group that went to Darfur to render aid to the female rape victims over there.

Such aid and assistance requires staffing, organization, and funding. Without the churches and their members there will be a huge void left when they are gone. I have yet to see with my own eyes an eighteen wheeler with signage indicating it is the relief instrument of an atheist or agnostic organization on hand at the site of any natural disaster offloading relief and humanitarian supplies.


People would not all of a sudden lack humanity. Just the opposite. When most people realize that THIS is all there is, life will be MORE precious and saving lives will mean MORE.

Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?
Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?

- Link . :lol:

your assertion is laughable not to mention historically bankrupt unless crusades, inquisitions, land grabbing, smallpox, proselytizing - etc. are your answer for the needs of underprivileged Anglo-saxons ....


I think it interesting that the religists cling to tragedy as the excuse that god exists. That is some back handed assumption that atheists have no morals nor any sense of community.

All people, including atheists have relatives and friends in every community thruout the world. We have empathy as you have empathy. I support feeding the homeless here in Seattle with time and donations. I have spoken to the Seattle City Council by request of the Ballard Food Bank as well as spent hours handing out food and occasionally donated money as well as requested donations from others in my community.
OK. Let's assume that religion, most especially Christianity does go by the wayside at some not-too-distant future date. What will pick up the slack? As it now stands, it is primarily the function of churches and church members to be the first responder when a natural disaster strikes and area of the country. This has been especially pronounced with the major hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. These folks respond even faster than does FEMA. The local churches also respond locally whenever a family suffers the loss of their homes through a fire or flood. The local churches also support with food pantries and with funding and staffing the local rescue missions for homeless veterans and others. They even assist with pregnant teens and battered women. It was a religious group that went to Darfur to render aid to the female rape victims over there.

Such aid and assistance requires staffing, organization, and funding. Without the churches and their members there will be a huge void left when they are gone. I have yet to see with my own eyes an eighteen wheeler with signage indicating it is the relief instrument of an atheist or agnostic organization on hand at the site of any natural disaster offloading relief and humanitarian supplies.


People would not all of a sudden lack humanity. Just the opposite. When most people realize that THIS is all there is, life will be MORE precious and saving lives will mean MORE.

Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?
Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?

- Link . :lol:

your assertion is laughable not to mention historically bankrupt unless crusades, inquisitions, land grabbing, smallpox, proselytizing - etc. are your answer for the needs of underprivileged Anglo-saxons ....


I think it interesting that the religists cling to tragedy as the excuse that god exists. That is some back handed assumption that atheists have no morals nor any sense of community.

All people, including atheists have relatives and friends in every community thruout the world. We have empathy as you have empathy. I support feeding the homeless here in Seattle with time and donations. I have spoken to the Seattle City Council by request of the Ballard Food Bank as well as spent hours handing out food and occasionally donated money as well as requested donations from others in my community.

Of course you are tooting your own horn. You speak of times long past in history and not about current Christian donations, aid, and assistance. I speak of a world effort as well as a local effort on the part Christians play in aiding in world relief efforts. Did you offer assistance to the women raped in Darfur? Did you load a truck with supplies for the Katrinia victims in Mississippi and New Orleans? Do you contribute anything at all to the Christian hospital recently started up in Panama? Toot your horn some more and elaborate a bit more on your efforts to aid humanity.
OK. Let's assume that religion, most especially Christianity does go by the wayside at some not-too-distant future date. What will pick up the slack? As it now stands, it is primarily the function of churches and church members to be the first responder when a natural disaster strikes and area of the country. This has been especially pronounced with the major hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. These folks respond even faster than does FEMA. The local churches also respond locally whenever a family suffers the loss of their homes through a fire or flood. The local churches also support with food pantries and with funding and staffing the local rescue missions for homeless veterans and others. They even assist with pregnant teens and battered women. It was a religious group that went to Darfur to render aid to the female rape victims over there.

Such aid and assistance requires staffing, organization, and funding. Without the churches and their members there will be a huge void left when they are gone. I have yet to see with my own eyes an eighteen wheeler with signage indicating it is the relief instrument of an atheist or agnostic organization on hand at the site of any natural disaster offloading relief and humanitarian supplies.


People would not all of a sudden lack humanity. Just the opposite. When most people realize that THIS is all there is, life will be MORE precious and saving lives will mean MORE.

Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?
Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?

- Link . :lol:

your assertion is laughable not to mention historically bankrupt unless crusades, inquisitions, land grabbing, smallpox, proselytizing - etc. are your answer for the needs of underprivileged Anglo-saxons ....


I think it interesting that the religists cling to tragedy as the excuse that god exists. That is some back handed assumption that atheists have no morals nor any sense of community.

All people, including atheists have relatives and friends in every community thruout the world. We have empathy as you have empathy. I support feeding the homeless here in Seattle with time and donations. I have spoken to the Seattle City Council by request of the Ballard Food Bank as well as spent hours handing out food and occasionally donated money as well as requested donations from others in my community.

Of course you are tooting your own horn. You speak of times long past in history and not about current Christian donations, aid, and assistance. I speak of a world effort as well as a local effort on the part Christians play in aiding in world relief efforts. Did you offer assistance to the women raped in Darfur? Did you load a truck with supplies for the Katrinia victims in Mississippi and New Orleans? Do you contribute anything at all to the Christian hospital recently started up in Panama? Toot your horn some more and elaborate a bit more on your efforts to aid humanity.

Nobody will pass any laws prohibiting the christians from continuing to do good work on the planet.. What are you worried about? That you might not be able to hold some groups in society hostage to your religious proselytizing to get these services? Right now there are religious based organizations that insist you "come to god" to get something like a free cheese sandwich.

If not being able to sell your religion is a condition to your "charity" then it isn't really charity at all then is it.

I have never attempted to sell atheism at the Ballard Food Bank. Can your so called charities say the same?

Tooting my own horn? No.. you are just mad because you thought you were talking to some evil self centered a-hole. It doesn't play in your talking points that I do good work myself without the sales pitch.

People would not all of a sudden lack humanity. Just the opposite. When most people realize that THIS is all there is, life will be MORE precious and saving lives will mean MORE.

Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?
Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?

- Link . :lol:

your assertion is laughable not to mention historically bankrupt unless crusades, inquisitions, land grabbing, smallpox, proselytizing - etc. are your answer for the needs of underprivileged Anglo-saxons ....


I think it interesting that the religists cling to tragedy as the excuse that god exists. That is some back handed assumption that atheists have no morals nor any sense of community.

All people, including atheists have relatives and friends in every community thruout the world. We have empathy as you have empathy. I support feeding the homeless here in Seattle with time and donations. I have spoken to the Seattle City Council by request of the Ballard Food Bank as well as spent hours handing out food and occasionally donated money as well as requested donations from others in my community.

Of course you are tooting your own horn. You speak of times long past in history and not about current Christian donations, aid, and assistance. I speak of a world effort as well as a local effort on the part Christians play in aiding in world relief efforts. Did you offer assistance to the women raped in Darfur? Did you load a truck with supplies for the Katrinia victims in Mississippi and New Orleans? Do you contribute anything at all to the Christian hospital recently started up in Panama? Toot your horn some more and elaborate a bit more on your efforts to aid humanity.

Nobody will pass any laws prohibiting the christians from continuing to do good work on the planet.. What are you worried about? That you might not be able to hold some groups in society hostage to your religious proselytizing to get these services? Right now there are religious based organizations that insist you "come to god" to get something like a free cheese sandwich.

If not being able to sell your religion is a condition to your "charity" then it isn't really charity at all then is it.

I have never attempted to sell atheism at the Ballard Food Bank. Can your so called charities say the same?

Tooting my own horn? No.. you are just mad because you thought you were talking to some evil self centered a-hole. It doesn't play in your talking points that I do good work myself without the sales pitch.

Actually unlike you, I was addressing the OP's contention that religion would be gone by 2041. You cannot see that? All you have offered is some crap abot things that happened in the distant past, something you claim will take place sometime in the future after 2041, and the tooting of your own horn about how you helped out in your local community by some small amount.
Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?
Why don't they do it now? Where are the atheists and agnostics in extending massive aid in times of need? What is hindering them now?

- Link . :lol:

your assertion is laughable not to mention historically bankrupt unless crusades, inquisitions, land grabbing, smallpox, proselytizing - etc. are your answer for the needs of underprivileged Anglo-saxons ....


I think it interesting that the religists cling to tragedy as the excuse that god exists. That is some back handed assumption that atheists have no morals nor any sense of community.

All people, including atheists have relatives and friends in every community thruout the world. We have empathy as you have empathy. I support feeding the homeless here in Seattle with time and donations. I have spoken to the Seattle City Council by request of the Ballard Food Bank as well as spent hours handing out food and occasionally donated money as well as requested donations from others in my community.

Of course you are tooting your own horn. You speak of times long past in history and not about current Christian donations, aid, and assistance. I speak of a world effort as well as a local effort on the part Christians play in aiding in world relief efforts. Did you offer assistance to the women raped in Darfur? Did you load a truck with supplies for the Katrinia victims in Mississippi and New Orleans? Do you contribute anything at all to the Christian hospital recently started up in Panama? Toot your horn some more and elaborate a bit more on your efforts to aid humanity.

Nobody will pass any laws prohibiting the christians from continuing to do good work on the planet.. What are you worried about? That you might not be able to hold some groups in society hostage to your religious proselytizing to get these services? Right now there are religious based organizations that insist you "come to god" to get something like a free cheese sandwich.

If not being able to sell your religion is a condition to your "charity" then it isn't really charity at all then is it.

I have never attempted to sell atheism at the Ballard Food Bank. Can your so called charities say the same?

Tooting my own horn? No.. you are just mad because you thought you were talking to some evil self centered a-hole. It doesn't play in your talking points that I do good work myself without the sales pitch.

Actually unlike you, I was addressing the OP's contention that religion would be gone by 2041. You cannot see that? All you have offered is some crap abot things that happened in the distant past, something you claim will take place sometime in the future after 2041, and the tooting of your own horn about how you helped out in your local community by some small amount.

You are an idiot as well as a moron. I never said anything about things past. That was Breezewood. Do try to keep up on your reading skills.
... If the majority of the citizens in America were atheists ...

So if god asks US-citizens either to live in material contentement or to get some million dollars then the most citizens of the USA take some little few million Dollars and live in material contentement.

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All you have offered is some crap abot things that happened in the distant past, ...

so much for repentance -

charity has nothing to do with scriptural religions.


While allowing your hatred of those who do provide an outreach to those in need speaks to wherein one's own heart lies.

strawman would best provide links than spurious accusations ...

Religion in Spanish Colonization

American Blend

The Spanish firmly believed they had the right to conquer and colonize the New World to bring Christianity to the Indians. In their minds, saving souls was worth destroying bodies, if need be. They used this argument to justify almost anything they did in the New World, and forced conversion was common.

just a random search, history has never been a lesson of humility for christians as it shows with - the_human_being ...

... If the majority of the citizens in America were atheists ...

So if god asks US-citizens either to live in material contentement or to get some million dollars then the most citizens of the USA take some little few million Dollars and live in material contentement.

There is no god that can actually talk to people. The rest of your jibberish post makes no sense.
... If the majority of the citizens in America were atheists ...

So if god asks US-citizens either to live in material contentement or to get some million dollars then the most citizens of the USA take some little few million Dollars and live in material contentement.

There is no god that can actually talk to people. The rest of your jibberish post makes no sense.

The god "money" speaks very clear and very loud on this planet - and costs by the way a lot of money. Even so the god "might" and other gods. Sure it's not so easy to hear the voice of god in this loud and crying world full of troubles. But I guess it could be for everyone - independent wether this one believes in god or atheism - an important question to be a part of the solutions of the problems of our worlds or to be a problem for the world. You are problem not solution, because you deny the right to exist of people who don't believe what you believe. I'm on my own for sure not a friend of a state religion 'atheism', because no one can argue against the only rule of atheism I've ever heard from. This rule is just simple "You're next". No religion on our planet is as agressive as atheists. But in the end maybe everything what human beings are doing implodes in egocentrisms, nationalisms, racisms, iditiotisms and murderous ideologies. Even science seems to become more and more a kind of strange ideology in the english speaking world. My catholic church and I say very clear: God is truth, god is love, god is life. So everything what helps truth, what helps love, what helps life is good. Try to do so if you don't like to go lost. End of my gibber. I've spoken.

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... If the majority of the citizens in America were atheists ...

So if god asks US-citizens either to live in material contentement or to get some million dollars then the most citizens of the USA take some little few million Dollars and live in material contentement.

There is no god that can actually talk to people. The rest of your jibberish post makes no sense.

The god "money" speaks very clear and very loud on this planet - and costs by the way a lot of money. Even so the god "might" and other gods. Sure it's not so easy to hear the voice of god in this loud and crying world full of troubles. But I guess it could be for everyone - independent wether this one believes in god or atheism - an important question to be a part of the solutions of the problems of our worlds or to be a problem for the world. You are problem not solution, because you deny the right to exist of people who don't believe what you believe. I'm on my own for sure not a friend of a state religion 'atheism', because no one can argue against the only rule of atheism I ever heard from. This rule is just simple "You're next". No religion on our planet is as agressive as atheists. But in the end maybe everything what human beings are doing implodes in egocentrisms, nationalisms, racisms, iditiotisms and murderous ideologies. Even science seeme to become more and more a kind of strange ideology in the english speaking world. My catholic church and I say very clear: God is truth, god is love, god is life. So everything what helps truth, what helps love, what helps life is good. Try to do so if you don't like to go lost. End of my gibber. I've spoken.

You believe truth is your catholic god. I believe truth exists free of mythological reference. You see an enemy in my resolve not in any "You're next" declaration you say I've subscribed to.

True we are at an impasse. I believe the god believers will eventually die out and the world will be just fine trusting in ourselves. I believe just a steady reminder will be a sufficient guide to that end.

I see no purpose in some war of conflict to decide who is right and who is wrong. Might does not make right. It certainly can't make any reasonable case for a god. Nor can it prove that god does not exist.

I have stated that hearing of a church burning down makes me happy. That certainly does not mean I would go around burning down churches. It's more of a living proof that your god does nothing to protect the fold.
... If the majority of the citizens in America were atheists ...

So if god asks US-citizens either to live in material contentement or to get some million dollars then the most citizens of the USA take some little few million Dollars and live in material contentement.

There is no god that can actually talk to people. The rest of your jibberish post makes no sense.

The god "money" speaks very clear and very loud on this planet - and costs by the way a lot of money. Even so the god "might" and other gods. Sure it's not so easy to hear the voice of god in this loud and crying world full of troubles. But I guess it could be for everyone - independent wether this one believes in god or atheism - an important question to be a part of the solutions of the problems of our worlds or to be a problem for the world. You are problem not solution, because you deny the right to exist of people who don't believe what you believe. I'm on my own for sure not a friend of a state religion 'atheism', because no one can argue against the only rule of atheism I ever heard from. This rule is just simple "You're next". No religion on our planet is as agressive as atheists. But in the end maybe everything what human beings are doing implodes in egocentrisms, nationalisms, racisms, iditiotisms and murderous ideologies. Even science seeme to become more and more a kind of strange ideology in the english speaking world. My catholic church and I say very clear: God is truth, god is love, god is life. So everything what helps truth, what helps love, what helps life is good. Try to do so if you don't like to go lost. End of my gibber. I've spoken.

You believe truth is your catholic god.

I believe what I believe. You don't know what I believe. In this context I would agree to say "god is [a] catholic" or "truth is overarching".

I believe truth exists free of mythological reference.

So you say "mythological refrence is not true" without saying anything about what this "mythological reference" could be in the context here. With other words you say: "Only my belief is absolutelly true - everything else and everyone else is wrong". I just simple said "god is truth".

You see an enemy in my resolve not ien any "You're next" declaration you say I've subscribed to.

True we are at an impasse. I believe the god believers will eventually die out and the world will be just fine trusting in ourselves. I believe just a steady reminder will be a sufficient guide to that end.

I see no purpose in some war of conflict to decide who is right and who is wrong. Might does not make right. It certainly can't make any reasonable case for a god. Nor can it prove that god does not exist.

I have stated that hearing of a church burning down makes me happy. That certainly does not mean I would go around burning down churches. It's more of a living proof that your god does nothing to protect the fold.

Not really. If you will have killed everyone who could believe in god or could know what spirituality means then you nevertheless could not be sure that we will not come back, because god made everything out of nothing. So your future seems to be to wait full of paranoia - after you suffocated every creative life with your loveless speech and deeds. You are a poor guy without any other hope than death.

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By the way: If you are happy to hear that a church was burned down then this is maybe more than only a problem of spiritual desorientaition. Perhaps you should speak with a doctor or a psychologist about this emotional problem. Perhaps you are in danger ot lose control about your agressions.

... If the majority of the citizens in America were atheists ...

So if god asks US-citizens either to live in material contentement or to get some million dollars then the most citizens of the USA take some little few million Dollars and live in material contentement.

There is no god that can actually talk to people. The rest of your jibberish post makes no sense.

The god "money" speaks very clear and very loud on this planet - and costs by the way a lot of money. Even so the god "might" and other gods. Sure it's not so easy to hear the voice of god in this loud and crying world full of troubles. But I guess it could be for everyone - independent wether this one believes in god or atheism - an important question to be a part of the solutions of the problems of our worlds or to be a problem for the world. You are problem not solution, because you deny the right to exist of people who don't believe what you believe. I'm on my own for sure not a friend of a state religion 'atheism', because no one can argue against the only rule of atheism I ever heard from. This rule is just simple "You're next". No religion on our planet is as agressive as atheists. But in the end maybe everything what human beings are doing implodes in egocentrisms, nationalisms, racisms, iditiotisms and murderous ideologies. Even science seeme to become more and more a kind of strange ideology in the english speaking world. My catholic church and I say very clear: God is truth, god is love, god is life. So everything what helps truth, what helps love, what helps life is good. Try to do so if you don't like to go lost. End of my gibber. I've spoken.

You believe truth is your catholic god.

I believe what I believe. You don't know what I believe. In this context I would agree to say "god is [a] catholic" or "truth is overarching".

I believe truth exists free of mythological reference.

So you say "mythological refrence is not true" without saying anything about what this "mythological reference" could be in the context here. With other words you say: "Only my belief is absolutelly true - everything else and everyone else is wrong". I just simple said "god is truth".

You see an enemy in my resolve not ien any "You're next" declaration you say I've subscribed to.

True we are at an impasse. I believe the god believers will eventually die out and the world will be just fine trusting in ourselves. I believe just a steady reminder will be a sufficient guide to that end.

I see no purpose in some war of conflict to decide who is right and who is wrong. Might does not make right. It certainly can't make any reasonable case for a god. Nor can it prove that god does not exist.

I have stated that hearing of a church burning down makes me happy. That certainly does not mean I would go around burning down churches. It's more of a living proof that your god does nothing to protect the fold.

Not really. If you will have killed everyone who could believe in god or could know what spirituality means then you nevertheless could not be sure that we will not come back, because god made everything out of nothing. So your future seems to be to wait full of paranoia - after you suffocated every creative life with your loveless speech and deeds. You are a poor guy without any other hope than death.

You pathetic psycho babbling twat. Why all the fear? You describe images like a child that see's monsters under the bed or lurking in the closet. Grow the fuck up you wimpering pussy!

I never saw the boogyman. As a small child it was I that slept comfortably on the edge of the cliff and the others screamed for mommy and ran home in their blankets. The banshees cry of the killdeer was my lullaby.

I know why you believe in the boogyman and the god you think will save you. It is because you are WEAK!

Your problem is that you are not one with the world. You believe you must be saved from it and from yourself and your weaknesses. You have no idea what truth and peace are. You think some fairy tale will have the answers.

By the way: If you are happy to hear that a church was burned down then this is maybe more than only a problem of spiritual desorientaition. Perhaps you should speak with a doctor or a psychologist about this emotional problem. Perhaps you are in danger ot lose control about your agressions.

Perhaps you are right. It's a dangerous world and I sleep with the door open still. I have my dogs from hell to warn the foolish. I am less than a few feet from many thousands of the dead and buried which is fair reminder. There are consequences to being sloppy and stupid. It is no shame to live peacefully but ready like lightning bottled up to strike the transgressor. They say "it's not paranoid if they really are out to get you".

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