Zone1 Religious Forums Are Liars and Illiterate

How can forums be ignorant or liars

every single person on the forum would have to be those things... and that cannot be true because so few people ever agree --meaning no such unanymity.. on the forums..

in other words: Maybe you (OP) need to take an English class!
I belonged to the biggest "Christian" forum there is. Their mods literally sucked and were horribly biased. I won't get into the details, nor will I name the forum (most everyone has heard of it, I'm sure). I left and never looked back.

Religious Forums Are Liars and Illiterate​

Avoid these forums
Do you avoid basketball games because not all shots make it through the hoop? Baseball games, because batters do not get on base every time? Football because there are interceptions and fumbles?

People come to these forums because we are serious about our game. We are not perfect at it, but we are in the game. And, as Wayne Gretzky says, you miss a 100% of the shots we don't take.

We are here not because we play a perfect game, but because we want to improve our game--or skills, our knowledge, our practice. We learn, we think, and we rethink. And we enjoy what we do.

So come on in...the water's fine.

Religious Forums Are Liars and Illiterate​

Do you avoid basketball games because not all shots make it through the hoop? Baseball games, because batters do not get on base every time? Football because there are interceptions and fumbles?

People come to these forums because we are serious about our game. We are not perfect at it, but we are in the game. And, as Wayne Gretzky says, you miss a 100% of the shots we don't take.

We are here not because we play a perfect game, but because we want to improve our game--or skills, our knowledge, our practice. We learn, we think, and we rethink. And we enjoy what we do.

So come on in...the water's fine.
I once posted on a Christian site but the censorship was abysmal. It was the only site I have ever been banned from, and I'm a Christian. LOL.

Not sure if anyone knows of any Christian sites to post on who are not the thought police. but it would be nice.

All I can say is, maybe let me be wrong once and a while or accidentally offend someone or, God forbid, not be PC.

I can only think of how Jesus would be treated with the religious leaders of his day on one of those forums.

At least I don't have to worry about going to the cross for it, so there is that.
I once posted on a Christian site but the censorship was abysmal. It was the only site I have ever been banned from, and I'm a Christian. LOL.

Not sure if anyone knows of any Christian sites to post on who are not the thought police. but it would be nice.

All I can say is, maybe let me be wrong once and a while or accidentally offend someone or, God forbid, not be PC.

I can only think of how Jesus would be treated with the religious leaders of his day on one of those forums.

At least I don't have to worry about going to the cross for it, so there is that.
I have never been on a solely religious site, so I suppose I am clueless in knowing how protective they might be of their own doctrines and beliefs.
I have never been on a solely religious site, so I suppose I am clueless in knowing how protective they might be of their own doctrines and beliefs.
It was not even over that

They all tended to lean left there for whatever reason and took offense to something really stupid and ridiculously PC.
Avoid these forums

- would be a good reason not to attend their churches either: liars - illiterate ... been saying it for years.

referring to the desert variety if there actually are other choices than those, certainly not found anywhere in the coutryside.
I belonged to the biggest "Christian" forum there is. Their mods literally sucked and were horribly biased. I won't get into the details, nor will I name the forum (most everyone has heard of it, I'm sure). I left and never looked back.
I know which forum you speak of. I was kicked off the debate forums there, not because I violated any forum rules, but because they didn't like my 'style'. I can still post on some of the forums however.
I know which forum you speak of. I was kicked off the debate forums there, not because I violated any forum rules, but because they didn't like my 'style'. I can still post on some of the forums however.
I'm a fan of the KJV Bible. Got booted (temp banned) when I showed reasons for my belief that it's the best version. Not everyone will agree, but we should be able to have an honest debate.
I'm a fan of the KJV Bible. Got booted (temp banned) when I showed reasons for my belief that it's the best version. Not everyone will agree, but we should be able to have an honest debate.
KJV rules.

One thing that their mods don't understand is the difference between criticism and racism or antisemitism. They believe that criticism and hate are the same thing.
I have never been on a solely religious site, so I suppose I am clueless in knowing how protective they might be of their own doctrines and beliefs.
On that particular site you must believe in the trinity in order to post as a Christian. That tells you everything you need to know.
I'm a fan of the KJV Bible. Got booted (temp banned) when I showed reasons for my belief that it's the best version. Not everyone will agree, but we should be able to have an honest debate.
Where is the fun in censorship if you are allowed to debate?
I belonged to the biggest "Christian" forum there is. Their mods literally sucked and were horribly biased. I won't get into the details, nor will I name the forum (most everyone has heard of it, I'm sure). I left and never looked back.
i can say the same thing about many "christian" forums..

I totally agree about the so called mods... you couldn't even use the word "damn" and certainly couldn't say certain things...

I guess God is offended or affected somehow when some human utters a certain word or another...? :rolleyes:

sheez... That's what's wrong in this world: people making a big issue out of mere words. Even Fox was rather disappointing... someone on an early show said something about whether or not DeS could handle all the hecklers and others who criticize and attack him (Rs). What an insult to DeS... and again... it's like words are bullets orsomething... If someone says something on this forum insulting, I just shrug and acknowledge the poster has a problem.. big deal
I once posted on a Christian site but the censorship was abysmal. It was the only site I have ever been banned from, and I'm a Christian. LOL.

Not sure if anyone knows of any Christian sites to post on who are not the thought police. but it would be nice.

All I can say is, maybe let me be wrong once and a while or accidentally offend someone or, God forbid, not be PC.

I can only think of how Jesus would be treated with the religious leaders of his day on one of those forums.

At least I don't have to worry about going to the cross for it, so there is that.

some people make your life a true cross just bc... fill in the blanks... just bc you don't do what they think you should do (or say)

Yeh, I can totally relate, just wrote a post about this.. how the pettiest things were made into a huge OMG "OFFENSE"

no wonder people outside the "Church"

think christians are bonkers or whatever... (think they are only virtue signalling or whatever)..
On that particular site you must believe in the trinity in order to post as a Christian. That tells you everything you need to know.
I believe in hte Trinity but would NEVER cancel someone who does not.. that's a violation of the whole purpose of forums... to hear from all kinds of people... Well, that may not be the only purpose but whatever... strikes you as very narrow and petty minded
I believe in hte Trinity but would NEVER cancel someone who does not.. that's a violation of the whole purpose of forums... to hear from all kinds of people... Well, that may not be the only purpose but whatever... strikes you as very narrow and petty minded
You can still post on that forum, but you can't select "Christian" as your religious belief unless you accept whole Nicene Creed, which includes belief in the trinity.

I believe in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but I don't believe in person of the HS.
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You can still post on that forum, but you can't select "Christian" as your religious belief unless you accept whole Nicene Creed, which includes belief in the trinity.

I believe in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but I don't believe in personage of the HS.

Well, I don't want to argue the point. I personally (again, from experience) know that there are 3 persons in ONE God... They are not very different from one another IMO and in the ways they are or seem to be... it is still ONE God Christians worship

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