Religious nut pauses campaign to run the free world in order to consider a problem that doesnt exi

He's right. There's no arguing with that.
Well he isnt right at all. In fact that argument has been destroyed on several other threads over the past week.
The issue here is the fact that Cruz is nutty enough t think that this is important. That is scary.
Good for Cruz. He is right, men shouldn't pee next to my daughter. Real men wouldn't even think about it.
Real men arent thinking about it. Only religious nuts who want to bring in back door discrimination laws. don't know what a real man is.......a left wing regressive male is not a is a sex drive with no control.....
He's right. There's no arguing with that.
Well he isnt right at all. In fact that argument has been destroyed on several other threads over the past week.
The issue here is the fact that Cruz is nutty enough t think that this is important. That is scary.

It is for people with young daughters, or wives, or know...the primary target group of left wing regressive sexual predators.....
He's right. There's no arguing with that.
Well he isnt right at all. In fact that argument has been destroyed on several other threads over the past week.
The issue here is the fact that Cruz is nutty enough t think that this is important. That is scary.
The argument has been thoroughly destroyed but not the way you think. And the left made it important, the right, as usual, has to react or face increasing levels of deviancy.

I like how any attempt to maintain morality is treated as a evil attack by the right. No one but retards buy it.

I do not understand------they are going to put urinals in the Lady's room? I have a
great idea-------how about a choice of THREE------men, women, other?
Some places already have one. I was at my local Wal-Mart earlier this week and I saw the door that said "Family Restroom" on it. Why can't that be enough for those who don't like the male and females getting their own spots? When are certain people going to learn that certain things can't be fixed if they are not even broken to begin with?

God bless you always!!!


I do not understand------they are going to put urinals in the Lady's room? I have a
great idea-------how about a choice of THREE------men, women, other?
Some places already have one. I was at my local Wal-Mart earlier this week and I saw the door that said "Family Restroom" on it. Why can't that be enough for those who don't like the male and females getting their own spots? When are certain people going to learn that certain things can't be fixed if they are not even broken to begin with?

God bless you always!!!

Holly are a nice person so you probably don't understand the thought process of a left wing regressive social justice isn't enough that the man who wants to be a woman....can go to the bathroom normal people, especially religious christians...have to have it right where they can see it and be offended by it and can be called out on it if they are offended by it.....

Just being able to go to the bathroom isn't enough...everyone else has to want them to use the same bathroom...especially if it offends the enemies of left wing regressives....
You've got a problem with that comment ?
No. I have a problem with the context. Its a problem that doesnt exist.

Well it wasn't a problem, until suddenly out of nowhere the LGBT community made it one.
You guys now want to be able to waltz into any rest room you like based not on your anatomy, but based on who you 'feel' you are.
I bet you blame the Jews for the Holocaust too.

Well umm, no, actually I don't.

Anyway, back to the actual topic, here's a story that was NOT started by people who don't want transgendered individuals in the wrong rest rooms or locker rooms. It was started by the tranny himself.

We have here a guy who says he's always felt like a girl, wants to be in the girls locker room, but the problem is he still has male anatomy.
Now for you, that's not a problem, for me who has daughters I have a huge problem with someone who has a dick and wants to freely roam about their rest room or locker room.

Now if that makes me a nazi, then 'Sieg Heil' !

Bathroom access for transgender teen divides Missouri town

CNN)Missouri transgender teen Lila Perry says she began to feel like a girl when she was 13 and started appearing as one in school this year when classes began in August.

The 17-year-old Hillsboro High School senior wears skirts, makeup and a long wig styled with bobby pins. She even started using the girls' locker room to change for gym class, despite the school's offer of a single-occupancy restroom.

Bathroom access for transgender teen divides town -
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I find the implication that LGBT's cannot control their sexual urges amusingly low intellect. I've been sexually attracted to women my entire life; "attractive chicks" are the absolute furthest thing from my mind when I am forced to piss in a public bathroom. It's hilarious.
You "trannys" lost . the Majority has spoken. they don't want you in WOMENS bathrooms. go see how you do in the MENS john. OR go behind a bush.

and the nuts are you who thinks it's OK for men to use bathrooms with our female children in them
In the story posted, it mentions the town is "divided".
It is stunning to me that there actually are people who think that a kid who has a schlong hanging out should be welcomed in the girls locker room.

Forget about the fact that many of the girls are very uncomfortable undressing around a person who is still a male, the only thing that matters is the feelings of the tranny.
In the story posted, it mentions the town is "divided".
It is stunning to me that there actually are people who think that a kid who has a schlong hanging out should be welcomed in the girls locker room.

Forget about the fact that many of the girls are very uncomfortable undressing around a person who is still a male, the only thing that matters is the feelings of the tranny.

Well it's from some site called: pink and from the uk. so who knows . these leftwing places lie, make up, insert crap not true, embellish, etc. lol
I find the implication that LGBT's cannot control their sexual urges amusingly low intellect. I've been sexually attracted to women my entire life; "attractive chicks" are the absolute furthest thing from my mind when I am forced to piss in a public bathroom. It's hilarious.

The deviants can't even control their manners. They are consumed by their urges so much it defines them as a person. Just because you aren't the sort of sick fuck that gets off doing perverse shit in public doesn't mean the rest of the deviants aren't.

Just one case of these sick fucks messing with someone else's kids should be too much to risk.
You "trannys" lost . the Majority has spoken. they don't want you in WOMENS bathrooms. go see how you do in the MENS john. OR go behind a bush.

and the nuts are you who thinks it's OK for men to use bathrooms with our female children in them

although I rarely agree with you steph----I DO agree that BEHIND a bush----or in the alley is a LOT better than me (female person) walking into a lavatory and encountering a male person URINATING into a urinal as I pass by ----to the "stalls".
I think (as in believe) that most women (like me) are not even all that happy to use
PUBLIC RESTROOMS along with other ladies-----JUST THERE ----but we do what must be done--------why make it EVEN WORSE than it is now?
You've got a problem with that comment ?
No. I have a problem with the context. Its a problem that doesnt exist.

Well it wasn't a problem, until suddenly out of nowhere the LGBT community made it one.
You guys now want to be able to waltz into any rest room you like based not on your anatomy, but based on who you 'feel' you are.
I bet you blame the Jews for the Holocaust too.
Not the same, gay is a choice. Libtards denying something only means libtards are idiots.
I find the implication that LGBT's cannot control their sexual urges amusingly low intellect. I've been sexually attracted to women my entire life; "attractive chicks" are the absolute furthest thing from my mind when I am forced to piss in a public bathroom. It's hilarious.

The deviants can't even control their manners. They are consumed by their urges so much it defines them as a person. Just because you aren't the sort of sick fuck that gets off doing perverse shit in public doesn't mean the rest of the deviants aren't.

Just one case of these sick fucks messing with someone else's kids should be too much to risk.

NONE of the LGBT folks I know are like that, not one. In fact, the straights are far more twisted in their sexual fantasies than the LGBT's; most LGBT's are looking for a lifetime partner to settle down with, they want stability, they want love and cuddles and other useless crap. They're bleeding heart idiots.
NONE of the LGBT folks I know are like that, not one. In fact, the straights are far more twisted in their sexual fantasies than the LGBT's; most LGBT's are looking for a lifetime partner to settle down with, they want stability, they want love and cuddles and other useless crap. They're bleeding heart idiots.

A good percentage of the deviants I've known either had been molested, we're molesters themselves or were always pushing the envelope with people. None have had a lifetime relationship or stability. Admittedly most of them were decent enough people but the minority that weren't have convinced me that it's foolish to pretend their lifestyle is normal.
I can only go by whom I know, which is about 100 or so god damn socialist liberal jackoffs. We may fight constantly about wealth equality matters, (myself being close to a 1%'er), but I absolutely do not consider any of them to be engaged in shit like that. I can't think of a single one of those pussies that would even have the stomach to do something like that, shit about half of them can't even handle getting called a "fudge packer" by some twat online without whining about it for months heh

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