Religious nut pauses campaign to run the free world in order to consider a problem that doesnt exi

I'm not an expert on twisted sexual fantasies but I'm always curious how people like you can know so much about everyone's intimate thoughts. I haven't done a study but I'm sure there are quite a few queers that want much more than a simple monogamous life.

~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
Good for Cruz. He is right, men shouldn't pee next to my daughter. Real men wouldn't even think about it.
Real men arent thinking about it. Only religious nuts who want to bring in back door discrimination laws.

Why don't you say you hate people that are religious so we will know you not only approve of perverts, but are a bigot as well.

I hate fake religious nuts that claim Christianity as an excuse to deny other's rights.

Men pissing in the girls restroom is not a right.
Who ever dreamt we'd be having to pass laws against something as stupid and evil as this and for such a SMALL minority of people in country. this is creeping me out to think them going in the same bathrooms as my daughters, as most of them haven't had the FULL surgery.
Good for Cruz. He is right, men shouldn't pee next to my daughter. Real men wouldn't even think about it.
Real men arent thinking about it. Only religious nuts who want to bring in back door discrimination laws.

Why don't you say you hate people that are religious so we will know you not only approve of perverts, but are a bigot as well.
I dont consider ,for example, Cruz to be a religious man. I think that he , and others, select passages from the Bible that support any prejudices that they have and use them to persecute others.
That isnt Christianity. Its a selective warped take on a religion based on love. I was brought up as a Christian and it is something that I do not recognise. Like billionaire Pastors with private jets. There is money in hate and again it isnt Christian.
I'm not an expert on twisted sexual fantasies but I'm always curious how people like you can know so much about everyone's intimate thoughts. I haven't done a study but I'm sure there are quite a few queers that want much more than a simple monogamous life.

~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

Your personal bias and opinion are irrelevant to me I'm sorry to say. I do not consider LGBT's a "stain on society" so exactly why is it that you think your personal opinion and belief is more important than mine?
I'm not an expert on twisted sexual fantasies but I'm always curious how people like you can know so much about everyone's intimate thoughts. I haven't done a study but I'm sure there are quite a few queers that want much more than a simple monogamous life.

~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.
Good for Cruz. He is right, men shouldn't pee next to my daughter. Real men wouldn't even think about it.
Real men arent thinking about it. Only religious nuts who want to bring in back door discrimination laws.

Why don't you say you hate people that are religious so we will know you not only approve of perverts, but are a bigot as well.
I dont consider ,for example, Cruz to be a religious man. I think that he , and others, select passages from the Bible that support any prejudices that they have and use them to persecute others.
That isnt Christianity. Its a selective warped take on a religion based on love. I was brought up as a Christian and it is something that I do not recognise. Like billionaire Pastors with private jets. There is money in hate and again it isnt Christian.

You are confusing hate with common sense. Men pissing in front of little girls is not acceptable to many non-Christians and it is not in the Bible.
I'm not an expert on twisted sexual fantasies but I'm always curious how people like you can know so much about everyone's intimate thoughts. I haven't done a study but I'm sure there are quite a few queers that want much more than a simple monogamous life.

~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

Your personal bias and opinion are irrelevant to me I'm sorry to say. I do not consider LGBT's a "stain on society" so exactly why is it that you think your personal opinion and belief is more important than mine?
You idiot. You typed all those words based on your opinion about other people's opinion so I called you on it and now you want to take your pussy and go home? Bye. One less moron to talk to won't hurt me.
This is just another manifestation of the reprehensible right, of the politics of fear and division practiced by republicans, and the bigotry exhibited toward transgender Americans common to most conservatives
You're full of shit. It's not bigotry to keep transvestites out of women's restrooms and dykes out of men's. You're not going to win this. More states will be forced to pass laws we demand to protect ourselves from perverts and the mentally ill transvestites.
You're full of shit. It's not bigotry to keep transvestites out of women's restrooms and dykes out of men's. You're not going to win this. More states will be forced to pass laws we demand to protect ourselves from perverts and the mentally ill transvestites.

Until some leftwing sociopaths in the SCOTUS over turn the will of the voters again.
Who ever dreamt we'd be having to pass laws against something as stupid and evil as this and for such a SMALL minority of people in country. this is creeping me out to think them going in the same bathrooms as my daughters, as most of them haven't had the FULL surgery.
It's more of the war on normalcy brought by the gays and their neoQueer enablers.
Who ever dreamt we'd be having to pass laws against something as stupid and evil as this and for such a SMALL minority of people in country. this is creeping me out to think them going in the same bathrooms as my daughters, as most of them haven't had the FULL surgery.
It's more of the war on normalcy brought by the gays and their neoQueer enablers.
Just think how ghey our ancestors in WWI..
I'm not an expert on twisted sexual fantasies but I'm always curious how people like you can know so much about everyone's intimate thoughts. I haven't done a study but I'm sure there are quite a few queers that want much more than a simple monogamous life.

~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
heh I'm not going anywhere son, but do enjoy thinking you're superior. I'm quite sure I trounce you on almost every factor of measurable "success" in the modern world, but at least you have ... your opinion. :)
I'm not an expert on twisted sexual fantasies but I'm always curious how people like you can know so much about everyone's intimate thoughts. I haven't done a study but I'm sure there are quite a few queers that want much more than a simple monogamous life.

~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.
~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
Just what I said. You don't like it so it's a dumb law and should be changed. Otherwise the law is the law and written in stone. Hypocrisy, the hallmark of the left.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel, lol.
If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
Just what I said. You don't like it so it's a dumb law and should be changed. Otherwise the law is the law and written in stone. hypocrisy, the hallmark of the left.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel, lol.

Only I didn't say it should be changed. I said it will be changed. You know it will, and all your whining will be wasted.
The decision has been made. Once it has been found to be unworkable, a different decision will be made.

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