Religious nut pauses campaign to run the free world in order to consider a problem that doesnt exi

If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
Just what I said. You don't like it so it's a dumb law and should be changed. Otherwise the law is the law and written in stone. hypocrisy, the hallmark of the left.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel, lol.

Only I didn't say it should be changed. I said it will be changed. You know it will, and all your whining will be wasted.
You're the one pissing and moaning. I'm the one laughing at you are your inability to grasp simple concepts.

Like fish in a barrel.
Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
Just what I said. You don't like it so it's a dumb law and should be changed. Otherwise the law is the law and written in stone. hypocrisy, the hallmark of the left.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel, lol.

Only I didn't say it should be changed. I said it will be changed. You know it will, and all your whining will be wasted.
You're the one pissing and moaning. I'm the one laughing at you are your inability to grasp simple concepts.

Like fish in a barrel.

Oddly, you said the same thing about gay marriage. You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that. It didn't work then, and this won't work now. You lost again. Get used to it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
Just what I said. You don't like it so it's a dumb law and should be changed. Otherwise the law is the law and written in stone. hypocrisy, the hallmark of the left.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel, lol.

Only I didn't say it should be changed. I said it will be changed. You know it will, and all your whining will be wasted.
You're the one pissing and moaning. I'm the one laughing at you are your inability to grasp simple concepts.

Like fish in a barrel.
Oddly, you said the same thing about gay marriage. You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that. It didn't work then, and this won't work now. You lost again. Get used to it.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.
I'm not an expert on twisted sexual fantasies but I'm always curious how people like you can know so much about everyone's intimate thoughts. I haven't done a study but I'm sure there are quite a few queers that want much more than a simple monogamous life.

~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
We didn't lose, you idiots lost from the get go. I dare you're so ass to come into the bathroom with my daughter, it will be the last time.
Back to this story, note that the school offered the tranny use of a single occupant rest room, but that wasn't good enough. The tranny wanted the girls area or nothing. There has to be a compromise. Why is the tranny's feelings more important than all the girls who are uncomfortable with someone in their locker room who has a dick ?

The 17-year-old Hillsboro High School senior wears skirts, makeup and a long wig styled with bobby pins. She even started using the girls' locker room to change for gym class, despite the school's offer of a single-occupancy restroom.

Bathroom access for transgender teen divides town -
Almost no one is seriously concerned about trannys in the bathroom. It's the opportunist who will use this new freedom for their own harmful ends. It's a gift to exhibitionists who like exposing themselves to women. The guy who finds that he can spend all day in the girl's locker room walking around with a hard on is overjoyed at this law.
No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
Just what I said. You don't like it so it's a dumb law and should be changed. Otherwise the law is the law and written in stone. hypocrisy, the hallmark of the left.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel, lol.

Only I didn't say it should be changed. I said it will be changed. You know it will, and all your whining will be wasted.
You're the one pissing and moaning. I'm the one laughing at you are your inability to grasp simple concepts.

Like fish in a barrel.
Oddly, you said the same thing about gay marriage. You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that. It didn't work then, and this won't work now. You lost again. Get used to it.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
~shrug~ I suppose I end up with a "deeper" knowledge of it all because I am a very curious person. My friends know this about me and that I am apt to ask them very "uncomfortable" questions without judgement. (I've had quite a few conversations about what the hell the draw is with anal sex, it's not my thing lol) I, as well as my peers, also have a strong interest in psych fields, so that is a regular discussion point of the themes among us. We have a kind of "round table" every week where we discuss "current events" so such things oft come up in our discussions. They often air their grievances on such matters, and I'm keen to tell them they are being stupid as well (we've actually been having quite a row these past couple weeks because I think the bathroom thing is a bologna non-issue they should just ignore.)

In any event, upon what do you base your presumption that LGBT's don't want monogamy? Relationships are nothing more than the need of humans to form a deeper understanding and kinship with another person; why would LGBT's be "different" in that aspect of the human existence? Especially in light of the recent push for SSM, why would they push for SSM if they were /not/ interested monogamous relationships with their partner? While there may indeed be some LGBT's who are not interested in monogamous relationships, this number is going to be along the same lines as heterosexual men who do not have interest in monogamous relationships. LGBT's are people just the same, they are driven by the same chemical and electrical impulses as every other human being on the planet.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
We didn't lose, you idiots lost from the get go. I dare you're so ass to come into the bathroom with my daughter, it will be the last time.

Right. Just like the right to gay marriage was lost.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
We didn't lose, you idiots lost from the get go. I dare you're so ass to come into the bathroom with my daughter, it will be the last time.

Right. Just like the right to gay marriage was lost.
Gays will find out in the end their sick sexuall perversion is wrong, good luck.
Just what I said. You don't like it so it's a dumb law and should be changed. Otherwise the law is the law and written in stone. hypocrisy, the hallmark of the left.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel, lol.

Only I didn't say it should be changed. I said it will be changed. You know it will, and all your whining will be wasted.
You're the one pissing and moaning. I'm the one laughing at you are your inability to grasp simple concepts.

Like fish in a barrel.
Oddly, you said the same thing about gay marriage. You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that. It didn't work then, and this won't work now. You lost again. Get used to it.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!

Point of order...

Bulldyke proved it was a dishonest retard a long time ago.
Who ever dreamt we'd be having to pass laws against something as stupid and evil as this and for such a SMALL minority of people in country. this is creeping me out to think them going in the same bathrooms as my daughters, as most of them haven't had the FULL surgery.
It's more of the war on normalcy brought by the gays and their neoQueer enablers.
Just think how ghey our ancestors in WWI..
lol. Friends of yours? At least they are men being men and not pretending to be women.
Not everyone wants monogamy. You're the one making blanket claims about sex lives from nosy assed questions? Give us a break.

SSM is about normalizing homosexuality, getting the government to force us to participate in the lie that gender isn't relevant. Most folks know better and always will, no matter how much political correctness we are forced to endure.

But the irony is that when favorable laws are passed the queers claim the law is the law, we must eat it. But when laws are unfavorable we much change this horrible stain on society. The ideology with the inconsistency is the one full of shit.

If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
It's not valid if the law is struck down by liberals with no conservative joining them. This only shows the Court is too political thanks to liberal presidents who pick justices who only will enforce liberal bullshit and call it constitutional. Maybe it's time we require 9-0 rulings to override state laws.
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The decision has been made. Once it has been found to be unworkable, a different decision will be made.
There is nothing unconstutional that requires natural born men piss with other natural born men. Transvestites not allowed in restrooms contrary to their natural sex.

If Ted Cruz wins the election, he will be picking 4 SCOTUS replacements and that will be the END of gay marriage, ObamaCare and this nonsense of neoQueers and that's wanting transvestites to use women's restrooms.

And an added bonus, Roe v Wade will be struck down.
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The freaking world is falling apart and Russian planes buzz American warships while idiot sodomites worry about what politicians think about men being able to use the ladies room.
Only I didn't say it should be changed. I said it will be changed. You know it will, and all your whining will be wasted.
You're the one pissing and moaning. I'm the one laughing at you are your inability to grasp simple concepts.

Like fish in a barrel.
Oddly, you said the same thing about gay marriage. You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that. It didn't work then, and this won't work now. You lost again. Get used to it.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!

If you say so,but you still lost.
If you don't believe in same sex marriage, then don't get one.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
It's not valid if the law is struck down by liberals with no conservative joining them. This only show the Court is too political thanks to liberal presidents who pick justices who only will enforce liberal bullshit and call it constitutional. Maybe it's time we require 9-0 rulings to override state laws.

If the court strikes it down, it's struck down. You don't have to like it.
Hmmmm, you obviously have an open mind on the issue. Pretty soon degenerates like yourself will be extinct.

Natural selection dictates otherwise.

No matter how our society may degrade itself to cater to perverts and degenerates, it is sane, heterosexuals who will do the vast majority of procreating and passing on their traits to future generations. Homosexuals, trannies, and similar degenerates will never be more than a fringe element of society.
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Who ever dreamt we'd be having to pass laws against something as stupid and evil as this and for such a SMALL minority of people in country. this is creeping me out to think them going in the same bathrooms as my daughters, as most of them haven't had the FULL surgery.

Even if they do have “the full surgery”, that still doesn't make them female. They're still male, and they still have no damn business being in women's restrooms.

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