Religious people less intelligent than atheists?

Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.
I am not "hostile" to religious lunatics. Their stupidity just disgusts me and makes me nauseous. In the modern world, stupidity endangers mankind and the whole natural world.

"Stupidity, from being an amiable individual defect, has become a monstrous and deadly social crime."
J. D. Bernal

No, that's not hostile at all. :rofl:

Atheism can come with an automatic insecurity complex. There is always that nagging little voice in the back of an atheist's mind that pesters, saying "psst...what if you are wrong?".
No, it is not and that is the point I made in another post. Just because you have a lower unscientific standard for evidence doesn't make it evidence. If I see my image in a mirror as proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, will you accept that?
I will accept that you see it as proof.

You seem to be unable to return the favor.

Same question to you as I asked numan:
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.​

I'll be your Huckleberry. Believers are dangerous to the survival of the inhabitants of this planet. They believe that "god" has a plan and have resigned themselves to leave everything up to the allmighty's wishes. When I look out and see the moon my hostility towards you fools is focused and clear. Anyone can see the huge craters on the surface of the moon. There are several that if occured here on the surface of earth would wipe out us and every other living thing except maybe moles and bats(They reside underground). The moles eat grubs AKA maggots and the bats dine on insects AKA flies. There will be a lot of flies and maggots when the big rock smacks into our planet from all the decaying flesh.

We need to stop all our foolishness and get serious about what we need to do to prevent the next cosmic holocaust. I hate the religious because they waste time and money on a grand scale that could be put to better use than the pursuit of thier delusions.

Stop acting and believing as children...grow up...face reality head on and maybe...just maybe we will have a chance to survive into the future.

That is a lot of tall claims based on nothing at all.

Christians, in general, are not doing anything at all that would stop research or attempts to avoid the next ‘cosmic cataclysm.’ Last I checked, it was our secular government that seems to think that science like NASA is not really important anymore.

Scientific research is independent of faith. The two have very little to do with each other.
No, it is not and that is the point I made in another post. Just because you have a lower unscientific standard for evidence doesn't make it evidence. If I see my image in a mirror as proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, will you accept that?
I will accept that you see it as proof.

You seem to be unable to return the favor.

Same question to you as I asked numan:
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.​

I'll be your Huckleberry. Believers are dangerous to the survival of the inhabitants of this planet. They believe that "god" has a plan and have resigned themselves to leave everything up to the allmighty's wishes. When I look out and see the moon my hostility towards you fools is focused and clear. Anyone can see the huge craters on the surface of the moon. There are several that if occured here on the surface of earth would wipe out us and every other living thing except maybe moles and bats(They reside underground). The moles eat grubs AKA maggots and the bats dine on insects AKA flies. There will be a lot of flies and maggots when the big rock smacks into our planet from all the decaying flesh.

We need to stop all our foolishness and get serious about what we need to do to prevent the next cosmic holocaust. I hate the religious because they waste time and money on a grand scale that could be put to better use than the pursuit of thier delusions.

Stop acting and believing as children...grow up...face reality head on and maybe...just maybe we will have a chance to survive into the future.
Why do you claim that a belief in God and support of science are mutually exclusive?

Because they're not, you know.

I agree, we need to do what we can to get off this rock. All our eggs are in one basket, and if we get hit with a big enough asteroid, it's good night, human race.

AND I believe in God. And I'm not alone.

Collins: Why this scientist believes in God -

Famous Scientists Who Believed in God

So, it looks like your objections are baseless. Care to rethink them?
I am not "hostile" to religious lunatics. Their stupidity just disgusts me and makes me nauseous. In the modern world, stupidity endangers mankind and the whole natural world.

"Stupidity, from being an amiable individual defect, has become a monstrous and deadly social crime."
J. D. Bernal

No, that's not hostile at all. :rofl:

Atheism can come with an automatic insecurity complex. There is always that nagging little voice in the back of an atheist's mind that pesters, saying "psst...what if you are wrong?".
Indeed. And they can't conceive of a power higher than themselves.
I will accept that you see it as proof.

You seem to be unable to return the favor.

Same question to you as I asked numan:
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.​

I'll be your Huckleberry. Believers are dangerous to the survival of the inhabitants of this planet. They believe that "god" has a plan and have resigned themselves to leave everything up to the allmighty's wishes. When I look out and see the moon my hostility towards you fools is focused and clear. Anyone can see the huge craters on the surface of the moon. There are several that if occured here on the surface of earth would wipe out us and every other living thing except maybe moles and bats(They reside underground). The moles eat grubs AKA maggots and the bats dine on insects AKA flies. There will be a lot of flies and maggots when the big rock smacks into our planet from all the decaying flesh.

We need to stop all our foolishness and get serious about what we need to do to prevent the next cosmic holocaust. I hate the religious because they waste time and money on a grand scale that could be put to better use than the pursuit of thier delusions.

Stop acting and believing as children...grow up...face reality head on and maybe...just maybe we will have a chance to survive into the future.

That is a lot of tall claims based on nothing at all.

Christians, in general, are not doing anything at all that would stop research or attempts to avoid the next ‘cosmic cataclysm.’ Last I checked, it was our secular government that seems to think that science like NASA is not really important anymore.

Scientific research is independent of faith. The two have very little to do with each other.
I think he's angry that people give money to their churches instead of to the government. :confused:
I will accept that you see it as proof.

You seem to be unable to return the favor.

Same question to you as I asked numan:
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.​

I'll be your Huckleberry. Believers are dangerous to the survival of the inhabitants of this planet. They believe that "god" has a plan and have resigned themselves to leave everything up to the allmighty's wishes. When I look out and see the moon my hostility towards you fools is focused and clear. Anyone can see the huge craters on the surface of the moon. There are several that if occured here on the surface of earth would wipe out us and every other living thing except maybe moles and bats(They reside underground). The moles eat grubs AKA maggots and the bats dine on insects AKA flies. There will be a lot of flies and maggots when the big rock smacks into our planet from all the decaying flesh.

We need to stop all our foolishness and get serious about what we need to do to prevent the next cosmic holocaust. I hate the religious because they waste time and money on a grand scale that could be put to better use than the pursuit of thier delusions.

Stop acting and believing as children...grow up...face reality head on and maybe...just maybe we will have a chance to survive into the future.
Why do you claim that a belief in God and support of science are mutually exclusive?

Because they're not, you know.

I agree, we need to do what we can to get off this rock. All our eggs are in one basket, and if we get hit with a big enough asteroid, it's good night, human race.

AND I believe in God. And I'm not alone.

Collins: Why this scientist believes in God -

Famous Scientists Who Believed in God

So, it looks like your objections are baseless. Care to rethink them?

Of course he doesn't care to rethink them.
No. Im trying to teach you how to find out for yourself that He exists. There is plenty of evidence of God because everything in existence is evidence of a God. Look at yourself in the mirror. That its evidence of God. You might choose to disregard the evidence. But it's evidence nonetheless.

No, it is not and that is the point I made in another post. Just because you have a lower unscientific standard for evidence doesn't make it evidence. If I see my image in a mirror as proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, will you accept that?
I will accept that you see it as proof.

You seem to be unable to return the favor.

Same question to you as I asked numan:
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.​

The only time I have a problem with people who demand that their religious beliefs are fact is when they try to legislate it and force it on the rest of the population or when they criticize me for not sharing their beliefs. If they open the door, then I am entitled to attack the silliness of the assertions they are making. Other than that, I don't care if you want to worship a bucket of lugnuts and will even defend your right to do so.
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.
I am not "hostile" to religious lunatics. Their stupidity just disgusts me and makes me nauseous. In the modern world, stupidity endangers mankind and the whole natural world.

"Stupidity, from being an amiable individual defect, has become a monstrous and deadly social crime."
J. D. Bernal


I agree. There are too many religious nutcases who are trying to force their beliefs on impressionable children in public schools and bring us backwards into the dark ages.
I have a theory about why militant atheists are so hostile towards believers.

They're afraid we're right.

That's not it at all. We just get a little tired of being treated like second class citizens when we have to accomodate the wishes of christians. This whole "war on christmas" argument is a perfect example..
I have a theory about why militant atheists are so hostile towards believers.

They're afraid we're right.

In the modern world, stupidity endangers mankind and the whole natural world.

who's we ?


You don't see the level of animosity Christians receive from militant atheists also directed to other faiths.

Why is that?

Do you not see the animosity that atheists receive from christians?
I will accept that you see it as proof.

You seem to be unable to return the favor.

Same question to you as I asked numan:
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.​

I'll be your Huckleberry. Believers are dangerous to the survival of the inhabitants of this planet. They believe that "god" has a plan and have resigned themselves to leave everything up to the allmighty's wishes. When I look out and see the moon my hostility towards you fools is focused and clear. Anyone can see the huge craters on the surface of the moon. There are several that if occured here on the surface of earth would wipe out us and every other living thing except maybe moles and bats(They reside underground). The moles eat grubs AKA maggots and the bats dine on insects AKA flies. There will be a lot of flies and maggots when the big rock smacks into our planet from all the decaying flesh.

We need to stop all our foolishness and get serious about what we need to do to prevent the next cosmic holocaust. I hate the religious because they waste time and money on a grand scale that could be put to better use than the pursuit of thier delusions.

Stop acting and believing as children...grow up...face reality head on and maybe...just maybe we will have a chance to survive into the future.

That is a lot of tall claims based on nothing at all.

Christians, in general, are not doing anything at all that would stop research or attempts to avoid the next ‘cosmic cataclysm.’ Last I checked, it was our secular government that seems to think that science like NASA is not really important anymore.

Scientific research is independent of faith. The two have very little to do with each other.

But when it comes down to a matter of life and death, many religious folks will toss aside their beliefs and rely on reality. Reality rules over religious beliefs. If you're in a plane that's going down and you can either take a parachute and jump or pray to your god that the plane doesn't crash, which would you do?
I'll be your Huckleberry. Believers are dangerous to the survival of the inhabitants of this planet. They believe that "god" has a plan and have resigned themselves to leave everything up to the allmighty's wishes. When I look out and see the moon my hostility towards you fools is focused and clear. Anyone can see the huge craters on the surface of the moon. There are several that if occured here on the surface of earth would wipe out us and every other living thing except maybe moles and bats(They reside underground). The moles eat grubs AKA maggots and the bats dine on insects AKA flies. There will be a lot of flies and maggots when the big rock smacks into our planet from all the decaying flesh.

We need to stop all our foolishness and get serious about what we need to do to prevent the next cosmic holocaust. I hate the religious because they waste time and money on a grand scale that could be put to better use than the pursuit of thier delusions.

Stop acting and believing as children...grow up...face reality head on and maybe...just maybe we will have a chance to survive into the future.

That is a lot of tall claims based on nothing at all.

Christians, in general, are not doing anything at all that would stop research or attempts to avoid the next ‘cosmic cataclysm.’ Last I checked, it was our secular government that seems to think that science like NASA is not really important anymore.

Scientific research is independent of faith. The two have very little to do with each other.

But when it comes down to a matter of life and death, many religious folks will toss aside their beliefs and rely on reality. Reality rules over religious beliefs. If you're in a plane that's going down and you can either take a parachute and jump or pray to your god that the plane doesn't crash, which would you do?


The claims that you made are still tall and still based on nothing more than baseless conjecture.
That is a lot of tall claims based on nothing at all.

Christians, in general, are not doing anything at all that would stop research or attempts to avoid the next ‘cosmic cataclysm.’ Last I checked, it was our secular government that seems to think that science like NASA is not really important anymore.

Scientific research is independent of faith. The two have very little to do with each other.

But when it comes down to a matter of life and death, many religious folks will toss aside their beliefs and rely on reality. Reality rules over religious beliefs. If you're in a plane that's going down and you can either take a parachute and jump or pray to your god that the plane doesn't crash, which would you do?


The claims that you made are still tall and still based on nothing more than baseless conjecture.

It's not irrelevant. Which claims are you referring to?
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.
I am not "hostile" to religious lunatics. Their stupidity just disgusts me and makes me nauseous. In the modern world, stupidity endangers mankind and the whole natural world.

"Stupidity, from being an amiable individual defect, has become a monstrous and deadly social crime."
J. D. Bernal


I agree. There are too many religious nutcases who are trying to force their beliefs on impressionable children in public schools and bring us backwards into the dark ages.

Other than technology, I see little difference between people then and now. They were ignorant, but that's because they couldn't read as a society. We as a society can read and have tremendous technology but we are still ignorant as a people.
I'll be your Huckleberry. Believers are dangerous to the survival of the inhabitants of this planet. They believe that "god" has a plan and have resigned themselves to leave everything up to the allmighty's wishes. When I look out and see the moon my hostility towards you fools is focused and clear. Anyone can see the huge craters on the surface of the moon. There are several that if occured here on the surface of earth would wipe out us and every other living thing except maybe moles and bats(They reside underground). The moles eat grubs AKA maggots and the bats dine on insects AKA flies. There will be a lot of flies and maggots when the big rock smacks into our planet from all the decaying flesh.

We need to stop all our foolishness and get serious about what we need to do to prevent the next cosmic holocaust. I hate the religious because they waste time and money on a grand scale that could be put to better use than the pursuit of thier delusions.

Stop acting and believing as children...grow up...face reality head on and maybe...just maybe we will have a chance to survive into the future.

That is a lot of tall claims based on nothing at all.

Christians, in general, are not doing anything at all that would stop research or attempts to avoid the next ‘cosmic cataclysm.’ Last I checked, it was our secular government that seems to think that science like NASA is not really important anymore.

Scientific research is independent of faith. The two have very little to do with each other.

But when it comes down to a matter of life and death, many religious folks will toss aside their beliefs and rely on reality. Reality rules over religious beliefs. If you're in a plane that's going down and you can either take a parachute and jump or pray to your god that the plane doesn't crash, which would you do?

False dichotemy. Having faith in God is not incompatible with taking a parachute and jumping. And that's hardly the only option available.
I am not "hostile" to religious lunatics. Their stupidity just disgusts me and makes me nauseous. In the modern world, stupidity endangers mankind and the whole natural world.

"Stupidity, from being an amiable individual defect, has become a monstrous and deadly social crime."
J. D. Bernal


I agree. There are too many religious nutcases who are trying to force their beliefs on impressionable children in public schools and bring us backwards into the dark ages.

Other than technology, I see little difference between people then and now. They were ignorant, but that's because they couldn't read as a society. We as a society can read and have tremendous technology but we are still ignorant as a people.

Science has advanced tremendously since then and we no longer have to attribute things like solar eclipses and volcanoes to gods or demons.
That is a lot of tall claims based on nothing at all.

Christians, in general, are not doing anything at all that would stop research or attempts to avoid the next ‘cosmic cataclysm.’ Last I checked, it was our secular government that seems to think that science like NASA is not really important anymore.

Scientific research is independent of faith. The two have very little to do with each other.

But when it comes down to a matter of life and death, many religious folks will toss aside their beliefs and rely on reality. Reality rules over religious beliefs. If you're in a plane that's going down and you can either take a parachute and jump or pray to your god that the plane doesn't crash, which would you do?

False dichotemy. Having faith in God is not incompatible with taking a parachute and jumping. And that's hardly the only option available.

There are some who insist that prayer to their god will save them from anything. Look at the people whose children have died when they refused medical treatment for a treatable ailment in favor of prayer.

Homicide convictions upheld for Wisconsin parents who treated dying daughter with prayer - U.S. News
No, it is not and that is the point I made in another post. Just because you have a lower unscientific standard for evidence doesn't make it evidence. If I see my image in a mirror as proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, will you accept that?
I will accept that you see it as proof.

You seem to be unable to return the favor.

Same question to you as I asked numan:
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.​

The only time I have a problem with people who demand that their religious beliefs are fact is when they try to legislate it and force it on the rest of the population or when they criticize me for not sharing their beliefs. If they open the door, then I am entitled to attack the silliness of the assertions they are making. Other than that, I don't care if you want to worship a bucket of lugnuts and will even defend your right to do so.
Thank you. Unfortunately, not everyone shares that view.
Why the hostility? No one is forcing you to alter your beliefs. No one is demanding anything of you. You are not in danger of being forced by the government into a profession of faith.

So why are you so hostile to believers? NOTE: "Because they're stupid!!" is insufficient. Surely someone as intelligent as you are can come up with a clear and logical reason to explain your hostility to believers.
I am not "hostile" to religious lunatics. Their stupidity just disgusts me and makes me nauseous. In the modern world, stupidity endangers mankind and the whole natural world.

"Stupidity, from being an amiable individual defect, has become a monstrous and deadly social crime."
J. D. Bernal


I agree. There are too many religious nutcases who are trying to force their beliefs on impressionable children in public schools and bring us backwards into the dark ages.


Nope, no hostility there.

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