Religious Protests vs Free Market

A small group of counter-protesters has begun to show up on Fridays as well,

oooops, luddly and ntg forgot to mention that....those are the protesters....NOT the preaching

another NTG thread down the flames

Just to remind the retarded such as Yurt, neither I nor the business owners have a problem with the protesters religion. The problem is that they were disrupting their right to make a buck. But if it was gays protesting or some other group y'all would be having a fit.

Look dumb ass the preachers are not protesting, it is the anti religious groups protesting. For over 2 decades the Preachers have preached there and now a small vocal group is opposed to them and the businesses are blaming the preachers. AS are you.
A small group of counter-protesters has begun to show up on Fridays as well,
oooops, luddly and ntg forgot to mention that....those are the protesters....NOT the preaching

another NTG thread down the flames

Just to remind the retarded such as Yurt, neither I nor the business owners have a problem with the protesters religion. The problem is that they were disrupting their right to make a buck. But if it was gays protesting or some other group y'all would be having a fit.

Just to shut the idiots up, the protestors are protesting the church, yet the idiots are complaining about the church.

Then again, I bet you blame the guy with the glasses for getting punched by the quarterback.
A small group of counter-protesters has begun to show up on Fridays as well,

oooops, luddly and ntg forgot to mention that....those are the protesters....NOT the preaching

another NTG thread down the flames

Just to remind the retarded such as Yurt, neither I nor the business owners have a problem with the protesters religion. The problem is that they were disrupting their right to make a buck. But if it was gays protesting or some other group y'all would be having a fit.

read the article moron....things became more disruptive when the counter protesters started showing up....the church is NOT protesting you dishonest shit fer brains

you can't read

btw...there is no right to make a dollar, there is however a right to free speech....constitution, learn it you ignoramous

and why would i care if gays were protesting?
Which should prevail? Extremist religious protesters who claim a right to free speech and assembly or the small family business owners who are having to shut down their businesses when they're disruptive?

Linsey Fasold, executive director of The Light House Children's Museum, which occupies the first floor of the Dreka building on the corner, said at Monday night's City Commission meeting that the church members' activities have scared away customers on Fridays.

“My husband and I opened it in November to provide a fun and safe environment ... for children in the community,” she said. “However each Friday we find that as the streets begin to fill with protesters, our facility begins to empty. For the two hours we remain open and the corners are filled with shouting and crammed with activists, we lose money.”

Agreeing with Fasold was John Ingles, owner of Musician's Exchange, which sits directly across the street. In recent weeks, he has begun closing his doors on Friday afternoons in protest of the weekly “circus,” as he calls it.

Context woulda helped. Had to read the original article (bother!)

"Members of The Bible Baptist Church in Glenwood flock to the corner of New York Avenue and Woodland Boulevard and preach each Friday evening.

The preachers have been a fixture in DeLand for more than two decades, but a few nearby business owners have said the situation has gotten worse recently. A small group of counter-protesters has begun to show up on Fridays as well, though some business owners have said they're not as loud or aggressive as the church members."

Long as protestors are on a sidewalk (not in the street, or on private property) their right to protest is protected speech. As is the right to counter-protest. If businesses suffer every Friday oh well.
Which should prevail? Extremist religious protesters who claim a right to free speech and assembly or the small family business owners who are having to shut down their businesses when they're disruptive?

Linsey Fasold, executive director of The Light House Children's Museum, which occupies the first floor of the Dreka building on the corner, said at Monday night's City Commission meeting that the church members' activities have scared away customers on Fridays.

“My husband and I opened it in November to provide a fun and safe environment ... for children in the community,” she said. “However each Friday we find that as the streets begin to fill with protesters, our facility begins to empty. For the two hours we remain open and the corners are filled with shouting and crammed with activists, we lose money.”

Agreeing with Fasold was John Ingles, owner of Musician's Exchange, which sits directly across the street. In recent weeks, he has begun closing his doors on Friday afternoons in protest of the weekly “circus,” as he calls it.

Context woulda helped. Had to read the original article (bother!)

"Members of The Bible Baptist Church in Glenwood flock to the corner of New York Avenue and Woodland Boulevard and preach each Friday evening.

The preachers have been a fixture in DeLand for more than two decades, but a few nearby business owners have said the situation has gotten worse recently. A small group of counter-protesters has begun to show up on Fridays as well, though some business owners have said they're not as loud or aggressive as the church members."

Long as protestors are on a sidewalk (not in the street, or on private property) their right to protest is protected speech. As is the right to counter-protest. If businesses suffer every Friday oh well.

Watch out, you just because a job hating right wing extremist.

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