Remember all the news coverage those 32 Christians murdered by Muslims got two weeks ago?

Things aren’t as cut and dried like we are lead to believe. Turkey is a hot bed of radicalism, and for a man who hates Muslims, he sure spent a lot of time living with them, training with them, and being groomed for his mission.

The tip-off was in His “Manifesto” which listed so called “Enemies of Islam” as
Inspiration, like China, Donald Trunp and a list of others that read more like a grievance list rather than a whose who of inspiration. Putin is more brutal towards terrorists than anyone in that list. He doesn’t even get an honorable mention. Jihadists hate Putin.

They hate Eedogan too. The attacker’s mention of Erdogan and his plea to have someone kill him was strange also since Erdogan is not well liked by more Radical Elements of Islam and has had numerous attempts on his life! That was more than enough for me to declare the attacker as Jihadist himself.

The Manifesto was meant to be found, meant to be left as planted “evidence” after the attacker no doubt detonated his car bomb, with him in it, leaving far less evidence for the police to go on. The explosives failed.

What else failed was the fact that The Attacker tipped off The Police and The Government a good 10 minutes before the attack, but the email wasn’t read. Because of that, The Attacker did not get his planned confrontation with The Police. He was either going to commit suicide by cop, or suicide via car bomb, or both. Either way, he wasn’t meant to live.

His attack, rather than a poorly planned random act of obscene violence more resembles a planned assault rehearsed, and practiced by a trained professional. Who trained in Turkey, Pakistan &
North Kores. It was meant to enrage Islam, not punish it.

Note: I did some early research, and now a lot of information on this guy is missing. Most notable is that he traveled to Turkey frequently for extended stays.

All you can find now was that he was in Turkey twice which conflicts earlier
Reports coming out of Turkey itself, and he visited Pakistan, North Korea, as well as Bulgaria and may have spent time in Iran.

New Zealand Attack Suspect Visited Turkey: Senior Turkish Official

It's time to designate Turkey as a sponsor of terrorism
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:

You’re ill informed?

There was a typhoon in Bangladesh one year, killed 138,000 people as I recall. It was 1991.

About 15 years later there was a TSunami not far from there in Banda Ache Indonesia killed about a quarter of a million folks.

I bet most here heard of the tsunami but not the typhoon.

Why? Some white lady who happened to be a fashion model was in the tsunami and had a profile done in the western press.

The western press is interested in things that affect the west...little else.

I agree, it’s terrible. Contriving some plot to explain it is just as terrible. As hard as you try, you’re not the victim.
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:

Who from western governments is still a practicing Christian?
Practicing satanist, pedophile, satanist, freemason, Jew, yes, but no Christian anymore.
Therefore they do not care for Christians, only for Muslims
When the fake Christians stop calling themselves Christians perhaps I`ll care about them. Hating gays and pregnant teenagers isn`t the hot seller it once was. Oh yeah, I went to church this weekend although I`m confident that half of the people in the building voted for a guy who ridicules the handicapped and spits on POWs and Gold Star families. If there is such a place as hell, you people will find it.
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:

Who from western governments is still a practicing Christian?
Practicing satanist, pedophile, satanist, freemason, Jew, yes, but no Christian anymore.
Therefore they do not care for Christians, only for Muslims
When the fake Christians stop calling themselves Christians perhaps I`ll care about them. Hating gays and pregnant teenagers isn`t the hot seller it once was. Oh yeah, I went to church this weekend although I`m confident that half of the people in the building voted for a guy who ridicules the handicapped and spits on POWs and Gold Star families. If there is such a place as hell, you people will find it.

Piss poor deflection from the fact your Muzzies massacred 32 people.

I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:
Did you hear this on TV from Jan .. I didnt Philippines church bombings: 20 killed and dozens wounded - CNN
I agree with a lot of the sentiment expressed here in this thread. Black lives do matter.
How much coverage did the Coast Guard MAGA terrorist get? About 30 seconds. The media was obsessed with that actor who tried to scam his way into some publicity. For those who don`t recall the terrorist CG officer, I`ll refresh.
Coast Guard officer arrested on gun charges had hit list of prominent Democrats, feds say
Did he kill anyone?




(of a word or phrase) having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language.
"aggression is often taken as synonymous with violence"
closely associated with or suggestive of something.
"his deeds had made his name synonymous with victory"

Thought I'd help you out in understanding where you went wrong.
He was discovered before he could carry out his plan to kill dozens so he`s not a terrorist? Should we let him go?
Unlike the NZ attack or the attack on the synagogue in Pittsburgh or the killing of 9 church goers in Charleston, etc., this was not a random attack. It was a reprisal over another attack that was actually a reprisal for a previous attack. How many Americans care about what happens in Nigeria and how many Americans can actually find Nigeria on a map? The media is driven by ratings and deaths in African nations aren`t going to keep anyone glued to their tv. I hope that helps answer your question.
Nigeria: Muslim Fulani militants murder 32 in new attack
Did Jussie Smollett kill anyone? Was he stockpiling weapons? Did he have a list of enemies he wanted to kill? Was he an officer in our military? Why was he so important to the so called "liberal media" while a neo-Nazi Coast Guard officer who had plans for killing dozens of people was given a free pass?
Coast Guard officer accused of terrorist plot against Democrats , CNN reporters

He was important because the democrat media thought they could use him to further the hatred they pimp against white men. While the fraud of Smollett was obvious, the leftist press was confident that they could spike any stories exposing him and spin it to further the racist hatred that democrats promote.

What the little Goebbels at the New York Times and Chicago Tribune didn't count on was a Chicago police that wouldn't play along.
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:

Watch the movie Hotel Rwanda. No one cares about Africa.
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:

You’re ill informed?

There was a typhoon in Bangladesh one year, killed 138,000 people as I recall. It was 1991.

About 15 years later there was a TSunami not far from there in Banda Ache Indonesia killed about a quarter of a million folks.

I bet most here heard of the tsunami but not the typhoon.

Why? Some white lady who happened to be a fashion model was in the tsunami and had a profile done in the western press.

The western press is interested in things that affect the west...little else.

I agree, it’s terrible. Contriving some plot to explain it is just as terrible. As hard as you try, you’re not the victim.

I agree with this Leftist. No one cares about Africa
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:
It was in Nigeria

No one cares what happens in Nigeria

If MUSLIMS were killed in Nigeria, it would be front page news.
BTW, is holocaust denier Pogo, that pile of shit, still denying this happened?
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:

Who from western governments is still a practicing Christian?
Practicing satanist, pedophile, satanist, freemason, Jew, yes, but no Christian anymore.
Therefore they do not care for Christians, only for Muslims
When the fake Christians stop calling themselves Christians perhaps I`ll care about them. Hating gays and pregnant teenagers isn`t the hot seller it once was. Oh yeah, I went to church this weekend although I`m confident that half of the people in the building voted for a guy who ridicules the handicapped and spits on POWs and Gold Star families. If there is such a place as hell, you people will find it.

Admit it, you cheer when your Muslim brothers murder Christians.

The victims were black Comrade, that must confuse your racist ass...
Can someone tell me why this story about the 32 Christians being brutally slaughtered by Muslims is Nigeria wasn’t covered by FOX News at all?


Fox has conservative commentators, but their news department is decidedly left of center.

Breitbart is the only legitimate news agency left.

Nigerian Muslim Militants Kill 120 Christians in Three Weeks | Breitbart

Gee. That sure makes the conflict seem very one sided. How odd.
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:
It was in Nigeria

No one cares what happens in Nigeria

If MUSLIMS were killed in Nigeria, it would be front page news.
BTW, is holocaust denier Pogo, that pile of shit, still denying this happened?

You make false claims. Muslims have been killed in the hand of Christians as part of this ongoing conflict. You’ve not seen any front page news about this.

Next lie, please.
Gee. That sure makes the conflict seem very one sided. How odd.

Feel free to post a link to an article from the little Goebbels of the NY Times spinning it from your side, for the Global Caliphate perspective.

Oh, that's right, they spiked the story...
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:
It was in Nigeria

No one cares what happens in Nigeria

If MUSLIMS were killed in Nigeria, it would be front page news.
BTW, is holocaust denier Pogo, that pile of shit, still denying this happened?

You make false claims. Muslims have been killed in the hand of Christians as part of this ongoing conflict. You’ve not seen any front page news about this.

Next lie, please.

Of course Muslims have died, MOSTLY at the hands of Boco Haram and Fulani jihadists. A few Muslims have died in combat in assaults on Christians. Your Islamist allies are waging genocide on Christians in Nigeria - and you cheer them for it, or at least lie to cover for them.

But you of the extreme left have an affinity for genocide.
I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians?

So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that 120 Christians had been killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

I said "No, seriously? You're joking, right?" So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true...

Select reporting: 120 christians slaughtered by Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria. Where's media outcry?

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? And then someone else told me that over the last 30 days, there have been 115 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 827 people were killed and 818 injured.

I said "GTFO, I don't believe you because there was nothing on the news about that." So I looked it up. And by golly, it was true too...

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Wonder why I never heard anything about it on the news? :dunno:
It was in Nigeria

No one cares what happens in Nigeria

If MUSLIMS were killed in Nigeria, it would be front page news.
BTW, is holocaust denier Pogo, that pile of shit, still denying this happened?

You make false claims. Muslims have been killed in the hand of Christians as part of this ongoing conflict. You’ve not seen any front page news about this.

Next lie, please.

Of course Muslims have died, MOSTLY at the hands of Boco Haram and Fulani jihadists. A few Muslims have died in combat in assaults on Christians. Your Islamist allies are waging genocide on Christians in Nigeria - and you cheer them for it, or at least lie to cover for them.

But you of the extreme left have an affinity for genocide.

Nope. The violence is coming from both sides.

Next lie.

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