Remember How Important And Valuable American Lives Were During the Benghazi Hoax?

Oh bullshit! No foreshadowing? Other Western nations with diplomats in Libya were pulling them out because it had become so unstable! The British Ambassador's motorcade was attacked with an RPG that week! The outer wall of the US Embassy was shattered with an IED shortly before the attack in Benghazi! Even the Red Cross was pulling it's people out because of the dangerous situation but the Clinton State Department ignored repeated requests from Ambassador Stevens to not draw down his security detail. Why did they do so? Because they didn't like the "optics" of having to have a large security force guarding our Ambassador because it sent a message to the Libyans that we didn't trust them! Gee, do you think Hillary would have ever gotten her fat ass off a plane in that country without security? Yeah, right...

Bullshit yourself. If it was that bad then Stevens should not have gone. In fact, he got told many times not to go. Anyway, as I said, if the right made just as big a song and dance about the thousands killed in Bush's two wars of choice, then let's talk. Four deaths in Benghazi - in which one of the victim's own family says is more about lack of funding for foreign embassies and diplomatic stations than anything - is nothing compared to a deliberate war over oil and a butt hurt president. Get back to me when the indictments against Hillary are out...
Are you still trying to push that narrative that the four died in Benghazi because of a lack of funding? How pathetic are you? Did you NOT get the memo that trial balloon went down in flames almost as soon as the Clinton Camp trotted it out? The woman that was in charge of embassy security for the Middle East testified under oath that the decision to draw down Steven's security detail was NOT due to budget constraints! Would you like me to quote her testimony?

I'm quoting Anne Stevens, the ambassador's sister. There has been several investigations. Hillary has admitted her part in it and the outcome was terrible. Stevens was also told, on several occasions, not to go, but he went anyway.

That aside, when you give a shit about 6000 US soldiers dying in Bush's two wars of choice, let's have a conversation about four people dying in Benghazi.

So Anne Stevens knows more about State Department security budgets than the woman that was in charge of that for the entire Middle East? That's your story, Doc?

Tell me again how you're still not complaining about Benghazi, lying con tool. :mm:
I'll never complain that Clinton wasn't punished for her incompetence, Faun because for someone who's whole life has been a pursuit of power, Benghazi was the thing that kept her from the Presidency and THAT is the worst punishment of all to a person like Hillary!
The family said? Really, that's the best you've got?

What did the family of Mary Jo Kopechne say after their daughter was murdered?

Prior to the Monica Lewinski scandal, what had been said by all of Bill's victims?

As for indictments of Hillary and the Cabal, why do you think Democrats are in such a desperate panic to get President Trump out of office?

Er, so now his family don't matter? ok..
Monica? ha! Poor old Monica. She was forced to blow the president. Nothing to do with her wanting to be on the arm of one of the most powerful people in the world, right?
At worst Chappaquiddick was manslaughter. You need to look up the definition of murder.
Hillary??? HA! HA! HA! Investigation after investigation...NOTHING...nada, nought, zip, zilch...
Best president you never had. Instead you get a spoiled wiener brat who acts like a bully in elementary school making the US - yet agiain during this pandemic - the laughing stock of the world. What's it like not only being the laughing stock of the world, but actually being a supporter of the Piece of Shit responsible for the moniker?

So who's laughing at us? If they think we're that ridiculous, all they have to do is refuse our funding to their country. See how fast they quit laughing.
Lives are always lost in war. We expect it. But you can't compare lives lost in war, with people who are trained, armed, and have protection, to a couple of guys who had zero protection or help from your Muslim lawn jockey.

They had the money for more security, that the state department, run by Hillary, didn't provide. They had advanced warning that things were getting precarious over there. They didn't pull the Ambassador.

That's not my point. It was a war over nothing based on lies. THAT is my point.

Stevens was told not to go and he went anyway. What was Hillary supposed to do, go over and hold his hand.

The fact you think four lives are more important than 6000 speaks volumes of your pathetic partisan hackery.

Where did I say they were more important? Our brave men and women elect to join our military forces. They know what's possible when they sign up. An Ambassador is expecting some level of security, or at the very least, help when he issues an SOS. What did he get while he was in the process of getting murdered? A President that went to bed so he could get up early for a fundraiser in Vegas.
Oh bullshit! No foreshadowing? Other Western nations with diplomats in Libya were pulling them out because it had become so unstable! The British Ambassador's motorcade was attacked with an RPG that week! The outer wall of the US Embassy was shattered with an IED shortly before the attack in Benghazi! Even the Red Cross was pulling it's people out because of the dangerous situation but the Clinton State Department ignored repeated requests from Ambassador Stevens to not draw down his security detail. Why did they do so? Because they didn't like the "optics" of having to have a large security force guarding our Ambassador because it sent a message to the Libyans that we didn't trust them! Gee, do you think Hillary would have ever gotten her fat ass off a plane in that country without security? Yeah, right...

Bullshit yourself. If it was that bad then Stevens should not have gone. In fact, he got told many times not to go. Anyway, as I said, if the right made just as big a song and dance about the thousands killed in Bush's two wars of choice, then let's talk. Four deaths in Benghazi - in which one of the victim's own family says is more about lack of funding for foreign embassies and diplomatic stations than anything - is nothing compared to a deliberate war over oil and a butt hurt president. Get back to me when the indictments against Hillary are out...
Are you still trying to push that narrative that the four died in Benghazi because of a lack of funding? How pathetic are you? Did you NOT get the memo that trial balloon went down in flames almost as soon as the Clinton Camp trotted it out? The woman that was in charge of embassy security for the Middle East testified under oath that the decision to draw down Steven's security detail was NOT due to budget constraints! Would you like me to quote her testimony?

I'm quoting Anne Stevens, the ambassador's sister. There has been several investigations. Hillary has admitted her part in it and the outcome was terrible. Stevens was also told, on several occasions, not to go, but he went anyway.

That aside, when you give a shit about 6000 US soldiers dying in Bush's two wars of choice, let's have a conversation about four people dying in Benghazi.

So Anne Stevens knows more about State Department security budgets than the woman that was in charge of that for the entire Middle East? That's your story, Doc?

Tell me again how you're still not complaining about Benghazi, lying con tool. :mm:
I'll never complain that Clinton wasn't punished for her incompetence, Faun because for someone who's whole life has been a pursuit of power, Benghazi was the thing that kept her from the Presidency and THAT is the worst punishment of all to a person like Hillary!
You just fucking complained about Benghazi, lying con tool.

Do you ever stop lying?

So Anne Stevens knows more about State Department security budgets than the woman that was in charge of that for the entire Middle East? That's your story, Doc?

I'll tell you what. She knows more than you do.
She has accomplishments by her side? Oh, you mean riding her very charismatic husband's coattails for decades? You mean enabling his sexual harassment of other women all that time?

Not for nothing, Doc but saying that Hillary Clinton is no more dishonest or corrupt than any other politicians is like saying Harvey Weinstein was no more sleazy than any other Hollywood producer!

Read EVERYTHING. Not just from 1992 onwards. EVERYTHING. I don't even want to engage with you until you have. When you have. Let's talk.

What was the Secretary of State supposed to do? How about take care of the people in her charge? How about putting the lives of her diplomats above "optics" and politics?

What Clinton SHOULD have done is either give Stevens what he requested for security...or pull those State Department people out of Libya to keep them safe like other Western nations were doing!
Let's play 'shits and giggles'. You tell your boss you want to go to a real shitty neighbourhood where you might get killed. Your boss tells you not to go, as it is very dangerous. You tell you boss, "I'm going anyway". Your boss insists that it is a really bad idea and you really shouldn't go. But still you go. You get killed. Why is it your boss's fault? They told you not to go. You can't help stupid.

Oh, by the way, when you give a shit about 6000 US soldiers dying in Bush's two wars of choice, let's have a conversation about four people dying in Benghazi.
Where did I say they were more important? Our brave men and women elect to join our military forces. They know what's possible when they sign up. An Ambassador is expecting some level of security, or at the very least, help when he issues an SOS. What did he get while he was in the process of getting murdered? A President that went to bed so he could get up early for a fundraiser in Vegas.

And I'm sure when they sign up they are to believe they will go and fight just wars (ie WWII). Not some presidents war of choice based on shitty intel.

he had security. He was told not to go. He went anyway. C'est la vie...
That's not my point. It was a war over nothing based on lies. THAT is my point.
That, as you know, is a lie

Stevens was told not to go and he went anyway. What was Hillary supposed to do, go over and hold his hand.
The Secretary of State or The President of the United States do not have the authority to order an employee to not travel to a particular post? Really!

The fact you think four lives are more important than 6000 speaks volumes of your pathetic partisan hackery.

Try not comparing apples and artichokes. Benghazi was a planned terrorist attack on our country at a location we knew was vulnerable. We had no plan to defend our personnel in the event of an attack and did NOTHING after the attack began. We had the personnel onboard aircraft and were ordered to stand down.

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An Ambassador is expecting some level of security, or at the very least, help when he issues an SOS. What did he get while he was in the process of getting murdered? A President that went to bed so he could get up early for a fundraiser in Vegas.

The closest help was the CIA annex a few miles away. They arrived within an hour and drove the attackers and rioter away. Then they searched the complex, recused and recovered everyone but the Ambassador and evacuated them to the fortified CIA Annex. It's an old debunked RW lie that the President went to bed eearly so he could fly to Vegas the next morning. He addressed the nation from the Rose Garden the next morning. He did go to Vegas for an event that night. By then of course everyone from the Consulate was out of Benghazi.
Um, which as what to do with the US invading Iraq and Afghanistan? Um...nothing...
Wow didn't know you had so many casualties in Iran [Iraq]?
Wow, didn't realise that Obama started the shitfights in those countries....oh wait...

As you know the United Nations and our Congress authorized the use of force in Iraq and Afghanistan. As you know too, failed former President Obama stated that Afghanistan is where we should be. That is also where the terrorists had major training facilities.

As you know too, it was the supposed Peace President Obama who bombed SEVEN countries.

Um, which as what to do with the US invading Iraq and Afghanistan? Um...nothing...
Wow didn't know you had so many casualties in Iran [Iraq]?
Wow, didn't realise that Obama started the shitfights in those countries....oh wait...

As you know the United Nations and our Congress authorized the use of force in Iraq and Afghanistan. As you know too, failed former President Obama stated that Afghanistan is where we should be. That is also where the terrorists had major training facilities.

As you know too, it was the supposed Peace President Obama who bombed SEVEN countries.


There was no authorization for members to use military force in Iraq by the UNSCR 1441 which superseded all other resolutions regarding the issue of WMD in Iraq.
1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
Respectfully. Trump's response was, and is, actually worse.

You guys were always emphasizing that Benghazi was a serious matter due to the loss of lives, remember that line?

Well, we're having MASSIVE and COLOSSAL loss of American lives now.

But you people are minimizing it.

3600 babies are killed each day from abortion. No one cares about your fake indignation.
The closest help was the CIA annex a few miles away. They arrived within an hour and drove the attackers and rioter away. Then they searched the complex, recused and recovered everyone but the Ambassador and evacuated them to the fortified CIA Annex. It's an old debunked RW lie that the President went to bed eearly so he could fly to Vegas the next morning. He addressed the nation from the Rose Garden the next morning. He did go to Vegas for an event that night. By then of course everyone from the Consulate was out of Benghazi.

GOP lawmaker asks how Obama could sleep during Benghazi attack

"How the president of the United States can sleep that night, as the ambassador that he put in place, that he put in harm's way, was either under attack, already been kidnapped, being brutalized, unspeakable things being done to his person, his body."

Gohmert said Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has testified that he and President Obama spoke at about 5 p.m. but that there were no other conversations with Obama that day.

"We now know the president did nothing else," Gohmert said. "He said, 'Do what you can,' in essence, and went home. Or maybe he was home when he talked to them, and did nothing else."


Yeah, by the next morning, everyone in the Embassy were "out". THEY WERE DEAD!

Yeah, by the next morning, everyone in the Embassy were "out". THEY WERE DEAD!

Gohmert asking a question does not establish his question as a factual matter.

No one died at the Embassy in Libya on Sept 11, 2012. However the two Americans who died at the incomplete Consulate building in Benghazi died of smoke inhalation when they sought shelter in the Safe room. However, the exhaust fans had not been installed and they were overcome with smoke. The two others were killed at the CIA Annex when they greeted each other on an expose rooftop. They were old friends, one was stationed at the CIA annex and the other came with the cargo plane from Tripoli. They were hit with mortars.
Where did I say they were more important? Our brave men and women elect to join our military forces. They know what's possible when they sign up. An Ambassador is expecting some level of security, or at the very least, help when he issues an SOS. What did he get while he was in the process of getting murdered? A President that went to bed so he could get up early for a fundraiser in Vegas.

And I'm sure when they sign up they are to believe they will go and fight just wars (ie WWII). Not some presidents war of choice based on shitty intel.

he had security. He was told not to go. He went anyway. C'est la vie...

Our enlistees in the military understand they will serve at the pleasure of the President, not make judgment calls on his decisions. The only thing they assume is that they will serve their time in which they enlisted for, and that's it.
Yeah, by the next morning, everyone in the Embassy were "out". THEY WERE DEAD!

Gohmert asking a question does not establish his question as a factual matter.

No one died at the Embassy in Libya on Sept 11, 2012. However the two Americans who died at the incomplete Consulate building in Benghazi died of smoke inhalation when they sought shelter in the Safe room. However, the exhaust fans had not been installed and they were overcome with smoke. The two others were killed at the CIA Annex when they greeted each other on an expose rooftop. They were old friends, one was stationed at the CIA annex and the other came with the cargo plane from Tripoli. They were hit with mortars.

To you, that matters? You're one sick puppy!

1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE
A distinction without a difference.
Don't get twisted. We are at war.
The US moved heaven and earth to avenge the attack on 9/11. Still at it nearly 20 years later. No less than 8 seperate Benghazi investigations resulting in nothing. Now, with more than 10 times the number of casualties than 9/11 and Benghazi combined, we are ready to throw away many thousands more American lives after little more than a month of lackluster effort?

WTF happened to the right?
What happen was Hillary failed to send help when American lives were at stake.
Like failing to organize and provide an adequate testing infrastructure, protective equipment, medical equipment? The basic essentials needed by our frontline troops to fight this war.
There are magnitudes more lives at stake in this fight, dope.
1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
Respectfully. Trump's response was, and is, actually worse.

You guys were always emphasizing that Benghazi was a serious matter due to the loss of lives, remember that line?

Well, we're having MASSIVE and COLOSSAL loss of American lives now.

But you people are minimizing it.


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