Remember How Important And Valuable American Lives Were During the Benghazi Hoax? blamed the CDC and now that you realize that they were headed by a Trump appointee you backtrack?

You're too transparent.

Oh and thanks for pointing out that even though Trump recognized the seriousness of the virus WAYYYY back in January,,,he didn't order tests until TWO MONTHS LATER

Two weeks ago.

Wonder when we'll get em huh?

I blamed both, the CDC and the FDA. It's actually all bureaucracies in general. The first thing Trump should have done getting into office was eliminate half of our bureaucracies, and then take power away from the other half.
I blamed both, the CDC and the FDA. It's actually all bureaucracies in general. The first thing Trump should have done getting into office was eliminate half of our bureaucracies, and then take power away from the other half.
So Trump screws up these agencies by appointing people like Redfield...and that gives you a reason to claim we should ELIMINATE them?

Who needs a Center for Disease Control or a Food and Drug Agency when we have pandemics to deal with...right?

I blamed both, the CDC and the FDA. It's actually all bureaucracies in general. The first thing Trump should have done getting into office was eliminate half of our bureaucracies, and then take power away from the other half.
So Trump screws up these agencies by appointing people like Redfield...and that gives you a reason to claim we should ELIMINATE them?

Who needs a Center for Disease Control or a Food and Drug Agency when we have pandemics to deal with...right?


Well, they dealt with it, and now you're still complaining on how they did it.

It’s important to understand the broader context of the FDA regulatory process. It often takes more than a decade for a new diagnostic test or therapeutic drug to earn FDA approval. Fortunately, the FDA already has the ability to let public labs and private companies circumvent the regular approval process under its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) authority. So, why was this emergency authority ineffective in scaling up coronavirus testing? Here is a timeline of the most important events:

December 31: The WHO received reports of dozens of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.*

January 9: China announced it has mapped the genome of the novel coronavirus.

January 21. The CDC confirmed the first case of coronavirus in the United States in the state of Washington and announced it had finalized its coronavirus testing protocol.

January 23: German researchers published the first paper describing a testing protocol for the novel coronavirus. The WHO would later use this protocol as the basis for the millions of testsit produced for less-developed countries.

January 30: The WHO declared a global health emergency.

January 31: HHS Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency, which initiated a new requirement—labs that wanted to conduct their own coronavirus tests must first obtain an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA. According to reporting from Reuters, the emergency declaration made it more difficult to expand testing outside the CDC:

I blamed both, the CDC and the FDA. It's actually all bureaucracies in general. The first thing Trump should have done getting into office was eliminate half of our bureaucracies, and then take power away from the other half.
So Trump screws up these agencies by appointing people like Redfield...and that gives you a reason to claim we should ELIMINATE them?

Who needs a Center for Disease Control or a Food and Drug Agency when we have pandemics to deal with...right?

It does seem logical that if the FDA could issue an emergency directive allowing the use of hydroxychoroquine in controlled situations, the CDC COULD have worked around there regulations as well. Maybe not. That is why the Dems are so critical: A leader on top of this situation instead of saying "Shhhhhhh.....the market!" would have made sure we could get the tests we needed ASAP. Trump is taking credit for pushing hydroxychloroquine; he could have pushed for test kits a long time before he did. That's the preparation that was lacking.

But we don't know how much it would have helped, either. It's time to move on. The only people who are convinced Trump handled this badly are partisan Democrats. They're pushing the partisan Republicans into a corner where they are silly shit defending Trump. It's too much noise. We should be focusing on the problems before us, not continuing to gnaw on each other.
Billy000 says:

“Republican voters lack any basic critical thinking skills and a sense of objectivity. They are driven by pure emotion. They are, frankly, an international embarrassment.”

This is not exactly true, but I understand where you are coming from.

There are many rich or very cynical Republicans who are perfectly “rational.” They support or supported Trump because they decided he objectively served their personal or corporate interests, even though they know full well he is a narcissistic conman, a dangerously immature and incompetent manager.

I think you are referring to Trump FANATICS or to others who for different reasons have lost touch with common sense, and have adopted irrational party-partisan or right-populist obsessions. Admittedly, there are many such people here.
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I blamed both, the CDC and the FDA. It's actually all bureaucracies in general. The first thing Trump should have done getting into office was eliminate half of our bureaucracies, and then take power away from the other half.
So Trump screws up these agencies by appointing people like Redfield...and that gives you a reason to claim we should ELIMINATE them?

Who needs a Center for Disease Control or a Food and Drug Agency when we have pandemics to deal with...right?

It does seem logical that if the FDA could issue an emergency directive allowing the use of hydroxychoroquine in controlled situations, the CDC COULD have worked around there regulations as well. Maybe not. That is why the Dems are so critical: A leader on top of this situation instead of saying "Shhhhhhh.....the market!" would have made sure we could get the tests we needed ASAP. Trump is taking credit for pushing hydroxychloroquine; he could have pushed for test kits a long time before he did. That's the preparation that was lacking.

But we don't know how much it would have helped, either. It's time to move on. The only people who are convinced Trump handled this badly are partisan Democrats. They're pushing the partisan Republicans into a corner where they are silly shit defending Trump. It's too much noise. We should be focusing on the problems before us, not continuing to gnaw on each other.

If we could be honest, is there anything Trump could have done that would have met the satisfaction of the left? Of course not. Remember their motto: never let a good crisis go to waste.

Bottom line is our country is bogged down by bureaucracies and red tape. As for how quick or slow Trump reacted, it's a ridiculous assertion. They blamed Bush for Katrina for crying out loud. Their belief is acts of nature can be controlled by one man sitting in the White House.

It would be different if we lived in an autocracy. It would be different if we were only one of ten countries with this problem. But this is a worldwide pandemic. If the other 180 countries couldn't stop it from affecting them, what makes people believe that Trump could have done so in a country of 330 million people?
I blamed both, the CDC and the FDA. It's actually all bureaucracies in general. The first thing Trump should have done getting into office was eliminate half of our bureaucracies, and then take power away from the other half.
So Trump screws up these agencies by appointing people like Redfield...and that gives you a reason to claim we should ELIMINATE them?

Who needs a Center for Disease Control or a Food and Drug Agency when we have pandemics to deal with...right?


Well, they dealt with it, and now you're still complaining on how they did it.

It’s important to understand the broader context of the FDA regulatory process. It often takes more than a decade for a new diagnostic test or therapeutic drug to earn FDA approval. Fortunately, the FDA already has the ability to let public labs and private companies circumvent the regular approval process under its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) authority. So, why was this emergency authority ineffective in scaling up coronavirus testing? Here is a timeline of the most important events:

December 31: The WHO received reports of dozens of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.*

January 9: China announced it has mapped the genome of the novel coronavirus.

January 21. The CDC confirmed the first case of coronavirus in the United States in the state of Washington and announced it had finalized its coronavirus testing protocol.

January 23: German researchers published the first paper describing a testing protocol for the novel coronavirus. The WHO would later use this protocol as the basis for the millions of testsit produced for less-developed countries.

January 30: The WHO declared a global health emergency.

January 31: HHS Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency, which initiated a new requirement—labs that wanted to conduct their own coronavirus tests must first obtain an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA. According to reporting from Reuters, the emergency declaration made it more difficult to expand testing outside the CDC:

And then six weeks of....golfing and rallies and nothing else
Donald Trump wouldn't have hidden in wing of the White House while innocent Americans were being massacred like Obama did. Your thread is beneath you.

I could see getting upset about Benghazi, but not about the fact a group of people attack a US building.
What we should be getting upset about is what was Ambassador Stevens doing hundreds of miles away from the US embassy, in a rebel strong hold filled with ISIS and al Qaeda?

Seems to me Stevens was meeting with rebels in order to arm them and pay them to get involved in Syria.
And that would be both stupid and illegal.

As for Steven setting up a compound in Benghazi, that was stupid and illegal, and there was no way to protect him there. It is a foreign country, so you can't just send in troops or anything.

You protect him with the security detail he always HAD before Hillary decided she didn't like the "optics" of having a large American force protecting our Ambassador and instead had security handled by the Libyans. You're trying to blame this on Christopher Stevens....the man who was on the ground trying to do his job in a very dangerous place and was simply asking that his protection not be stripped away! Hillary Clinton is responsible for the lack of security that made killing our Ambassador a walk in the park for Al Queda! It was a horrible lack of judgement on her part!
Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?

Republican voters lack any basic critical thinking skills and a sense of objectivity. They are driven by pure emotion. They are, frankly, an international embarrassment.

Poor, Billy! Still haven't gotten over the election? The "embarrassment" was the candidate that you Progressives ran, Billy! Hillary Clinton was such a flawed candidate that she couldn't win despite the main stream media being totally in her pocket and her campaign paying to have her opponent smeared. That's on YOU GUYS! The people that voted for Trump did so because he was by far the better choice of the two.
We have a killer virus in the USA, lets blame it on any one we can think of. who cares, why work together & make it go away, lets make the whole thing about our two dumb ass party's.
You just typed something I agree with.....


I think you are referring to Trump FANATICS or to others who for different reasons have lost touch with common sense, and have adopted irrational party-partisan or right-populist obsessions. Admittedly, there are many such people here.
Welcome to their Official Club House. We hecklers are just hollering in through the windows.

If only I were clever enough to make a meme changing 'girls' to 'libtards.'
I blamed both, the CDC and the FDA. It's actually all bureaucracies in general. The first thing Trump should have done getting into office was eliminate half of our bureaucracies, and then take power away from the other half.
So Trump screws up these agencies by appointing people like Redfield...and that gives you a reason to claim we should ELIMINATE them?

Who needs a Center for Disease Control or a Food and Drug Agency when we have pandemics to deal with...right?


Well, they dealt with it, and now you're still complaining on how they did it.

It’s important to understand the broader context of the FDA regulatory process. It often takes more than a decade for a new diagnostic test or therapeutic drug to earn FDA approval. Fortunately, the FDA already has the ability to let public labs and private companies circumvent the regular approval process under its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) authority. So, why was this emergency authority ineffective in scaling up coronavirus testing? Here is a timeline of the most important events:

December 31: The WHO received reports of dozens of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.*

January 9: China announced it has mapped the genome of the novel coronavirus.

January 21. The CDC confirmed the first case of coronavirus in the United States in the state of Washington and announced it had finalized its coronavirus testing protocol.

January 23: German researchers published the first paper describing a testing protocol for the novel coronavirus. The WHO would later use this protocol as the basis for the millions of testsit produced for less-developed countries.

January 30: The WHO declared a global health emergency.

January 31: HHS Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency, which initiated a new requirement—labs that wanted to conduct their own coronavirus tests must first obtain an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA. According to reporting from Reuters, the emergency declaration made it more difficult to expand testing outside the CDC:

And then six weeks of....golfing and rallies and nothing else

Sure, that's what he was doing, only in the mind of a leftist. He followed the advice of his experts, you know, the people you said Trump never listens to?
Poor, Billy! Still haven't gotten over the election? The "embarrassment" was the candidate that you Progressives ran, Billy! Hillary Clinton was such a flawed candidate that she couldn't win despite the main stream media being totally in her pocket and her campaign paying to have her opponent smeared. That's on YOU GUYS! The people that voted for Trump did so because he was by far the better choice of the two.

Nope. The moron won because Sanders voters didn't get out. Hillary ignored some important swing states. About a third of Trump's voters were Deplorables so were always going to vote for him even if he did shoot somebody on main street (which says a lot about them and him - none of it good). 3 million more voted for her than him. Fact.
Oh bullshit! No foreshadowing? Other Western nations with diplomats in Libya were pulling them out because it had become so unstable! The British Ambassador's motorcade was attacked with an RPG that week! The outer wall of the US Embassy was shattered with an IED shortly before the attack in Benghazi! Even the Red Cross was pulling it's people out because of the dangerous situation but the Clinton State Department ignored repeated requests from Ambassador Stevens to not draw down his security detail. Why did they do so? Because they didn't like the "optics" of having to have a large security force guarding our Ambassador because it sent a message to the Libyans that we didn't trust them! Gee, do you think Hillary would have ever gotten her fat ass off a plane in that country without security? Yeah, right...

Bullshit yourself. If it was that bad then Stevens should not have gone. In fact, he got told many times not to go. Anyway, as I said, if the right made just as big a song and dance about the thousands killed in Bush's two wars of choice, then let's talk. Four deaths in Benghazi - in which one of the victim's own family says is more about lack of funding for foreign embassies and diplomatic stations than anything - is nothing compared to a deliberate war over oil and a butt hurt president. Get back to me when the indictments against Hillary are out...
Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?

Republican voters lack any basic critical thinking skills and a sense of objectivity. They are driven by pure emotion. They are, frankly, an international embarrassment.

Poor, Billy! Still haven't gotten over the election? The "embarrassment" was the candidate that you Progressives ran, Billy! Hillary Clinton was such a flawed candidate that she couldn't win despite the main stream media being totally in her pocket and her campaign paying to have her opponent smeared. That's on YOU GUYS! The people that voted for Trump did so because he was by far the better choice of the two.

You know that Clinton got millions more votes than Trump, right? I mean popular votes or 'people' votes.
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