Remember how the Arctic Ice Cap is shrinking?

Look us in the eye and say you think Skook, Frank, Oddball or Quantrill are behaving like grownups. Just which rationalist is behaving anywhere as badly as that group? None of us are picture-spamming and screaming insults with zero content. Your notable absence of criticism there makes your calls for civility look quite hypocritical.

Flac and Westwall are a bit better, but they go heavy on the handwaving and declaring that anyone who doesn't accept their bizarre logic and unsupported conspiracy theories has to be stupid or dishonest. These are your role models?

Flac says scattered ice isn't measured, which is a just a strange claim. Not being morons, of course scientists measure and account for scattered ice.

Westwall's "it was just a storm, not warming!" is equally senseless, because there have been storms before. A storm wouldn't have gotten that big without mucho open warmer water to feed it, and wouldn't have torn up and melted the ice so much unless the ice was already mostly gone, and unless the water was so unusually warm.

And who on the rational side is trying to hide discussion of algae blooms and ocean acidification, or refusing to look at the past, as you just bizarrely claimed? You lying about us doesn't make us wrong, it just makes you look like a liar.

Lose your "I'm so independent!" charade. You're a right-wing political cultist, and you stink at hiding it. You run from any discussion that threatens your cult's dogma, then you hide behind a childish "Waah! You're all so mean!" sulking act. The grownups are going to call you out when you talk nonsense, and we don't care if that makes you cry about how mean we are.
So for me it is important to know whether humans are significantly changing the global climate or whether what we are experiencing is a naturally occurring climate trend. Certainly the climate models are interesting, but so far not one of them has been able to take known recorded data from the past and produce the existing conditions now. Those of us who are reading all the data know that. And we are not willing to so easily hand over our freedom, choices, opportunities, and options to people who likely have motives not in our best interest and who may be using questionable science to scare us into submission.

You are a liar. That's not an 'insult', that's a fact. Here's the proof. And BTW, you are very obviously not "reading all the data", you lying smarmy halfwit (now, that's an insult and one you richly deserve).

Climate Models: How Good Are They?
By Lisa Moore - scientist in the Climate and Air Program| Bio
Published: July 18, 2007
...Which brings me to how we know the models are credible. What if the model inputs were actual observations from a time period in the past where we have full climate measurements? If the model is any good, it should accurately "hindcast" what we know the climate conditions were. In fact, hindcasting is the technique scientists use to evaluate models. If a model can accurately hindcast, we can have some confidence in its forecasts of the future. In the graph below, the yellow lines show 58 temperature hindcasts from 14 different climate models. The thick red line is the average of all the hindcasts; the black line shows actual global temperature over the past century. Note how close the hindcast average is to actual temperatures. The models do a very good job of predicting 20th century climate.


Are the Models Untestable?
Some global warming deniers assert that the global climate models (GCMs) used to analyze and predict climate change can be ignored because they are "untestable" or "have no predictive ability." Are the models, in fact, untestable? Are they unable to make valid predictions? Let's review the record. Global Climate Models have successfully predicted:

* That the globe would warm, and about how fast, and about how much.
* That the troposphere would warm and the stratosphere would cool.
* That nighttime temperatures would increase more than daytime temperatures.
* That winter temperatures would increase more than summer temperatures.
* Polar amplification (greater temperature increase as you move toward the poles).
* That the Arctic would warm faster than the Antarctic.
* The magnitude (0.3 K) and duration (two years) of the cooling from the Mt. Pinatubo eruption.
* They made a retrodiction for Last Glacial Maximum sea surface temperatures which was inconsistent with the paleo evidence, and better paleo evidence showed the models were right.
* They predicted a trend significantly different and differently signed from UAH satellite temperatures, and then a bug was found in the satellite data.
* The amount of water vapor feedback due to ENSO.
* The response of southern ocean winds to the ozone hole.
* The expansion of the Hadley cells.
* The poleward movement of storm tracks.
* The rising of the tropopause and the effective radiating altitude.
* The clear sky super greenhouse effect from increased water vapor in the tropics.
* The near constancy of relative humidity on global average.
* That coastal upwelling of ocean water would increase.

Seventeen correct predictions? Looks like a pretty good track record to me.

References for Predictions and Confirming Observations
- (see site)

Oh yes, how good are they? Turns out they are significantly WORSE than RANDOM GUESSING! Yeppers, your models are so good a psychic can do much better than your precious models.

What a joke....

"A 2011 study in the Journal of Forecasting took the same data set and compared model predictions against a “random walk” alternative, consisting simply of using the last period’s value in each location as the forecast for the next period’s value in that location. The test measures the sum of errors relative to the random walk. A perfect model gets a score of zero, meaning it made no errors. A model that does no better than a random walk gets a score of 1. A model receiving a score above 1 did worse than uninformed guesses. Simple statistical forecast models that have no climatology or physics in them typically got scores between 0.8 and 1, indicating slight improvements on the random walk, though in some cases their scores went as high as 1.8."

Junk Science Week: Climate models fail reality test
I have no problem with insults. I give them, I get them, it's all fine. I have problems with people who throw insults and then squeal because they get some back. That offends my sense of fair play.

You're invoking the UnkownNaturalCyclesFairy. That's not a theory, that's an evasion. Theories give actual reasons for things that happen, and don't just wave their hands around and say "well, you haven't absolutely positively ruled out any possible natural cycle, so your theory must be wrong!". That's nonsense.

Moreover, it's contradicted by the observed data. We directly measure the infrared heat flux out of the atmosphere, and see it decreasing in the C02 absorption bands. Global warming theory predicted that, and it happened. How does the Natural Cycles Theory explain it?

Good thing then that careful eyewitness docs go back to the 30s, and sediment core records for some millions of years. Nothing like this has happened for around 400,000 years or so. Just a coincidence that some 400,000 year natural cycle is suddenly taking off now, I suppose.

Er, no. NASA said the cyclone helped, but was one factor of many.

Ice levels are going to keep crashing. Next year, when it's worse, even without a cyclone, it will be even tougher to come up with a way to deny the obvious. Air and water temperatures keep rising, and that's melting the ice.

No. The GRACE gravity measurements, and the recent radar measurements, two completely independent systems, both agree land ice is declining all over Antarctica. You're using obsolete data.

As far as sea ice goes, we're seeing a 1%/decade increase in Antarctic sea ice, compared to a 15%/decade decrease in Arctic sea ice. There is no comparison.

Logically, that doesn't follow. For example, ozone is a greenhouse gas, we destroyed the ozone over antarctica, so that has a cooling effect on Antarctica. It's not a natural cycle. You can't just assume "natural cycle" because you don't know what's going on.

Which has been done. AGW theory explains the observed data, and has successfully predicted many of the changes, which is why it has credibility.

Anecdotes from whaling vessels don't count as data. We know that winds occasionally open up the ice in funny ways. That doesn't mean all the ice melted.

So conditions reported by whalers on their boats as to what they saw with their own eyes doesn't count, but speculation by people whose funding requires them to create alarm about arctic ice melt does? Have you read the NASA statements? Or are you amending them to fit your own particular beliefs?

Your post suggests you not only do not read your own links, you aren't reading anybody else's posts or links either. But okay. Carry on.

Show us a link to a credible source that states the Arctic Ice was anywhere near the minimum we are seeing now in the 1930's. You cannot because no such information exists.

How about the 1980's???/ Fat chance of doing this today.....


  • $3-subs-north-pole-1987.jpg
    20.7 KB · Views: 68
Here's some actual facts on this topic.

Modern Day Climate Change
Kauffman et al. (2009) also shows that the Arctic was experiencing long-term cooling in the past 2000 years according to Milankovitch cycles until very recently. Figure 7.6 reveals this trend shift:

Figure 7.6: Recent warming reverses long-term arctic cooling (Kaufmann et al. modified by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)

Kaufmann et al. summarizes their study:

The temperature history of the first millennium C.E. is sparsely documented, especially in the Arctic. We present a synthesis of decadally resolved proxy temperature records from poleward of 60 oN covering the past 2000 years, which indicates that a pervasive cooling in progress 2000 years ago continued through the Middle Ages and into the Little Ice Age. A 2000-year transient climate simulation with the Community Climate System Model shows the same temperature sensitivity to changes in insolation as does our proxy reconstruction, supporting the inference that this long-term trend was caused by the steady orbitally driven reduction in summer insolation. The cooling trend was reversed during the 20th century, with four of the five warmest decades of our 2000-year-long reconstruction occurring between 1950 and 2000.​


Figure 7.8: Current Northern Hemisphere sea ice extent from satellite measurements

Sea ice extent is just part of the picture. Sea ice thickness has also been measured by submarine and ICESat satellite measurement.

Figure 7.9 (Rothrock, et al., 1999) shows sea ice thickness has substantially declined. Using data from submarine cruises, Rothrock and collaborators determined that the mean ice draft at the end of the melt season in the Arctic has decreased by about 1.3 meters between the 1950s and the 1990s.


Figure 7.9: Mean sea ice draft: Decrease in Arctic sea ice draft for 1958 to 1997.

Since 2004 and there has been a dramatic decrease in thickness according to NASA's press release, NASA Satellite Reveals Dramatic Arctic Ice Thinning dated July, 2009. Some excerpts:

Using ICESat measurements, scientists found that overall Arctic sea ice thinned about 0.17 meters (7 inches) a year, for a total of 0.68 meters (2.2 feet) over four winters. The total area covered by the thicker, older "multi-year" ice that has survived one or more summers shrank by 42 percent.

In recent years, the amount of ice replaced in the winter has not been sufficient to offset summer ice losses. The result is more open water in summer, which then absorbs more heat, warming the ocean and further melting the ice. Between 2004 and 2008, multi-year ice cover shrank 1.54 million square kilometers (595,000 square miles) -- nearly the size of Alaska's land area.

During the study period, the relative contributions of the two ice types to the total volume of the Arctic's ice cover were reversed. In 2003, 62 percent of the Arctic's total ice volume was stored in multi-year ice, with 38 percent stored in first-year seasonal ice. By 2008, 68 percent of the total ice volume was first-year ice, with 32 percent multi-year ice.​

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

kaufman et al????:lmao::lmao::lmao:
So conditions reported by whalers on their boats as to what they saw with their own eyes doesn't count, but speculation by people whose funding requires them to create alarm about arctic ice melt does? Have you read the NASA statements? Or are you amending them to fit your own particular beliefs?

Your post suggests you not only do not read your own links, you aren't reading anybody else's posts or links either. But okay. Carry on.

Show us a link to a credible source that states the Arctic Ice was anywhere near the minimum we are seeing now in the 1930's. You cannot because no such information exists.
How about the 1980's???/ Fat chance of doing this today.....
What was that, little retard? I can't hear you over all of the laughter in the room.

Nuclear Submarines Surface in Arctic
British and Americans Rendezvous at Pole

The Arctic was a little less tranquil on April 19, 2004 when the American fast-attack submarine USS Hampton and the Royal Navy submarine HMS Tireless popped up at the "top of the world". They surfaced at the North Pole through two naturally occurring leads or "gaps" in the ice about 1/2 mile / .8 km from each other.


USS Hampton at the North Pole.

When the British and American crews met, they hoped to play a game of soccer on the ice cap, but the game was called off due to too much snow on the playing field. The crew of the USS Hampton did, however, make a sign reading "North Pole" and posted it on the ice.

Scientists were also on board to monitor global warming effects on the polar cap and take measurements of the thickness of the ice underwater. The permanent ice pack at the North Pole has retreated 100 miles / 160 km north in recent years and can thin in the summer to as little as 6 ft / 1.8 meters. Overall, ice in the Arctic has diminished by about 40% in the past 20 years, according to research.
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Show us a link to a credible source that states the Arctic Ice was anywhere near the minimum we are seeing now in the 1930's. You cannot because no such information exists.
How about the 1980's???/ Fat chance of doing this today.....
What was that, little retard? I can't hear you over all of the laughter in the room.

Nuclear Submarines Surface in Arctic
British and Americans Rendezvous at Pole

The Arctic was a little less tranquil on April 19, 2004 when the American fast-attack submarine USS Hampton and the Royal Navy submarine HMS Tireless popped up at the "top of the world". They surfaced at the North Pole through two naturally occurring leads or "gaps" in the ice about 1/2 mile / .8 km from each other.


USS Hampton at the North Pole.

When the British and American crews met, they hoped to play a game of soccer on the ice cap, but the game was called off due to too much snow on the playing field. The crew of the USS Hampton did, however, make a sign reading "North Pole" and posted it on the ice.

Scientists were also on board to monitor global warming effects on the polar cap and take measurements of the thickness of the ice underwater. The permanent ice pack at the North Pole has retreated 100 miles / 160 km north in recent years and can thin in the summer to as little as 6 ft / 1.8 meters. Overall, ice in the Arctic has diminished by about 40% in the past 20 years, according to research.

Ummm, I said today NIMROD. The ice is supposedly gone TODAY idiot....thus a comparison with 8 YEARS AGO is pointless.....kind of like you...
Can't even call those pictures a draw --- can we Tinkerbelle? Talking about dueling submarines..

Wasn't that 1999 "submarine" study

Figure 7.9 (Rothrock, et al., 1999) shows sea ice thickness has substantially declined. Using data from submarine cruises, Rothrock and collaborators determined that the mean ice draft at the end of the melt season in the Arctic has decreased by about 1.3 meters between the 1950s and the 1990s.

the one that got diced because they were surveying the same geographic coordinates, but the ICE WAS IN CONSTANT drift all those years?
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How about the 1980's???/ Fat chance of doing this today.....
What was that, little retard? I can't hear you over all of the laughter in the room.

Nuclear Submarines Surface in Arctic
British and Americans Rendezvous at Pole

The Arctic was a little less tranquil on April 19, 2004 when the American fast-attack submarine USS Hampton and the Royal Navy submarine HMS Tireless popped up at the "top of the world". They surfaced at the North Pole through two naturally occurring leads or "gaps" in the ice about 1/2 mile / .8 km from each other.


USS Hampton at the North Pole.

When the British and American crews met, they hoped to play a game of soccer on the ice cap, but the game was called off due to too much snow on the playing field. The crew of the USS Hampton did, however, make a sign reading "North Pole" and posted it on the ice.

Scientists were also on board to monitor global warming effects on the polar cap and take measurements of the thickness of the ice underwater. The permanent ice pack at the North Pole has retreated 100 miles / 160 km north in recent years and can thin in the summer to as little as 6 ft / 1.8 meters. Overall, ice in the Arctic has diminished by about 40% in the past 20 years, according to research.
Ummm, I said today NIMROD. The ice is supposedly gone TODAY idiot....thus a comparison with 8 YEARS AGO is pointless.....kind of like you...
LOLOLOLOLOL......wooooeeee, sometimes you manage to startle me, walleyed, when I momentarily forget just how incredibly retarded you actually it really possible that you imagine that there were holes in the polar ice eight years ago but now "today" it is all solid with no holes? LOLOLOLOL....too funny, dude. You've been using that picture of some submarines surfaced at the north pole for years now on many threads and you always claim that that pic somehow proves that the ice was thinner back then. I and others have pointed out to you many times that no, studies conducted by submarines plus other data sources show that the ice is much thinner now than it was before. You always try to claim that the subs could surface up there then but can't now, so it can't really be warming up. You ignore all of the times you've been informed that open water spots in the ice called 'leads' or 'polynas' have always been opening up and closing as the winds and deep ocean currents push the ice around. BTW, there are actually more of them now and they are getting bigger. The polar ice is thinner now than it was even eight years ago and it just set a new record by a large margin for the smallest ice extent on record and probably the smallest in 7 or 8 thousand years. The thick multi-year ice has dwindled enormously.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A polynya (common US spelling) or polynia (common UK spelling) is an area of open water surrounded by sea ice. It is now used as geographical term for an area of unfrozen sea within the ice pack. It is a loanword from Russian: полынья, which means a natural ice hole, and was adopted in the 19th century...

Arctic Facts
One might think that with the extremely low temperatures near the North Pole, the ice must be hard, thick and smooth - making travel over the Arctic Ocean quite easy. Not so! The ocean is up to 3 miles / 4.8 km deep in some places, and currents cause constant movement and changes on the surface ice. This movement pulls sections of the ice cap apart, creating open lanes of water called "leads". For anyone travelling across the ice, a stretch of deep open water in -40° temperatures (C or F - take your pick) is a formidable obstacle. Anyone slipping into a lead could drown, or quickly freeze to death.These channels can open suddenly and without warning, so much so that some early Arctic explorers would not sleep in sleeping bags for fear of drowning if a lead opened up while they slept.

David Barber: Arctic Sea Ice in a Changing Climate
Science Poles - the science website of the International Polar Foundation
21 Mar 2011 - Interviews
David Barber is a sea ice specialist as well as a Professor of Environment and Geography and Canada Research Chair in Arctic System Science at the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS) at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. During his career, which has so far spanned three decades, Professor Barber has been examining sea ice, climate change and physical-biological coupling in the Arctic marine system. He also heads the Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) system study, an ongoing project which began during the recent International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-08 examining how physical changes such as rising temperatures and sea ice melt in the Arctic affect biological processes within flaw leads (areas of open water between pack ice and land fast ice).

What happened in 2007 was that we had the minimum recorded sea ice extent in the Arctic on record that year. Then we had a slight recovery in ice extent in 2008, 2009 and 2010. But the recovery hasn’t been in multiyear sea ice. The slight recovery in the total extent of the sea ice just means there’s more first year sea ice that survives in a particular year. The old, thick multiyear sea ice that we used to have in the High Arctic all throughout the Arctic Basin has been declining since 2007. Just to give you an idea, when I began my career in 1981, about 80% of the Arctic Basin was covered with thick, multiyear sea ice more than five years old. As of 2009, only 18% of the Arctic Basin was covered with multiyear sea ice. We’ve been doing quite a bit of research on what’s causing that, and why we’re seeing such a dramatic drop in the amount of the perennial ice and the replacement of that with annual ice, so we’ve got a pretty good understanding now of what’s going on and what’s causing these changes to occur.

Thirty years ago, the Arctic Ocean would freeze up into a fairly continuous ice cover that remained mobile throughout the year. There would be a few openings in the ice cover called polynas or leads. They recur because of different kinds of ocean currents or atmospheric forcing of the ocean surface. We’ve been noticing more recently that these polyna areas have been opening up earlier and larger than they did before. We’re also finding that there are openings now that never occurred before that are occurring now because of the retreating sea ice. These areas provide an interesting glimpse into what the future of the Arctic will look like because they’re areas that are already open early and stay open longer. They mimic conditions we expect to find in the future. There are already a number of research groups around the world that study these features as an analogue of what the future will hold. From a climate perspective, these open areas are interesting because in the very simplest sense, they have a much lower albedo than the sea ice. When you have ice cover, the surface is highly reflective, reflecting most radiation back to space. When you have open ocean, the albedo drops significantly and shortwave energy is absorbed by the ocean. When this energy gets into the ocean, it has to go somewhere. It moves around, it affects the bottom melt of other sea ice, and provoke a number of other feedbacks in the system.​

ABSTRACT: The most recent geologic interval characterized by warm temperatures similar to those projected for the end of this century occurred about 3.3 to 3.0 Ma, during the mid-Piacenzian Age of the Pliocene Epoch. Climate reconstructions of this warm period are integral to both understanding past warm climate equilibria and to predicting responses to today’s transient climate. The Arctic Ocean is of particular interest because in this region climate proxies are rare, and climate models
struggle to predict climate sensitivity and the response of sea ice. In order to provide the first quantitative climate data from this region during this interval, sea surface temperatures (SST) were estimated from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 907 and 909 in the Nordic Seas and from Site 911 in the Arctic Ocean based on Mg/Ca of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin) and alkenone unsaturation indices. Evidence of much warmer than modern conditions in the Arctic Ocean during the mid-Piacenzian with temperatures as high as 18°C is presented. In addition, SST anomalies (mid-Piacenzian minus modern) increase with latitude across the North Atlantic and into the Arctic, extending and confirming a reduced mid-Piacenzian pole-to-equator temperature gradient. The agreement between proxies and with previously documented qualitative assessments of intense warming in this region corroborate a poleward transport of heat and an at least seasonally ice-free Arctic,
conditions that may serve as a possible analog to future climate if the current rate of Arctic sea-ice reduction continues.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk. (Certainly Al Gore and none of those big name AGW promoting scientists are.)

Do they drive electric cars and/or restrict driving and/or flying to an absolute minimum? Live in 100% eco friendly houses? Have their own wind chargers and eskew use of all fossil fuels or power produced through use of fossil fuels? Wear everything out and recycle everything? Eat only products that contribute in no way to global warming? Put absolutely nothing in land fills or into the water system that requires power to remove? Compost everything biodegradable including human and pet or other animal waste? In fact use nothing that is not biodegradable and uses no fossil fuel power to make?

And are they 100% convinced that if everybody in the world started living that way today, that AGW would be arrested in its tracks and cease to be a problem within a short time?

But since they aren't living that way, how 'terrified' or 'concerned' are they? And why are they so willing to hand over power to the government to take away the rights, choices, options,and opportunities from the rest of us?
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I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk. (Certainly Al Gore and none of those big name AGW promoting scientists are.)

Do they drive electric cars and/or restrict driving and/or flying to an absolute minimum? Live in 100% eco friendly houses? Have their own wind chargers and eskew use of all fossil fuels or power produced through use of fossil fuels? Wear everything out and recycle everything? Eat only products that contribute in no way to global warming? Put absolutely nothing in land fills or into the water system that requires power to remove? Compost everything biodegradable including human and pet or other animal waste? In fact use nothing that is not biodegradable and uses no fossil fuel power to make?

And are they 100% convinced that if everybody in the world started living that way today, that AGW would be arrested in its tracks and cease to be a problem within a short time?

But since they aren't living that way, how 'terrified' or 'concerned' are they? And why are they so willing to hand over power to the government to take away the rights, choices, options,and opportunities from the rest of us?

Your "speculations" are idiotic and based only on your profound ignorance and deep stupidity.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk. (Certainly Al Gore and none of those big name AGW promoting scientists are.)

Do they drive electric cars and/or restrict driving and/or flying to an absolute minimum? Live in 100% eco friendly houses? Have their own wind chargers and eskew use of all fossil fuels or power produced through use of fossil fuels? Wear everything out and recycle everything? Eat only products that contribute in no way to global warming? Put absolutely nothing in land fills or into the water system that requires power to remove? Compost everything biodegradable including human and pet or other animal waste? In fact use nothing that is not biodegradable and uses no fossil fuel power to make?

And are they 100% convinced that if everybody in the world started living that way today, that AGW would be arrested in its tracks and cease to be a problem within a short time?

But since they aren't living that way, how 'terrified' or 'concerned' are they? And why are they so willing to hand over power to the government to take away the rights, choices, options,and opportunities from the rest of us?

Your "speculations" are idiotic and based only on your profound ignorance and deep stupidity.

Well we are assuming you are doing everything absolutely perfectly RollingThunder. So you are exempt from consideration of course.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk. (Certainly Al Gore and none of those big name AGW promoting scientists are.)

Do they drive electric cars and/or restrict driving and/or flying to an absolute minimum? Live in 100% eco friendly houses? Have their own wind chargers and eskew use of all fossil fuels or power produced through use of fossil fuels? Wear everything out and recycle everything? Eat only products that contribute in no way to global warming? Put absolutely nothing in land fills or into the water system that requires power to remove? Compost everything biodegradable including human and pet or other animal waste? In fact use nothing that is not biodegradable and uses no fossil fuel power to make?

And are they 100% convinced that if everybody in the world started living that way today, that AGW would be arrested in its tracks and cease to be a problem within a short time?

But since they aren't living that way, how 'terrified' or 'concerned' are they? And why are they so willing to hand over power to the government to take away the rights, choices, options,and opportunities from the rest of us?

Your "speculations" are idiotic and based only on your profound ignorance and deep stupidity.

Well we
"we"??? You mean you and your fleas?

are assuming you are doing everything absolutely perfectly RollingThunder. So you are exempt from consideration of course.
Well, everybody else is making the apparently quite correct assumption that you are a clueless rightwingnut retard who knows nothing about AGW except what he's heard from Rush or scraped off of some denier cult blog.
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Doesn't matter what happens...It's all the fault of Goebbels warming, to wackaloons like Trolling Blunder. :lol:

Well I've given up trying to refute the nonsense that he posts and most obviously hasn't even read, much less understands.

Sort of goes along with what my grandma taught me that only an idiot argues with an. . . .
The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.
The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.

It isn't a matter of whether it is happening. There has never been a time in the history of the Earth (or probably on any other heavenly body with an atmosphere), that climate conditions remain permanently constant or stable. Cyclical climate shifts have been occuring with predictable regularity for billions of years and that certainly has not changed in the very VERY short period that humans have been studying climate. So nobody but the AGW religionists are saying with certainty what is happening. And the rest of us are certainly not saying that nothing is happening. Of course it is.

But why? That is what we need to keep an open mind about. Certainly human activity may be having some impact, at least in some places, but is it sufficient impact to give up our freedoms, choices, options, opportunities to people who most likely won't have our best interests at heart and who won't be able to reverse the situation?

Are you willing to unilaterally stop all activity that is reported (by some) to be causing global warming. Do you honestly think punishing Americans and limiting their choices and opportunities will have a significant impact when developing countries with many times over more population than we have are exempt from the same limitations?

Maybe instead of fanaticism and dogmatic mindset, there is a different and more constructive way to look at all of this.
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The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.

Thought we were going to all be under water before then? Just how are we going to maintain infrastructure, when that is the cause of your made up issue?
Doesn't matter what happens...It's all the fault of Goebbels warming, to wackaloons like Trolling Blunder. :lol:

Well I've given up trying to refute the nonsense that he posts and most obviously hasn't even read, much less understands.

Sort of goes along with what my grandma taught me that only an idiot argues with an. . . .
It's all of them...Doesn't matter what happens...

A complete list of things caused by global warming

LOL, ain't itthe truth? That is a wonderful list. And probably needs frequent updating. :)

But like all other religious fanatics, whether it is fanaticism about diet or treatment of animals or church/mosque/temple/synagogue teachings or socioeconomic policy, the AGW religionists have their minds made up and the rest of us are nothing but infidels, heretics, and/or idiots and we're all going straight to hell. :)
The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.

It isn't a matter of whether it is happening. There has never been a time in the history of the Earth (or probably on any other heavenly body with an atmosphere), that climate conditions remain permanently constant or stable. Cyclical climate shifts have been occuring with predictable regularity for billions of years and that certainly has not changed in the very VERY short period that humans have been studying climate. So nobody but the AGW religionists are saying with certainty what is happening. And the rest of us are certainly not saying that nothing is happening. Of course it is.

But why? That is what we need to keep an open mind about. Certainly human activity may be having some impact, at least in some places, but is it sufficient impact to give up our freedoms, choices, options, opportunities to people who most likely won't have our best interests at heart and who won't be able to reverse the situation?

Are you willing to unilaterally stop all activity that is reported (by some) to be causing global warming. Do you honestly think punishing Americans and limiting their choices and opportunities will have a significant impact when developing countries with many times over more population than we have are exempt from the same limitations?

Maybe instead of fanaticism and dogmatic mindset, there is a different and more constructive way to look at all of this.

Every one of your posts just demonstrates further that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, you poor clueless bamboozled retard.

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