Remember how the Arctic Ice Cap is shrinking?

Hmmm. Anybody want to take a bet on whether RollingThunder is a sock? He sure approaches debate in the same manner as a certain other individual.
The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.

It isn't a matter of whether it is happening. There has never been a time in the history of the Earth (or probably on any other heavenly body with an atmosphere), that climate conditions remain permanently constant or stable. Cyclical climate shifts have been occuring with predictable regularity for billions of years and that certainly has not changed in the very VERY short period that humans have been studying climate. So nobody but the AGW religionists are saying with certainty what is happening. And the rest of us are certainly not saying that nothing is happening. Of course it is.

But why? That is what we need to keep an open mind about. Certainly human activity may be having some impact, at least in some places, but is it sufficient impact to give up our freedoms, choices, options, opportunities to people who most likely won't have our best interests at heart and who won't be able to reverse the situation?

Are you willing to unilaterally stop all activity that is reported (by some) to be causing global warming. Do you honestly think punishing Americans and limiting their choices and opportunities will have a significant impact when developing countries with many times over more population than we have are exempt from the same limitations?

Maybe instead of fanaticism and dogmatic mindset, there is a different and more constructive way to look at all of this.

Every one of your posts just demonstrates further that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, you poor clueless bamboozled retard.

Ohhh, I dunno. She makes you look like a monkey on a regular basis without resorting to 3rd grade insults. Your total vocabulary consists of those and really big words that you will never understand no matter how long you live. You're intellectually crippled.

I almost feel sorry for you...almost...
Hmmm. Anybody want to take a bet on whether RollingThunder is a sock? He sure approaches debate in the same manner as a certain other individual.

Oh, I'm with you there Foxy. I don't call them olmamoothtrollingblundertrakarsaigonspideypooperfraud for nothing!:lol:
The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.

Google: yogi berra predictions future
The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.

You still don't see how funny it is that if you were writing about this when the ice melted in the 1930's your warning would have called for an ice free Arctic by 1940?
The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.

You still don't see how funny it is that if you were writing about this when the ice melted in the 1930's your warning would have called for an ice free Arctic by 1940?

You mostly only say these kind of things because you have no idea what is going on. Also, of course, you're a retard. The ice didn't melt in the 30's. Now there is valid scientific evidence that the Arctic sea ice is in a death spiral.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk. (Certainly Al Gore and none of those big name AGW promoting scientists are.)

Do they drive electric cars and/or restrict driving and/or flying to an absolute minimum? Live in 100% eco friendly houses? Have their own wind chargers and eskew use of all fossil fuels or power produced through use of fossil fuels? Wear everything out and recycle everything? Eat only products that contribute in no way to global warming? Put absolutely nothing in land fills or into the water system that requires power to remove? Compost everything biodegradable including human and pet or other animal waste? In fact use nothing that is not biodegradable and uses no fossil fuel power to make?

And are they 100% convinced that if everybody in the world started living that way today, that AGW would be arrested in its tracks and cease to be a problem within a short time?

But since they aren't living that way, how 'terrified' or 'concerned' are they? And why are they so willing to hand over power to the government to take away the rights, choices, options,and opportunities from the rest of us?

You know damn well they would lie through their teeth answering your questions. Why wouldn't they? They lie about everything else.:lol:
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk. (Certainly Al Gore and none of those big name AGW promoting scientists are.)

Do they drive electric cars and/or restrict driving and/or flying to an absolute minimum? Live in 100% eco friendly houses? Have their own wind chargers and eskew use of all fossil fuels or power produced through use of fossil fuels? Wear everything out and recycle everything? Eat only products that contribute in no way to global warming? Put absolutely nothing in land fills or into the water system that requires power to remove? Compost everything biodegradable including human and pet or other animal waste? In fact use nothing that is not biodegradable and uses no fossil fuel power to make?

And are they 100% convinced that if everybody in the world started living that way today, that AGW would be arrested in its tracks and cease to be a problem within a short time?

But since they aren't living that way, how 'terrified' or 'concerned' are they? And why are they so willing to hand over power to the government to take away the rights, choices, options,and opportunities from the rest of us?

Your "speculations" are idiotic and based only on your profound ignorance and deep stupidity.

Okay, so the answer is NO!
Doesn't matter what happens...It's all the fault of Goebbels warming, to wackaloons like Trolling Blunder. :lol:

Well I've given up trying to refute the nonsense that he posts and most obviously hasn't even read, much less understands.

Sort of goes along with what my grandma taught me that only an idiot argues with an. . . .

Let me finish that for you...bullshitter.
Hmmm. Anybody want to take a bet on whether RollingThunder is a sock? He sure approaches debate in the same manner as a certain other individual.

Denier cultists = conspiracy theory nutjobs

EXACTLY. FoxFyre is a status quo conservative so she toes the fox news anti-AGW (AKA- Denier) line

FOXNews is the ONLY place one can get a truthful news story about anything. Of course there is always this idiot...

I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk. (Certainly Al Gore and none of those big name AGW promoting scientists are.)

Do they drive electric cars and/or restrict driving and/or flying to an absolute minimum? Live in 100% eco friendly houses? Have their own wind chargers and eskew use of all fossil fuels or power produced through use of fossil fuels? Wear everything out and recycle everything? Eat only products that contribute in no way to global warming? Put absolutely nothing in land fills or into the water system that requires power to remove? Compost everything biodegradable including human and pet or other animal waste? In fact use nothing that is not biodegradable and uses no fossil fuel power to make?

And are they 100% convinced that if everybody in the world started living that way today, that AGW would be arrested in its tracks and cease to be a problem within a short time?

But since they aren't living that way, how 'terrified' or 'concerned' are they? And why are they so willing to hand over power to the government to take away the rights, choices, options,and opportunities from the rest of us?

Perfectly put.. You can actually measure how genuine that "fear factor" about AGW is by asking these econauts ----

Which are you more afraid of ---- Global Warming? Or 250 brand new Nuclear Power plants that would END the USA contribution to CO2 emissions?

If you succeed in getting an intelligient, considered answer to that question --- please PM me and let me know.. Because my personal experience tells me -- they;'re not worried ENOUGH about Global Warming to even consider fixing it with tools already at our disposal.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk. (Certainly Al Gore and none of those big name AGW promoting scientists are.)

Do they drive electric cars and/or restrict driving and/or flying to an absolute minimum? Live in 100% eco friendly houses? Have their own wind chargers and eskew use of all fossil fuels or power produced through use of fossil fuels? Wear everything out and recycle everything? Eat only products that contribute in no way to global warming? Put absolutely nothing in land fills or into the water system that requires power to remove? Compost everything biodegradable including human and pet or other animal waste? In fact use nothing that is not biodegradable and uses no fossil fuel power to make?

And are they 100% convinced that if everybody in the world started living that way today, that AGW would be arrested in its tracks and cease to be a problem within a short time?

But since they aren't living that way, how 'terrified' or 'concerned' are they? And why are they so willing to hand over power to the government to take away the rights, choices, options,and opportunities from the rest of us?

Perfectly put.. You can actually measure how genuine that "fear factor" about AGW is by asking these econauts ----

Which are you more afraid of ---- Global Warming? Or 250 brand new Nuclear Power plants that would END the USA contribution to CO2 emissions?

If you succeed in getting an intelligient, considered answer to that question --- please PM me and let me know.. Because my personal experience tells me -- they;'re not worried ENOUGH about Global Warming to even consider fixing it with tools already at our disposal.

Or even to buy a Chevy Volt. :)
The Arctic Sea ice will almost be gone in part of the summer by the 2020's. Glacier National Park will have no more glaciers. By then, most of the alpine glaciers will be greatly reduced on all continents. There will be significant melting of the continental glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

We will be seeing more extreme weather worldwide, with more significant impacts on the cost of food and maintenance of infrastructure.

And the flap yaps will still be claiming nothing is happening.

You still don't see how funny it is that if you were writing about this when the ice melted in the 1930's your warning would have called for an ice free Arctic by 1940?

You mostly only say these kind of things because you have no idea what is going on. Also, of course, you're a retard. The ice didn't melt in the 30's. Now there is valid scientific evidence that the Arctic sea ice is in a death spiral.

I say these things because I'm not a member of your AGW Cult.

There is a 600,000 year data set, unaltered by Phil Jones, that show CO2 lagging temperature

There is a second 14,000 year data set that shows the ice sheet covering North American and Canada in a "Death spiral". Was that a bad thing? Was that caused by burning fossil fuels?

The ice did melt in the 30's

If the Arctic ice really is on a "Death spiral" (you people are as hysterical and dramatic as drag queens) maybe you should leave your freezer open.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk.

We'll take that colossal logical blunder on your part seriously when _you_ devote 100% to each and every one of your pet causes.

What's that? You don't devote 100% to every one of your beliefs? You're just being a particularly flagrant hypocrite by only demanding that standard from the other side? Well, imagine that. A hypocrite denialist. Hey, we've never seen that before. Oh wait, we have.

Look, we know why you denialists all run from the actual issues. You suck at discussing the actual issues. You suck at the physics, the statistics, the logic, the history, the politics, everything, so your only choice is to run from all actual discussion. Your retard political cult gives you some cultist talking points to repeat, and you're helpless if you have to go off point. Yes, it really is that obvious. What an earth makes you think you're fooling anyone?
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I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk.

We'll take that colossal logical blunder on your part seriously when _you_ devote 100% to each and every one of your pet causes.

What's that? You don't devote 100% to every one of your beliefs? You're just being a particularly flagrant hypocrite by only demanding that standard from the other side? Well, imagine that. A hypocrite denialist. Hey, we've never seen that before. Oh wait, we have.

Look, we know why you denialists all run from the actual issues. You suck at discussing the actual issues. You suck at the physics, the statistics, the logic, the history, the politics, everything, so you're only choice is to run from all discussion. Your retard political cult gives you speeches to repeat, and you're helpless if you have to go off point. Yes, it really is that obvious. What an earth makes you think you're fooling anyone?

2a. Freudian Projection

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto an opponent is called Freudian Projection.

  • "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits."
  • "The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual."
  • "Attributing one's own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile."
  • "The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity."
  • "People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way."

"Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have."

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