Remember how the Arctic Ice Cap is shrinking?

What do the last 2 whinefest evasion posts have to do with me showing the hypocrisy of the denialist political cultists? If they could address the issue, they wouldn't have to run from it like they do.

It's the denialists here who universally declare that one must devote 100% to any belief, if one actually believes it.

Yet denialists do not devote 100% to any of their causes.

Therefore, either of these conclusions must be true:

A. Denialists are lying about every single thing they claim to believe.
B. Denialists are sleazy hypocrites. They only think the other side has to devote 100%, and apply a different standard to themselves.

Denialists, you may now explain whether "A" or "B" is the correct conclusion. My money is on "B". Y'all are just hypocrites.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk.

We'll take that colossal logical blunder on your part seriously when _you_ devote 100% to each and every one of your pet causes.

What's that? You don't devote 100% to every one of your beliefs? You're just being a particularly flagrant hypocrite by only demanding that standard from the other side? Well, imagine that. A hypocrite denialist. Hey, we've never seen that before. Oh wait, we have.

Look, we know why you denialists all run from the actual issues. You suck at discussing the actual issues. You suck at the physics, the statistics, the logic, the history, the politics, everything, so your only choice is to run from all actual discussion. Your retard political cult gives you some cultist talking points to repeat, and you're helpless if you have to go off point. Yes, it really is that obvious. What an earth makes you think you're fooling anyone?

I think she's pointing out that you don't devote 10% to your avowed clause. The mere fact that you post on a computer shows you to be the hypocrite we all know you to be.

But that's OK, you have a high amusement factor so we put up with you.
What do the last 2 whinefest evasion posts have to do with me showing the hypocrisy of the denialist political cultists? If they could address the issue, they wouldn't have to run from it like they do.

It's the denialists here who universally declare that one must devote 100% to any belief, if one actually believes it.

Yet denialists do not devote 100% to any of their causes.

Therefore, either of these conclusions must be true:

A. Denialists are lying about every single thing they claim to believe.
B. Denialists are sleazy hypocrites. They only think the other side has to devote 100%, and apply a different standard to themselves.

Denialists, you may now explain whether "A" or "B" is the correct conclusion. My money is on "B". Y'all are just hypocrites.

I'm an avowed sceptic yet I have a huge compost pile, a solar array (now in need of replacement after 25 years), a geothermal heating system for my house and a gravity fed water system powering my various outside lights and other systems.

Whatchyou got buster?
What do the last 2 whinefest evasion posts have to do with me showing the hypocrisy of the denialist political cultists? If they could address the issue, they wouldn't have to run from it like they do.

It's the denialists here who universally declare that one must devote 100% to any belief, if one actually believes it.

Yet denialists do not devote 100% to any of their causes.

Therefore, either of these conclusions must be true:

A. Denialists are lying about every single thing they claim to believe.
B. Denialists are sleazy hypocrites. They only think the other side has to devote 100%, and apply a different standard to themselves.

Denialists, you may now explain whether "A" or "B" is the correct conclusion. My money is on "B". Y'all are just hypocrites.

:lol::lol::lol: The only whiner is you and yours buckwheat, we're laughing....mainly at you!
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk.

We'll take that colossal logical blunder on your part seriously when _you_ devote 100% to each and every one of your pet causes.

What's that? You don't devote 100% to every one of your beliefs? You're just being a particularly flagrant hypocrite by only demanding that standard from the other side? Well, imagine that. A hypocrite denialist. Hey, we've never seen that before. Oh wait, we have.

Look, we know why you denialists all run from the actual issues. You suck at discussing the actual issues. You suck at the physics, the statistics, the logic, the history, the politics, everything, so your only choice is to run from all actual discussion. Your retard political cult gives you some cultist talking points to repeat, and you're helpless if you have to go off point. Yes, it really is that obvious. What an earth makes you think you're fooling anyone?

I think she's pointing out that you don't devote 10% to your avowed clause. The mere fact that you post on a computer shows you to be the hypocrite we all know you to be.

But that's OK, you have a high amusement factor so we put up with you.

That is of course assuming that the computer is not built of all renewable and biodegradable and recyclable materials without benefit of any fossil inputs or any fossil fuels, and is powered strictly by a wind turbine built all with eco friendly materials. And this assumes that the AGW religionists are practicing everything they preach and doing everything humanly possible to eliminate all green house gas producing activity from their daily lives and are pumping every spare dime they have into causes that will save the planet.

Until they do that, how scared are they? How serious do they see this global warming thing to be? And how much authority should they have to dictate to the rest of us how we are expected to live our lives?

And just how certain are they that if we will all do this at the same time, the arctic ice will freeze up thick, solid, and permanent again, and the polar bears will be ecstatically happy, and all will be wonderful?
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We'll take that colossal logical blunder on your part seriously when _you_ devote 100% to each and every one of your pet causes.

What's that? You don't devote 100% to every one of your beliefs? You're just being a particularly flagrant hypocrite by only demanding that standard from the other side? Well, imagine that. A hypocrite denialist. Hey, we've never seen that before. Oh wait, we have.

Look, we know why you denialists all run from the actual issues. You suck at discussing the actual issues. You suck at the physics, the statistics, the logic, the history, the politics, everything, so your only choice is to run from all actual discussion. Your retard political cult gives you some cultist talking points to repeat, and you're helpless if you have to go off point. Yes, it really is that obvious. What an earth makes you think you're fooling anyone?

I think she's pointing out that you don't devote 10% to your avowed clause. The mere fact that you post on a computer shows you to be the hypocrite we all know you to be.

But that's OK, you have a high amusement factor so we put up with you.

That is of course assuming that the computer is not built of all renewable and biodegradable and recyclable materials without benefit of any fossil inputs or any fossil fuels, and is powered strictly by a wind turbine built all with eco friendly materials. And this assumes that the AGW religionists are practicing everything they preach and doing everything humanly possible to eliminate all green house gas producing activity from their daily lives and are pumping every spare dime they have into causes that will save the planet.

Until they do that, how scared are they? How serious do they see this global warming thing to be? And how much authority should they have to dictate to the rest of us how we are expected to live our lives?


I put it in bold to let trolling blunder know when it is proper to do so!:lol:
What do the last 2 whinefest evasion posts have to do with me showing the hypocrisy of the denialist political cultists? If they could address the issue, they wouldn't have to run from it like they do.

It's the denialists here who universally declare that one must devote 100% to any belief, if one actually believes it.

Yet denialists do not devote 100% to any of their causes.

Therefore, either of these conclusions must be true:

A. Denialists are lying about every single thing they claim to believe.
B. Denialists are sleazy hypocrites. They only think the other side has to devote 100%, and apply a different standard to themselves.

Denialists, you may now explain whether "A" or "B" is the correct conclusion. My money is on "B". Y'all are just hypocrites.

I'm an avowed sceptic yet I have a huge compost pile, a solar array (now in need of replacement after 25 years), a geothermal heating system for my house and a gravity fed water system powering my various outside lights and other systems.

Whatchyou got buster?

Yes, we too do what we can to be gentle to the environment and the creatures that live in it. We conserve energy whenever it is practical to do so, drive fuel efficient cars until they are literally beginning to fall apart, use things up, wear things out, and recycle what we can while contributing as little as possible to the local landfill. Be careful with that compost pile though. It is producing more greenhouse gasses than your average decaying vegetation. :)

And I am nowhere near convinced that AGW is a sufficiently settled science to justify taking away people's freedom, choices, options, and opportunities. Or that even if it shown to be a factor, taking more and more freedoms away from people who are living the most ecofriendly lives while allowing the worst polluters to continue to pollute with impunity is just nuts.
What do the last 2 whinefest evasion posts have to do with me showing the hypocrisy of the denialist political cultists? If they could address the issue, they wouldn't have to run from it like they do.

It's the denialists here who universally declare that one must devote 100% to any belief, if one actually believes it.

Yet denialists do not devote 100% to any of their causes.

Therefore, either of these conclusions must be true:

A. Denialists are lying about every single thing they claim to believe.
B. Denialists are sleazy hypocrites. They only think the other side has to devote 100%, and apply a different standard to themselves.

Denialists, you may now explain whether "A" or "B" is the correct conclusion. My money is on "B". Y'all are just hypocrites.

Stringing together a strawman to a false statement makes you a terrible debater.
What do the last 2 whinefest evasion posts have to do with me showing the hypocrisy of the denialist political cultists? If they could address the issue, they wouldn't have to run from it like they do.

It's the denialists here who universally declare that one must devote 100% to any belief, if one actually believes it.

Yet denialists do not devote 100% to any of their causes.

Therefore, either of these conclusions must be true:

A. Denialists are lying about every single thing they claim to believe.
B. Denialists are sleazy hypocrites. They only think the other side has to devote 100%, and apply a different standard to themselves.

Denialists, you may now explain whether "A" or "B" is the correct conclusion. My money is on "B". Y'all are just hypocrites.

Stringing together a strawman to a false statement makes you a terrible debater.

Aren't they all....
What do the last 2 whinefest evasion posts have to do with me showing the hypocrisy of the denialist political cultists? If they could address the issue, they wouldn't have to run from it like they do.

It's the denialists here who universally declare that one must devote 100% to any belief, if one actually believes it.

Yet denialists do not devote 100% to any of their causes.

Therefore, either of these conclusions must be true:

A. Denialists are lying about every single thing they claim to believe.
B. Denialists are sleazy hypocrites. They only think the other side has to devote 100%, and apply a different standard to themselves.

Denialists, you may now explain whether "A" or "B" is the correct conclusion. My money is on "B". Y'all are just hypocrites.

I'm an avowed sceptic yet I have a huge compost pile, a solar array (now in need of replacement after 25 years), a geothermal heating system for my house and a gravity fed water system powering my various outside lights and other systems.

Whatchyou got buster?
Hi,...I cut my "vacation" short before the riots start in oh so green Germany where energy prices have gone through the roof....and what greets me here? We had sub zero temps since middle of September and tonight 10 - 20 cm snow and -7C are forecast. The Geese knew better and have left us already in the first week during September.
Watch my neighbor from across the river discing his field at full throttle because he figures after tonight it`s likely not to thaw out till the end of May:...@ 10:12 in this video

Garmin GPS shortcuts Manitoba - YouTube

Good thing I got my birthday present early. I might need it sooner than later when our RCMP has to close the main roads. We chain up and take the back-roads but it`s pretty hard to spot these in a blizzard. I`m all set now and I could go home "IFR" if I have to with my Van. That damn cheapo GPS is almost as good as what I had 12 years ago in my Cessna 260. Last year it took till the end of October till the snow started flying and my grand children sang Christmas songs...or I had to carry my snow chains. Every year this shit happens 1 or 2 weeks sooner and hangs in there later and later....and I thought we moved far enough south when we left the Yukon Territories. Must be nicer where You are..???
Sometimes I wonder if Canada is on the same planet that Al Gore is talking about..!!
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I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that our more passionate warmer religionists here are talking the talk, and not one of them is walking the walk.

We'll take that colossal logical blunder on your part seriously when _you_ devote 100% to each and every one of your pet causes.

What's that? You don't devote 100% to every one of your beliefs? You're just being a particularly flagrant hypocrite by only demanding that standard from the other side? Well, imagine that. A hypocrite denialist. Hey, we've never seen that before. Oh wait, we have.

Look, we know why you denialists all run from the actual issues. You suck at discussing the actual issues. You suck at the physics, the statistics, the logic, the history, the politics, everything, so your only choice is to run from all actual discussion. Your retard political cult gives you some cultist talking points to repeat, and you're helpless if you have to go off point. Yes, it really is that obvious. What an earth makes you think you're fooling anyone?

Ummm........but the hypocrite denialists that suck at explaning everything are winning. How do you explain that honey???:2up:

I couldnt give a flying rats ass who looks good on here. Form over function is always the gay play in life. Bottom line at the end of the day? For all the alarmist bomb throwing by the k00ks for the last decade, its been escalator down. All this "consensus science" hasnt translated into dick in terms of any significant carbon limits. And nothing else matters asshole............makes all this science debate nothing more than hobby discussions on the intanets:funnyface::funnyface::fu: As long as my electrcity bill is not doubling compliments of assholes like you, Im happy.

And you're losing!!!!

Senate Democrats Kill Ambitious Climate Legislation | Science and Space |

Faithers don't NEED history, they got melting glaciers...

Melting glaciers worldwide. Melting continental ice caps. Melting Arctic Sea Ice. An increase in extreme weather events over the last forty years by a factor of at least 3. Outgassing clarthrates in the Arctic Ocean, outgassing from the permafrost. A very rapidly warming Arctic, both in Siberia and North America.

But then, we also have history in the form of paleoclimatology.

USGS Arctic Paleoceanography

And all you denialists have are some idiots standing out in left field doing the neener-neener number.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

AGW Observer
What do the last 2 whinefest evasion posts have to do with me showing the hypocrisy of the denialist political cultists? If they could address the issue, they wouldn't have to run from it like they do.

It's the denialists here who universally declare that one must devote 100% to any belief, if one actually believes it.

Yet denialists do not devote 100% to any of their causes.

Therefore, either of these conclusions must be true:

A. Denialists are lying about every single thing they claim to believe.
B. Denialists are sleazy hypocrites. They only think the other side has to devote 100%, and apply a different standard to themselves.

Denialists, you may now explain whether "A" or "B" is the correct conclusion. My money is on "B". Y'all are just hypocrites.

I'm an avowed sceptic yet I have a huge compost pile, a solar array (now in need of replacement after 25 years), a geothermal heating system for my house and a gravity fed water system powering my various outside lights and other systems.

Whatchyou got buster?
Hi,...I cut my "vacation" short before the riots start in oh so green Germany where energy prices have gone through the roof....and what greets me here? We had sub zero temps since middle of September and tonight 10 - 20 cm snow and -7C are forecast. The Geese knew better and have left us already in the first week during September.
Watch my neighbor from across the river discing his field at full throttle because he figures after tonight it`s likely not to thaw out till the end of May:...@ 10:12 in this video

Garmin GPS shortcuts Manitoba - YouTube

Good thing I got my birthday present early. I might need it sooner than later when our RCMP has to close the main roads. We chain up and take the back-roads but it`s pretty hard to spot these in a blizzard. I`m all set now and I could go home "IFR" if I have to with my Van. That damn cheapo GPS is almost as good as what I had 12 years ago in my Cessna 260. Last year it took till the end of October till the snow started flying and my grand children sang Christmas songs...or I had to carry my snow chains. Every year this shit happens 1 or 2 weeks sooner and hangs in there later and later....and I thought we moved far enough south when we left the Yukon Territories. Must be nicer where You are..???
Sometimes I wonder if Canada is on the same planet that Al Gore is talking about..!!

So, you are getting winter a bit early this year. But last year you really didn't have much of a winter.

Yes, it is nicer where I am at. 48 degrees, headed for a high of 70+. But we have had so little rain this summer that the Coast Range is under Red Flag fire warnings.

The Canadian winter that never was - Canada -

Photograph by Tim Smith

Canada without winter is a foreign place. Not white, not cold, not snowy, like most of us have known it to be. Not conducive to carnivals across the country that attempt to celebrate this inhospitable but beautiful season. For 43 years, Winnipeg has hosted the Festival du Voyageur in February—when winter has traditionally been most wintry. “We have snow sculptures, the snow maze, the snow mountain, toffee [served] on snow, and the snow bar,” explains spokesperson Emili Bellefleur. One would have to be hypothermic not to see the importance of snow.

So, when the city received nearly none from above this season, there was only one thing to do: fake it. More than 200 loads of man-made snow were delivered by a local company, which usually supplies ski resorts. It wasn’t free; the bill totalled $10,000. And it wasn’t ideal. “We saw brown, rusty spots from the dump truck, and the texture wasn’t as good. You could see chunks of ice,” says Bellefleur. But “it was real snow. Not Styrofoam or plastic.” Or mud or dead grass. And in the winter, in Canada, that matters.

This is, after all, a country so defined by snow and cold that our money features outdoor ice skaters and hockey players (the $5 bill), polar bears (the toonie), snowy owls (old $50 bills) and icebreakers (new $50 bills). We boast corporate empires built around the sale of snow tires and shovels (Canadian Tire), cold medication (Shoppers Drug Mart), long johns (Stanfield’s), down-filled coats (Canada Goose), and even hot chocolate served at Christmas in paper cups decorated with snowflakes and, of course, outdoor ice skaters and hockey players (Tim Hortons). Among the most valuable paintings by two of our most famous artists (Paul Kane and Lawren Harris) are those of stunning snowy, icy settings. Our fermented frozen grapes are world-class, and no other country produces more or better maple syrup than us. Canada is, as we all have sung, “the true North,” thank you very much.

That our national identity, our culture and our economy are so tied to winter makes what’s happened over the last few months all the more disconcerting. On average, Canada experienced temperatures 3.6° C higher than normal this winter, and 18 per cent less precipitation. This season was, in fact, the third warmest and the second driest in 65 years. Which might not sound so bad except that the last two times it was warmer, in 2009-10 and 2005-06, it was much snowier and wetter. And the last time it was drier, in 1956-57, it was colder. Until now, Canada has never had such hot days with so little snow. “So in many ways,” says David Phillips, senior climatologist at Environment Canada, “this has truly been the year that winter was cancelled.”

Even more unusual: this was the exact situation in every region, no matter how far north or south, east or west. “In the second-largest country in the world, it’s hard to get the same story,” explains Phillips, but “Canadians from Goobies, Nfld., to Yoho, B.C., to Kugluktuk, Nunavut,” were all asking one question: “Where is winter?”
Ray........this is the Thames River last winter..............frozen solid for the first time in like 70 years.


People yawn a big yawn these days about the end of days due to warming. Theyve been hearing the alarmist death knell for decades and they're playing ice hockey on the Thames for weeks, some getting treatment for fucking frostbite!!! Time for Plan B...........whatever that is. Plenty of guys on your side are already talking about this..........
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I'm an avowed sceptic yet I have a huge compost pile, a solar array (now in need of replacement after 25 years), a geothermal heating system for my house and a gravity fed water system powering my various outside lights and other systems

Nice evasion, but it's not even close to addressing my point. I keep asking why you guys demand standards of others that you don't demand of yourselves, and none of you will address that issue. It would appear that you can't address it (because I'm right), and thus you're trying to evade in creative ways.

For example, if you're a Christian, why aren't you devoting 100% of your life to pushing Christianity? The fact that you're not devoting 100% proves you're just totally faking the Christianity. At least by the Foxfyre standards of "YOU MUST DEVOTE 100% TO EVERYTHING YOU BELIEVE!", that is. She has proved none of you can really be Christian.

Since y'all don't devote 100% to every belief you hold yourself, it is hypocritical to demand such absolute devotion from AGW rationalists. It's also stupid and dishonest, because none of us have ever demanded that people live in caves, but let's just stick with the hypocrisy of the denialist position for now. You guys going to back down from the hypocrisy, or dig yourselves deeper into the hypocrisy hole?
I think she's pointing out that you don't devote 10% to your avowed clause. The mere fact that you post on a computer shows you to be the hypocrite we all know you to be.

This is where we'll talk about the chronic dishonesty of the denialists.

Westwall, can you point to a single AGW rationalist who demands that no one be allowed to use electricity or computers?

Since we know you can't show us any such people, why are you pushing the outrageous lie that all AGW rationalists demand that?

In general, denialists can't debate without fabricating idiot stories about what the other side supposedly believes. They fail completely at discussing actually issues, so making it all up is the only choice they have.
I'm an avowed sceptic yet I have a huge compost pile, a solar array (now in need of replacement after 25 years), a geothermal heating system for my house and a gravity fed water system powering my various outside lights and other systems

Nice evasion, but it's not even close to addressing my point. I keep asking why you guys demand standards of others that you don't demand of yourselves, and none of you will address that issue. It would appear that you can't address it (because I'm right), and thus you're trying to evade in creative ways.

For example, if you're a Christian, why aren't you devoting 100% of your life to pushing Christianity? The fact that you're not devoting 100% proves you're just totally faking the Christianity. At least by the Foxfyre standards of "YOU MUST DEVOTE 100% TO EVERYTHING YOU BELIEVE!", that is. She has proved none of you can really be Christian.

Since y'all don't devote 100% to every belief you hold yourself, it is hypocritical to demand such absolute devotion from AGW rationalists. It's also stupid and dishonest, because none of us have ever demanded that people live in caves, but let's just stick with the hypocrisy of the denialist position for now. You guys going to back down from the hypocrisy, or dig yourselves deeper into the hypocrisy hole?

What the hell are you talking about? Now you're just getting wierd.
I'm an avowed sceptic yet I have a huge compost pile, a solar array (now in need of replacement after 25 years), a geothermal heating system for my house and a gravity fed water system powering my various outside lights and other systems

Nice evasion, but it's not even close to addressing my point. I keep asking why you guys demand standards of others that you don't demand of yourselves, and none of you will address that issue. It would appear that you can't address it (because I'm right), and thus you're trying to evade in creative ways.

For example, if you're a Christian, why aren't you devoting 100% of your life to pushing Christianity? The fact that you're not devoting 100% proves you're just totally faking the Christianity. At least by the Foxfyre standards of "YOU MUST DEVOTE 100% TO EVERYTHING YOU BELIEVE!", that is. She has proved none of you can really be Christian.

Since y'all don't devote 100% to every belief you hold yourself, it is hypocritical to demand such absolute devotion from AGW rationalists. It's also stupid and dishonest, because none of us have ever demanded that people live in caves, but let's just stick with the hypocrisy of the denialist position for now. You guys going to back down from the hypocrisy, or dig yourselves deeper into the hypocrisy hole?

What the hell are you talking about? Now you're just getting wierd.

Well maybe a little wierd, but the point he is making is that he says that I insisted that he must devote 100% to what he believes about global warming. And that according to what I posted, I would be a hypocrite if I didn't devote 100% to being a Christian.

Well he's right. If I am intentionally behaving in unChristian ways, I wouldn't be much of a Christian. So yes, a believing Chrsitian will live his or her life much differently than a non-Chrsitian might live his/her life. That doesn't, however, require one to be preaching or teaching or serving or tithing or reading one's Bible or actively praying every minute. But it does mean that a Christian does not participate in those things that he or she believes to be evil or harmful or he or she is doing his/her darndest to straighten out those parts of his/her life that s/he knows are setting a bad example or are otherwise harmful.

And the pro-AGW religionist should be living his/her life as a pro-AGW religionist which means he or she gives up those things that he or she believes contribute to global warming. And I don't see Al Gore or any of the those pro-AGW scientists or any of our friends leading the way or providing a good example in that. In fact it seems that us skeptics might even be doing a better job of that than they are. It's hard to say.

So those who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. . . .how much do they really believe? How much of a problem do they honestly believe it is? And if the answer to both questions is "a lot", why isn't their lifestyle showing it?

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