Remember how the GOP was dead again? Well guess what libs?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
Perhaps your can start using your own brains, and your own words. GOP has the Senate, the house and look what else?

Yep. The leadership has made it clear that they don't like Trump. Perhaps you will get someone like Louie Gohmert as your leader. Good luck with that.
Yep. The leadership has made it clear that they don't like Trump. Perhaps you will get someone like Louie Gohmert as your leader. Good luck with that.
We totally elected a liberal President tonight. Take that, libs!

We showed them.
Liberals will pretend they won, to help them sleep nights. They a super brassy type people I tell you. Balls of bubbles.
Perhaps your can start using your own brains, and your own words. GOP has the Senate, the house and look what else?


According to the dung working at the NYT, after this election the repub party was going to have to completely restructure itself after "yet another stinging defeat" on a national level.

Instead, repubs now control all 3 levers of goverment, and will pack the SC with multiple new, conservative justices.

Life is good this morning in America, perhaps we are on the right track again after years of being fucked over by the democraptic party and its illegal alien/welfare base.

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