Remember Howard Morgan: Black Chicago Cop Shot 28 Times by four white officers?



Howard Morgan Case Still Has No Justice News One

Chicago police officer who was shot 28 times by four White officers on the way home from work. And to add insult to injury, Howard ended up being the one convicted of attempting to murder them.

“He had no gunshot residue on his hand, and they could not find the White officer’s bullet proof vest that they said Mr. Morgan fired the bullet in to,” Crump said. “We’re just supposed to take the word of the four White police officers? That’s really troubling and so is the fact that he did not have any gunshot residue on his hand. It’s also telling that he never fired his gun.”

He was actually tried twice on the same charges after he was acquitted the first time. That's called "Double Jeopardy".

Black Police Officer Howard Morgan Was Shot 28 Times By Four White Police Officers. Yet Somehow He s Guilty.

  • Before it could be tested for finger prints, bullets, and other evidence from the confrontation, police crushed the van that Morgan had been driving.
  • No fingerprints were found on Morgan’s gun.
  • The bullets that struck two of the officers weren’t recovered. The officers testified that they didn’t see Morgan fire the bullets and admitted that they were in each other’s line of fire, which means that a jury could reasonably conclude that the officers may well have been hit by “friendly fire.”

And the Guy was 62. Led an exemplary life but it wasn't enough. He was too black.
You DO realize that Chicago has been run by DEMOCRATS for DECADES, don't you???

Why do Democrats hate blacks so much???
A Syllogism:

Major Premise: All shit holes are run by Democrats.

Minor Premise: Chicago is run by Democrats.

Conclusion: Chicago is a shit hole.

You DO realize that Chicago has been run by DEMOCRATS for DECADES, don't you???

Why do Democrats hate blacks so much???

This has nothing to do with the city being run by Democrats or Republicans.
Of course it does... Who hires the Police Commissioner, cops, the prosecutor, etc???

You mean, who hired those cops, right?

Turns out there is a department inside the police department that suggest hires and is not directed by the mayor.

Yes, Police has their own Human Resource department.
Has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican running the city.

You DO realize that Chicago has been run by DEMOCRATS for DECADES, don't you???

Why do Democrats hate blacks so much???

This has nothing to do with the city being run by Democrats or Republicans.
Of course it does... Who hires the Police Commissioner, cops, the prosecutor, etc???

You mean, who hired those cops, right?

Turns out there is a department inside the police department that suggest hires and is not directed by the mayor.

Yes, Police has their own Human Resource department.
Has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican running the city.
The ultimate responsibility rests with who is running the city, and the prosecutor for pushing the case, and even bringing in double jeopardy...

Can't the Dimwits take responsibility for anything????
You DO realize that Chicago has been run by DEMOCRATS for DECADES, don't you???

Why do Democrats hate blacks so much???

This has nothing to do with the city being run by Democrats or Republicans.
Of course it does... Who hires the Police Commissioner, cops, the prosecutor, etc???

You mean, who hired those cops, right?

Turns out there is a department inside the police department that suggest hires and is not directed by the mayor.

Yes, Police has their own Human Resource department.
Has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican running the city.
The ultimate responsibility rests with who is running the city, and the prosecutor for pushing the case, and even bringing in double jeopardy...

Can't the Dimwits take responsibility for anything????

Oh, you are not talking about who shot the cop
You are talking about how the case was handled.

Yep, the Democrats running the city ARE responsible for that crap! However, why did the judge go along with it?
Double jeopardy? The jury deadlocked on the attempted murder charges.

Now if you want to talk double jeopardy, let's talk Rodney King.
You DO realize that Chicago has been run by DEMOCRATS for DECADES, don't you???

Why do Democrats hate blacks so much???

This has nothing to do with the city being run by Democrats or Republicans.
Of course it does... Who hires the Police Commissioner, cops, the prosecutor, etc???

You mean, who hired those cops, right?

Turns out there is a department inside the police department that suggest hires and is not directed by the mayor.

Yes, Police has their own Human Resource department.
Has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican running the city.
The ultimate responsibility rests with who is running the city, and the prosecutor for pushing the case, and even bringing in double jeopardy...

Can't the Dimwits take responsibility for anything????

Oh, you are not talking about who shot the cop
You are talking about how the case was handled.

Yep, the Democrats running the city ARE responsible for that crap! However, why did the judge go along with it?
Ask the people in Chicago why they keep electing idiot judges....
Legally Insane Judge Wins Re-Election in Chicago Above the Law
Poor, poor Rtard

couldn't find any recent racial divisiveness so he had to reach back into the past
This has nothing to do with the city being run by Democrats or Republicans.
Of course it does... Who hires the Police Commissioner, cops, the prosecutor, etc???

You mean, who hired those cops, right?

Turns out there is a department inside the police department that suggest hires and is not directed by the mayor.

Yes, Police has their own Human Resource department.
Has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican running the city.
The ultimate responsibility rests with who is running the city, and the prosecutor for pushing the case, and even bringing in double jeopardy...

Can't the Dimwits take responsibility for anything????

Oh, you are not talking about who shot the cop
You are talking about how the case was handled.

Yep, the Democrats running the city ARE responsible for that crap! However, why did the judge go along with it?
Ask the people in Chicago why they keep electing idiot judges....
Legally Insane Judge Wins Re-Election in Chicago Above the Law

She is not judging cases
She is collecting 180,000 to do nothing.

Thats a big f***ing welfare check.

OK, it is not really welfare but would do you call it when you are paid to sit around?
See? Republicans can't look at the merits of the case. It's all about personal attacks. That's partly why they need to be pitied and partly why they need to be ignored.
See? Republicans can't look at the merits of the case. It's all about personal attacks. That's partly why they need to be pitied and partly why they need to be ignored.
Republicans didn't cause the mess.... DEMOCRATS did....

So let's see them own up to it.....

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