Remember, it was Bush and the GOP who tricked this country into invading Iraq. PERIOD!

Congress thought it was a legitimate mission and authorized boots on the ground. Harry Truman never consulted congress and we lost about 50,000 Americans in a three year quagmire in Korea. LBJ faked a crisis and set the rules so that Americans could win every battle and still lose the freaking war in Vietnam. Democrats tried like hell to "botch" the Military mission in Iraq but from a military standpoint the U.S. forces went further and faster and took less casualties than any other mission of it's kind in history. It's been twenty years and lefties are still determined to undermine the mission.
Congress based their decision on the post 9-11 political climate and doctored intelligence provided by Bush

6000 died after “Mission Accomplished”
You don't get to assume how congress based it's decision and congress members don't get to take their decision back and undermine the mission. Congress didn't have a chance to make a decision in Korea or Vietnam. The Military mission in Iraq was textbook and brilliant. Lefties hate it because a republican was in office and they hate the Military anyway.
We saw the doctored intelligence bush provided Congress. It dropped all references that said Iraq was not a threat
Bush’s textbook invasion was a textbook disaster on how to maintain peace in a nation on the verge of of civil war

No, they did not treat us as liberators
It was brilliant? Those people handed it all over to the next tin pot fool as soon as the dust cleared from our last truck leaving.....~S~
I get it, the mission was unfair because the U.S. had the advantage with the best fighting force on the planet. We agree that the U.S. Military mission in Iraq was a stunning success but why do other lefties want to call it "botched"? God help us when lefties run the Military.
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It was brilliant? Those people handed it all over to the next tin pot fool as soon as the dust cleared from our last truck leaving.....~S~
I get it, the mission was unfair because the U.S. had the advantage with the best fighting force on the planet. God help us when lefties run the Military.
We had the best fighting force on the planet who subsequently were getting picked off by snipers and IEDs

6000 died because of Bush’s disastrous decision to invade
We had the best fighting force on the planet who subsequently were getting picked off by snipers and IEDs

No question about that at all Rwinger

It's just that these (am i PC quoting the potus?) sh*thole countries don't appreciate our efforts to save them from themselves

We agree that the U.S. Military mission in Iraq was a stunning success but why do other lefties want to call it "botched"?

reminds me of 'vietnamization' , which basically folded like a cheap Kmart table whitehall

Yeah, I remember. I also remember it was republican that freed the slaves , it was a democrat that committed us to a war in Vietnam, so...where are you going with this?
We had the best fighting force on the planet who subsequently were getting picked off by snipers and IEDs

No question about that at all Rwinger

It's just that these (am i PC quoting the potus?) sh*thole countries don't appreciate our efforts to save them from themselves

They were supposed to treat us as liberators

They obviously didn’t get the memo
Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.
Hillary insisted AQ was in Iraq and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was POTUS......
The deep state tricked Bush into going to war in Iraq....they are doing it again...
Actually (SHHH....), didn't a bunch of Democrat liberals go along with that lie? Were they THAT gullible? (I didn't believe that Iraqi nonsense, did any of you?) So if all those idiots bought this nonsense, Isn't this really about the competency of our leaders as a whole?
Actually (SHHH....), didn't a bunch of Democrat liberals go along with that lie? Were they THAT gullible? (I didn't believe that Iraqi nonsense, did any of you?) So if all those idiots bought this nonsense, Isn't this really about the competency of our leaders as a whole?
I thought it was Bullshit at the time
Saddam Hussein was terrified of being overthrown He did not use WMDs in the first war when he was getting his butt kicked
Saddam created this malarkey he had WMD's as a bluff to intimidate Iran, it was a bluff. And, Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Nothing. And the rest, is for other boards and other times.
Saddam created this malarkey he had WMD's as a bluff to intimidate Iran, it was a bluff. And, Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Nothing. And the rest, is for other boards and other times.
Actually he claimed he was in compliance
He knew better than to get involved in 9-11
Yeah, I remember. I also remember it was republican that freed the slaves , it was a democrat that committed us to a war in Vietnam, so...where are you going with this?

I didn't work, they didn't want it, they've no desire or respect for freedom or anything even close to it.........and after our military paved the way and tooled them up too

hows loud can i say this here?


Saddam created this malarkey he had WMD's as a bluff to intimidate Iran, it was a bluff. And, Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Nothing. And the rest, is for other boards and other times.
Actually he claimed he was in compliance
He knew better than to get involved in 9-11

Bush family and oil... Saudi Arabia IS OIL.The likes only the Bush dynasty could only dream of. Why WE went after Iraq, instead, is anyone's guess. Never mind most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudi, NOPE. Let alone all of the attackers were Wahhabis, NOPE. Let alone they were funded by Saudis, NOPE.
Saudi Arabia gets a free pass on a sneak attack on America that we otherwise would have destroyed...Remember Japan, after Pearl harbor? But, instead, lets attack Iraq? For WHAT? Most of us knew it was twaddle THEN. Even more so, NOW.
Yeah, I remember. I also remember it was republican that freed the slaves , it was a democrat that committed us to a war in Vietnam, so...where are you going with this?
Lincoln was a Republican. So was he a confederate? Was that the Southern party? Because they are the southern party now. What happened?
Try to think it through.
These threads are hilarious. Russia is stepping up their defense for a tyrant who uses chemical weapons on his own civilians, and the left is freaking out. Meanwhile the genocidal psychopathic leftists here keep murdering babies through abortion.

Maybe Trump should order some missile strikes on the abortion clinics too while we're at it. It's not like we're going to run out of cruise missiles.

Assad isn't using the chemical weapons, even Tucker Carlson agrees, funny how when Trump said he was going to pull out we have a chemical attack. Assad has no reason to use chemical weapons.

people around here cant handle that little truth on Assad.Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
President Bush did everything required of him to authorize the use of Troops in Iraq but maybe he wasn't aware that the CIA had turned into a political propaganda arm of the democrat party and treason wasn't off the table when democrats decided to un-authorize the use of Troops in order to create a political issue. How many people remember Bill Clinton's bombing of a defenseless country when he was literally caught with his pants down? It wasn't about WMD's, it was about Monica. The left wing media loved the concept even when NATO bombers had to use old road maps and bombed the Chinese embassy by mistake. .
That’s funny

Clinton launched an attack on bin Laden and republicans accused him of wagging the dog to divert attention from their blowjob investigation
Bill Clinton sent a couple of cruise missiles on an abandoned bin Ladin camp and declared victory. The mainstream media called for a tickertape parade.

for once,whitehall said something FACTUAL,the world must be coming to an end.

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