Remember? - Obama on ISIS in Syria: 'We don't have a strategy yet'


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
You see.... This dumb ass punk sat on his ass and watched the cancer grow


It's too soon to say what steps the United States will take against ISIS in Syria, President Barack Obama said Thursday.

"I don't want to put the cart before the horse," Obama told reporters during a White House news briefing. "We don't have a strategy yet."

Obama said he's asked America's top defense officials to prepare "a range of options" about what the United States could do to go after ISIS in Syria, which he described as "a safe haven" for the Sunni extremist group that calls itself the Islamic State.


How can the U.S. 'destroy' ISIS? 02:02
The President's remarks follow days of speculation about whether the United States had a plan to go after ISIS in Syria.


ISIS executes 250 Syrian soldiers 02:02

What led another American to ISIS? 01:55
"We need to make sure that we've got clear plans, that we're developing them. At that point, I will consult with Congress and make sure that their voices are heard," Obama said. "But there's no point in me asking for action on the part of Congress before I know exactly what it is that is going to be required for us to get the job done."

Obama on ISIS in Syria: 'We don't have a strategy yet' -
Sure, he has a strategy...

Bring thousands of them to the US, and let us support them while they plan their attacks against US....
Obama should be arrested and put on trail for treason

We do have a strategy, and per the graphs posted on the Board, the damage inflicted against ISIS is significant.
When you do not have a strategy? You do not do anything, until you do have a strategy.
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Remember? - Obama on ISIS in Syria: 'We don't have a strategy yet'

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... he still ain't got one...

... dat's why Putin's inna mix now.
Shocking, when ISIS began the invasion of Iraq, the Iraq dropped their weapons and ran, abandoning their equipment to ISISin 2014 (the article is from Sept. 2014) the US Joint Chiefs of Staff had to take the time to design a strategy. They did not have a specific contingency plan to implement for that scenario other than to deploy the 15,000 troops sitting on the Iraq/Kuwait border as a quick reaction force.

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