Remember... Obama will "stand with the Muslims"...

I see what you are doing and it is pathetic.

This kind of bigoted Muslim bashing is destroying the GOP. You are not interested in someone condemning a few extremists. You want us to hate ALL Muslims.

I see what you are doing and it is pathetic.

This kind of bigoted Nazi bashing is destroying the USA. You are not interested in someone condemning a few extremists. You want us to hate ALL Nazis.

What about the GOOD Nazis who love kittens and snow cones?
  • Thanks
Reactions: mal
I see what you are doing and it is pathetic.

This kind of bigoted Muslim bashing is destroying the GOP. You are not interested in someone condemning a few extremists. You want us to hate ALL Muslims.

I see what you are doing and it is pathetic.

This kind of bigoted Nazi bashing is destroying the USA. You are not interested in someone condemning a few extremists. You want us to hate ALL Nazis.

What about the GOOD Nazis who love kittens and snow cones?

^And still can't Acknowledge or Condem the Islamic Nations that currently Execute Homosexuals...

It's Fucking Mindblowing the Lengths Western Liberals will go to to Defend this shit.



I see what you are doing and it is pathetic.

This kind of bigoted Muslim bashing is destroying the GOP. You are not interested in someone condemning a few extremists. You want us to hate ALL Muslims.

No one is fooled by your puerile bullshit. You are a piece of trash that needs to be taken to the curb for pickup. For the good of the GOP.

Stop fucking up the Republican Party, asshole.

That's right. I am condemning YOU.


You Refused to Condem the GOVERNMENTS in the Middle East who as a matter of LAW Execute Homosexuals.

Your Dishonest Attempt to call this Reality in the ME "a few Extremists" is Laugable.

You are Probably a Muslim. :thup:



The governments who practice that such as Iran and Saudi Arabia get ignored regularly. Kuwait and Egypt throw homosexuals in prison and no one says a word.
I see what you are doing and it is pathetic.

This kind of bigoted Muslim bashing is destroying the GOP. You are not interested in someone condemning a few extremists. You want us to hate ALL Muslims.

No one is fooled by your puerile bullshit. You are a piece of trash that needs to be taken to the curb for pickup. For the good of the GOP.

Stop fucking up the Republican Party, asshole.

That's right. I am condemning YOU.


You Refused to Condem the GOVERNMENTS in the Middle East who as a matter of LAW Execute Homosexuals.

Your Dishonest Attempt to call this Reality in the ME "a few Extremists" is Laugable.

You are Probably a Muslim. :thup:



The governments who practice that such as Iran and Saudi Arabia get ignored regularly. Kuwait and Egypt throw homosexuals in prison and no one says a word.

Stop Focusing on "a few extremists" HG!... :lol:


You Refused to Condem the GOVERNMENTS in the Middle East who as a matter of LAW Execute Homosexuals.

Your Dishonest Attempt to call this Reality in the ME "a few Extremists" is Laugable.

You are Probably a Muslim. :thup:



The governments who practice that such as Iran and Saudi Arabia get ignored regularly. Kuwait and Egypt throw homosexuals in prison and no one says a word.

Stop Focusing on "a few extremists" HG!... :lol:



My bad, everyone knows Islam loves homosexuals.
^Will not be Acknowledged...

Deserves a :clap2: for be Factual and Accurate.


it is complete bunk.

i was in teheran during ashura. it was great.

the bloody version is performed by zealots, and in iran there are not many.

probably why you posted about an ashura procession in afghanistan.

So you were Tehran or Teheran?...

When and why?... And why are you Focused on Iran?...



you mentioned iran in your OP.
it is complete bunk.

i was in teheran during ashura. it was great.

the bloody version is performed by zealots, and in iran there are not many.

probably why you posted about an ashura procession in afghanistan.

So you were Tehran or Teheran?...

When and why?... And why are you Focused on Iran?...



you mentioned iran in your OP.

Because they are Looney Islamic Dictatorship that is hellbent on getting a Nuke and who would like to wipe the Jews off the Earth and they also Execute Homosexuals as a matter of Law. :thup:

When and Why? is next.


This thread is misleading, It focus on weird actions of a sect which is condemned by most muslims and attribute it to Islam which is an act of stupid ignorance.
We don't even have to condemn Islamic Nations, the Nation of Islam right here in the US condemns homosexuals and thinks of them as no better than dogs.

The Nation of Islam barely has a passing resemblance to the rest of the Muslim world.

Regardless, any people who condemn homosexuals or Muslims just for being homosexuals or Muslims are ignorant.


NoI here in America doesn't Execute Homosexuals like the Governments of Islamic Nations do...

Why do you not want to Acknowledge that REALITY, instead you Opt for Deflecting for it?...

You like Homosexuals being Executed?...



You started this topic to make fun of the practices of a sect of Islam in Afghanistan. A sect you have not proven commits acts of terrorism or executes homosexuals or commits any crimes against humanity. You featured a large photo of people who are performing a ritual which is holy to them.

Your aim was to make fun or criticize the entire Muslim community, asshole, and it is plain to see.

Now that you have been caught and called on your bigotry, you want to pretend this is about extremists, but it is too late. You gave yourself away in your topic title and your OP.

You also assume all the people of Iran want to execute homos.

So fuck you and the bigoted horse you rode in on.

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The Christian nation of Uganda is also trying to make homosexuality punishable by death.

Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This bill was inspired by the work of gay-bashing American evangelicals in Uganda.


Oh my Allah, that's terrible...

{Parliament adjourned in May 2011 without voting on the bill; Bahati stated that he intended to re-introduce the bill in the new parliament.[23][24] In August 2011, the cabinet discussed the bill, deciding unanimously that current laws making homosexuality illegal were sufficient.[25}

Oh, so you're just bullshitting to cover for your Muslim buddies - who treat homosexuals with the dignity they deserve.

Bigots seem to believe Muslims are a separate species and that Muslim extremists are the only ones which have committed atrocities or who observe strange practices. These attempts to make them something different from the rest of humanity is the first baby step toward genocide.

Thus it is important to demonstrate extremist Muslims are not any different from extremists of any race, creed, or religion.

Additionally, the aim of topics such as this one is to attempt to paint ALL Muslims as being maniacs out to kill the rest of us.

So poisoning the well by attempting to exclude evidence which shows all races, creeds, and religions have their own share of atrocities is contributing to that bigotry.


Do you use the same speech when engaging in apologetics for Nazis? Hitler was just misunderstood, right? Nothing is evil, except Americans and Christians, right?
It takes one twisted fuck to use examples of the bigotry of extremist Muslims against the very homos he himself hates to justify his hatred of all Muslims.

mal, you are a known hater of homos, and you excuse your bigotry of homos by pointing to others who take more extreme measures against homos to somehow prove in your own small mind that you are not a bad person for hating homos since you don't have the opportunity to execute them the way good Christian, extremist Muslims would like to.

How did the Republican Party ever get to the point where little nazi racist pieces of shit like you could feel free to loudly proclaim your ignorance and expect kudos for doing so?

Jesus H. Christ.

Bigots seem to believe Muslims are a separate species and that Muslim extremists are the only ones which have committed atrocities or who observe strange practices. These attempts to make them something different from the rest of humanity is the first baby step toward genocide.

Thus it is important to demonstrate extremist Muslims are not any different from extremists of any race, creed, or religion.

Additionally, the aim of topics such as this one is to attempt to paint ALL Muslims as being maniacs out to kill the rest of us.

So poisoning the well by attempting to exclude evidence which shows all races, creeds, and religions have their own share of atrocities is contributing to that bigotry.


Do you use the same speech when engaging in apologetics for Nazis? Hitler was just misunderstood, right? Nothing is evil, except Americans and Christians, right?

You could not be more wrong about me. I have no problem ripping the flag off a pretender and defiler, and I will and do.

I guess you missed my ass kicking of the Proud_Nazi fuck who visited here a few days ago.

I hate Nazis above all others, dipshit.

Racists and bigots are a close second. That they dare call themselves Christians never fails to raise my ire.

mal is not a Christian. He's an asshole racist bigot fuck, and Un-American as it gets.

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Everyone knows the Religious Right loves homos, too.


You hate the right, and particularly the religious right. The religious say homosexuality is a sin, which angers you and fills you with hate.

Muslims kill homosexuals, but you love them because they hate the West. In the scheme of things, it's more important to oppose Christians than support the right of homosexuals to live.

Hey, you've got to have priorities.
Everyone knows the Religious Right loves homos, too.


You hate the right, and particularly the religious right. The religious say homosexuality is a sin, which angers you and fills you with hate.

Muslims kill homosexuals, but you love them because they hate the West. In the scheme of things, it's more important to oppose Christians than support the right of homosexuals to live.

Hey, you've got to have priorities.

So many strawmen, so little time.

I hate bigots, not the religious right. I am on the board of a religious right ministry, dumbass.

If you want to say a homosexual is going to hell, go right ahead. But they still deserve equal protection of the laws. Since you would deny that to them, then you are Un-American. But go right ahead and feel all Christian-like.

As for Muslims, I don't hate all of them the way bigots like you and mal do. You and mal hate an entire group of people based on the actions of the extremist elements of that group.

That is the very definition of bigotry.

Extremist Muslims hate all Americans and Christians based on the actions of a few. How's that for poetry?

Birds of a feather, you and the extremist Muslims. Yes indeedy.

So the next time you are waving your arms about in Church to the preachers words about "love one another", go right ahead and try to convince yourself you are living by those words.

But you aren't.

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It takes one twisted fuck to use examples of the bigotry of extremist Muslims against the very homos he himself hates to justify his hatred of all Muslims.

Look, you're one stupid fuck. You excuse ANY evil in you bigoted hatred of Christians and the West. You're so invested in your own hatred and bigotry that you embrace those who do a thousand times worse to homosexuals, simply because they also hate Christians.

You choose your hatred and bigotry above all rational thought.

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