Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

bullshit ! your party has been drumming up division for decades .. and since its getting close to election time and Briben is falling in the polls it looks like it about to be riot time again this summer .. the left will find something [like race] to rile up their base ... count on it !

Not sure how riots would help Biden. But you do go on.

Biden won't have riots because unlike Trump, he didn't spend four years encouraging police misconduct.
You use racism to excuse the fact you are a shitty person who gets treated the way they deserve to be. Eventually your broken mentality will die off and the world will be a better place

They're trying to not let it die off, that's the whole point of keeping it going and they instill it in their kids and grandkids, I'm sure this one has taught his that 'whitey' hates them. Truly sad and pathetic.
They're trying to not let it die off, that's the whole point of keeping it going and they instill it in their kids and grandkids, I'm sure this one has taught his that 'whitey' hates them. Truly sad and pathetic.
There‘s not a single student in the Baltimore public school system who is proficient in math, but they sure can hate whitey with the best of them.

Out of curiosity, I just typed the key words “hates whites” into Indeed, and nothing came up.
From what I saw on the video, looks like the black girl was going after the white girl and there are times when it's better to get in the first punch while you can rather than take a blow.

There's a difference between getting a blackeye and some brusies versus having you skull bashed in on the pavement. Your statement is justifying, excusing the black girl escalating from a fight to a murder attempt. You have convinced me you are as much if not more criminal as she is.

Repeat, your type is anti-social, hostile, vicious, criminal, and undesirable. Putting it mildly.
Making excuses.
I am done reading your double standards and excuses. When a white dude punched a black woman, you racists tried to find some way to claim she started the fight. You have posted videos of blacks getting punched by whites and bragged about how the ''thug" ran into the wrong person. You guys have shown video after video of blacks jumping on whites then talking about how you need more arms. A moderator here brags about how he goes into certain section of his small town armed and ready to shoot. You hailed Kyle Rittenhouse and made him a millionaire for murdering people. You guys showed the video of this fight and made the same barbaric racist ass comments about blacks your ancestors made in 1724. But now that we see how miss lilly white was there to fight, suddenly we talk about a moral code to streefighting. Well, maybe one of you can find me the streetfight rule book, because I was told there ain't no rules to a streetfight so you best come prepared. And this is why you raggedy racists carry guns talking about stand your ground. Well this young sister was approached by someone trying to fight her and she stood her ground.

Hey, IM2Whiny

I thought that Rittenhouse should go to Jail.
I thought Zimmerman should go to jail
I thought that Chauvin should go to jail
I thought Van Dyke should go to jail.

None of this excuses a girl beating another girl into a coma because she said nasty stuff about her on Facebook. This ANIMAL needs to be put in a prison for the rest of her life, and removed from polite society.
There‘s not a single student in the Baltimore public school system who is proficient in math, but they sure can hate whitey with the best of them.

Out of curiosity, I just typed the key words “hates whites” into Indeed, and nothing came up.

Probably because Google has filters to keep that from happening.
There‘s not a single student in the Baltimore public school system who is proficient in math, but they sure can hate whitey with the best of them.

Out of curiosity, I just typed the key words “hates whites” into Indeed, and nothing came up.
Amazing, who has the history of hate from when the first whites got to these shores up until today.
It's amazing when I see black folks like you, who will try and label black folks as haters, racists, etc., but you will kiss the ass of the very folks who hate you because of the color of your skin. Who taught you to hate yourself? You think being a Trump Humper will give you a leg up, even though, everything he is going to do if elected with be damaging to you and your family. Smfh.

Nobody hates him, only you because he doesn't 'think' and hate like you do.

I typically agree with him, a few times I haven't, I didn't even know he was black, so what's my excuse for not agreeing with him prior? Gee, it must have been because I simply didn't share the same opinion and had nothing to do with his skin color. :rolleyes:
Nobody hates him, only you because he doesn't 'think' and hate like you do.

I typically agree with him, a few times I haven't, I didn't even know he was black, so what's my excuse for not agreeing with him prior? Gee, it must have been because I simply didn't share the same opinion and had nothing to do with his skin color. :rolleyes:
Who is black that Superbro hates?
Nobody hates him, only you because he doesn't 'think' and hate like you do.
There is 400yrs of history that proves that's a lie.
I typically agree with him, a few times I haven't, I didn't even know he was black, so what's my excuse for not agreeing with him prior?
Of course you do, you probably love Struth as well. Save it, those types of black folks stick out like a sore thumb 👍.
Gee, it must have been because I simply didn't share the same opinion and had nothing to do with his skin color. :rolleyes:
Let's see you agree with Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Mark Robinson, Tim Scott, etc., but then you hate black men like Rev Jackson, Rev Sharpton, Pres. Obama, Hakeem Jeffries, etc.
Well maybe the white bitch should have never punched the black girl and it wouldn't have escalated to that. No what me and others here acknowledge is that they got into a fight and folks get hurt when folks fight.

And they also go to jail when they take it too far and cause serious injury or death. :itsok:
Um, a teenage fight is no excuse for some animal to fracture her skull.

Take some responsibility, man!
It's not like she was wearing a badge or something.


The accusation from the beginning was that this poor girl was attacked because she was White and the other person was Black.

The racism is as evident as the lies trying to cover it up.

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