Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

If it ended there and the white kid didn't go the next major, large, lethal step of starting to bash the black kid head into the pavement, we might be happy.

If the white kid did start to bash the black kid head into the pavement, we'd be just as outraged as we are now.

The real difference is most of us see that difference, while you and a few other don't, won't, and/or can't.

That difference is what separates human from animal, civilized from criminal.

You keep convicting yourself here "brutha".
Blah, blah, blah, sorry we have seen your actions too many times. I know exactly what you would say and do.
It was a banned procedure.
No Chauvin was following police procedure

Yikes people are comparing Floyd to the 15-year-old girl. How completely insane are they. Floyd had a long criminal record, including holding a gun to a pregnant ladies stomach. The Floyd and Gain situations are not at all comparable.

The blm narrative will always be what it is. Completely devoid of any logic and reasoning. Blm people act like innocent blacks are hung from trees every day in this country, nothing like that happens. Every case that the media and BLM have brought forth of a supposive black victim and white perpetrator actually sees that the white perpetrator was probably justified in his actions.

Find us a real case of a black person having his rights trampled on by any white person, and every Trump supporter will criticize the white person.
Well duh!

And what most of us are saying is that when it becomes "more than scratching and pulling hair" it can become criminal, very seriously criminal and that is what we see here. If the black bitch had stopped when the white girl got knocked to the ground that would have been that. But it didn't stop there and the black girl stepped over the line into felony criminal assault, attempted murder!

What is aggravating is how you and a couple others here fail to see the distinctions or seem to defend such or claim it's no big deal.
Well maybe the white bitch should have never punched the black girl and it wouldn't have escalated to that. No what me and others here acknowledge is that they got into a fight and folks get hurt when folks fight.
What type would that be? Black folks who don't bow down, shine and coon. The only way I would be doing time is if some racist cop set me up, for the simple fact that I am not a criminal.
Your type is criminal~thug. You talk like one, lie like one.
Well maybe the white bitch should have never punched the black girl and it wouldn't have escalated to that. No what me and others here acknowledge is that they got into a fight and folks get hurt when folks fight.
From what I saw on the video, looks like the black girl was going after the white girl and there are times when it's better to get in the first punch while you can rather than take a blow.

There's a difference between getting a blackeye and some brusies versus having you skull bashed in on the pavement. Your statement is justifying, excusing the black girl escalating from a fight to a murder attempt. You have convinced me you are as much if not more criminal as she is.

Repeat, your type is anti-social, hostile, vicious, criminal, and undesirable. Putting it mildly.
Why wouldn't I be, unlike you I don't think a person is automatically a criminal just because of the color of their skin.
You lie like a rug.
You, "IM2", and "MarcATL" are all talking like racists. Many anti-white and from the position that blacks can do no wrong, they are always the victim of others. You three always start with making it all about race and only about race.
You automatically think that because someone is non-black, especially white then they are a racist. You "all" think that every white is a racist if we are to judge by your posts here.
Wow amazing how you tried to flip that. Now what if you are getting into my space? You wonder why some of us are packing heat.
So once again you are lying about "but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.” from your post #249 ?
I was giving a mirror example, not a flip.
Your response proves you have a hostile, uncivilized, and criminal mindset. You can not be trusted and have no morals, ethics, or integrity.
You must suffer from white amnesia. We should be the ones packing heat because whites can shoot us for no reason and claim they were standing their ground.

It's funny how you raggedy racists twist and turn yurselves to try making whites right no matter what they do. You and others here have felt fine with whites doing similar things to blacks, but now you have a problem.
The world you describe simply does not exist. Most white and black Americans are good people. But the power structures like the media,Hollywood and the left-wing radical judges + juries have an anti-white bias. It’s blatantly obvious.

Practically every case that pro blm people bring forth, includes white folks being justified. One of them recently saw a black person pull a gun and shoot at a cop, and then the cops had to kill the guy. Yet BLM people still complain that the “black guy had his rights violeted”. This is the narrative of BLM, which is devoid of logic and reasoning.

Man, your lifestyle is not healthy. How about being concerned with our poor economy under Joe Biden? which is affecting the black and white working people of this country.

Bring fourth one case of a random innocent black person getting hung from a tree or shot by a white person, and every Trump supporter will criticize the white person.
The world you describe simply does not exist. Most white and black Americans are good people. But the power structures like the media,Hollywood and the left-wing radical judges + juries have an anti-white bias. It’s blatantly obvious.

Practically every case that pro blm people bring forth, includes white folks being justified. One of them recently saw a black person pull a gun and shoot at a cop, and then the cops had to kill the guy. Yet BLM people still complain that the “black guy had his rights violeted”. This is the narrative of BLM, which is devoid of logic and reasoning.

Man, your lifestyle is not healthy. How about being concerned with our poor economy under Joe Biden? which is affecting the black and white working people of this country.

Bring fourth one case of a random innocent black person getting hung from a tree or shot by a white person, and every Trump supporter will criticize the white person.
Hs lifestyle? All you do is cry about Hollywood and the media. :laugh:
No, that's what you AssUMe I meant. I have said several times that the black child probably went to far, oh but I know you missed that.
No, it’s what you HAVE said. Every time someone suggests that you should have more self control in a fight, you bring up the “well, what is the purpose of a fight”, it’s clear you are suggesting that that girl did what was right by ‘fighting to end the fight once and for all’.

You say no, but then you frequently cite those statements which say otherwise.
There were just 6 white officers in Mississippi that were sent to prison for beating and torturing 2 black men.

Ahh, so you are talking about interactions with LAW officers, not videos like the one that was posted here about white people beating up black folks…that’s what I was talking about.

Those officers did what they did and are now going to pay the penalty, but that’s not what we’re talking about in this thread.
I am done reading your double standards and excuses. When a white dude punched a black woman, you racists tried to find some way to claim she started the fight. You have posted videos of blacks getting punched by whites and bragged about how the ''thug" ran into the wrong person. You guys have shown video after video of blacks jumping on whites then talking about how you need more arms. A moderator here brags about how he goes into certain section of his small town armed and ready to shoot. You hailed Kyle Rittenhouse and made him a millionaire for murdering people. You guys showed the video of this fight and made the same barbaric racist ass comments about blacks your ancestors made in 1724. But now that we see how miss lilly white was there to fight, suddenly we talk about a moral code to streefighting. Well, maybe one of you can find me the streetfight rule book, because I was told there ain't no rules to a streetfight so you best come prepared. And this is why you raggedy racists carry guns talking about stand your ground. Well this young sister was approached by someone trying to fight her and she stood her ground.

When a white dude punched a black woman, you racists tried to find some way to claim she started the fight

When did this happen?

You have posted videos of blacks getting punched by whites and bragged about how the ''thug" ran into the wrong person.

Where?? Where are these videos? I’d like to see them

You hailed Kyle Rittenhouse and made him a millionaire for murdering people.

You’re conflating two issues. What rittenhouse did wasn’t about race..

But now that we see how miss lilly white was there to fight, suddenly we talk about a moral code to streefighting

Not a moral code, but just knowing when enough is enough.

Well, maybe one of you can find me the streetfight rule book, because I was told there ain't no rules to a streetfight so you best come prepared.

No, there isn’t any rulebook, but you have to have the wherewithal to know when you’ve gone too far. This wasn’t the gang streets here, these were school kids having a fight…the idea shouldn’t be to hospitalize someone…it should be to just win the fight. (Honestly, the goal should be to not fight at all).
To the blacktivists defending the savage behavior of the black student, would you be defending the white boy in Indianapolis who took down the black thug if he didn’t stop at just eliminating the threat but pounded his head into the floor with such force that he left him near-dead, seizing, and with permanent brain damage?

Asking for a friend.

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