Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

When you don't say the same tings when stories are shown of whites punching blacks, and try making reasons to believe the black person started it, then you are the racist. We don't see all these sermons about behavior when whites do these things. Nobody thought Zimmerman went too far when he got in to a fight with Trayvon Martin. So...
Zimmerman didn't "got into a fight with Trayvon Martin".
Zimmerman was ATTACKED by Trayvon Martin and had to either let his head get pounded into the pavement or defend himself. Fortunately he had a firearm and blew away what appears to be a waste of human skin.

Yes I said that; because anyone who tries to kill a person when not in self-defense to keep from being killed, is a killer themselves and a waste of human skin.

Trayvon Martin might still be alive today if he hadn't attacked Zimmerman and tried to kill him.

However, my experience has shown that if someone like Trayvon Martin was the sort of loose canon that goes around attacking and trying to kill people just because he's paranoid or doesn't like someone, which appears to have been the case with regards to his attack on Zimmerman, than Martin was on a path towards a short lifespan and likely would already be dead otherwise.
So, since the white girl threw the first punch you are calling her an animal.

Bullshit, you clowns won't even acknowledge that the white kid threw the first punch.
Dumb ass!

We won't admit that throwing a punch justifies getting one's head bashed repeatedly into the pavement!

Only criminal mentalities would claim and justify such.

Check your mirror thug.
Hmmm, please show me the post where someone called the black kid a hero. You racist will just make up shit, when the truth isn't own your side.

When was that? I am in my sixties and everyone knew if you went to the ground, you were in trouble.

Why do you want to excuse the fact that the white kid threw the first punch, that just really doesn't matter does it? Now had she knocked this black girl out with the first punch you clowns would be happy with that.
If it ended there and the white kid didn't go the next major, large, lethal step of starting to bash the black kid head into the pavement, we might be happy.

If the white kid did start to bash the black kid head into the pavement, we'd be just as outraged as we are now.

The real difference is most of us see that difference, while you and a few other don't, won't, and/or can't.

That difference is what separates human from animal, civilized from criminal.

You keep convicting yourself here "brutha".
We heard all kinds if descriptions about the black kids in that fight. And that white girl was made out to be the victim of the fake epidemic of blacks attacking whites. Come to find out that the white girl was not such a pure innocent child.

Kaylee Gain was suspended from school for brawling with another student day before fracturing skull in fight: sources​

The Missouri teen who was left fighting for her life after having her head pounded into the sidewalk earlier this month was suspended from school the day prior for brawling with another student, The Post has learned.

Kaylee Gain, 16, suffered a skull fracture and a brain bleed that left her in a coma for two weeks after she squared off with another female teen about a mile away from Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis on March 8.

Her family revealed on Friday her condition is stable and she has been moved out of intensive care — though it is unclear whether she has regained consciousness.

The teen with whom Gain had an altercation the previous day was friends with the student who would later smash Gain’s head into the pavement, leaving her unconscious and her body twitching, sources said.

Of course we will now begin reading all kinds of excuses as the double standard of racism is applied here.

In any school fight the victim and the attacker are both punished…….so who started this fight…you dumb ass……..

I have a friend whose kid was being bullied by a couple of kids…..he went in and talked to the assistant dean…the dean told him they talked to the kids but there wasn’t much else they could do…….so the parent said he would tell his son to protect himself, and the dean said he would get a detention if he d……… friend told the idiot dean that he would come in and serve the detention with his son….
How angry are you when you see black men who have spent 30 or 40yrs in prison for a crime they didn't commit. Does that make you angry?
Doesn't apply here.
But since you raise the subject, are YOU equally angry if it was a white, or Asian, or Hispanic that spent 30-40 years in prison for a crime they didn't commit.
Playing a game, that's what fighting is to you. Cool. I have been in fights that involved bricks, bats, pipes and knives, cats were trying to inflict serious bodily harm. Not sure what kind of a lesson you are trying to teach a dude you are fighting other than don't think about fking with me again.

It's obvious I grew up in a different time frame than you did, but Brutha Malcolm used to say,

“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.”​

So if you are getting into my space and my face and I push you away, you think you have a right to put me in a cemetery ???

And you dickwads wonder why some of us pack heat :rolleyes:
In any school fight the victim and the attacker are both punished…….so who started this fight…you dumb ass……..

I have a friend whose kid was being bullied by a couple of kids…..he went in and talked to the assistant dean…the dean told him they talked to the kids but there wasn’t much else they could do…….so the parent said he would tell his son to protect himself, and the dean said he would get a detention if he d……… friend told the idiot dean that he would come in and serve the detention with his son….
Not always. Depends on the school district and on the principal. Sometimes the victim isn't kicked out. So just stop looking for reasons to try making the white girl a poor innocent victim.
So if you are getting into my space and my face and I push you away, you think you have a right to put me in a cemetery ???

And you dickwads wonder why some of us pack heat :rolleyes:

You must suffer from white amnesia. We should be the ones packing heat because whites can shoot us for no reason and claim they were standing their ground.

It's funny how you raggedy racists twist and turn yurselves to try making whites right no matter what they do. You and others here have felt fine with whites doing similar things to blacks, but now you have a problem.
That's just it dumb ass, I am not trying to excuse or justify what happened to this girl. I am looking at the reality of it, these girls got into a brawl and sometimes it is more than scratching and pulling hair.
Well duh!

And what most of us are saying is that when it becomes "more than scratching and pulling hair" it can become criminal, very seriously criminal and that is what we see here. If the black bitch had stopped when the white girl got knocked to the ground that would have been that. But it didn't stop there and the black girl stepped over the line into felony criminal assault, attempted murder!

What is aggravating is how you and a couple others here fail to see the distinctions or seem to defend such or claim it's no big deal.
Not always. Depends on the school district and on the principal. Sometimes the victim isn't kicked out. So just stop looking for reasons to try making the white girl a poor innocent victim.

Always……who started that fight?
Not always. Depends on the school district and on the principal. Sometimes the victim isn't kicked out. So just stop looking for reasons to try making the white girl a poor innocent victim.

Who started that fight? You dumb ass….
You must suffer from white amnesia. We should be the ones packing heat because whites can shoot us for no reason and claim they were standing their ground.

It's funny how you raggedy racists twist and turn yurselves to try making whites right no matter what they do. You and others here have felt fine with whites doing similar things to blacks, but now you have a problem.
And you suffer from brain drain.

For me it doesn't matter if the person attacking me is black, or white, or asian, or hispanic, or martian. It the type of action/assault, not the skin color, race, ethnic, religion, etc.

That's the big difference with you and a couple others here.

You can't and won't get pace making it about race and only race.
Which is why you are the RACISTS; because that's all you see in this situation.

But FWIW, in the clips I've seen, she looks to be the only white present and the only one who got her head bashed several times into the pavement. I see several blacks fighting with each other, but none looked to go to the vicious degree seen between these two, the white and black girls "fighting". hmmmm ???
You must suffer from white amnesia. We should be the ones packing heat because whites can shoot us for no reason and claim they were standing their ground.

It's funny how you raggedy racists twist and turn yurselves to try making whites right no matter what they do. You and others here have felt fine with whites doing similar things to blacks, but now you have a problem.
I carry, with a license, because at 70+ I'm not as fast, strong, or agile as I used to be.
Also I've seen too many cases where if someone is outnumbered or surprised and put down on the ground, they likely will be kicked and stomped, and if not killed, likely maimed and damaged for life. So in my book, any physical attack is likely to south and potentially fatal, so if mace and/or brandish doesn't discourage, I'm set to double tap before punches get landed on me, or those with me. I usually carry a couple spare mags as well.

As for you lie that "whites can shoot us" and get away with it. That's utter pile of bullshit. Most jurisdictions I've been in, the investigations go into forensics as well as statements and if they don't match one isn't getting away with fabrications. What you said is more racists propaganda, which you churn out quicker than someone with diarrhea.
Not always. Depends on the school district and on the principal. Sometimes the victim isn't kicked out. So just stop looking for reasons to try making the white girl a poor innocent victim.
How about you stop making the black murderess look like an innocent victim engaged in a justified, murder attempt. Her actions were far less legal than those of the white girl.
How about you stop making the black murderess look like an innocent victim engaged in a justified, murder attempt. Her actions were far less legal than those of the white girl.
Since you guys have made white murderers innocent victims nearly every time a black person has been killed you need to shut up. Here you are trying to make a white girl who started a fight innocent. You're a sad ass sorry racist POS.
Since you guys have made white murderers innocent victims nearly every time a black person has been killed you need to shut up. Here you are trying to make a white girl who started a fight innocent. You're a sad ass sorry racist POS.
It's clear you are a bitter racist who has no friends among other races and ethnics that aren't also black.
It's clear you lack critical thinking skills.
It's clear your racist prejudice is the only thing you have in life since it's the only thing you write about here.
It's clear you are of criminal mindset, because you fail to grasp the issue here is about actions not race.
If the white girl had knocked down the black girl and started to pound her head into the pavement, I'd be just as outraged, as would most others here.
For me/us it a matter of what was done, the actions done, not who did it or what their color/race/ethnic was.
I've made this statement and repeated this basic position several times here and you, and a couple others, fail to grasp such.

You lump me and all other whites into one broad brush category which is grossly inaccurate, but your mind is too closed to see that, or ever change. You continue to project the racist sickness that infects your mind upon others you deal with here. You are a waste of time to engage since you only spew racist propaganda endlessly and can't engage rationally.

This "sad ass sorry racist POS" has two sons who are quarter Black; close family members who are Armenian, Korean, Chinese, and Sikh; with likely a few more races and ethnics waiting in the wings; often brings surprises. I doubt you have a family anywhere near as diverse as mine, if you even have a family. I know it's clear you are grossly mistaken and wrong in your claims, but I know also you will never acknowledge that, or that you are wrong. So it's likely you will be useless to reason with.

Better luck in your next lifetime. I suspect you will need to recycle your karma through several before you are a half decent human.

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